Paper Information (example)
First Choice:Number:_______________Scripture:________
Number:_______________Scripture:________ |
Gospel | History | Letter | Apocalypse |
Prologue | Narrative | Praescriptio | |
Narrative | Speech | Proem | |
Sayings | Body | ||
Passio Jesu | Conclusio |
1. Lu. 1:1-4, The Dedication to Theophilus----------
2. Jn. 1:1-18, The Logos------
Infancy Narratives3. Mt. 1:1-17, The Genealogy of Jesus the Messiah---Miracles---
4. Mt. 1:18-25, The Birth of Jesus the Messiah ------
5. Mt. 2:1-12, The Visit of the Wise Men------
6. Lu. 1:5-25, The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold--------
7. Lu. 1:26-38, The Birth of Jesus Foretold------
8. Lu. 1:39-56, Mary's Visit with Elizabeth ------
9. Lu. 1:57-66, The Birth of John the Baptist ------
10. Lu. 1:67-80, Zechariah's Prophecy------
11. Lu. 2:8-21, The Visit of the Shepherds -------
12. Lu. 2:22-40, Jesus is Presented in the Temple ------
13. Lu. 2:41-52, The Boy Jesus in the Temple------
Nature14. Mk. 4:35-41, Stilling of the Storm-----
15. Mk. 6:30-44, Five Thousand Fed---
16. Mk. 6:45-52, Walking on Water------
17. Mk. 8:1-10, Four Thousand Fed ------
Healing18. Mk. 2:1-12, Paralytic Through Roof ------
--- Heidi Steinebrunner
19. Mk. 3:1-6, Withered Hand--
20. Mk. 5:21-34, Woman with Issue of Blood--
21. Mk. 7:24-30, The Syrophoenician Woman’s Daughter ------
22. Mk. 10:46-52, Bartimaeus -----
Exorcism23. Mk. 5:1-20, Gaderene Demoniacs------
24. Mk. 9:14-29, Demoniac Boy ------
Pronouncement Stories25. Mt. 16:13-20, Peter’s Confession---
26. Lu. 5:17-26, Jesus Heals a Paralytic ------
27. Lu. 5:27-32, Jesus Calls Levi------
28. Lu. 6:1-5, The Question about the Sabbath-
29. Lu. 7:36-50, A Sinful Woman Forgiven ------
---Brittany Cudd
30. Lu. 11:14-23, Jesus and Beelzebul ------
31. Lu. 18:18-30, The Rich Ruler ------
32. Lu. 20:1-8, The Authority of Jesus Questioned------
33. Lu. 20:20-26, The Question about Paying Taxes ------
34. Lu. 20:27-40, The Question about the Resurrection---
Hero Stories35. Mt. 26:69-75, Peter’s Denial ------
36. Mk. 11:15-19, The Cleansing of the Temple ------
Logia37. Lu. 11:1-13, Jesus' Teaching about Prayer ------
38. Lu. 12:1-12, Fearless Confession---
39. Lu. 12:22-34, Do Not Worry ------
40. Lu. 12:49-59, The Forcefulness of the Kingdom---
41. Lu. 14:25-33, The Cost of Discipleship ------
42. Lu. 17:1-10, Some Sayings of Jesus ------
43. Lu. 21:5-38, The Coming Destruction of the Temple ------
Parables44. Mt. 7:15-20, Tree and Fruit------
45. Mt. 13:3-9, 18-23, Sower ------
46. Mt. 18:23-35, Unmerciful Servant ------
47. Mt. 21:33-44, Wicked Winedresser![]()
48. Mt. 22:1-14, Great Supper------
49. Mt. 27:27-31, Soldiers Mock Jesus---
50. Mk. 15:42-47, The Burial of Jesus------
Episodic51. Acts 4:23-31, The Believers Pray for Boldness---
52. Acts 5:21b-42, Persecution of the Apostles------
53. Acts 8:4-25, The Gospel Preached in Samaria---
54. Acts 9:19b-25, Saul Preaches at Damascus------
55. Acts 11:19-30, The Church at Antioch---
56. Acts 13:4-12, The Apostles Preach in Cyprus---
57. Acts 15:36-16:5, Division at the Beginning of the Second Missionary Journey---
58. Acts 19:21-40, The Riot at Ephesus---
59. Acts 21:1-16, Paul's Last Journey to Jerusalem---
60. Acts 23:12-22, The Plot against Paul's Life---
61. Acts 23:23-35, Paul Sent to Felix the Govenor---
62. Acts 25:1-12, Paul Appeals to Caesar---
63. Acts 27:1-12, Paul Sails for Rome---
64. Acts 27:13-38, The Storm at Sea---
65. Acts 27:39-44, The Shipwreck---
MiraclesSpeeches66. Acts 3:1-10, The Lame Man Healed--
67. Acts 5:1-11, Ananias and Sapphira Condemned ------
68. Acts 12:6-19, Peter Delivered from Prison ------
69. Acts 14:8-20, Paul and Barnabas at Lystra---
70. Acts 19:11-20, The Sons of Sceva---
----Courtney Epps
71. Acts 20:7-12, Paul's Farewell Visit to Troas---
72. Acts 28:1-10, Paul on the Island of Malta---
Commissioning73. Acts 1:4-11, The Ascension of Jesus---
74. Acts 8:26-40, Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch ------
75. Acts 9:1-19a, The Conversion and Calling of Saul of Tarsus ------
76. Acts 10:1-23a, Peter and Cornelius---
77. Acts 11:1-18, Peter's Report to the Church at Jerusalem ------
78. Acts 18:1-11, Paul at Corinth---
Summary79. Acts 2:43-47, Life Among the Believers ------
80. Acts 4:32-37, All Things in Common--
81. Acts 5:12-16, Many Signs and Wonders Performed---
Missionary82. Acts 2:1-42, The Coming of the Holy Spirit--
83. Acts 3:11-26, Peter's Speech in solomon's Portico ------
84. Acts 10:23b-48, Peter Speaks in Cornelius' House---
85. Acts 13:13-52, Paul and Barnabas at Antioch of Pisidia---
86. Acts 17:16-34, Paul at Athens---
87. Acts 20:13-38, Paul Speaks to the Ephesian Elders---
Defense88. Acts 4:1-22, Peter and John before the Council---
89. Acts 6:8-8:1a, Stephen before the Council---
90. Acts 21:27-22:29, Paul before the Council---
91. Acts 22:30-23:10, Paul before the Council---
92. Acts 24:1-23, Paul before the Governor Felix---
93. Acts 25:13-26:32, Paul before Herod Agrippa---
94. Rom. 1:1-7, Praescriptio---
95. Gal. 1:1-5, Praescriptio---
Superscriptio (Sender)
Adscriptio (Recipient)
Salutatio (Greeting)
96. Rom. 1:8-15, Paul's Prayer for the Romans---
97. 2 Cor. 1:3-11, Paul's Prayer for the Corinthians---
98. Gal. 1:6-10, Paul's Astonishment over the Galatians ------
99. Eph. 1:3-23, Paul's Prayer for the Ephesians ------
100. Phil. 1:3-11, Paul's Prayer for the Philippians--
101. Col. 1:3-12, Paul's Prayer for the Colossians---
102. 1 Thess. 1:2-10, Paul's Prayer for the Thessalonians---
103. 2 Thess. 1:3-12, Paul's Prayer for the Thessalonians---
104. 1 Tim. 1:12-17, Paul's Prayer of Thankfulness for Mercy--
105. 1 Pet. 1:3-12, Peter's Prayer ------
Narratives106. 1 Cor. 1:10-17, Divisions in the Church--
107. 1 Cor. 2:1-5, Proclaiming Christ Crucified--
108. 2 Cor. 1:12-2:4, Paul's Travel Plans Interrupted -------
109. 2 Cor. 2:5-11, Forgiveness for the Offender---
110. 2 Cor. 2:12-17, Paul’s Anxiety and Relief---
111. Phil. 2:19-30, Timothy and Epaphroditus---
Traditions Material
Conclusio (Eschatokoll)From worship liturgyParaenesisHymns112. Phil. 2:1-11, Christus Hymnus------
113. 1 Peter 3:13-22, Christ's Example in Non-retaliation---
Confessions of Faith114. 1 Tim. 3:14-16, The Mystery of Our Religion---
Lord's Supper Narratives115. 1 Cor. 11:23-34, Partaking of the Supper Unworthily ------
From early preaching
Kerygma116. Jas. 4:11-12, Slandering One Another---
117. Jas. 5:12, Oath Making---
Old Testament (quote & allusion)118. Hebrews 1:5-14, The Superiority of the Son-
119. Jas. 5.1-6, Abusive Wealth---
120. Rom. 12:9-21, Rules of the Christian Life---Closing---
121. 1 Cor. 6:12-20, Glorify God in Your Body------
122. 2 Cor. 6:14-7:1, The Temple of the Living God---
123. Phil. 4:2-9, Exhortations---
124. Heb. 10.19-39, Draw near to God ------
125. Heb. 11.1-16, Walk in the Way of Faith------
126. Heb. 12.1-13, Persevere in the Example of Jesus---
127. Heb. 12.14-29, Live Righteously---
128. Heb. 13.1-17, Miscellaneous Admonitions---
129. Jas. 1.2-12, Trials-
130. Jas. 1.13-18, Temptation ------
131. Jas. 1.19-27, Worship------
132. Jas. 2.1-13, Faith and Worship---
133. Jas. 2.14-26, Faith and Service ------
134. Jas. 3.1-12, Tongues---
135. Jas. 3.13 -18, Wisdom ------
136. Jas. 4.1-10, Worldliness ------
137. Jas. 4.11-12, Criticism---
138. Jas. 4.13-17, Leaving God Out ------
139. Jas. 5.7-11, Patient Suffering---
140. Jas. 5.13-18, Praying ------
141. 1 Jhn. 1:5-2:6, Godly Living-
Lists of Vice/Virtues142. 1 Tim. 3:1-7, Qualifications of Overseers---
143. 1 Tim. 3:8-13, Qualifications of Deacons---
144. Titus 1:5-10, Qualifications of Overseers---
145. 2 Peter 2:1-22, The Damnation of False Teachers---
146. Jude 5-16, False Teachers---
Haustafeln (Domestic Code)147. Eph. 5:22-6:9, Family Relations------
148. 1 Peter 2:18-3:7, Family Relations ------
Duty Codes (Gemeindetafeln)149. Rom. 13:1-7, Obedience to RulersJudgment Form---
150. 1 Tim. 5:3-16, Taking Care of Widows---
Eschatological AffirmationsTravelogue/Apostolic Parousia
151. Rom. 15:22-33, Paul's Planned Trip to Rome---
152. Rom. 16:1-27, Conclusio---
153. 1 Cor. 16:19-24, Conclusio---
154. Gal. 6:11-18, Conclusio---
155. Heb. 13:18-25, Conclusio---
156. 1 Jn. 5:13-21, Conclusio---
Sender Verification
Translations of Same Scripture Text: The
icon links to the Bible Study Tools webb site where the four specified
translations for the assignment --- NASB, RSV, NLT, TEV [Good News] ---
can be copied and pasted into the self-contained Phase One assignment
files contain additional texts, including non-canonical texts that
relate to the NT text. These are intended to supplement the study of the
NT text by providing an ancient perspective on the issues addressed by
the NT text.
1Not every
scripture passage will take on a sufficiently distinct literary pattern
so that a sub-genre form can be identified. When such is the case, the
broad genre identification is sufficient. Multiple levels of sub-genre
will be found in many passages. The list below will identify as many as
three sub-levels. Notation of these is important to the interpretative
process. Additionally, certain passages will take on a sub-genre that is
at a smaller level than is identified in the listing below. The commentaries
and Bible dictionaries become critical sources of helpful insight for the
identification of these forms. A good example of these is the beautitude
form found at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount in Matt. 5:3-12.
In all cases, you will want to carefully read the New
Testament Genre page for an explanation of the nature and implications
for interpretation of the literary forms in the New Testament.
Gospel texts automatically imply responsibility for the parallel
texts in the other gospel texts in the double and triple tradition texts.
These will be posted in the
icon following the summary heading for the scripture passage.
icons contain a link to a self-contained Microsoft Word document
file for the Phase One assignment sometimes with the scripture texts already
inserted into the document in the correct place. In certain instances,
the scripture texts will have to be copied and pasted into the table inside
the phase one document. Just download this file, answer the questions inside
the file, then submit the file electronically by the due date using Assignment
Turn-in Page of the Online Forms inside Cranfordville. This is the
ONLY way to turn in your assignment electronically!
Name: Indicates that this passage has been assigned to a student
in one of the sections and that the passage is no longer a possible choice.
The red color coding indicates this also.