Bibliography for
1/2 Thessalonians

The titles listed below represent but a small portion of the possible bibliography for 1/2 Thessalonians. These will provide resources for completing the weekly assignments. Check with the GWU library for availability of individual listings. The underlined titles are hyperlinked to Barnes & Noble, Amazon.Com etc. for further information about the publication. Last revised: 8/25/99
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Best, Earnest. 1 & 2 Thessalonians, in Black's New Testament Commentary. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1995.

Bruce, F.F. 1 & 2 Thessalonians, vol. 45 in the Word Biblical Commentary. Waco: Word Books, 1982.

Calvin, John. 1, 2 Thessalonians, in Calvin's Commentaries.  n.p.: Crossway Books, 1999.

Elias, Jacob W. 1 & 2 Thessalonians.  n.p.: Herald Press, 1995

Frame, J.E. 1 & 2 Thessalonians, in the New International Critical Commentary. London: T&T Clark, n.d.

Gaventa, Beverly Roberts. 1 & 2 Thessalonians, in Interpretation Commentary. Westminster/John Knox Press, 1998.

Jensen, Irving L. 1 and 2 Thessalonians: A Self-Study Guide. Chicago: Moody Press, 1999.

Martin, D. Michael. 1 & 2 Thessalonians, in the New American Commentary. Nashville: Broadman/Holman, 1995.

Morris, Leon. 1 & 2 Thessalonians, in the New International Commentary on the New Testament. Rev. ed. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1994.

Richard, Earl. 1 & 2 Thessalonians, vol. 11 in Sacra Pagina series. np: Michael Glazier, 1997.

Stott, John R. 1 and 2 Thessalonians: Living in the End Times InterVarsity Press, 1999.

Wanamaker, Charles A. The Epistles to the Thessalonians, in the New International Greek Text Commentary. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1994.

Williams, David J., and Gasque, Ward.  1 & 2 Thessalonians, in the New International Biblical Commentary.  Hendrickson, 1995.

Woolsey, Warren. 1 and 2 Thessalonians: A Bible Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition. Wesley Press, 1997.

1 and 2 Thessalonians and Philemon, in the Life Application Study Bible series. Tyndale House, 1999.


Thessalonians, miscellaneous discussions:

Collins, R. F., "The Theology of Paul's First Letter to the Thessalonians," LouvStud 6 (1977): 315-337.

Collins, R.F., "1 Thessalonians and the Liturgy of the Early Church," BTB 10 (1980): 51-64.

Marshall, I. Howard, "Pauline Theology in the Thessalonian Correspondence," in Paul and Paulinism, ed. M.D. Hooker and S.G. Wilson (London: SPCK, 1982), 173-183.

Munck, J., "I Thess 1:9-10 and the Missionary Preaching of Paul," NTS 9 (1962-63): 95-110.

Stanley, D.M., "'Become Imitators of Me': The Pauline Conception of Apostolic Tradition," Bib 40 (1959): 859-877.

Genre Issues:

Boers, H., "The Form-Critical Study of Paul's Letters: I Thessalonians as a Test Case," NTS 22 (1975): 140-158.

Koester, Helmut, "I Thessalonians -- Experiment in Christian Writing," in Continuity and Discontinuity in Church History (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1979), 33-44.

Malherbe, A.J., "Gentle as a Nurse," NovT 12 (1970): 203-217.

Malherbe, A.J., "Exhortation in First Thessalonians," NovT (1983): 238-255.

Malherbe, A.J., "Ancient Epistolary Theorists," Ohio Journal of Religious Studies 5 (1977): 3-77.

Anti-Jewish Elements in 1 T 2:13-16 interpolation:

Pearson, B.A., "I Thess 2:13-16: A Deutero-Pauline Interpolation," HTR 64 (1971): 79-94.

Schmidt, D., "I Thess 2:13-16: Linguistic Evidence for an Interpolation," JBL 102 (1983): 269-279.

Schmithals, W.,  Paul and the Gnostics. Transl. by J. Steely (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1972), 123-218.

Eschatology of 1 Thessalonians:

Gillman, J., "Signals of Transformation in I Thessalonians 4:13-18," CBQ 47 (1985): 263-281.

Kaye, B.N., "Eschatology and Ethics in First and Second Thessalonians," NovT 17 (1975): 47-57.

Longenecker, Richard N., "The Nature of Paul's Early Eschatology," NTS 31 (1985): 85-95.

Mearns, C.L., "Early Eschatological Development in Paul: The Evidence of First and Second Thessalonians," NTS 27 (1980): 137-157.

Meeks, Wayne A., "Social Functions of Apocalyptic Language in Pauline Christianity," in Apocalypticism in the Mediterranean World and the Near East, ed. D. Hellholm (Tübingen: J.C.B Mohr [Paul Siebeck], 1983), 687-705.

Moule, C.D.F., "The Influence of Circumstances on Paul's Eschatology," JTS n.s. 15 (1964): 1-15.

Neyrey, J.H., "Eschatology in I Thess: The Theological Factor in 1:9-10; 2:4-5; 3:11-13; 4:6; and 4:13-18," in SBL Seminar Papers 1980, ed. P.J. Achtemeier (Chico, Calif: Scholars Press, 1980), 219-231.

Plevnik, J., "The Taking Up of the Faithful and the Resurrection of the Dead in I Thessalonians 4:13-18," CBQ 46 (1984): 274-83.

Inauthenticity of 2 Thessalonians:

Bailey, J.A.,,"Who Wrote II Thessalonians?" NTS 25 (1978-79): 131-45.

Townsend, J., "II Thessalonians 2:3-12," in SBL Seminar Papers 1980, ed. P. Achtemeier, 233-246.

Annotated Bibliographic Supplement

Prepared in 1992 by my doctoral assistant, Mr. Gregg Watson, from the ATLA data base.

Achtemeier, Paul J, ed. "Interpreting Paul: Thematic Issues.” Interpretation 38 (1984): 226-95.

Contents: Editorial.  Paul and apocalyptic theology, by L E Keck.  Paul and judaism: 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16 as a test case, by K P Donfried.  "Some things in them hard to  understand": reflections on an approach to Paul, by P J Achtemeier.  Paul and ethics, by P Perkins.  Expository articles: Romans 8:18-27, by G O Forde; Romans 11:25-32, by S C Guthrie; Romans 12:14-21, by C E Bratten.  [For absts see individual auths].
Alsup, John E. “Eschatology and Ethics in Paul.” Austin Seminary Bulletin: Faculty Edition 94 (1978): 40-52.
Note: This essay discusses the understanding of eschatology articulated by the  Apostle Paul in two of his epistles, 1 Thessalonians and Romans, and draws from that discussion some practical guidelines for eschatological discourse in the church today.  The focal problem is the place of ethics in eschatology.
Aus, Roger D. “Relevance of Isaiah 66:7 to Revelation 12 and 2 Thessalonians 1.” Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der Alteren Kirche 67, nos. 3-4 (1976): 252-68.
Note: The targum of Is 66:7 modifies the Hebrew, "she (Jerusalem) was delivered of a son," to "her king shall be revealed."  this king to appear in the eschatological future is the King Messiah, as other rabbinic sources also interpret the verse.  Is 66:7 forms part of the background of Rev 12:2, 5-6, which deals with the birth of the Messiah by a woman, Israel/the church.  Various verses from Is 66, including some adjacent to vs.7, are also employed to describe the (second) coming of the Messiah Jesus to judge in 2 Thess 1.  Is 66:7 was interpreted messianically both in Jewish and Chirstian sources primarily due to the "birth pangs" or "woes" associated with the Messiah's coming.  Since the background of Revelation and Second Thessalonians is one of persecution, one essential element of the messianic woes, the use of Is 66:7 was very appropriate in such a context.
Aus, Roger D. “God's Plan and God's Power: Isaiah 66 and the Restraining Factors of 2 Thess 2:6-7.” Journal of Biblical Literature 96 (1977): 537-53.
Note: The author of 2 Thessalonians shows knowledge of the Hebrew OT in 2:4 (twice), 7 and 8.  In addition, Isaiah 66 elsewhere in part forms the background for his imagery and thought.  For these reasons the Hebrew expression csr in Isa 66:9 probably lies behind the term ???????????? in 2 Thess 2:7.  ????????????, "that which restrains" (the Day of the Lord, Jesus' return in glory) in 2:6, is God's will or plan that the gospel first be preached to all nations.  ????????????,  "he who restrains" in 2:7, is God himself, as in Isa 66:9.
Balch, David L., Everett Ferguson, Wayne A. Meeks, eds. Greeks, Romans, and Christians: Essays in Honor of Abraham J Malherbe. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1990.
Contents: Introduction.  Heracles and Christ: Heracles imagery in the christology of early Christianity, D Aune.  A dog in the manger: the Cynic Cynulcus among Athenaeus's Deipnosophists, R Hock. Stoics and early Christians on blessedness, W Vorster.  The Areopagus speech: an appeal to the Stoic historian Posidonius against later Stoics and the Epicureans, D Balch.  1 Corinthians 13: Paul as apostolic paradigm, C Holladay.  The God of this world and the affliction of Paul: 2 Cor 4:1-12, S Garrett.  Acts  17, Epicureans, and theodicy: a study in stereotypes, J Neyrey.  Passion in Paul and Plutarch: 1 Corinthians 5-6 and the polemic against Epicureans, B Fiore.  Brotherly love in Plutarch and in 4 Maccabees, H Klauck.  Was Barnabas a chiliast? an example of Hellenistic number symbolism in Barnabas and Clement of Alexandria, E Ferguson.  Narrative models for imitation in Luke-Acts, W Kurz.  Paul, the ancient epistolary theorists, and 2 Corinthians 10-13, J Fitzgerald.  Morality between two worlds: a paradigm of friendship in Philippians, L White.  An Aristotelian rhetorical analysis of 1 Thessalonians, T Olbricht. The beginnings of the church at Thessalonica, D L?hrmann.  Paul on the use and abuse of reason, S Stowers.  Sarah's seminal emission: Hebrews 11:11 in the light of ancient embryology, P Horst.  The circle of reference in Pauline morality, W Meeks. Is Paul developing a specifically Christian ethics in Galatians?, B Lategan.  Taciturnity and true religion: James 1:26-27, L Johnson.  Rachel's virtuous behavior in the Testament of Issachar, M Jonge.  Melikertes at Isthmia: a Roman mystery cult, H Koester.  Bibliography: works by Abraham J Malherbe, S Peterson.
Bammel, Ernst. “Preparation for the Perils of the Last Days: 1 Thessalonians 3:3.” Suffering and Martyrdom in the New Testament, ed, W. Horbury, 91-100.

Bassler, Jouette M, ed. Pauline Theology: Thessalonians, Philippians, Galatians, Philemon, vol. 1. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1991.

Contents: Preface.  From text to thought world: the route to Paul's ways, J Sampley.  Recasting Pauline theology: the coherence-contingency scheme as interpretive model, J Beker.  Finding the way to Paul's theology: a response to J Christiaan Beker and J Paul Sampley, P Achtemeier.  Early Pauline thought: an analysis of 1 Thessalonians, E Richard.  Through a lens theology and fidelity in 2 Thessalonians, E Krentz.  A matrix of grace: the theology of 2 Thessalonians as a Pauline letter, R Jewett.  Peace in all ways: theology in the Thessalonian letters: a response to R Jewett, E Krentz, and E Richard, J Bassler. Philippians: theology for the heavenly politeuma, P Perkins.  Friends and enemies in the politics of heaven: reading theology in Philippians, S Stowers.  The theology of Galatians: the issue of covenantal nomism, J Dunn.  The singularity of the gospel: a reading of Galatians, B Gaventa.  Events in Galatia: modified covenantal nomism versus God's invasion of the cosmos in the singular gospel: a response to J D G Dunn and B R Gaventa, J Martyn.  Putting Paul together again: toward a synthesis of Pauline theology (1 and 2 Thessalonians, Philippians, and Philemon), N Wright.  Salvation history: the theological structure of Paul's thought (1 Thessalonians, Philippians, and Galatians), R Scroggs.  Crucified with Christ: a synthesis of the theology of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Philemon, Philippians, and Galatians, R Hays.  Salvation history: theology in 1 Thessalonians, Philemon, Philippians, and Galatians: a response to N T Wright, R B Hays, and R Scroggs, D Lull.  Pauline theology: general bibliography, C Roetzel.   1 Thessalonians, R Collins.  2 Thessalonians, E Krentz.  Philippians, J Reumann.  Galatians, D Lull.
__________. “Paul's Theology: Whence and Whither? A Synthesis (of sorts) of the Theology of Philemon, Thessalonians, Philippians, Galatians, and 1 Corinthians.” Society of Biblical Literature: 1989 seminar papers, ed. by D Lull, 412-23. Atlanta: Scholars, 1989.

__________ . “The Enigmatic Sign: 2 Thessalonians 1:5.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46 (1984): 496-510.

Note: The article challenges the prevailing interpretation of the "sign of God's righteous judgment" (2 Thess 1:5).  Though usually viewed as an allusion to the faith of the church, an interpretation heavily influenced by the presupposition of Pauline authorship, the article suggests a background for interpreting the sign as a reference to the church's  afflictions.  God's justice is revealed in these afflictions insofar as they possess an initial punitive quality yet also anticipate a future reversal in which the afflicted will be blessed and the afflicters afflicted.  The implications of this interpretation on other aspects of the letter are also discussed.
Black, David Alan. “The weak in Thessalonica: A Study in Pauline Lexicography.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 25 (1982): 307-21.
Note: Most scholars interpret Paul's command to "help the weak" in 1 Thess 5:14 in terms of Pauline usage of the asthen word-group in his other letters.  This interpretation, however, ignores the fact that 1 Thessalonians itself can provide the clue that makes the definition of "the weak" possible.  After an examination of the context of 1 Thess 5:12-22 the author concludes that the words refer to those Thessalonians who were worried about the delay of the parousia and who consequently were in danger of being overcome by spiritual sleep.  Paul probably had these Christians in mind when he exhorted the church to steadfastness and perseverance in 1 Thess 5:1-11.
Boyce, James L. “Graceful Imitation: ‘Imitators of Us and the Lord’ (1 Thessalonians 1:6).” Word & World Supplement 1 (1992): 139-46.

Carroll, John T., Charles H. Cosgrove, E. Elizabeth Johnson, eds. Faith and History: Essays in Honor of Paul W Meyer. Atlants: Scholars, 1990.

Contents: Introduction.  Jesus and early Christian eschatology, J Carroll. The birth of the reader in Matthew, B Scott.  The human face of otherness: reflections on Joseph and Mary (Matthew 1:18-25), K Plank.  John and the Synoptics in light of the question of faith and history, D Smith.  Conversations with a friend about Romans, J Beker.  Paul's midrash: reflections on Romans 4, L Silberman. On trusting an unpredictable God: a hermeneutical meditation on Romans 9-11, W Meeks.  Romans 15:4: an interpolation?, L Keck. The wisdom of God as apocalyptic power, E Johnson.  Death and victory in 1 Corinthians 15:51-57: the transformation of a prophetic theme, W Harrelson.  The covenants of Hagar and Sarah, J Martyn.  Apostles as babes and nurses in 1 Thessalonians 2:7, B Gaventa.  Job and the problem of doubt in Paul, D Hay.  Faith and its moral life: individuation in the thought world of the Apostle Paul, J Sampley.  Romans 8:1-11: Pauline theology in medieval interpretation, K Froehlich.  Christian faith's partnership with history, J Godsey.  The salvation of Jesus: a theological reflection on the destiny of the kingdom in history, C Cosgrove.  What do we really mean when we say, "God sent his son"?, E Schweizer.  Revelation as our knowledge of God: an essay in biblical theology, C Price.  Inclusive language and biblical authority, P Minear.  Pluralism and unity in the New Testament, O Cullmann.  Calvin's scriptural ethical monotheism: interpretation, moral conscience, and religious system, W Dietrich.
Chadwick, Henry. “1 Thessalonians 3:3.” Journal of Theological Studies 1 (1950): 156-58.

Collins, Raymond F. “1 Thessalonians.” In Pauline Theology: Thessalonians, Philippians, Galatians, Philemon, vol 1, ed by J Bassler, 273-76. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1991.

_________________, ed. The Thessalonian Correspondence. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 87. Louvain: Leuven University, 1990.

Contents: Introduction.  1 Thessalonians, Acts and the early Paul, K Donfried.  Luke's account of Paul in Thessalonica (Acts 17,1-9), C Manus.  Jason of Thessalonica (Acts 17,5-9), F Morgan-Gillman. Pauline presuppositions, J Plevnik.  Paul's Eisodos: the proclaimed and the proclaimer (1 Thes 2,8), J Gillman.  La composition de 1 Thessaloniciens, A Vanhoye.  Paulus und die Thessalonicherbriefe, H Binder.  The rhetoric of 1 Thessalonians, F Hughes.  The argumentative structure of 1 Thessalonians as paradoxical encomium, W Wuellner.  "Der ganze Zorn ist schon ?ber sie gekommen": Bemerkungen zur Interpolationshypothese und zur Interpretation von 1 Thes 2,14-16, I Broer.  Synoptic tradition in 1 Thessalonians?, C Tuckett.  Thanksgivings in 1 Thessalonians 1-3, J Lambrecht. L'eschatologie en 1 Thessaloniciens dans une perspective rh‚torique, R Kieffer.  Consolatory patterns? 1 Thes 4,13.18;5-11, J Chapa.  The original setting of the Christos apethanen Hyper formula, H Jonge.  L'intervention de Dieu selon 1 Thes 5,23-24, P Langevin.  Election and calling to salvation in 1 and 2 Thessalonians, I Marshall.  The imitation of Paul in the Letters to the Thessalonians, M Getty.  The judgment on the Jews and the salvation of all Israel: 1 Thes 2,15-16 and Rom 11,25-26, T Holtz.  Die Ethik des 1 Thessalonicherbriefes, U Schnelle.  Jewish ethics and gentile converts: remarks on 1 Thes 4,3-8, G Carras.  Brautwerbung - das einheitliche Thema von 1 Thess 4,3-8, N Baumert.  The fate of the dead according to 1 Thessalonians 4 and 1 Corinthians 15, J Delobel.  Les fils du Jour (1 Thes 5,5), C Focant.  The use of zao in 1 Thessalonians: a comparison with zaw/zwh in the Gospel of John, J Van Der Watt. The structure of 2 Thessalonians, M Menken.  The syntactical style of 2 Thessalonians: how Pauline is it?, D Schmidt.  "A letter supposedly from us": a contribution to the discussion about the authorship of 2 Thessalonians, G Holland.  Paulinische Autorit„t in nachpaulinischer Zeit (2 Thes), F Laub.  The struggle against heresy in the Thessalonian correspondence and the origin of the Apostolic tradition, A Aarde.  "The Gospel of Our Lord Jesus" (2 Thes 1,8): a symbolic shift of paradigm, R Collins.  From Paul's eschatology to the apocalyptic schemata of 2 Thessalonians, H Koester.  2 Thessalonians 2 re-read as pseudepigraphal: a revised reaffirmation of The threat to faith, C Giblin.  The eschatology of 2 Thessalonians as included in a communication, L Hartman.  Jesus as the apocalyptic benefactor in Second Thessalonians, F Danker and R Jewett.  The concept of tradition and 1 and 2 Thessalonians, C Stichele.  Traditions held fast: theology and fidelity in 2 Thessalonians, E Krentz.
Crawford, Charles. “The ‘Tiny’ Problem of 1 Thessalonians 2:7: the Case of the Curious Vocative.” Biblica 54, no. 1 (1973): 69-72.

Delobel, Joel. “The Fate of the Dead Acording to  1 Thessalonians 4 and 1 Corinthians 15.” In  The Thessalonian Correspondence, ed. R. Collins, 440-47. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum 87. Louvain: Leuven University, 1990.

Donfried, Karl P. “1 Thessalonians, Acts and the Early Paul.” In The Thessalonian Correspondence, ed R Collins, 3-26. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 87. Louvain: Leuven University, 1990.

_____________. “The Theology of 1 Thessalonians as a Reflection of its Purpose.” In To Touch the Text: Biblical and Related Studies in Honor of Joseph A. Fitzmeyer, ed by M. Horgan and P Kobelskim, 243-60. New York: Crossroads, 1989.

_____________. “Paul and Judaism: 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16 as a Test Case.” Interpretation 38 (1984): 242-53.

Dunham, Duane A. “2 Thessalonians 1:3-10: A Study in Sentence Structure.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 24 (1981): 39-46.

Edgar, Thomas R. “The Meaning of "Sleep" in 1 Thessalonians 5:10.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society  22 (1979): 345-49.

Fee, Gordon D. “On Text and Commentary on 1 and 2 Thessalonians.” Society of Biblical Literature: 1992 sem pprs; E Lovering, ed 165-83.

Fowl, Stephen. “A Metaphor in Distress: A Reading of Nepioi in 1 Thessalonians 2:7.” New Testament Studies 36 (1990): 469-73.

Gaventa, Beverly Roberts. “Apostles as Babes and Nurses in 1 Thessalonians 2:7.” In Faith and History: Essays in Honor of Paul W Meyer, ed. J. Carroll, 193-207.  Atlanta: Scholars, 1990.

Giblin, Charles H. “2 Thessalonians 2 Re-read as Pseudepigraphal: a Revised Reaffirmation of the Threat to Faith.” The Thessalonian Correspondence, ed. R. Collins, 459-69. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 87. Louvain: Leuven University, 1990.

Gilliard, Frank D. “The Problem of the Antisemitic Comma between 1 Thessalonians 2:14 and 15.” New Testament Studies 35, no. 4 (1989): 481-502.

Gillman, John. “Signals of Transformation in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47 (1985): 263-81.

Note: This article examines the relationship between the "assumption of the living and the dead" in 1 Thess 4:17 and the "transformation of the living and dead" in 1 Cor 15:51-52, and concludes that there are already hints of the transformation motif in the former passage.  The argument is based on similar structural elements and the verbal and thematic parallels between the two passages and on an analysis of the rapture and cloud imagery in 1 Thess 4:17.  When other future life passages are considered, such as Phil 3:20-21 and 2 Cor 4:16-5:10, it is suggested that transformation is a central motif in Paul's future life discussions.
Green, E. M. B. “A Note on 1 Thessalonians 4:15,17.” Expository Times 69 (1958): 285-86.

Gundry, Robert H. “The Hellenization of Dominical Tradition and Christianization of Jewish Tradition in the Eschatology of 1-2 Thessalonians.” New Testament Studies 33, no. 2 (1987): 161-78.

Hartman, Lars. “The Eschatology of 2 Thessalonians as Included in a Communication.” The Thessalonian Correspondence, ed. R. Collins, 470-85. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 87. Louvain: Leuven University, 1990.

Havener, Ivan. “The Pre-Pauline Christological Credal Formulae of 1 Thessalonians.” 1981 Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers, 20, ed. :105-128.

Hays, Richard B. “Crucified with Christ: A Synthesis of the Theology of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Philemon, Philippians, and Galatians.” Pauline theology, vol 1; ed by J Bassler. 227-46.

Hays, Richard B. “Crucified with Christ: A Synthesis of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Philemon, Philippians, and Galatians.” Society of Biblical Literature: 1988 sem pprs; ed by D Lull. 318-335.

Hewett, James A. “1 Thessalonians 3:11.” Expository Times 87 (1975): 54.

Holland, Glenn S. “A Letter Supposedly from Us: A Contribution to the Discussion about the Authorship of 2 Thessalonians.” The Thessalonian Correspondence, ed. R. Collins, 394-402. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 87. Louvain: Leuven University, 1990.

Holland, Glenn. Let No One Deceive You in Any Way: 2 Thessalonians as a Reformulation of the Apocalyptic Tradition.”  Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers No 24:327-341 1985

Note: The rhetorical structure of 2 Thessalonians provides information about the function of the apocalyptic material it includes. This material is the specific basis of disagreement between contending interpretations of the Pauline tradition.  The letter represents one side in an argument over the "correct" interpretation of the Pauline tradition between rival Pauline "schools", both of which claimed to be faithful interpreters of  Paul's teaching.  Just as history is written by the victors, so the New Testament is largely composed of texts by the "victors" in various doctrinal disputes.  As a result, texts witness to a broad "orthodoxy" that has been defined by the outcome of the various disputes.  This must not obscure the fact that such disputes existed, apparently in abundance.  2 Thessalonians stands as a reminder of the absolutist, "dualistic" state of mind considered typical of apocalypticism, but which appears to have been endemic in early Christian literature.  For its author, the only alternative to his understanding of the Pauline tradition was deception, which was God's instrument of wrath against the wicked. [ed excerpt].
Horbury, William. “1 Thessalonians 2:3 as Rebutting the Charge of False Prophecy.” Journal of Theological Studies 33 (1982): 492-508.

Horbury, William, and Brian McNeil, eds. Suffering and Martyrdom in the New Testament: Studies Presented to G M Styler, by Cambridge NT Seminar. London: Cambridge University, 1981.

Contents: Introduction; G M Styler and the Cambridge New Testament Seminar, C Moule.  Did Jesus teach that his death would be vicarious as well as typical, J O'Neill.  Imitatio Christi and the Lucan passion narrative, B Beck.  Persecution of Christians in John 15:18-16:44, B Lindars.  Interchange and suffering, M Hooker.  On the interpretation of Colossians 1:24, W Flemington. Preparation for perils of last days: 1 Thessalonians 3:3, E Bammel.  Maintaining the testimony of Jesus: the suffering of Christians in the revelation of John, by J Sweet.  Martyrdom and inspiration, by G Lampe.  Suffering and martyrdom in the Odes of Solomon,  by B McNeil.  Suffering and messianism in Yose ben Yose, by W Horbury.  What might martyrdom mean?, by N Lash.
Horgan, Maurya P., and Paul J. Kobelski, eds. To Touch the Text: Biblical and Related Studies in Honor of Joseph A Fitzmyer, SJ. New York: Crossroad, 1989.
Contents: Preface.  Aleph as a vowel letter in Old Aramaic, F Andersen and D Freedman.  The spelling of Samaria Papyrus 1, D Freedman and F Andersen.  Phonological phenomena in the Greek papyri significant for the text and language of the New Testament, F Gignac.  Idiomatic ancient Aramaic, J Greenfield.  Of beginnings, ends, and computers in Targumic studies, S Kaufman. The historical present in the Gospel of Mark, E Maloney.  (Rather dim but nevertheless appreciable) light from (a very obscure) Ugaritic (text) on (the) Hebrew (Bible), D Pardee. Narrative and lament in Isaiah 63:7-64:11, R Clifford. Eighth-century prophets and apodictic law, J Jensen.  Yahweh's Asherah, R North.  Matt 18:15-17 in relation to three texts from Qumran literature (CD 9:2-8, 16-22; 1QS 5:25-6:1), T Carmody. The origin of the Qumran community: a review of the evidence, J Collins. The Hodayot (1QH) and New Testament poetry, M Horgan and P Kobelski.  The new covenant in the letters of Paul and the Essene documents, J O'Connor.  Newborn babes and living stones: literal and figurative in 1 Peter, P Achtemeier.  The structure and composition of the Matthean Beatitudes, A Di Lella.  The theology of 1 Thessalonians as a reflection of its purpose, K Donfried.  The New Testament papyrus manuscripts in historical perspective, E Epp.  The narrative meshalim in the Old Testament books and in the Synoptic Gospels, B Gerhardsson.  A qualifying parenthesis (Rom 5:13-14) and its context, C Giblin.  Birth narratives in Pseudo-Philo's Biblical antiquities and the Gospels, D Harrington.  1 Thessalonians and hellenistic religious practices, P Perkins.  The itinerary as a form in Classical literature and the Acts of the Apostles, J Reumann. Assessing omissions as redaction: Luke's handling of the charge against Jesus as detractor of the Temple, F Connolly-Weinert. The Son of Man sayings in the Sayings Source, A Collins. Bibliography of Joseph A Fitzmyer.  Index of names.
Howard, Tracy L. “The Literary Unity of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11.” Grace Theological Journal 9 (Fall 1988): 163-90.

Hughes, Frank W. “The Rhetoric of 1 Thessalonians.” In The Thessalonian Correspondence, ed. R. Collins, 94-116. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 87. Louvain: Leuven University, 1990.

Hultgren, Arland J, Donald H. Juel, and Jack Dean Kingsbury, eds.  “All things new: essays in honor of Roy A Harrisville.” Word & World Supplement 1 (1992): 1-190.

Contents: Roy Alvin Harrisville: a tribute, by D L Tiede.  Roy A Harrisville: curriculum vitae.  Roy A Harrisville: bibliography. Creator, creature, and co-creation in Genesis 1-2, by T E Fretheim.  Temptations and trials in Deuteronomy 6-11, Luke 4, and Luke 22-24: the significance of a recurring three-fold pattern, by D T Olson.  "Show 'em who's boss!" A sermon on 1 Kings 18:20-40 and 1 Corinthians 1:18-25, by M A Throntveit. Job and his ministers, by D J Simundson.  Who cares for the earth? Psalm eight and the environment, by J Limburg.  "Remember the former things of old": a new look at Isaiah 46:3-13, by F J Gaiser.  A theological reading of Zephaniah's audience, by R W Nysse.  What is new in Old Testament apocalyptic, by W W Frerichs.  The Sadducees as Josephus presents them, or the curious case of Ananus, by W Poehlmann.  The stilling of the  storm (Matthew 8:23-27), by Jack Dean Kingsbury.  Things new and old at Matthew 13:52, by A J Hultgren.  The baptism of Jesus (Mark 1:9-11), by D H Juel.  Peter and Cephas and Paul: God's apostolate and mission in Galatians 2:7-9, by P S Berge. Graceful imitation: "imitators of us and the Lord" (1 Thessalonians 1:6), by J L Boyce.  Luther's Heidelberg disputation: an analysis of the argument, by J A Nestingen.  Law and life: a new invitation to an old problem, by J H Burtness. Historical criticism, dogmatics, and faith, by C E Braaten.  The newness of the New Testament, by G O Forde.  Simplistic thoughts about the authority of Scripture, by R W Jenson.
Jewett, Robert. A Matrix of Grace: The Theology of 2 Thessalonians as a Pauline Letter.” Pauline theology, vol 1; ed by J Bassler. 63-70.

Kaye, Bruce N. “Eschatology and Ethics in 1 and 2 Thessalonians.” Novum Testamentum 17 (1975): 47-57.

Keightley, Georgia Masters. “The Church's Memory of Jesus: A Social Science Analysis of 1 Thessalonians.” Biblical Theology Bulletin 17 (1987): 149-56.

Kloppenborg, John S.   qelidelqiva, feodivdakto" and the Dioscuri: Rhetorical engagement in 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12. New Testament Studies 39 (April 1993): 265-89.

Koester, Helmut, ed. “Summaries of Doctoral Dissertations.” Harvard Theological Review 82 (1989): 477-82.

Note: Dissertations abstracted: The Bible in Mormonism, by Philip Layton Barlow.  Liberation and wellbeing: a study of the Svetambar Murtipujak Jains of North Gujarat, by John Edward Cort.  Ascetics, aristocrats, and the Lotus Sutra: the construction of the Buddhist universe in eleventh-century Japan, by William Deal.  The Spirit of God as witness to the redemption in Christ: a tradition-historical analysis of Paul's pneumatology in Romans 8, by Jung Joo Kim.  Chinese women and Christianity, 1860-1927, by Kwok Pui-lan.  The relationship between the emperor and the gods: images from Pliny's Panegyricus and other sources from the time of Trajan, by Daniel Neal Schowalter.  God and saints at war: the transformation and democratization of the divine warrior in Isaiah 59, Wisdom of Solomon 5, 1 Thessalonians 5, and Ephesians 6, by Thomas R Yoder Neufeld.
_____________.“From Paul's Eschatology to the Apocalyptic Schemata of 2 Thessalonians.” The Thessalonian Correspondence, ed. R. Collins, 441-58. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 87. Louvain: Leuven University, 1990.

Krentz, Edgar. “Evangelism and Spirit: 1 Thessalonians 1.” Currents in Theology and Mission 14 (1987): 22-30.

___________ . “Through a Lens: Theology and Fidelity in 2 Thessalonians.” Pauline theology, vol 1; ed by J Bassler. 52-62.

___________ . “Traditions Held Fast: Theology and Fidelity in 2 Thessalonians.” The Thessalonian Correspondence, ed. R. Collins, 505-15. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 87. Louvain: Leuven University, 1990.

Krentz, Edgar M. 2 Thessalonians. Pauline theology, vol 1; ed by J Bassler. 276-79.

Lambrecht, Jan, “Thanksgiving in 1 Thessalonians 1-3.” In The Thessalonian Correspondence, ed. R. Collins, 183-205. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum 87. Louvain: Leuven University, 1990.

LaRondelle, Hans K. “Paul's Prophetic Outline in 2 Thessalonians 2.” Andrews University Seminary Studies 21 (1983): 61-69.

Note: Paul corrects the imminency expectation of the parousia in the church of Thessalonica by stressing a basic chronological order of the two major prophetic events: first the revelation of the man of sin, then the revelation of Christ in glory.  Paul adopted this prophetic perspective from Christ's teachings of apocalyptic events (Mark 13, par.).  The article analyses the chronological development of the antichrist and the theological           character of his apostasy in the light of Old Testament revelations of the anti-godly powers in Daniel, Ezekiel, and Isaiah.
Lindemann, Andreas. “Zum Abfassungszweck des zweiten Thessalonicherbriefes.” Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der Alteren Kirche 68, nos. 1-2 (1977): 35-47.
Note: 2 Thessalonians, in literary dependence on 1 Thessalonians, criticizes the expectation of the near parousia in 1 thess 4:15,17.  The author asserts 1 thessalonians to be falsified (2 thess 2:2: Hos di  Hemon)  and demonstrates the authenticity of his own letter by reference to the hand-writing (3:17: semeion en pase epistole), missing in 1 Thessalonians.  So, he repudiates the "wrong" eschatology of the Pauline letter without imperiling the authority of St. Paul.  That letter has not been written by the apostle.  The author uses apocalyptic material (2:1-12) as basis of his own paradosis (2:15) and interprets the actual persecution of the churches as preparation of the apokalypsis of the Lord (1:7). 2 Thessalonians is an instructive example for intentional pseudepigraphy in the New Testament.
Lovering, Eugene H., ed. Society of Biblical Literature: 1992 seminar papers [128th annual meeting) Atlanta: Scholars Pr, 1992 Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers, 31.
Contents: Q bibliography supplement III: 1992, D Scholer.  The future of our allusions, A Adam.  What's "literary" about literary aspects of the Gospels and Acts?, M Parsons.  What is "literary" about literary aspects?, M Powell.  Neutralizing the intimate enemy: the portrayal of Judas in the Fourth Gospel, J Brownson. Reading with a Passion: John 18:1-19:42 and the erosion of the reader, J Staley.  Luke 1-2, P Shuler.  Narrative outline of the composition of Luke according to the Two Gospel Hypothesis, L Cope, D Dungan, W Farmer, et al.  "Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come" (1 Thess 1:10): apocalyptic and peace in the Thessalonian correspondence, J Elias.  Philip and Simon, Luke and Peter: a Lukan sequel and its intertextual success, C Matthews.  Apostles, ascetic women, and questions of audience: new reflections on the rhetoric of gender in the apocryphal Acts, K Cooper.  The Lucan authorship of Luke 22:43-44, R Brown. On text and commentary on 1 and 2 Thessalonians, G Fee.  Romans and the theology of Paul, N Wright.  The Acts of Paul and The Acts of Peter: which came first?, D MacDonald.  Peter, Paul, and priority in the apocryphal Acts, R Stoops, Jr.  Narrative strategies and Synoptic quandries: a response to Dennis MacDonald's reading of Acts of Paul and Acts of Peter, R Valantasis.  The warmth and breath of life: animating physical object paredroi in the Greek Magical Papyri, L Ciraolo. Discerning the Lukan voice: the narrator as character in Luke-Acts, J Darr.  "What is written? how are you reading?" Gospel, intertextuality and doing Lukewise: a writerly reading of Lk 10:25-37 (and 38-42), G Phillips.  Using a socio-rhetorical poetics to develop a unified method: the woman who anointed Jesus as a test case, V Robbins.  The social history of Satan, part 2: the human face(s) of Satan in the Gospels, E Pagels.  Jewish Christianity in Antioch before the time of Hadrian: where does the identity lie?, J Sanders. Christian self-definition against the "hypocrites" in Didache 8, J Draper.  Is a corpse contagious? early Jewish and Christian attitudes toward the dead, B McCane.  Moses imagery in Jewish and Christian art: problems of continuity and particularity, R Jensen.  Canon and community: intertextuality, canon, interpretation, christology, theology, and persuasive rhetoric in Luke 4:1-13, R Brawley.  The Evangelium infantium, the abandonment of children, and the infancy narrative in Matthew 1 and 2 from a social-scientific perspective, A Van Aarde.  Power and powerlessness: Matthew's use of irony in the portrayal of political leaders, D Weaver.  The roots of the eucharist in Jesus' praxis, B Lang.  The purity of the kingdom as conveyed in Jesus' meals, B Chilton.  The contribution to the Temple cleansing by the Fourth Gospel, M Matson.  Why turn the tables? Jesus' protest in the Temple precincts, P Richardson.  The use of the Old Testament in Luke-Acts, J Fitzmyer.  Torah and Prophets in Luke-Acts: temporary or permanent?, J Tyson.  The Book of Isaiah: competing structures according to a late modern description of its shape and scope, G Sheppard.  What can we say about the tradition history of Isaiah? a response to Christopher Seitz's Zion's final destiny, D Carr.  Ecumenical theology for the sake of mission: Romans 1:1-17 + 15:14-16:24, R Jewett.  The justification of the other: an interpretation of Rom 1:18-4:25, C Cosgrove.  Mooring the Revelation in the Mediterranean, L Thompson.  Betwixt and between on the Lord's Day: liturgy and the Apocalypse, J Ruiz.  Things Philo said and did not say about the Therapeutae, D Hay.  Vicious rumors: Mosaic narratives in first century Alexandria, D Sills.  Jesus's frankness, G Aichele, Jr.
Lull, David J. “Salvation History: Theology in 1 Thessalonians, Philemon, Philippians, and Galatians: A Response to  N. T. Wright, R. B. Hays, and R. Scroggs.” In Pauline Theology: Thessalonians, Philippians, Galatians, Philemon, vol 1, ed by J Bassler, 247-65. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1991.

__________, ed. Society of Biblical Literature: 1989 Seminar Papers. Atlanta: Scholars, 1989.

Contents: A proposed reconstruction of Q 13:28-29, M Boring.  Q bibliography: 1981-1989, D Scholer.  Luke's economy of knowledge, S Moore.  Balaam: prophet, diviner, and priest in selected ancient Israelite and Hellenistic Jewish sources, J Greene.  Arcana mundi between Balaam and Hecate: prophecy, divination, and magic in later Platonism, R Berchman.  Questions about redactional strata and the social relations reflected in Q, R Horsley.  The Formation of Q revisited: a response to Richard Horsley, J Kloppenborg.  The mustard seed and the leaven in Q, the Synoptics, and Thomas, H Fleddermann.  Luke 9:57-62: a systematic adaptation of the divine challenge to Elijah (1 Kings 19), T Brodie.  Theology in 1 Corinthians: initial soundings, V Furnish.  Toward a theology of 1 Corinthians, G Fee. Horeb/Sinai and the rise of law in the Wilderness Tradition, T Dozeman.  The Wilderness Traditions of the Pentateuch: a reassessment of their function and intent in relation to Exodus 32-34, M Sweeney.  Syntactical style in the "we"-sections of Acts: how Lukan is it, D Schmidt.  Must Luke and Acts belong to the same genre?, R Pervo.  Characteristics of folk-epic in Acts, J Dawsey.  Luke-Acts and apologetic historiography, G Sterling. Comments on the genre and a political theme of Luke-Acts: a preliminary comparison of two Hellenistic historians, D Balch. Acts of the Apostles and the Graeco-Roman world: narrative communication in social context, D Edwards.  Luke's unique interest in historical chronology, D Jones.  Universalism and particularism in Matthew's Gospel: a  Jungian approach, S Brown. The activity of God in the Gospel of Matthew, R Mowery.  Paul's theology: whence and whither? a synthesis (of sorts) of the theology of Philemon, 1 Thessalonians, Philippians, Galatians, and 1 Corinthians, J Bassler.  Composite texts and oral myths: the case of the "sermon" (6:20b-49), L Vaage.  James and the Q Sermon on the Mount/Plain, P Hartin.  Text vs tell: which sets the agenda?, D Jamieson-Drake.  The historical Jesus at table, D Smith.  Were the women around Jesus really prostitutes? women in the context of Greco-Roman meals, K Corley.  Jesus' action in the Temple and evidence of corruption in the first-century Temple, C Evans.  Was Jesus like a philosopher? the evidence of martyrological and wisdom motifs in Q, pre-Pauline traditions, and Mark, D Seeley.  The function and meaning of Achior in the Book of Judith, A Roitman.  Character construction and community formation in the Book of Judith, A Levine.  In the steps of Jael and Deborah: Judith as heroine, S White.  Why wasn't the Book of Judith included in the Hebrew Bible?, C Moore.  Characterization and christology in Matthew: Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, F Burnett.  Depth of characterization and degrees of faith in Matthew, C Black, III.  Philo's psychology of prophetic inspiration and Romans 10:20, W Schutter.  Idols, demons, and the hermeneutics of suspicion: biblical traditions informing ethics, R Horsley and M Myers.
Lull, David J, ed. Society of Biblical Literature: 1988 seminar papers. Atlanta: Scholars Pr, 1988. Society of Biblical Literature: Seminar Papers, 27.
Contents: The theology of Galatians, J Dunn.  The singularity of the gospel: a reading of Galatians, B Gaventa.  The narrator in the Book of Tobit, I Nowell.  Tobit and folklore studies, with emphasis on Propp's morphology, W Soll.  Tobit and Enoch: distant cousins with a recognizable resemblance, G Nickelsburg. The ethics of interpretation or what's left over after the elimination of meaning, S Fowl.  The Pauline letters and the Lucan account of Paul's missionary journeys, J Fitzmyer.  Paul in Acts: aspects of structure and characterization, R Brawley. Literary and social dimensions of Luke's apology for Paul, J Carroll.  Acts 9:1-29 and early church tradition, J Townsend. Group solidarity in the Revelation of John, R Webber.  Stories of reading: doing Gospel criticism as/with a "reader", S Moore. Who were the first urban Christians? urbanization in Galilee in the first century, J Overman.  First century urban/rural relations in Lower Galilee: exploring the archaeological and literary evidence, D Edwards.  Bandits, messiahs, and longshoremen: popular unrest in Galilee around the time of Jesus, R Horsley.  Political and social roles of the Pharisees and scribes in Galilee, A Saldarini.  Neither passivity nor violence: Jesus' third way, W Wink.  Jesus and the Baptist - two of a kind?, B Witherington.  Transumptive narration and the structure of Wisdom 1-5, D Seeley.  Narrative christology in early Jewish Christianity, W Stegner.  Wrath and persuasion: the Iliad and its context, G Alles.  Epidaurian miracle cures, L LiDonnici.  Plato and the primal being, G Kessler.  The rhetoric of memory in the stories of Saul and David: a prospective study, M Deeley.  Egypt as an "iron furnace": a metaphor of transformation - a writer's perspective, P McNutt.  Hezekiah in the Books of Chronicles, M Throntveit.  How Mithra won the West, H Teeple.  Crucified with Christ: a synthesis of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Philemon, Philippians, and Galatians, R Hays. The costs of proselytism and conversion, A Segal.  The influence of the Roman family and social structures on early Christianity in Rome, J Jeffers.  Arcana mundi: prophecy and divination in the Vita Mosis of Philo of Alexandria, R Berchman.  Prophets and prophecy in Josephus, L Feldman.  Two types of Mosaic prophecy according to Philo, D Winston.  A proposed reconstruction of Q 10:23-24, M Boring.  The Cross and discipleship in Q, H Fleddermann.  Q bibliography: 1981-1988, D Scholer.  Matthew: sermon and story, J Anderson.  The Gospel of Matthew: hypocrisy as self-deception, D Via, Jr.  Kings of Israel: a question of crime and punishment, V Matthews.  Mission in Matthew: the second discourse as narrative, K Barta.  Matthew and the law, K Snodgrass.  The exegesis of God: Jesus' signs in John 1-11, M Kiley.  The rebellion of Korah, Numbers 16-18: a study in tradition history, J Milgrom.  The story of Korah's rebellion: key to the formation of the Pentateuch, E Rivkin.  The woes in Q (and Matthew and Luke): deciphering the rhetoric of criticism, L Vaage.  The kingdom that didn't come: a social history of the Q tradents, B Mack.  The social setting of the Q mission: three dissertations, J Tashjian.
Malbon, Elizabeth Struthers. “No Need to Have Any One Write: A Structural Exegesis of 1 Thessalonians.” Semeia 26 (1983): 57-83.
Note: This paper has both an exegetical and a theoretical goal.  A structural exegesis of 1 Thessalonians, including an examination of both its syntagmatic structure and its paradigmatic structure, suggests a parallel between the "apostolic parousia" and the parousia tou kyriou: both aim to reestablish relationships, to fill an absence with a "presence".  A typology of structural approaches to texts, based on a consideration of structuralist goals and textual foci, suggests both commonalities and distinctions among various structural approaches to texts and outlines a framework within which structural criticism might be said to operate. [j].
Manus, Chris Ukachukwu. “1 Thess 2:17-20, a Reflection on Paul's Use of the Plural Number and Its Significance for Ministry in the African Churches.” Africa Theological Journal 12, no. 2 (1983): 76-87.
Note: The article focuses on the significance of Paul's employment of the plural notation in the first of his epistles, 1Thessalonians.  The approach is purely exegetical.  Analysis of the text is provided.  The preponderant use of the plural form of speech (we) reveals an aspect of Paul's ministry hitherto unknown in African ecclesial structures.  The text shows, among other things, that Paul's missionary service (diakonia) with his co-workers was a team-ministry.  The plural designation therefore suggests a collegial mode of ministry which sets the paradigm for developing a sound theology of ministry in contemporary African churches where, due to unavoidable constraints, acute shortage of personnel militates against the progress of evangelization and the rapid Christianization of distant and pauper regions of the vast continent of Africa.
Marshall, I Howard. “Election and Calling to Salvation in 1 and 2 Thessalonians.” In The Thessalonian Correspondence, ed R. Collins, 259-276. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 87. Louvain: Leuven University, 1990.

McGaughy, Lane C, ed. Society of Biblical Literature, 1972  seminar papers [108th annual meeting, Los Angeles, 1-5 Sept 1972 2v: iv, 607   Imprint: Society of Biblical Literature, 1972

Contents: The value and limitations of the Claremont Profile Method, P McReynolds.  The lemma of Origen's commentary on John, book X: an independent witness to the Egyptian textual tradition?, G D Fee.  Redaction and citation in Mark 11:9-10, 17 and 14:27, J D Crossan.  The history of the kingdom in Mark:  aspects of Markan eschatology, W H Kelber.  Christological implications resulting from a study of the structure of the Synoptic Gospels, A Gaboury.  The gospel of Matthew and literary criticism:  a critical analysis of A Gaboury's hypothesis, F Neirynck. Enthusiastic radicalism and the Thessalonian correspondence, R Jewett.  Apocalyptic and didactic elements in 1 Thessalonians, G F Snyder.  The  baraita of the four sons, F O Francis.  The man from heaven in Johannine sectarianism, W A Meeks.  Parsing code for Hellenistic Greek:  preliminary proposals, R W Funk.  The typical versus the unique among the Hebrew prophets, R F Melugin.  "Better"-proverbs:  an historical and structural study, G F Bryce.  A summary of faith in an epistolary context: 1 Thess 1:9,10, G F Snyder.  Contents:  1 Thess 8:12-28, C Roetzel.  Genre analysis as a method of historical criticism, J A Baird.  The concept of genre in literary analysis, W G Doty. Gen 32:23-33, seeing a hidden God, J O Lewis.  Formula and theme in the song-cycle of Job, W J Urbrock.  A critical analysis of Amos 4:1ff,  J D W Watts.  From drought to exile:  a morphological study of Jer 14:1 - 15:4, M Kessler.  The records of Jesus  in the light of ancient accounts of revered men, D Georgi.  Wisdom and apocalyptic in the message of Jesus, N Perrin.  The Apocalypse of Adam reconsidered, G MacRae.  The Apocalypse of Adam:  a literary and source analysis, C W Hedrick.  Apocalyptic schematization in the Apocalypse of Adam and the Gospel of the Egyptians, P Perkins.  The Sethians and the Nag Hammadi Library, F Wisse.
Mearns, Christopher L. “Early Eschatological Development in Paul: the Evidence of 1 Corinthians.” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 22 (1984): 19-35.
Note: A radical change in Paul's eschatology may be discerned, from realized to futurist eschatology, at the time of writing 1 and 2 Thessalonians and the "previous letter" to the Corinthians (1 Cor 5:9).  By extrapolating backwards from the text of 1 Cor, the article seeks to establish this.  Present baptismal resurrection and the eucharist as a sharing in the eschatalogical banquet of the messiah and of the kingdom now were basic assumptions at first made by Paul and later clung to by the Corinthians.  Paul feels compelled by several factors to correct these assumptions by mobilizing a programme of imminent future apocalyptic as an "eschatalogical reservation".
______ . “Early Eschatological Development in Paul: the Evidence of I and II Thessalonians.” New Testament Studies 27 (1981): 137-57.
Note: A thorough reappraisal of assumptions normally made about the development of NT eschatology is required.  Support for this comes from an exegesis of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, using Hurd's technique of backward extrapolation to reconstruct Paul's first preaching to the Thessalonians on his founding mission. Primitive Christian eschatology developed from being realized to futurist apocalyptic, owing to the impact of deaths among the earliest Christians, the need to correct over-realized eschatological enthusiasm, the necessity to emphasize a sequence of signs before the coming of the End, and the reanimating of apocalyptic expectation by Caligula's attempt to impose living emperor worship in 40 AD.
Meeks, Wayne A. “Social Functions of Apocalyptic Language in Pauline Christianity.” Apocalypticism in the Mediterranean World, ed by D Hellholm, 687-705.

Menken, Martinus J. J. “The Structure of 2 Thessalonians.” In The Thessalonian Correspondence, ed R. Collins, 373-82. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 87. Louvain: Leuven University, 1990.

Menken, Martinus J. J. “Paradise Regained or Still Lost? Eschatology and Disorderly Behaviour in 2 Thessalonians.” New Testament Studies 38 (1992): 271-89.

Neyrey, Jerome H. “Eschatology in 1 Thessalonians: the theological factor in 1:9-10; 2:4-5; 3:11-13; 4:6 and 4:13-18.” Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers No 19:219-231 1980

Menken, Martinus J. J. “Paradise regained or still lost? Eschatology and disorderly behaviour in 2 Thessalonians.” New Testament Studies 38 (1992): 271-89.

Okeke, George E. “1 Thessalonians 2:13-16: The Fate of the Unbelieving Jews.” New Testament Studies 27 (1980): 127-36.

Olbricht, Thomas H. “An Aristotelian rhetorical analysis of 1 Thessalonians.” Greeks, Romans, and Christians: Essays in Honor of Abraham J Malherbe ed., David L. Balch, Everett Ferguson, and Wayne A. Meeks, 213-36. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1990.

Palmer, Darryl W. “Thanksgiving, self-defence, and exhortation in 1 Thessalonians 1-3.” Colloquium 14 (1981): 23-31

Note: Paul's ostensible self-defence in 1 Thess 2:1-12 shares a significant number of items with the standard self-defence of Cynic philosophers and orators; the same concatenation of items does not occur elsewhere in Paul.  Paul was not defending himself against specific charges any more than the Cynics were; cf. A J Malherbe, Nov T 12,203-217 (1970).  But Paul relates his choice of themes specifically to the Thessalonian situation. Moreover, he defends himself on issues on which he elsewhere either gives thanks for or exhorts the Thessalonians.  In other cases he both gives thanks for and exhorts the Thessalonians on the same matters.  In this letter both thanksgiving and ostensible self-defence serve the purposes of exhortation.
Patte, Daniel, ed. “Narrative and Discourse in Structural Exegesis: John 6 and 1 Thessalonians. Semeia 26 (1983): 1-136.
Contents: It is written: a structuralist analysis of John 6, by J D Crossan.  "This is a hard saying, who can be listener to it?":  creating a reader in John 6, by G A Phillips.  "No need to have any one write?": a structural exegesis of 1 Thessalonians, by E  S Malbon.  Method for a structural exegesis of didactic discourses: analysis of 1 Thessalonians, by D Patte.  Works consulted. [for absts see individual auths].
__________ . “Method for a Structural Exegesis of Didactic Discourses: Analysis of 1 Thessalonians.” Semeia  26 (1983): 85-129.
Note: The essay establishes a method of structural exegesis to elucidate the "system of convictions" (fundamental and "narrative" semantic systems) of didactic texts such as Paul's letters.  The author first considers the characteristic of didactic discourses, showing in the process their differences as compared with narratives.  On the basis of this theoretical proposal (a semiotic model), a methodology is proposed.  The validity of this model and of this methodology is then tested through the analysis of 1 Thess.  This analysis is not a structural exegesis per se, but the necessary step toward the establishment of the characteristics of the "faith" (system of convictions) of the author of this letter. [ed fr j].
Pearson, Birger A. “1 Thessalonians 2:13-16: a Deutero-Pauline Interpolation.” Harvard Theological Review 64 (1971): 79-94.

Petzer, Kobus J. H., and Patrick J. Hartin, eds. A South African Perspective on the New Testament: Essays by S African NT Scholars Presented to Bruce M. Metzger. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1986.

Contents: Preface, K Petzer and P Hartin.  Foreword, T van der Walt. Curriculum vitae of B Metzger.  Bibliography of B Metzger, 1979-1984.  The changing scene of biblical interpretation, H Combrink.  The papyri and New Testament textual criticism- clarity or confusion, K Petzer.  The annunciation of the birth  of Jesus in the Protevangelium of James, W Vorster.  The perils of Bible translation: an examination of the Latin versions of the words of institution of the eucharist, J Suggit.  Plot as mediated through point of view: Mt 22:1-14 - a case study, A Van Aarde.  The son of man as compound metaphor in Mk 14:62, P Maartens.  Variation in word order between the Greek and Latin  texts in codex Bezae, G Jordaan.  Contextual aid for an identity crisis: an attempt to interpret Lk 7:35, I Du Plessis.  Macro levels of meaning in Lk 7:36-50, J Louw.  The lamb of God in the  Fourth Gospel, P Du Plessis.  Plot and point of view in the Gospel of John, J Du Rand.  Jesus' revelation in the ego eimi sayings in John 8 and 9, J Coetzee.  Hyperbolical contrasts: a  neglected aspect of Paul's style, A Du Toit.  Transitional techniques to the letter body in the Corpus Paulinum, J Roberts. Remarks on the stylistic parallelisms in 1 Cor 13, A Snyman. Defamiliarization in the letter to the Galatians, K Cronj‚.  Anakephalaiosasthai ta pantaen to Christo (Eph 1:10), P Hartin.  A stylistic analysis of the Christ hymn (Col 1:15-20), J Botha.  An argument for reading nepioi in 1 Thessalonians 2:7, F Van Rensburg.  Oti an introductory formula to catechetical references in 1 Peter, J Dijkman.
Plevnik, Joseph. “The Taking Up of the Faithful and the Resurrection of the Dead in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46 (1984): 274-83.
Note: The assumption motif used here for the depiction of the faithful's end-time association with the Lord at his coming provides the key to the difficulty in the community concerning the faithful who die before the parousia and to Paul's unique presentation of the resurrection as a return to this life.  The essential presupposition in such depictions is that the one who is to be taken up be alive.  If the apostle had used this imagery beforehand in Thessalonica, it then becomes understandable why the death of the faithful before the parousia caused such a consternation in the community.  It also explains why Paul affirms a return to this life over and above the basic reassurance in 1 Thess 4:14.
Reumann, John. “The Theologies of 1 Thessalonians and Philippians: Contents, Comparison, and Composite.” 1987 Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers 26, 521-36. Atlanta: Scholars, 1987.

Richard, Earl. “Early Pauline thought: an analysis of 1 Thessalonians.” In Pauline Theology: Thessalonians, Philippians, Galatians, Philemon, vol 1, ed. J Bassler 39-51. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1991.

__________ . “Contemporary Research on 1 and 2 Thessalonians.” Biblical Theology Bulletin 20 (Fall 1990): 107-15.

Sampley, J Paul, et al. Ephesians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, the Pastoral Epistles. Proclamation Commentaries. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1978.

Contents: The letter to the Ephesians, J Paul Sampley.  The letter to the Colossians, Joseph Burgess.  The 2 letter to the Thessalonians, Gerhard Krodel.  The Pastorals, Reginald H Fuller.
Snyder, Graydon F. “Apocalyptic and Didactic Elements in 1 Thessalonians.” Society of Biblical Literature: 1972; ed by L C McGaughy, 233-244.

Schippers, R. “Pre-Synoptic Tradition in 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16.” Novum Testamentum 8, no 2-4 (1966): 223-34.

Schmidt, Daryl D. “The Syntactical Style of 2 Thessalonians: How Pauline Is It?” The Thessalonian Correspondence, ed. R. Collins, 383-93. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 87. Louvain: Leuven University, 1990.

Schmidt, Daryl. “The Authenticity of 2 Thessalonians: Linguistic Arguments.” Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers No 22:289-296 1983.

Note: Contemporary linguistics provides a more rigorous way to look at the "linguistic evidence" pertinent to literary questions such as authorship.  The authenticity of 2 Thess is here evaluated on the basis of linguistic categories adopted from Noam Chomsky, particularly the syntax of embedding and the choice of embedding device: participle, infinitive or Comp-word ("complementizer"). The Greek text of 2 Thess is presented in a format which emphasizes these features.  The resulting analysis suggests a syntactic style in 2 Thess which is not typical of the Pauline style of 1 Thess.  It is rather closer to the style of Ephesians and Colossians, a more literary style with greater embedding complexity than the Pauline rhetorical style in the pillar epistles (Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, and Galatians).
Scroggs, Robin. “Salvation history: the theological structure of Paul's thought (1 Thessalonians, Philippians, and Galatians).” In Pauline Theology: Thessalonians, Philippians, Galatians, Philemon, vol 1, ed by J Bassler, 212-26. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1991.

Simpson, John W, Jr. “The Problems Posed by 1 Thessalonians 2:15-16 and a Solution.” Horizons in Biblical Theology 12 (1990): 42-72.

Skilton, John H, and Curtiss A. Ladley, eds. The New Testament Student and His Field. The New Testament Student 5. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1982.

Contents: The New Testament text today, J Skilton.  Ramsay's views on archaeology in Asia Minor reviewed, E Yamauchi.  The computer: a new tool for New Testament studies, D Penner.  The evangelical and tradition criticism, G Osborne.  Jesus' self-understanding according to the so-called Q material, R G newman.  Old Testament citations in the gospel according to Matthew, J Versteeg.  Reflections on I and II Corinthians, P Bremer.  The man of lawlessness in 2 Thessalonians, T Wilkinson.  Detecting divine wisdom in Hebrews 1:1-4, W Lane.  Propositional relations, V Poythress.  Discourse analysis of the Greek New Testament, J Werner.  Bibliography of works on New Testament theology, D Bowell and J Scott.  Thank God for the genitive, R Countess.  Ethiopic studies (and the New Testament), M Fisher. Introduction to the history of Paul's aesthetic, J Guret. Economics in Christian theological perspective, D Vickers.
Snyder, Graydon F. “Apocalyptic and Didactic Elements in 1 Thessalonians.” Society of Biblical Literature: 1972; ed by L C McGaughy, 233-244.

Stanton, Graham N. “The Gospel of Matthew and Judaism.” Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 66, no. 2 (1984): 264-84.

Note: In this 1983 Manson Memorial Lecture, the author suggests that the evangelist Matthew has strengthened still further  anti-Jewish and apocalyptic themes found in his sources.  Both are to be seen as a response to the trauma of the parting of the  ways from Judaism, to the perceived hostility of both Jewish and Gentile society at large and to serious internal dissension within the community.  Some striking similarities with 1 Thessalonians, the Fourth Gospel, the Didache, and 5 Ezra are  explored briefly.  Recent work on the social setting of early Christian communities also supports the conclusions drawn about the setting of Matthew's gospel.
Steele, E. Springs. “The Use of Jewish Scriptures in 1 Thessalonians.” Biblical Theology Bulletin 14 (1984): 12-17.
Note: This article determines the principles of scriptural interpretation implicit in Paul's earliest epistle.  Based on scholarly consensus, 1 Thess 2:4,16; 3:13; 4:5,6,8; and 5:8 are accepted as allusions to specific OT texts.  Analysis indicates that Paul's use of the OT is in many respects similar to his non-Christian Jewish contemporaries.  The singular, all-important difference is that Paul's exegesis is fundamentally christocentric.
Stichele, Caroline vander. “The Concept of Tradition and 1 and 2 Thessalonians.” The Thessalonian Correspondence, ed. R. Collins, 499-504. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 87. Louvain: Leuven University, 1990.

Tuckett, Christopher M. “Synoptic Tradition in 1 Thessalonians?” In The Thessalonian Correspondence, ed. R. Collins, 160-82. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 87. Louvain: Leuven University, 1990.

Uprichard, R. E. Henry. “The Person and Work of Christ in 1 Thessalonians.” Evangelical Quarterly 53 (1981): 108-14.

Note: The author examines the paucity of reference to the person and work of Christ in 1 Thessalonians and the consequent claim that this reflects an early immature Paul, whose theology lacks the fulsome development of his later letters.  Allusions to the parousia, death and resurrection are noted.  "Application" of Christ's work is indicated in the incipient "in Christ" concept, the Christocentric nature of the instructions and in teaching about sanctification.  Christ's relationship to God, his exalted  position and the christological titles highlight his person, The teaching reflects a futurist mould, but the basic Pauline framework is present.
Van der Watt, J. G. “The Use of ‘zao’ in 1 Thessalonians: A Comparison with ‘zao/zoe’ in the Gospel of John.” In The Thessalonian Correspondence, ed. R. Collins, 356-69. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum 87. Louvain: Leuven University, 1990.

Van Rensburg, Fika J. Janse. “An Argument for Reading nepioi in 1 Thessalonians 2:7.” In A South African Perspective on the New Testament: Essays by S African NT Scholars Presented to Bruce M. Metzger, ed. K. Petzer and P. Hartin, 252-59. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1986.

Wallace, Daniel B. “A textual Problem in 1 Thessalonians 1:10: ek tes orges vs apo tes orges.” Bibliotheca Sacra 147 (1990): 470-79.

Walvoord, John F. “Posttribulationism Today”; pts 1-8. Bibliotheca Sacra 132-133 (1975-1976).

Contents: Pt 1: The rise of posttribulational interpretation, 132,16-2j Ja-Mr 75;  Pt 2: Classic posttribulational interpretation, 132,114-122 Ap-Je 75;  Pt 3: Semiclassic posttribulational interpretation, 132,208-215 Jl-S 75;  Pt 4: Futurist posttribulational interpretation, 132,304-315 O-D 75;  Pt 5: Dispensational posttribulational interpretation, 133,11-18 Ja-Mr 76;  Pt 6: Posttribulational denial of imminency and wrath, 133,108-118 Ap-Je 76;  Pt 7: Do the Gospels reveal a posttribulational rapture? 133,202-212 Jl-S 76;  Pt 8: The comforting hope of 1 Thessalonians 4, 133,299-311 O-D 76.
_______________ . “Posttribulationism today, pts 9-10.” Bibliotheca Sacra 134 (1977):3-14; 134 (1977): 107-13.
Contents: Pt 9: The rapture and the day of the Lord in I Thessalonians. 133,3-14 Ja-Mr 77.  Pt 10: Is the tribulation before the rapture in 2 Thessalonians?  133,107-113 Ap-Je 77.
Walvoord, John F. “Posttribulationism Today.” Bibliotheca Sacra 134 (1977): 3-14.
Contents: Pt 9: The rapture and the day of the Lord in I Thessalonians. 133,3-14 Ja-Mr 77.  Pt 10: Is the tribulation before the rapture in 2 Thessalonians?  133,107-113 Ap-Je 77.  Pt 11: The Rapture in relation to endtime events.  134,203-214 Jl-S 77.  Pt 12: Unresolved problems of posttribulationism.  134,299-313 O-D 77. Pt 13: pretribulationism as the alternative to posttribulationism.  135,16-24 Ja-Mr 78.
Waterman, G Henry. “Sources of Paul's Teaching on the 2nd Coming of Christ in 1 and 2 Thessalonians.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 18 (1975): 105-13.

Weatherly, Jon A. “The Authenticity of 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16: Additional Evidence.” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 42 (1991):79-98.

Wenham, David. “The Paulinism of Acts again: Two Historical Clues in 1 Thessalonians.” Themelios 13 (1988): 53-55.

Whitton, J. “A Neglected Meaning for Skeuos in 1 Thessalonians 4:4.” New Testament Studies 28 (1982): 142-43.

Winter, Bruce W. “The Entries and Ethics of Orators and Paul (1 Thessalonians 2:1-12).” Tyndale Bulletin 44 (May 1993): 55-74.

______________ . “If a Man Does not Wish to Work... A Cultural and Historical Setting for 2 Thessalonians 3:6-16." Tyndale Bulletin 40 (1989): 303-15.

Wright, N. T. “Putting Paul Together Again: Toward a Synthesis of Pauline Theology." Pauline Theology, vol 1; ed by J Bassler. 183-211.

Wuellner, Wilhelm. “The Argumentative Structure of 1 Thessalonians as Paradoxical Encomium.” In The Thessalonian Correspondence, ed. R. Collins, 117-36. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 87. Louvain: Leuven University, 1990.