Worksheet for Exegeting a Text
Week One: Ancient Letters
Last revised: 1/27/01
NAME:__________________________________________________________ DUE DATE:___________________ LESSON #:__1_____________
COURSE ENROLLMENT: ______ MDiv Student; ________ Undergraduate Student DATE TURNED IN:____________ TEXT STUDIED:_Letters____

For procedure, see Guidelines to Exegeting a Text.  For this lesson you will need to read carefully the discussion on Letters in the Ancient World and note the literary structure of the Pauline letters in the List of Epistolary Divisions  page. Systematically go through the discussion below, answering the questions from the forum discussion and your personal research. The forum discussion, and the chat room session, will cover each of the questions listed below. To display the Greek text contained in this page, download and install the free BSTGreek True Type fonts from Bible Study Tools.

1. List, then describe the four basic divisions of ancient letters.

2. List, then describe the three subdivisions of ancient Praescriptia.
3. Using either an English translation or the Greek text (required of Greek students) and the correct divisions, copy the texts of the Praescriptia from the selected Pauline letters into the following table in the white cells below the letter listing:
Galatians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians
1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Romans

4. Color code the three subdivisions of the texts in the table in step 3: Superscriptio (bold red), Adscriptio (bold blue), and Salutatio (bold green).

5. Code the core elements of each of the three subdivisions of the texts in the table in step 3 by using the underlining mode. Leave the expansions elements, as they occur, as is.

6. Now compare the three subdivisions of the Praescriptia in the six letters, noting similarities and differences.

7. Reflect on how this identification can assist the exegetical process.