Greek 202
last revised 4/24/03
Paper Format Possible Passages Research & Writing Schedule

Paper Format

Following the title page include the following items in your paper in the sequence as listed below in the Table of Contents section.

1.   Table of Contents
      a.   Follow guidelines in Turabian
      b.   List the elements as follows with page numbers in your ToC:1

Historical Background Issures
Literary Issues
Form Oriented Translation
Expositional Outline of Text
"Jesus Ministry and Ours"

I. Our ministry is to be measured by Jesus' ministry. (A-E)
   A. Ministry must be all encoumpassing. (A)
        1. All possible people must be included
        2. All possible avenues of ministry must be used
        3. Every aspect of minstry must point to the Kingdom.
   B. Ministry should lead to response. (B-E)
       1. Our spiritual identity should be well established.(B)
       2. People should be attracted to our ministry in Christ's name. (C-E)

II. Our ministry should set forth the principles of the Kingdom. (F-H).
    A. Our authority is from the Lord. (F).
    B. Our focus should be on disciples. (G).
    C. Our ministry should utilize teaching. (H).

Interpretative Paraphrase
Doctrinal Truths Summarized
Sermon Brief
Appendix I: Block Diagram
Appendix II: Semantic Diagram
Appendix III:2 Text Critical Worksheet on Matt. 4:23
Other Sources

2. Introduction3 3. Your Translation of the Text. 4. Expositional Outline of the Text.4 5. Exegesis of Text. 6. Diagram of Text. 7. Application of Text. 8. Text Critical Worksheets 9. Bibliography.
Research & Writing Schedule
1 Select passage & submit for approval.
2 Make rough translation; Parse unfamiliar forms
3 Classify sentences by form & function
4 Begin block diagram of passage
5 Complete block diagram of passage; Begin analysis of critical apparatus
6 Complete analysis of critical apparatus; Make semantic diagram of passage
7 Begin analysis of translations of passage
8 Complete analysis of translations; Begin working in commentaries on passage
9 Analyze literary genre of passage; Continue commentary study
10 Outline the passage based upon the semantic diagram; Finish commentary study
11 Begin writing rough draft of paper
12 Complete writing of rough draft of paper
13 Begin final proofing of the draft of the paper
14 Complete final proofing the draft of the paper 
15 Prepare final draft to turn in on last class period of this week

1This is a sample based on the example from Matt. 4:23-5:2 listed in the handout STEPS TO A LITERARY STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE GREEK TEXT. See this handout for further details on the outlines etc.

2There must be one set of worksheets for each listing in the UBS rev. 4rd ed. text. Each set of worksheets should be labeled Appendix III, IV etc.

Note: Any additional appendices such as Synoptic Gospel parallels listing should be placed after the last set of Text Critical Worksheets.

3Note: In a content footnote in the Introduction please identify the computer hardware including printer and software that you are using to prepare the paper. If your word processing program prevents you from formating the paper exactly according to Turabian, then you should enter at this point in the paper a list of all the necessary deviations from Turabian style. Otherwise, the paper will be graded down on form!