The Parables of Jesus 
77. Wicked Winedresser
Last Revised: 5/14/00
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Matthew Mark Luke
33 #Allhn parabolh;n ajkouvsate.  #Anqrwpo" h\n oijkodespovth" o&sti" ejfuvteusen ajmpelw'na kai; fragmo;n aujtw'/ perievqhken kai; w[ruxen ejn aujtw'/ lhno;n kai; wj/kodovmhsen puvrgon kai; ejxevdeto aujto;n gewrgoi'" kai; ajpedhvmhsen.  34 o&te de; h[ggisen oJ kairo;" tw'n karpw'n, ajpevsteilen tou;" douvlou" aujtou' pro;" tou;" gewrgou;" labei'n tou;" karpou;" aujtou'.  35 kai; labovnte" oiJ gewrgoi; tou;" douvlou" aujtou' o&n me;n e[deiran, o&n de; ajpevkteinan, o&n de; ejliqobovlhsan. 
36 pavlin ajpevsteilen a[llou" douvlou" pleivona" tw'n prwvtwn, kai; ejpoivhsan aujtoi'" wJsauvtw". 
37 u&steron de; ajpevsteilen pro;" aujtou;" to;n uiJo;n aujtou' levgwn, 
 jEntraphvsontai to;n uiJovn mou.  38 oiJ de; gewrgoi; ijdovnte" to;n uiJo;n ei\pon ejn eJautoi'", Ou|tov" ejstin oJ klhronovmo" deu'te ajpokteivnwmen aujto;n kai; scw'men th;n klhronomivan aujtou', 39 kai; labovnte" aujto;n ejxevbalon e[xw tou' ajmpelw'no" kai; ajpevkteinan.  40 o&tan ou\n e[lqh/ oJ kuvrio" tou' ajmpelw'no", tiv poihvsei toi'" gewrgoi'" ejkeivnoi";  41 levgousin aujtw'/, Kakou;" kakw'" ajpolevsei aujtouv" kai; to;n ajmpelw'na ejkdwvsetai a[lloi" gewrgoi'", oi&tine" ajpodwvsousin aujtw'/ tou;" karpou;" ejn toi'" kairoi'" aujtw'n. 
42 levgei aujtoi'" oJ 
 jIhsou'", Oujdevpote ajnevgnwte ejn tai'" grafai'",  Livqon o&n ajpedokivmasan oiJ oijkodomou'nte",
   ou|to" ejgenhvqh eij" kefalh;n gwniva"
 para; kurivou ejgevneto au&th 
   kai; e[stin qaumasth; ejn ojfqalmoi'" hJmw'n;
33 "Hear another parable. There was a householder who planted a vineyard, and set a hedge around it, and dug a wine press in it, and built a tower, and let it out to tenants, and went into another country.  34 When the season of fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the tenants, to get his fruit; 35 and the tenants took his servants and beat one, killed another, and stoned another. 
36 Again he sent other servants, more than the first; and they did the same to them. 
37 Afterward he sent his son to them, saying, `They will respect my son.  38 But when the tenants saw the son, they said to themselves, `This is the heir; come, let us kill him and have his inheritance.  39 And they took him and cast him out of the vineyard, and killed him. 
40 When therefore the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?" 
41 They said to him, "He will put those wretches to a miserable death, and let out the vineyard to other tenants who will give him the fruits in their seasons."  42 Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the scriptures: `The very stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner; this was the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes?
1 Kai; h[rxato aujtoi'" ejn parabolai'" lalei'n, 
 jAmpelw'na a[nqrwpo" ejfuvteusen kai; perievqhken fragmo;n kai; w[ruxen uJpolhvnion kai; wj/kodovmhsen puvrgon kai; ejxevdeto aujto;n gewrgoi'" kai; ajpedhvmhsen.  2 kai; ajpevsteilen pro;" tou;" gewrgou;" tw'/ kairw'/ dou'lon i&na para; tw'n gewrgw'n lavbh/ ajpo; tw'n karpw'n tou' ajmpelw'no"  3 kai; labovnte" aujto;n e[deiran kai; ajpevsteilan kenovn. 
4 kai; pavlin ajpevsteilen pro;" aujtou;" a[llon dou'lon  kajkei'non ejkefalivwsan kai; hjtivmasan.  5 kai; a[llon ajpevsteilen  kajkei'non ajpevkteinan, kai; pollou;" a[llou", ou&" me;n devronte", ou&" de; ajpoktevnnonte". 
6 e[ti e&na ei\cen uiJo;n ajgaphtovn  ajpevsteilen aujto;n e[scaton pro;" aujtou;" levgwn o&ti 
 jEntraphvsontai to;n uiJovn mou.  7 ejkei'noi de; oiJ gewrgoi; pro;" eJautou;" ei\pan o&ti Ou|tov" ejstin oJ klhronovmo"  deu'te ajpokteivnwmen aujtovn, kai; hJmw'n e[stai hJ klhronomiva.  8 kai; labovnte" ajpevkteinan aujtovn kai; ejxevbalon aujto;n e[xw tou' ajmpelw'no".  9 tiv Íou\nÑ poihvsei oJ kuvrio" tou' ajmpelw'no";  ejleuvsetai kai; ajpolevsei tou;" gewrgouv" kai; dwvsei to;n ajmpelw'na a[lloi".
1 And he began to speak to them in parables. "A man planted a vineyard, and set a hedge around it, and dug a pit for the wine press, and built a tower, and let it out to tenants, and went into another country. 
2 When the time came, he sent a servant to the tenants, to get from them some of the fruit of the vineyard.  3 And they took him and beat him, and sent him away empty-handed.
4 Again he sent to them another servant, and they wounded him in the head, and treated him shamefully.  5 And he sent another, and him they killed; and so with many others, some they beat and some they killed.  6 He had still one other, a beloved son; finally he sent him to them, saying, `They will respect my son.'  7 But those tenants said to one another, `This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.  8 And they took him and killed him, and cast him out of the vineyard.  9 What will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come and destroy the tenants, and give the vineyard to others.
9 #Hrxato de; pro;" to;n lao;n levgein th;n parabolh;n tauvthn #Anqrwpov" Íti"Ñ ejfuvteusen ajmpelw'na kai; ejxevdeto aujto;n gewrgoi'" kai; ajpedhvmhsen crovnou" iJkanouv".  10 kai; kairw'/ ajpevsteilen pro;" tou;" gewrgou;" dou'lon i&na ajpo; tou' karpou' tou' ajmpelw'no" dwvsousin aujtw'/ oiJ de; gewrgoi; ejxapevsteilan aujto;n deivrante" kenovn. 
11 kai; prosevqeto e&teron pevmyai dou'lon oiJ de; kajkei'non deivrante" kai; ajtimavsante" ejxapevsteilan kenovn.  12 kai; prosevqeto trivton pevmyai oiJ de; kai; tou'ton traumativsante" ejxevbalon.  13 ei\pen de; oJ kuvrio" tou' ajmpelw'no", Tiv poihvsw pevmyw to;n uiJovn mou to;n ajgaphtovn. i[sw" tou'ton ejntraphvsontai. 
14 ijdovnte" de; aujto;n oiJ gewrgoi; dielogivzonto pro;" ajllhvlou" levgonte", Ou|tov" ejstin oJ klhronovmo" ajpokteivnwmen aujtovn, i&na hJmw'n gevnhtai hJ klhronomiva.  15 kai; ejkbalovnte" aujto;n e[xw tou' ajmpelw'no" ajpevkteinan.  tiv ou\n poihvsei aujtoi'" oJ kuvrio" tou' ajmpelw'no";
16 ejleuvsetai kai; ajpolevsei tou;" gewrgou;" touvtou" kai; dwvsei to;n ajmpelw'na a[lloi".  ajkouvsante" de; ei\pan, Mh; gevnoito.
9 And he began to tell the people this parable: "A man planted a vineyard, and let it out to tenants, and went into another country for a long while.  10 When the time came, he sent a servant to the tenants, that they should give him some of the fruit of the vineyard; but the tenants beat him, and sent him away empty-handed. 11 And he sent another servant; him also they beat and treated shamefully, and sent him away empty-handed. 12 And he sent yet a third; this one they wounded and cast out.  13 Then the owner of the vineyard said, `What shall I do? I will send my beloved son; it may be they will respect him.  14 But when the tenants saw him, they said to themselves, `This is the heir; let us kill him, that the inheritance may be ours.'  15 And they cast him out of the vineyard and killed him. What then will the owner of the vineyard do to them?  16 He will come and destroy those tenants, and give the vineyard to others." When they heard this, they said, "God forbid!"
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