Last revised: 2/23/13---------
For Bibliography see below
       Infancy Narrative
Pronouncement Story
        Miracle Story
                    Healings of Diseases
                   Nature Miracles
       Hero Story
Sayings Materials
Passion Narrative (Passio Jesu)

For a summary of characteristic traits and interpretative implications, 
see the lecture on Interpreting the New Testament
section Gospel

Overview of Lukan Gospel ResearchOverview of Lukan Gospel Research

        Summary Narrative
        Episodic Narrative
         Miracle Narrative
         Commissioning Narrative
        Missionary Speech
        Defense Speech

For a summary of characteristic traits and interpretative implications, 
see the lecture on Interpreting the New Testament
section History

Overview of Acts Research Overview of Acts Research

Superscriptio (Sender)
Adscriptio (Recipient)
Salutatio (Greeting)
Body Conclusio (Eschatokoll)

For a summary of characteristic traits and interpretative implications, 
see the lecture on Interpreting the New Testament
section Letter

Overview of Epistolary Research Ancient Letter Research Overview


For a summary of characteristic traits and interpretative implications, 
see the lecture on Interpreting the New Testament
section Apocalypse

the Literary Forms

Consider relevant concerns for each subgroup in the larger genre categories.

For an overview of the research done on Luke's gospel, click Overview of Lukan Gospel Research
NT Lecture Notes: Gospel
Bibliography Listing
Prologue: Narratives

Infancy Narrative

Pronouncement Story

Parables Sayings


Miracle Stories

Hero Story
Public Ministry Narratives (Hero Story) and The Temptation of Jesus, a PhD seminar paperClick icon for Greek texts.
Passion Narrative Apocalyptic Encounters ACTS:
For a listing of the texts in Acts linked to the appropriate genre, click here.
For an overview of the research done on the Book of Acts clickOverview of Acts Research
NT Lecture Notes: History
Bibliography Listing
Episodic Narrative
The Narrative Paradigm

                   TEXT                             CONTEXT
              Textual Message=                 Contextual message=
              Narrative World                  Experience & Imagination
MESSAGE            Existence

              Textual means=                   Contextual Means=
              Narration                        Creation & Reading
                   Narrator                         Real Author
                   Narrative Audience               Implied Author
                   Language                         Real Audience
MEANS             Style                            Implied Audience


                   TEXT                        CONTEXT
MESSAGES           Textual messages            Contextual messages
MEANS              Textual means=              Contextual means=

Narrative Analysis and Interpretation

                   TEXTS?                      CONTEXTS?
MESSAGES?          Textual messages            Contextual messages
MEANS?             Textual means=              Contextual means=

It is particulary important to remember that time is compressed in this genre and that events may be telescoped, perhaps giving a false impression of chronological proximity on a cursory reading. It is also instructive to note the present of literary "echoes" of earlier material, which have the rhetorical effect of bringing earlier narratives to mind and of associating them with the present pericope.

Miracle Narratives Commissioning Narratives Summaries Defense Speeches Missionary Speeches Epistle:
For background survey of epistolary research and bibliography see lecture presented on Epistolary Research in the seminar at the beginning of Unit 5.
For a listing of these elements in the Pauline letters click here.
For a description of the class responsibility for the Pauline letters click here.
For a listing of these elements in the General Epistles click here.
Letters in the New Testament, a PhD seminar paper and exegesis of 2 John 
NT Lecture Notes: Letter
Bibliography Listing
It must be kept in mind that not all of these elements are going to be found in every single letter of this era. But these do represent in general those sections which commonly surface in letters both within and outside the New Testament. For more detailed guidelines on exegeting various aspects of the epistolary form see relevent section in Part One of seminar papers in Unit Five. Only those elements treated in the seminar will be touched upon here. See professor's introductory lecture manuscript for general treatment of all these elements.


The Role of Proem in Early Christian Letters, a PhD seminar paper and exegesis of 1 Peter 1:3-12 
Confessions of Faith
This material is limited mostly to the repetition of short catch phrase expressions of early Christian belief. In ancient Christianity when an individual expressed interest in commiting themselves to Christ they began a process upon baptism normally of intensive instruction in the basics of their newly expressed religious faith. Since memorization of ideas in verbal form was far more important that learning from written sources, the patterns of instruction centered on new Christians memorizing as well as understanding a set of belief affirmations that were largely past on in verbal form more than in written form. In the letters of the NT scholars have begun to be able to identify out many of these short expressions that have been incorporated by the letter sender into the written expression of the letter. Typically these serve the role of reaffirming the orthodoxy of the letter sender to the readers of the letter.
Verba Christi Old Testament Allusion
Old Testament Allusions in the New Testament, a PhD seminar paper and exegesis of James 5:1-11 
Old Testament Citation Paraenesis Vice/Virture Lists
For a helpful introduction, see the discussion by J. D. Charles, "Vice and Virtue Lists," Dictionary of New Testament Background, Craig A. Evans & Stanley E. Porters, eds. (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2000), 1252-1257.

New Testament Virtue Lists 

New Testament Vice Lists 

Haustafeln Gemeindetafeln
This material in the NT follows the above Haustafeln patterns in that relationships inside the community of faith are the focal point of emphasis rather than the family unit. The responsibilities of spiritual leaders is a common theme. The obligations of members to spiritual leaders surfaces on occasion, as well as obligations of the community of faith to the outside world.

The first century world considered participation in some kind of group, be it religious, trade oriented, social etc., as an essential part of self-definition and self-worth. Early Christian followed these patterns. Consequently, participation entailed serious obligations on the part of everyone who was a participant. These NT passages lay out specific responsibilities inside the community of believers. In analyzing these passages, one should focus on the specific relationships treated along with the ethical duties spelled out by the scripture text.

Conclusio (Eschatokoll)

The Conclusio of ancient letters contained a variety of miscellaneous items, some of which are listed below. The primary objective was to reaffirm friendship connections of the sender with those who received the letter. Just as the Praescriptio sought to establish friendly relations between the sender and the recipients, the Conclusio attempted to reaffirm that positive connection. In analyzing your passage consider first which sub categories are contained in the scripture text. Then explore the content of each sub-unit.


NT Lecture Notes: Apocalypse
Bibliography Listing

The establishment of genre (both general and specific) is important to the determination of both the literary and the historical context of the passage. See Gordon Fee, New Testament Exegesis, 32-44, for helpful discussion of details. Also, Ralph P. Martin, "Approaches to New Testament Exegesis," in New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Principles and Methods, ed. I. Howard Marshall, 220-51. Of particular importance for a detailed treatment is David Aune, The New Testament in its Literary Environment, Vol. 8 of Library of Early Christianity (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1987). Also of value in more technical analysis is Lorin L. Cranford, ed., Exegeting the New Testament: A Seminar Working Model (Fort Worth: Scripta Publishing Inc., 1989).

For an extensive NT bibliography see Genre Bibliography.

Keith F. Nickle, The Synoptic Gospels: An Introduction
Edgar F. McKnight, What Is Form Criticism?
William Barclay, Introduction to the First Three Gospels
Vincent Taylor, The Formation of the Gospel Tradition

H. J. Cadbury, The Making of Luke-Acts
Charles H. Talbert, Literary Patterns, Theological Themes and the Genre of Luke-Acts
E. Plümacher, Lukas als hellenistischer Schriftsteller: Studien zur Apostelgeschichte
Richard I. Pervo, Profit with Delight: The Literary Genre of the Acts of the Apostles

William G. Doty, Letters in Primitive Christianity
John L. White, ed., Studies in Ancient Letter Writing
Stanley K. Stowers, Letter Writing in Greco-Roman Antiquity
Franz Schnider & Werner Stenger, Studien zum Neutestamentlichen Briefformular

D. S. Russel, The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic
H. H. Rowley, The Relevance of Apocalyptic
David Hellholm, Apocalypticism in the Mediterrean World and the Near East
John J. Collins, ed., Apocalypse: The Morphology of a Genre

John H. Hayes and Carl R. Holladay, Biblical Exegesis: A Beginner's Handbook
William A. Beardslee, Literary Criticism of the New Testament
Klaus Kock, Was Ist Formgeschichte?
Klaus Berger, Exegese des Neuen Testaments
Hans Conzelmann and Andreas Lindemann, Arbeitsbuch zum Neuen Testament
Georg Strecker and Udo Schnelle, Einführung in die neutestamentliche Exegese
Heinrich Zimmermann, Neutestamentliche Methodenlehre. Darstellung der historisch-kritischen Methode 

1Taken from Lorin L. Cranford, Exegeting the New Testament: A Seminar Working Model, 2nd rev. ed. (Fort Worth: Scripta Publishing, Inc., 1991), 58-71. References to Appendices are based upon this source and should be consulted for details. All rights reserved.©

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