6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 |
6.3.1 |
6.1. Overview of Paul
H:13:259-270; H4:303-308
1. Summarize the trends of modern Pauline
scholarship, using Risto Santala, Paul,
the Man and the Teacher in the light of Jewish Sources.
6.1.1. A Chronology of his Life
1. Evaluate the issues of sources for establishing
a chronology of
the life of Paul.
2. Summarize the contents of the apocryphal
of Paul and Theleca.
3. Summarize the role of the church at Antioch
in Paul's ministry from Michael
White's depiction.
4. Summarize the nature of the Christian communities
established by Paul from Michael
White and Wayne Meeks' depiction. Paul's Early Ministry
1. Summarize the childhood and education of
Paul, using Risto Santala, Paul,
the Man and the Teacher in the light of Jewish Sources.
2. Summarize the activities
and places
of ministry during this period of Paul's ministry.
3. Compare in detail the accounts
in Acts and Galatians of Paul's first visit to Jerusalem as a Christian.
4. Explain the nature and purpose of Paul's
visit to Jerusalem as a Christian.
5. Summarize Paul's work as a missionary,
using Risto Santala, Paul,
the Man and the Teacher in the light of Jewish Sources.
6. Summarize Paul's work as a missionary on
the first missionary journey, using Risto Santala, Paul,
the Man and the Teacher in the light of Jewish Sources. Paul's Middle Period of Ministry
1. Summarize the activities
and places
of ministry during this period of Paul's ministry.
2. Summarize Paul's work as a missionary on
the second missionary journey, using Risto Santala, Paul,
the Man and the Teacher in the light of Jewish Sources. Paul's Final Period of Ministry
1. Summarize the activities
and places
of ministry during this period of Paul's ministry.
2. Summarize Paul's imprisonment in Jerusalem,
Caesarea, and Rome using the
Acts narratives.
3. Summarize Paul's work as a missionary on
the third missionary journey, using Risto Santala, Paul,
the Man and the Teacher in the light of Jewish Sources.
6.1.2. A Study of his Conversion
1. Summarize the details and nature of Paul's
conversion, comparing the texts of
Acts and Galatians.
2. Compare Luke's three
accounts in Acts 9, 22,
of Paul's conversion.
3. Compare Luke's accounts in Acts [9,
with Paul's account in
Gal and 2
Cor. 11 of his experience in Damascus.
4. Summarize Paul's calling to Christianity
and to ministry, using Risto Santala, Paul,
the Man and the Teacher in the light of Jewish Sources.
6.1.3. His Letters: A Quick Overview
1. Summarize Paul as the teacher, using Risto
Santala, Paul,
the Man and the Teacher in the light of Jewish Sources. Letter Writing in the Ancient World
1. Summarize the basic elements in letters
written in the ancient world,
using Tom Campbell's study
2. Summarize the contemporary trends in Pauline
epistolary research, using Lorin Cranford's study
3. Compare and contrast the content of the
of Paul's letters.
4. Compare and contrast the content of the
of Paul's letters.
5. Compare and contrast the content of the
of Paul's letters.
6. Compare and contrast the content of the
of Paul's letters.
7. Compare and contrast the content of the
of Paul's letters. The Early Period of Writing Galatians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians The Middle
Period of Writing 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Romans The Prison Letters Philippians Colossians Ephesians Philemon The Pastoral Letters 1 Timothy Titus 2 Timothy
6.2. A Study of the Pauline
6.2.1. The Early Period of Writing Galatians
H:15:286-290; H4:332-336; NOSB:nt:263; NOSB3:NT:309-319---------
1. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Praescriptio elements, explaining
the connection of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
2. Identify the possibilities of time, place
and occasion for the writing of this letter. Use Introductions, dictionaries,
commentaries etc. for sources of information.
3. From the Propositio of Gal.
1:6-10, explain the situation that prompted the writing of this letter.
4. Summarize the key emphasizes of the body
of the letter.
5. Explain Paul's understanding of Christian
freedom in Gal. 4:21-6:10.
6. Identify and describe the elements in the
of the letter. 1 Thessalonians
H:14:271-274; H4:315-318; NOSB:nt:291; NOSB3:NT:340-344---------
1. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Praescriptio elements, explaining
the connection of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
2. Identify the possibilities of time, place
and occasion for the writing of this letter. Use Introductions, dictionaries,
commentaries etc. for sources of information. Especially helpful is the
online Catholic Encyclopedia article on 1-2 Thessalonians (above icon)
3. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of theProem elements, explaining the connection
of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
4. Summarize the key emphasizes of the body
of the letter.
5. Summarize Paul's statements about ministry
in 1 & 2 Thess.
6. Summarize Paul's statements about the return
of Christ in 1 & 2 Thess.
7. Identify and describe the elements in the
of the letter. 2 Thessalonians
H:17:309-311; H4:358-361; NOSB:nt:296; NOSB3:NT:345-348---------
1. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Praescriptio elements, explaining
the connection of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
2. Identify the possibilities of time, place
and occasion for the writing of this letter. Use Introductions, dictionaries,
commentaries etc. for sources of information. Especially helpful is the
online Catholic Encyclopedia article on 1-2 Thessalonians (above icon)
3. Summarize the issue of pseudonymity in
ancient letter writing as it relates to the Pauline corpus of letters.
Use 2 Thess. 2:1-3 as a beginning source, as well as Harris (pp. 359-360)
and the NOSB3:NT:345 discussion as it relates to 2 Thessalonians.
4. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Proem elements, explaining the connection
of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
5. Summarize the key emphasizes of the body
of the letter.
6. Summarize Paul's statements about prayer
in 1 & 2 Thess.
7. Summarize Paul's statements about behavior
in 1 & 2 Thess.
8. Identify and describe the elements in the
of the letter.
6.2.2. The Middle Period of Writing
Paul's Relation with the Church at Corinth
1. Describe in detail the reconstruction of
Paul's relation with the church at Corinth, using the outline and scripture
passages in the above icon.
2. Summarize Paul's ministry in Corinth from
White's depiction.
3. Summarize the background and character
of the ancient city of Corinth from the Catholic Encyclopedia article on
Corinth. 1 Corinthians
H:14:274-281; H4:318-328; NOSB:nt:229; NOSB3:NT:267-292---------
1. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Praescriptio elements, explaining
the connection of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
2. Identify the possibilities of time, place
and occasion for the writing of this letter. Use Introductions, dictionaries,
commentaries etc. for sources of information. Especially helpful is the
online Catholic Encyclopedia article on 1-2 Corinthians (above icon). Be
sure to compare the views of Harris (H4:318) to those in the Catholic Encyclopedia
3. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Proem elements, explaining the connection
of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
4. Summarize the key emphasizes of the body
of the letter.
5. Summarize Paul's statements about the resurrection
in 1 Cor. 15. Use 1 Corinthians 15 scripture text as starting point, supplement
with NOSB3:NT:288-291 comments.
6. Summarize Paul's statements about immorality
and church discipline in the Corinthian congregations in 1 Cor. 5:1-13.
Use 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 scripture text as starting point, supplement with
NOSB3:NT:273-274 comments.
7. Summarize Paul's statements about church
division over preachers in the Corinthian congregations in 1 Cor. 1:10-17.
Use 1 Corinthians 1:10-17 scripture text as starting point, supplement
with NOSB3:NT:269 comments.
8. Identify and describe the elements in the
of the letter. 2 Corinthians
H:14:281-284; H4:328-330; NOSB:nt:249; NOSB3:NT:293-308---------
1. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Praescriptio elements, explaining
the connection of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
2. Identify the possibilities of time, place
and occasion for the writing of this letter. Use Introductions, dictionaries,
commentaries etc. for sources of information. Especially helpful is the
online Catholic Encyclopedia article on 1-2 Corinthians (above icon). Be
sure to compare the views of Harris (H4:328) to those in the Catholic Encyclopedia
3. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Proem elements, explaining the connection
of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
4. Summarize the key emphasizes of the body
of the letter.
5. Desribe the issue of the unity of 2 Corinthians,
using Harris4, p. 328, as starting point. Compare the reading of 2 Corinthians
6:11-7:4 by first leaving out 6:14-7:1 and then by inserting it into the
scripture text. Which reading flows smoothly? Which reading has broken
thought flow? Use the comments in NOSB3:NT:300 for insight.
6. Compare Paul's defense of his apostleship
in 2 Corinthians 10:1-13:10 to that in Galatians 1:11-2:21. Note similarities
and differences between the two accounts.
7. Summarize Paul's statement about the resurrection
and the second coming in 2 Cor. 5:1-10. Compare this to Paul's view in
1 Cor. 15:12-58, noting similarities and differences in the two scripture
texts. (Note: In the 1970s I wrote my 300plus page doctoral dissertation
on these verses in 2 Corinthians!)
8. Summarize Paul's statements about the 'famine
relief offering' in 2 Cor. 8-9 and then relate these to principles of Christian
giving for contemporary Christians. Be sure to note how Gal. 2:10, 1 Cor.
16:1-4, and Rom. 15:23-29 relate to this issue in 2 Cor. 8-9.
9. Identify and describe the elements in the
of the letter. Romans
H:15:290-296; H4:336-346; NOSB:nt:208; NOSB3:NT:242-266---------
1. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Praescriptio elements, explaining
the connection of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
2. Identify the possibilities of time, place
and occasion for the writing of this letter. Use Introductions, dictionaries,
commentaries etc. for sources of information. Especially helpful is the
online Catholic Encyclopedia article on Romans (above icon). Be sure to
compare the views of Harris (H4:336-337) to those in the Catholic Encyclopedia
3. Summarize the history of the city of Rome
up through the seventh century AD, using relevant portions in section II.
GENERAL HISTORY OF THE CITY from the Catholic Encyclopedia article.
4. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Proem elements, explaining the connection
of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
5. Summarize the key emphasizes of the body
of the letter.
6. Summarize Paul's statements about the nature
of justification in Rom. 3:21-31 and 12:1-2, using the comments in NOSB3:NT:248,
260 for insight.
7. Summarize Paul's statements about God's
dealings with the Jewish people in Rom. 9-11, using the comments in NOSB3:NT:255-260
and Harris, pp. 342-343, for supplementary insight to the scripture text
8. Summarize Paul's discussion on Abraham
in Rom. 4:1-25, using Michael Cranford's SNTS
article for background insight. Be sure to note the similar discussion
in Gal. 3:6-9.
9. Summarize Paul's 'theology of the state'
as set forth in Rom. 13:1-7. Be sure to treat alternative views as seen
in Paul's on behavior and other statements elsewhere in Paul's letters
and the OT and NT generally, using the discussion and scripture cross references
in the NOSB3:NT:261-262 as an organizing basis.
10. Summarize Paul's views on the 'weaker
/ stronger brothers' in Rom. 14:1-15:13, using the discussion and additional
scripture references in the NOSB3:NT:262-264 as an organizing basis.
11. Identify and describe the elements in
Conclusio of the letter. Be sure to
treat the issue of house churches and women leaders of many of them at
Rome as described in Rom 16:1-16, using the comments in NOSB3:NT:265 for
12. Summarize the insights of Rita Halteman
Finger on reading Romans.
6.2.3. The Final Period of Writing
1. Summarize the issue of Pseudonymity with
the Prison and Pastoral Letters of Paul (cf. Harris4:359-360). The Prison Letters
H4:347-353; ----------
1. Explain the literary
relationship among the prison letters. Philippians
H:16:298-302; H4:347-342; NOSB:nt:279; NOSB3:NT:328-333----------
1. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Praescriptio elements, explaining
the connection of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
2. Identify the possibilities of time, place
and occasion for the writing of this letter. Use Richard Heard's article
and the NT Study Helps article.
3. Describe the background of the city of
Philippi, using the Catholic Encylopedia article.
4. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Proem elements, explaining the connection
of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
5. Summarize the key emphasizes of the body
of the letter.
6. Summarize Paul's statements about his imprisonment
in Phil 1:12-26.
7. Identify and describe the elements in the
of the letter. Colossians
H:17:311-313; H4:361-363; NOSB:nt:285; NOSB3:NT:334-339----------
1. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Praescriptio elements, explaining
the connection of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
2. Identify the possibilities of time, place
and occasion for the writing of this letter. Use Richard Heard's article
and the Catholic Encylopedia article.
3. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Proem elements, explaining the connection
of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
4. Summarize the key emphasizes of the body
of the letter.
5. Identify and describe the elements in the
of the letter. Ephesians
H:17:313-315; H4:363-365; NOSB:nt:272; NOSB3:NT:320-327----------
1. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Praescriptio elements, explaining
the connection of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
2. Identify the possibilities of time, place
and occasion for the writing of this letter. Use Richard Heard's article
and the Catholic Encylopedia article.
3. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Proem elements, explaining the connection
of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
4. Summarize the key emphasizes of the body
of the letter.
5. Compare the details of the Haustafelnpassages
in Colossians and Ephesians, including how they apply to Christians today.
6. Identify and describe the elements in the
of the letter. Philemon
H:16:302-303; H4:352-353; NOSB:nt:314; NOSB3:NT:366-368----------
1. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Praescriptio elements, explaining
the connection of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
2. Identify the possibilities of time, place
and occasion for the writing of this letter. Use the Catholic Encylopedia
and Copeland's
3. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Proem elements, explaining the connection
of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
4. Summarize the key emphasizes of the body
of the letter.
5. Explain how slavery is not legitimate today
in light of Paul's statements to Philemon.
6. Identify and describe the elements in the
of the letter. The Pastoral Letters
H:17:315-316; H4:366-369; NOSB3:NT:349----------
1. Explain the problems with the Pauline authorship
of the pastorals, contrasting Harris (4:366-369) and the Catholic Encyclopedia
2. List the 'tensions'
between the Pauline letters and the so-called Deutero-Pauline letters. 1 Timothy
H:17:316-317; H4:366-367; NOSB:nt:300; NOSB3:NT:350-356----------
1. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Praescriptio elements, explaining
the connection of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
2. Identify the possibilities of time, place
and occasion for the writing of this letter. Use the Catholic Encylopedia
3. Describe the life of Timothy from the NT
scripture references about him, using the Catholic Encylopedia
4. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Proem elements, explaining the connection
of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
5. Summarize the key emphasizes of the body
of the letter.
6. Summarize Paul's statements about the widow
in 1 Tim. 5:3-16, including how they apply to Christians today.
7. Identify and describe the elements in the
of the letter. Titus
H:17:318; H4:368-369; NOSB:nt:311; NOSB3:NT:362-365----------
1. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Praescriptio elements, explaining
the connection of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
2. Identify the possibilities of time, place
and occasion for the writing of this letter. Use the Catholic Encylopedia
3. Describe the life of Titus from the NT
scripture references about him, using the Catholic Encylopedia
4. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Proem elements, explaining the connection
of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
5. Summarize the key emphasizes of the body
of the letter.
6. Summarize Paul's statements about various
groups should relate to one another in Titus 2:1-15. What insights can
modern Christians glean from these statements?
7. Identify and describe the elements in the
of the letter. 2
H:17:317-318; H4:367-368; NOSB:nt:306; NOSB3:NT:357-361----------
1. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Praescriptio elements, explaining
the connection of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
2. Identify the possibilities of time, place
and occasion for the writing of this letter. Use the Catholic Encylopedia
3. Identify the basic and expansion elements
of the
Proem elements, explaining the connection
of the expansion elements to the basic elements.
4. Summarize the key emphasizes of the body
of the letter.
5. Explain how belief in the return of Christ
should impact daily living by the Christian in light of Paul's statements
in 2 Timothy 4:1-8.
6. Identify and describe the elements in the
of the letter.
6.3. Major Themes of Pauline
H:13:267-269; H:16:305-306; H4:353-356----------
6.3.1 Finding the Key
to Paul's Mind
1. Summarize the recent approaches to the
study of Paul, using Mark Thiessen Nation's article.
2. Summarize the critique of the so-called
'new perspective' to the study of Paul, using Richard Gaffin's article.
3. Summarize Paul's teaching about the Torah,
using Risto Santala, Paul,
the Man and the Teacher in the light of Jewish Sources.
4. Summarize Risto Santala's summation of
Paul emphasizing his Jewish heritage, using Risto Santala, Paul,
the Man and the Teacher in the light of Jewish Sources.
6.3.2 Major Emphases
in Paul's Theology.
1. Summarize the key themes in Paul's thought,
using the online Baker's
Evangelical Dictionary. [Type in Paul
at Search field in dictionary. Begin in the article on Paul with
Paul's Theology and summarize points to the end of the article.]
2. Summarize the key themes in Paul's thought,
using the online Catholic
Encyclopedia article on Paul. [Summarize
the points under III. THEOLOGY OF ST. PAUL.]
3. Summarize Paul's teaching about Christian
mysticism, using Risto Santala, Paul,
the Man and the Teacher in the light of Jewish Sources.
4. Summarize Paul's teaching about the future
of Israel, using Risto Santala, Paul,
the Man and the Teacher in the light of Jewish Sources. Justification by Faith
1. Summarize NT
Wright's aricle on Pauline justification.
2. Summarize the recent
discussion over Paul's view of the Law. Jesus as the Christ Pauline Eschatology