Week: | Date: | Class Period:
Monday: |
Wednesday: |
Friday: |
1 | Jan. 9-11 | Check Term Paper Flow Chart regularly | (1) Course Intro | (2) Diagramming; Request Paper Text |
2 | Jan. 14-18 | (3) Diagramming; 3 John 1-4 | (4) 3 John 5-10 | (5) W.E. 1: 3 John 11-15 |
3 | Jan. 21-25 | (6) Quiz 1; Outlining | (7) 3 John 1-15 | (8) 3 John 1-15 |
4 | Jan. 28- Feb. 1 | (9) Quiz 2; Textual Criticism 1.1-1.2.4 | (10) Textual Criticism 1.3-1.4 | (11) W.E. 2 |
5 | Feb. 4-8 | (12) Quiz 3; Textual Criticism 2.1.1 | (13) Textual Criticism 2.1.2 | (14) W.E. 3 |
6 | Feb. 11-15 | (15) Exam 13 | (16) Translation 1-- | (17) Col. 1:18-20 |
7 | Feb. 18-22 | (18) Quiz 4; Col. 2:20-3:4 | (19) Col 3:5-11 | (20) W.E. 4: Col. 2:20-3:11 |
8 | Feb. 25 - 29 | (21) Quiz 5; Translation 2; Col. 3:12-17 | (22) Eph. 4:25-32 | (23) W.E. 5: Col. 3:12-17; Eph. 4:25-32 |
***** | March 3-7 | SPRING | BREAK | ************ |
9 | Mar. 10-14 | *(24)5 Quiz 6; Exegesis; Matt. 4:1-11 | *(25) Matt. 4:1-11--- | *(26) Matt. 4:1-11-- --- |
10 | Mar. 17-21 | *(27) Quiz 7; Col. 3:18-4:1 | *(28) Col. 3:18-4:1-- | Easter Holiday (Mar. 20-24) |
11 | Mar. 24 - 28 | Easter Holiday (Mar. 20-24) | *(29) Eph. 5:22-6:9- | *(30) Eph. 5:22-6:9 |
12 | Mar. 31- Apr. 4 | *(31) Exam 23 | *(32) Luke 6:20-26 4-- | *(33) Luke 6:20-26 |
13 | Apr. 7-11 | (34) Quiz 8; Acts. 6:1-7--- | *(35) Acts. 6:1-7 | *(36) Acts. 6:1-7 |
14 | Apr. 14-18 | *(37) Quiz 9; Jas. 5:1-6 | *(38) Jas. 5:1-6 | *(39) Jas. 5:1-6 |
156 | Apr. 21-25 | *(40) Quiz 10; Gal. 2:1-10 | *(41) Gal. 2:1-10 | *(42)6 Gal. 2:1-10; Exegesis Paper Due |
16 | Apr. 28-May 2 | (43) Quiz 11; Josephus, Antiq. 18.1.4 | (44) Psalm 23: LXX file
BHS file |
no class |
17 | May 10 (Mon) | (45-47) [8:00-11:00] 1 Clement 42:1-5 |
1Lesson number indicates the chapter from the grammar to be covered.
2The Written Exercise homework assignment to be graded in class on this day.
3For permission to take a Make-up Exam, see the guidelines in Request for Make-up Quiz or Exam. This form MUST be filled out and approved by the professor before a Make-up will be scheduled.
4The Matt. 5:1-12 passage should also be translated. The student should be prepared to deal with questions relating to literary parallels of Matt. 5:1-12 to Luke 6:20-26.
5Beginning with this passage the weekly pattern of class activities will be as follows: Mondays - quiz, following by reading and parsing the designated text; Wednesdays - establishment of block and semantic diagrams of passage; Fridays - analysis of sermon / teaching outlines developed from the passage. Class recitation will begin at this point and be graded.
Final Exam Policy:
According to university policy, students are expected to be present
and sit for the final exam on the date scheduled by the university. The
professor has no responsibility for determining the exam date; this is
done strictly by the university administration. My policy is to follow
this guideline rigidly. This means: NO FINAL EXAMS
ARE GIVEN EARLY FOR ANY REASON! If the student can't be present
at the scheduled date, then a grade of Incomplete ("I") will be given and
the student can make up the work at the beginning of the following semester,
according to university guidelines. Any deviation from the regular exam
schedule requires specific approval by the university provost. The student
is required to complete a prescribed form that can be secured from the
provost's office. Expect approval only for illness, death of a family member
or some similar extreme emergency. Plane reservations prior to the end
of final exam week; an "early ride home" etc. will not receive approval
by the provost.
Mondays | Wednesdays | Fridays |
Quiz over preceding week's text
Translate Parse |
Exegesis of Passage including:
Block Diagram, Semantic Diagram Textual Critical Apparatus Translation Analysis |
Exegetical Outline
Expositional Outline Discuss sermon possibilities |
(Red = Graded Recitation)
Be prepared to orally read the Greek text & translate it. Be prepared to parse selected words in the text. |
Prepare tentative block diagram of passage
Complete Critical Apparatus Worksheet on variant readings found in text Check critical commentaries on the passage. |
Prepare exegetical outline of passage
(they may be collected on occasion for grading; you may be called on to put yours on the board) |
6Exegesis Paper options for turning in:
Print Copy Turn-in:
due in professor's office (LND 232) by 5:00 pm on this date. The paper will be counted lated after 5:00 pm according to the guidelines specified in the Course Instructions: 1 week late = minus 10 points; 2 weeks late = 20 points; paper unacceptable over two weeks late.Electronic Turn-in:Due in by midnight on this date. The paper will be counted lated after 12:00 am according to the guidelines specified in the Course Instructions: 1 week late = minus 10 points; 2 weeks late = 20 points; paper unacceptable over two weeks late. To turn your paper in electronically you MUST follow these guidelines:
- Make sure the file name of your paper follows this:
- G102S06PLastnameFirstNameInitial.doc
- Example: G202S06PCranfordL.doc
- This must be followed before the system will accept your paper for transmittal.
- Use the Assignment Turn In form at Cranfordville located in the Online Forms section (see left side of your screen) under Assignments.
- Bring up this form
- Be certain to complete every field
- Attach your paper file by using the Browser button.
- Once filled out, then click Submit button at the bottom of the form.
- A java pop-up screen will confirm a successful transmission. Also, you will receive an confirmation of transmission email at the address you entered in the form.