Pericope Listing

Last revised: 4/08/05 

I. Background II. Beginning III. Galilee IV. Judaea-Perea V. Passio VI. Resurrection
Hyperlinks Explained

Matthew: Mark: Luke: John:

I. Background and preparation for ministry----

Matthew 1:1-2:23
---- Luke1:1-2:52
John  1:1-18
1. Genealogy: Abraham to David 1:2-6
2. Genealogy: David to Joseph 1:7-16
3. Genealogy: Summary Comment 1:17
4. Angelical announcement to Joseph 1:18-23
5. Joseph's obedience 1:24-25
6. Visit by wise men. 2:1-12
7. Flight to Egypt 2:13-15
8. Slaying of children in Bethlehem 2:6-18
9. Return from Egypt 2:19-23
1. Prologue 1:1-4
2. Announcement of John's birth 1:5-25
3. Announcement of Jesus' birth 1:26-38
4. Mary's visit to Elizabeth 1:39-56
5. John's birth 1:57-80
6. Jesus' birth 2:1-21
7. Jesus' presentation in the temple 2:22-40
8. Jesus' visit to the temple 2:41-52
1. Prologue: The divine Word and creation 1:1-5
2. Prologue: John's witness to the Word in creation 1:6-8
3. Prologue: Reactions to the Word in creation 1:9-13
4. Prologue: The Word and the community of believers 1:14
5. Prologue: John's witness to the Word in the community of believers 1:15
6. Prologue: Reaction to the Word in the community of believers 1:16-18

II. Beginning of public ministry-----

Matthew 3:1-4:11
Mark 1:1-13
John  1:19-4:54
A. The public ministry of John the Baptist
Matthew 3:1-12 Mark 1:1-8 Luke3:1-20 John 1:19-34
10. John the Baptizer 3:1-12 1. John the Baptist. 1:2-8 09. Beginning of John's ministry 3:1-6
10. John's preaching of repentance 3:7-9
11. John's ethical instruction 3:10-14
12. John's preaching of the Messiah 3:15-17
13. John's imprisonment 3:18-20
7. The witness of John the Baptist 1:19-28
8. The Lamb of God 1:29-34
B. The Beginning of Jesus' Public Ministry
Matthew3:13-4:11 Mark-1:9-13 Luke3:21-4:13 John 1:35-4:42
11. The baptism of Jesus 3:13-17
12. Jesus was led into temptation 4:1-2
13. Stones into bread 4:3-4
14. Pinnacle of the temple 4:5-7
15. Kingdoms of this world 4:8-10
16. Jesus resisted temptation 4:11
2. Jesus' baptism. 1:9-11
3. Jesus' temptation. 1:12-13
14. Jesus' baptism 3:21-22
15. Genealogy: Joseph and Adam 3:23-38
16. Jesus was led into temptation 4:1-2
17. Stones into bread 4:3-4
18. Kingdoms of this world 4:5-8
19. Pinnacles of the temple 4:9-12
20. Jesus resisted temptation 4:13
9. The first disciples 1:35-51
10. The first miracle at Cana in Galilee 2:1-11
11. Interlude at Capernaum 2:12
12. The cleansing of the temple 2:13-22
13. Interview with Nicodemus 2:23-3:21
14. Further witness of John the Baptist 3:22-36
15. Woman of Samaria 4:1-42

III.Galilean ministry----

Matthew  4:12-18:35
John  4:43-7:9
A. Phase One: To the Choosing of the Twelve
Matthew4:12-12:21 Mark-1:14-3:19a Luke4:14-7:50 John4:43-5:47
17. Prophetic preaching 4:12-17
18. Four fishermen called 4:18-22
19. Preaching and healing tour in Galilee 4:23-25
20. Sermon: Narrative introduction 5:1-2
21. Sermon: Beatitudes 5:3-12
22. Sermon: The kingdom and the world 5:13-16
23. Sermon: Jesus and the Law 5:17-20
24. Sermon: Anger 5:21-26
25. Sermon: Adultery 5:27-30
26. Sermon: Divorce 5:31-32
27. Sermon: Oaths 5:33-37
28. Sermon: Retaliation 5:38-42
29. Sermon: Love for enemies 5:43-47
30. Sermon: Perfection 5:48
31. Sermon: Practicing piety 6:1
32. Sermon: Almsgiving 6:2-4
33. Sermon: Prayer 6:5-15
34. Sermon: Fasting 6:16-18
35. Sermon: Treasure in Heaven 6:19-21
36. Sermon: The light of the body 6:22-23
37. Sermon: God and mammon 6:24
38. Sermon: Worry 6:25-34
39. Sermon: Judging others 7:1-5
40. Sermon: Pearls thrown to swine 7:6
41. Sermon: Asking and Receiving 7:7-11
42. Sermon: The Golden Rule 7:12
43. Sermon: The narrow gate 7:13-14
44. Sermon: Tree known by its fruit 7:15-20
45. Sermon: I never knew you 7:21-23
46. Sermon: Two foundations 7:24-27
47. Sermon: Narrative climax 7:28-29
48. Leper cleansed 8:1-4
49. Centurion's servant healed 8:5-13
50. Peter's mother-in-law healed 8:14-17
51. Conversation with would-be follower 8:18-22
52. Calming the storm 8:23-27
53. Gadarene demoniacs healed 8:28-34
54. Paralytic healed and forgiven 9:1-8
55. Calling of Matthew 9:9-13
56. Question about fasting 9:14-17
57. Ruler's daughter and a woman healed 9:18-26
58. Two blind men healed 9:27-31
59. Mute demoniac healed 9:32-34
60. Tour of Galilee with compassion for people 9:35-38
61. The Twelve chosen 10:1-4
62. The Twelve commissioned 10:5-15
63. Coming persecutions 10:16-25
64. Whom to fear 10:26-31
65. Confessing Christ publicly 10:32-33
66. A sword rather than peace 10:34-39
67. Rewards 10:40-42
68. The Twelve sent out 11:1
69. Question from John the Baptist 11:2-15
70. Unrepentance condemned 11:16-24
71. Praise and an invitation 11:25-30
72. Plucking grain on the Sabbath 12:1-8
73. Man with withered hand healed 12:9-14
74. Withdrawal and more healings 12:15-21
04. The Gospel of the Kingdom 1:14-15
05. Four fishermen called 1:16-20
06. Sabbath exorcism at Capernaum 1:21-28
07. Peter's mother-in-law and others healed 1:29-34
08. Preaching and healing tour in Galilee 1:35-39
09. Leper cleansed 1:40-45
10. Paralytic healed and forgiven 2:1-12
11. Calling of Levi 2:13-17
12. Question about fasting 2:18-22
13. Plucking grain on the Sabbath 2:23-28
14. Man with withered hand healed 3:1-6
15. Withdrawal and more healings 3:7-12
16. The Twelve chosen 3:13-19a
21. Popular teaching 4:14-15
22. Rejection at Nazareth 4:16-30
23. Sabbath exorcism at Capernaum 4:31-37
24. Peter's mother-in-law and others healed 4:38-41
25. Preaching tour in Galilee 4:42-44
26. Four fishermen called 5:1-11
27. Leper cleansed 5:12-16
28. Paralytic healed and forgiven 5:17-26
29. Calling of Levi 5:27-32
30. Question about fasting 5:33-39
31. Plucking grain on the Sabbath 6:1-5
32. Man with withered hand healed 6:6-11
33. The Twelve chosen 6:12-16
34. Sermon: People assembled 6:17-19
35. Sermon: Beatitudes 6:20-23
36. Sermon: Woes 6:24-26
37. Sermon: Loving enemies 6:27-36
38. Sermon: Judging others 6:37-42
39. Sermon: Warnings 6:43-45
40. Sermon: Conclusion 6:46-49
41. Centurion's servant healed 7:1-10
42. Widow's son raised at Nain 7:11-17
43. Question from John the Baptist 7:18-35
44. The woman in Simon's home 7:36-50
16. Healing of nobleman's son 4:43-54
17. Healing of the paralytic in Jerusalem 5:1-9
18. Hostile reaction to the healing 5:10-18
19. Jesus' claim to authority 5:19-29
20. Evidence for the claim 5:30-47
B. Phase Two: To the Withdrawals from Galilee
Matthew 12:22-14:12 Mark-3:19b-6:29 Luke 8:1-9:9 ----
75. Beelzebub accusation 12:22-37
76. Demand for a sign 12:38-42
77. Return of unclean spirit 12:43-45
78. True kinship 12:46-50
79. Teaching in parables 13:1-2
80. Parable of the sower 13:3-9
81. Purpose of parables 13:10-17
82. Parable of the sower explained 13:18-23
83. Parable of the tares 13:24-30
84. Parable of the mustard seed 13:31-32
85. Parable of the leaven 13:33
86. Use of parables 13:34-35
87. Parable of the tares explained 13:36-43
88. Parable of the buried treasure 13:44
89. Parable of the costly pearl 13:45-46
90. Parable of the net 13:47-50
91. Parable of the householder 13:51-52
92. Rejection at Nazareth 13:53-58
93. John's death 14:1-12
17. Beelzebub accusation 3:19b-30
18. True kinship 3:31-35
19. Teaching in Parables 4:1-2 
20. Parable of the sower 4:3-9
21. Purpose of parables 4:10-12
22. Parable of the sower explained 4:13-20
23. Candle under a bushel 4:21-25
24. Parable of the seed growing secretly 4:26-29
25. Parable of the mustard seed 4:30-32
26. Use of parables 4:33-34
27. Calming the storm 4:35-41
28. Gadarene demoniac healed 5:1-20
29. Ruler's daughter and a woman healed 5:21-43
30. Rejection at Nazareth 6:1-6
31. Twelve sent out into Galilee 6:7-13
32. John's death  6:14-29
45. Traveling Companions 8:1-3
46. Parable of the sower 8:4-8
47.Purpose of parables 8:9-10
48. Parable of the sower explained 8:11-15
49. Candle under a bushel 8:16-18
50. True kinship 8:19-21
51. Calming the storm 8:22-25
52. Gadarene demoniac healed 8:26-39
53. Ruler's daughter and a woman healed 8:40-56
54. Twelve sent out in Galilee 9:1-6
55. John's death 9:7-9
C. Phase Three: To the Departure to Jerusalem
Matthew 14:13-18:35 Mark 6:30-9:50 Luke 9:10-56 John  6:1-7:9
94. 5,000 fed 14:13-21
95. Walking on water 14:22-33
96. Sick healed in Gennesaret 14:34-36
97. Tradition of the elders on cleanness 15:1-9
98. What defiles 15:10-20
99. Canaanite woman's daughter healed 15:21-28
101. 4,000 fed 15:29-39
102. Refusal to give a sign 16:1-4
103. Leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees 16:5-12
104. Confession of messiahship 16:13-20
105. Prediction of death and resurrection 16:21
106. Rebuke of Peter 16:22-23
107. Demands of discipleship 16:24-28
108. Transfiguration 17:1-3
109. Peter's mistake 17:4-8
110. Question about Elijah 17:9-13
111. Demoniac boy healed 17:14-20
112. Prediction of death 17:22-23
113. Temple tax 17:24-27
114. Greatness is childlikeness 18:1-5
115. Resist the temptation to offend 18:6-9
116. Love all God's sheep 18:10-14
117. Offending brother 18:15-20
118. Show mercy 18:21-35
33. 5,000 fed 6:30-44
34. Walking on water 6:45-52
35. Sick healed in Gennesaret 6:53-56
36. True cleanness 7:1-23
37. Syrophoenician woman's daughter healed 7:24-30
38. Deaf mute healed 7:31-37
39. 4,000 fed 8:1-10
40. Refusal to give a sign 8:11-13
41. Leaven of the Pharisees and of Herod 8:14-21
42. Blind man healed at Bethsaida 8:22-26
43. Confession of his messiahship 8:27-30
44. Prediction of death and resurrection 8:31-32a
45. Rebuke of Peter 8:32b-33
46. Demands of discipleship 8:34-9:1
47. Transfiguration 9:1-4
48. Peter's mistake 9:5-8
49. Question about Elijah 8:9-13
50. Demoniac boy healed 9:14-29
51. Prediction of death 9:30-32
52. Greatness is childlikeness 9:33-37
53. He who is not against us is for us 9:38-41
54. Resist the temptation to offend 9:42-50
56. 5,000 fed 9:10-17
57. Confession of messiahship 9:18-20
58. Prediction of death and resurrection 9:21-22
59. Demands of discipleship 9:23-27
60. Transfiguration 9:28-31
61. Peter's mistake 9:32-36
62. Demoniac boy healed 9:37-43
63. Prediction of death 9:44-45
64. Greatness is childlikeness 9:46-48
65. He that is not against us is for us 9:49-50
66. Rebuke of James and John 9:51-56
21. 5,000 fed 6:1-15
22. Walking across the sea 6:16-21
23. Bread of Life discourse in Capernaum synagogue 6:22-59
24. Division among his followers 6:60-71
25. Unbelief of Jesus' brothers 7:1-9

IV. Later Judean-Perean ministry-----

Luke 9:57-19:28
John  7:10-11:54
A. Early Judean Phase
---- ---- Luke9:57-13:21 John7:10-10:39
67. Conversation with would-be follower 9:57-62
68. Seventy sent out 10:1-16
69. Seventy returned 10:17-20
70. Jesus' thanksgiving 10:21-24
71. Parable of the Good Samaritan 10:25-37
72. Visit to Martha and Mary 10:38-42
73. Teaching on prayer 11:1-13
74. Beelzebub accusation 11:14-26
75. True blessedness 11:27-28
76. Demand for a sign 11:29-32
77. Light and darkness 11:33-36
78. Denouncing the Pharisees 11:37-54
79. Fearless confession 12:1-12
80. Parable of the rich fool 12:13-21
81. Earthly possessions and Heavenly treasure 12:22-34
82. Watching for the return of the Son of Man 12:35-48
83. The coming crisis 12:49-59
84. Need for repentance 13:1-9
85. Crippled woman healed 13:10-17
86. Parable of the mustard seed 13:18-19
87. Parable of the leaven 13:20-21
26. Divided opinion at Feast of Tabernacles 7:10-13
27. Debate over Jesus' authority 7:14-24
28. Is He the Christ? 7:25-31
29. Officers sent to arrest Jesus 7:32-36
30. Offer of living water 7:37-39
31. Divided reaction of people 7:40-44
32. Rejection by religious leaders 7:45-52
[33. The woman caught in adultery 7:53-8:11]
34. Light of the world 8:12-20
35. Claim to authority 8:21-30
36. The truth will make you free 8:31-38
37. Your father the devil 8:39-47
38. Claim to deity 8:48-59
39. Blind man healed 9:1-12
40. Negative reaction to healing 9:13-34
41. Spiritual blindness 9:35-41
42. The sheepfold 10:1-6
43. The Good Shepherd 10:7-21
44. Debate in Solomon's Colonnade 10:22-39
B. Early Perean Phase
---- ---- Luke13:22-17:10 John10:40-42
88. The narrow gate into the kingdom 13:22-30
89. Warning against Herod 13:31-33
90. Lament over Jerusalem 13:34-35
91. Healing of a man with dropsy 14:1-6
92. Places of honor 14:7-11
93. Choice of guests 14:12-14
94. Parable of the great supper 14:15-24
95. Cost of discipleship 14:25-35
96. The criticism of the Pharisees 15:1-2
97. Parable of the lost sheep 15:3-7
98. Parable of the lost coin 15:8-10
99. Parable of the lost son 15:11-32
100. Parable of the unjust steward 16:1-9
101. Faithful stewardship 16:10-13
102. Rebuke of Pharisees 16:14-15
103. Law and the Kingdom 16:16-17
104. Divorce 16:18
105. Parable of the rich man and Lazarus 16:19-31
106. Stumbling blocks 17:1-2
107. Forgiveness 17:3-4
108. Faith 17:5-6
109. Parable of unprofitable servant 17:7-10
45. Retreat into Perea 10:42-44
C. Later Judean Phase
---- ---- ---- John11:1-54
46. Delayed visit to Bethany 11:1-16
47. Conversation with Martha 11:17-27
48. Conversation with Mary 11:28-37
48. Lazarus raised 11:38-44
49. Plot to kill Jesus 11:45-53
50. Retreat to Ephraim 11:54
D. Later Perean Phase
Matthew19:1-20:34 Mark-10:1-52 Luke17:11-19:27 ----
119. Teaching about divorce 19:1-12
120. Little children blessed 19:13-15
121. The rich young man 19:16-30
122. Parable of the workers 20:1-16
123. Prediction of death 20:17-19
124. Request of James and John 20:20-28
125. Two blind men healed 20:29-34
55. Teaching about divorce 10:1-12
56. Little children blessed 10:13-16
57. The rich young man 10:17-31
58. Prediction of his death 10:32-34
59. Request of James and John 10:35-45
60. Blind Bartimaeus healed 10:46-52
110. Ten lepers cleansed 17:11-19
111. Coming of the Kingdom 17:20-37
112. Parable of the widow and the unjust judge 18:1-8
113. Parable of the Pharisee and the publican 18:9-14
114. Little children blessed 18:15-17
115. The rich young man 18:18-30
116. Prediction of his death 18:31-34
117. Blind Bartimaeus healed 18:35-43
118. Zaccheus 19:1-10
119. Parable of the pounds 19:11-27

V. Final Week and Crucifixion-----

John  11:55-19:42
A. Friday, arrival at Bethany
---- ---- ---- John 11:55-57
51. Plot against Jesus 11:55-57
B. Saturday, prophetic anointing
Matthew26:6-13 Mark-14:3-9 ---- John12:1-11
150. Anointing at Bethany 26:6-13  79. Anointing at Bethany 14:3-9 52. Dinner at Bethany 12:1-8
53. Plot against Lazarus 12:9-11
C. Sunday, Messianic Manifestation
Matthew21:1-11 Mark-11:1-11 Luke19:28-44 John12:12-19
126. Triumphal entry into Jerusalem 21:1-11
127. Cleansing the temple 21:12-17
 61. Triumphal entry into Jerusalem 11:1-11 120. Triumphal entry into Jerusalem 19:28-44
121. Cleansing the temple 19:45-46
54. Triumphal entry into Jerusalem 12:12-19
D. Monday, Messianic Authority
Matthew21:12-22 Mark-11:12-18 Luke19:45-48 John12:20-50
128. Cursing the fig tree 21:18-22 62. Cursing the fig tree 11:12-14
63. Cleansing the temple 11:15-18
122. Daily teaching in the temple 19:47-48 55. Request of some Greeks 12:20-26
56. Jesus' commitment to the passion 12:27-36a
57. Rejection of Jesus in unbelief 12:36b-43
58. Unbelief judged 12:44-50
E. Tuesday, Controversy and Teaching
Matthew21:23-26:16 Mark-11:19-14:11 Luke20:1-22:6 ----
129. Objections raised by Sanhedrin 21:23
130. Dilemma of John's authority 21:24-27
131. Parable of the two sons 21:28-32
132. Parable of the wicked tenants 21:33-46
133. Parable of the great supper 22:1-14
134. Paying taxes to Caesar 22:15-22
135. Question about the resurrection 22:23-33
136. The greatest commandment 22:34-40
137. David's son 22:41-46
138. Denouncing the scribes and Pharisees 23:1-36
139. Lament over Jerusalem 23:37-39
140. Temple destruction predicted 24:1-2
141. Signs of the Times 24:3-31
142. Lesson of the fig tree 24:32-35
143. The unknown day and hour 24:36-44
144. Parable of the unfaithful servant 24:45-51
145. Parable of the ten virgins 25:1-12
146. Parable of the talents 25:13-30
147. Judgment of the sheep and goats 25:31-46
148. Prediction of death 26:1-2
149. Plot of the Sanhedrin 26:3-5
151. Betrayal agreement 26:14-16
64. Lessons from the fig tree 11:19-25
65. Objections raised by Sanhedrin 11:27-28
66. Dilemma of John's authority 11:29-33
67. Parable of the wicked tenants 12:1-12
68. Paying taxes to Caesar 12:13-17
69. Question about the resurrection 12:18-27
70. The greatest commandment 12:28-34
71. David's son 12:35-37
72. Denouncing the scribes 12:38-40
73. The widow's offering 12:41-44
74. Temple destruction predicted 13:1-2
75. Signs of the times 13:3-27
76. Lesson of the fig tree 13:28-31
77. The unknown day and hour 13:32-37
78. Plot of the Sanhedrin 14:1-2
80. Betrayal agreement 14:10-11
123. Objections raised by Sanhedrin 20:1-2
124. Dilemma of John's authority 20:3-8
125. Parable of the wicked tenants 20:9-18
126. Paying taxes to Caesar 20:19-26
127. Question about the resurrection 20:27-40
128. David's son 20:41-44
129. Denouncing the scribes 20:45-47
130. The widow's offering 21:1-4
131. Temple destruction predicted 21:5-6
132. Signs of the times 21:7-28
133. Lesson of the fig tree 21:29-33
134. Be ready 21:34-36
135. Teaching ministry in the temple 21:37-38
136. Plot of the Sanhedrin 22:1-2
137. Betrayal agreement 22:3-6
F. Wednesday, rest (no record)

G. Thursday, farewells

Matthew26:17-46 Mark-14:12-42 Luke22:7-46 John13:1-17:26
152. Last Supper Preparations 26:17-19
153. Prediction of betrayal 26:20-25
154. Institution of Lord's Supper 26:26-30
155. Prediction of Peter's denial 26:31-35
156. Gethsemane26:36-46
81. Last Supper Preparations 14:12-16
82. Prediction of betrayal 14:17-21
83. Institution of Lord's Supper 14:27-31
84. Prediction of Peter's denial 14:27-31
85. Gethsemane 14:32-42
138. Last Supper Preparations 22:7-13
139. Passover meal 22:14-18
140. Institution of Lord's Supper 22:19-20
141. Prediction of betrayal 22:21-23
142. Dispute about greatness 22:24-27
143. Future role in the Kingdom 22:28-30
144. Prediction of Peter's denial 22:31-34
145. Two swords 22:35-38
146. Gethsemane 22:39-46
59. Last Supper: Disciples' feet washed 13:1-20
60. Last Supper: Prediction of betrayal 13:21-30
61. The new commandment 13:31-35
62. Prediction of Peter's denial 13:36-38
63. Question of Thomas 14:1-8
64. Request of Philip 14:9-14
65. The promise of the Spirit 14:15-21
66. Question of Judas 14:22-24
67. Parting words of comfort 14:25-31
68. Abiding in love bears fruit 15:1-17
69. Expecting the hatred of the world 15:18-16:4a
70. Being encouraged and taught by the Spirit 16:4b-15
71. Paradoxical discipleship 16:16-24
72. Overcoming the world 16:25-33
73. High priestly prayer 17:1-26
H. Friday, Redemptive Accomplishment
Matthew 26:47-27:61 Mark-14:43-15:47 Luke22:47-23:56 John18:1-19:42
157. Arrest in the garden 26:47-56
158. Trial before Caiaphas 26:57-68
159. Peter's denial 26:69-75
160. Trial before Sanhedrin 27:1-2
161. Judas' death 27:3-10
162. Trial before Pilate 27:11-26
163. Mockery of the soldiers 27:27-31
164. Simon of Cyrene 27:32
165. Vinegar refused 27:33-34
166. Parting his garments 27:35
167. His accusation 27:36-37
168. Two thieves 27:38
169. Mockery 27:39-44
170. Jesus' Death 27:45-50
171. Temple veil torn 27:51
172. Resurrection of saints 27:52-53
173. Centurion's declaration 27:54
174. Women watched 27:55-56
175. Burial 27:57-61
86. Arrest in the garden 14:43-50
87. The young man who fled 14:51-52
88. Trial before the high priest 14:53-65
89. Peter's denial 14:66-72
90. Trial before the Sanhedrin 15:1
91. Trial before Pilate 15:2-15
92. Mockery of the soldiers 15:16-20
93. Simon of Cyrene 15:21
94. Wine refused 15:22-23
95. Parting his garments 15:24
96. His accusation 15:25-26
97. Two thieves 15:27-28
98. Mockery 15:29-32
99. Jesus' Death 15:33-37
100. Temple veil torn 15:38
101. Centurion's declaration 15:39
102. Women watched 15:40-41
103. Burial 15:42-47
147. Arrest in the garden 22:47-53
148. Peter's denial 22:54-62
149. Mockery in high priest's house 22:63-65
150. Trial before the Sanhedrin 22:66-71
151. Trial before Pilate 23:1-5
152. Trial before Herod 23:6-12
153. Trial before Pilate 23:13-25
154. Simon of Cyrene 23:26
155. Words to the women 23:27-31
156. Two thieves 23:32-33
157. Parting his garments 23:34
158. Mockery 23:35-57
159. His accusation 23:38
160. Repentant thief 23:39-43
161. Death 23:44-46
162. Centurion's declaration 23:47
163. People's response 23:48
164. Disciples and women watch 23:49
165. Burial 23:50-56
74. Arrest in the garden 18:1-11
75. Trial before Annas (1) 18:12-14
76. Peter's denial (1) 18:15-18
77. Trial before Annas (2) 18:19-24
78. Peter's denial (2) 18:25-27
79. Trial before Pilate 18:28-38a
80. Jesus sentenced to die 18:38b-19:16a
81. Way to Golgotha 19:16b-17
82. Two thieves 19:18
83. His accusation 19:19-22
84. Parting his garments 19:23-24
85. Women watched 19:25
86. Jesus' word to Mary 19:26-27
87. Vinegar accepted 19:28-29
88. Death 19:30
89. Jesus' side pierced 19:31-37
90. Burial 19:38-42
I. Saturday, Guard posted at the Tomb
Matthew27:62-66 ---- ---- ----
176. Guard at the tomb 27:62-66

VI. Resurrection appearances and ascension----

John  20:1-21:25
A. The Empty Tomb
Matthew-28:1-10 Mark-16:1-8 Luke-24:1-12 John-20:1-10
177. Resurrection appearance to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary 28:1-10 104. Angelic appearance to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary  16:1-8 166. Angelic appearance to the women 24:1-12 91. Discovery of empty tomb by Mary Magdalene 20:1-10
B. The Appearances to His Disciples
Matthew-28:9-20 (Mark-16:9-20) Luke-24:13-53 John-20:11-21:25
 1. The Bribing of the soldiers
Matthew-28:11-15 ---- ---- ----
178. Report of the guard 28:11-15
2. To the Eleven in Galilee
Matthew-28:16-20 ---- ---- ----
179. Resurrection appearance to the eleven in Galilee 28:16-20  
3. To the Two Disciples on the Road to Emmaus
---- (Mark-16:12-13) Luke-24:13-35 ----
[106. Jesus' appearance to two disciples 16:12-13] 167. Jesus' appearance to the two on Emmaus road 24:13-35
4. To the Disciples in Jerusalem
---- (Mark-16:14-18) Luke-24:36-49 ----
[107. Jesus' appearance to eleven disciples 16:14-18]  168. Jesus' appearance to the disciples in Jerusalem 24:36-49
5. The Ascension of Jesus
---- (Mark-16:19-20) Luke-24:50-53 ----
[108. Jesus' ascension 16:19-20]  169. Jesus' ascension 24:50-53
6. To Mary Magdalene
---- (Mark-16:9-11)  ---- John-20:11-18
[105. Jesus' appearance to Mary Magdalene 16:9-11]  92. Jesus' appearance to Mary Magdalene 20:11-18
7. To the Disciples in Jerusalem
---- ---- ---- John-20:19-23
93. Jesus' appearance to ten disciples 20:19-23
8. To the Disciples with Thomas present
---- ---- ---- John-20:24-29
94. Jesus' appearance to eleven disciples 20:24-29
95. Conclusion: Purpose of the book 20:30-31
9. To the Seven Disciples at the Sea of Tiberias
---- ---- ---- John-21:1-23
96. Epilogue: Appearance to the disciples on sea shore 21:1-14
97. Epilogue: Peter's encouragement 21:15-19
98. Epilogue: Death of the beloved disciple predicted 21:20-23
99. Epilogue: New Conclusion 21:24-25

1Taken from Lorin L. Cranford, A Study Manual of the New Testament, 2 vols. (Fort Worth: AlphaGraphics, 1981), 1:36-37. All rights reserved.

2Per cent (%) of verses in this section to total verses of the book.

Explanation of the system of hyperlinks used:

Note the structure set up in following example:
28. Paralytic healed and forgiven 5:17-26
The underlined number (e.g., # 28above) sets up a link to a Greek text page of the scripture passage. Occasionally the page will be in the Adobe PDF format rather than the standard html format. In such cases, the free Acrobat Reader will need to be downloaded and installed in order to view these pages.

The underlined title listing for the passage (e.g., Paralytic healed and forgiven above) can set up a link to a variety of pages, mostly listing double or triple tradition materials. Occasionally, studies of the passage are linked.

The underlined scripture chapter and verses (e.g., 5:17-26 above) sets up a link to an English translation or translations of the passage. If multiple links are used then they will be separated as follows: 1:57-80.

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