22:15 Then the Pharisees went and plotted to entrap him in what he said.
22:16 So they sent their disciples to him, along with the Herodians, saying,
"Teacher, we know that you are sincere, and teach the way of God in accordance
with truth, and show deference to no one; for you do not regard people
with partiality. 22:17 Tell us, then, what you think. Is it lawful to pay
taxes to the emperor, or not?" 22:18 But Jesus, aware of their malice,
said, "Why are you putting me to the test, you hypocrites? 22:19 Show me
the coin used for the tax." And they brought him a denarius. 22:20 Then
he said to them, "Whose head is this, and whose title?" 22:21 They answered,
"The emperor's." Then he said to them, "Give therefore to the emperor the
things that are the emperor's, and to God the things that are God's." 22:22
When they heard this, they were amazed; and they left him and went away. |
12:13 Then they sent to him some Pharisees and some Herodians to trap him
in what he said. 12:14 And they came and said to him, "Teacher, we know
that you are sincere, and show deference to no one; for you do not regard
people with partiality, but teach the way of God in accordance with truth.
Is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor, or not? 12:15 Should we pay them,
or should we not?" But knowing their hypocrisy, he said to them, "Why are
you putting me to the test? Bring me a denarius and let me see it." 12:16
And they brought one. Then he said to them, "Whose head is this, and whose
title?" They answered, "The emperor's." 12:17 Jesus said to them, "Give
to the emperor the things that are the emperor's, and to God the things
that are God's." And they were utterly amazed at him. |
20:20 So they watched him and sent spies who pretended to be honest, in
order to trap him by what he said, so as to hand him over to the jurisdiction
and authority of the governor. 20:21 So they asked him, "Teacher, we know
that you are right in what you say and teach, and you show deference to
no one, but teach the way of God in accordance with truth. 20:22 Is it
lawful for us to pay taxes to the emperor, or not?" 20:23 But he perceived
their craftiness and said to them, 20:24 "Show me a denarius. Whose head
and whose title does it bear?" They said, "The emperor's." 20:25 He said
to them, "Then give to the emperor the things that are the emperor's, and
to God the things that are God's." 20:26 And they were not able in the
presence of the people to trap him by what he said; and being amazed by
his answer, they became silent. |