For Dr.
Lorin L. Cranford
Professor of
Office: Lindsey
Hall 232
Last revised: 12/28/06
Note: These
learning objectives and the explanation provided with each are now officially
university mandated by the Office of Provost: "As
a part of the General Education Competencies, 'Dimensions of Excellence,'
Religion 102 will support the core curriculum by the above objectives."
Stephen L., The
New Testament : A Student's Introduction. 4th ed. Mountain View,
CA: Mayfield Publishing Company, 2001.Click on
GWU Campus Shop
to order books directly from the university.
These materials and others will be utilitized in the data bank of test questions that provide the basis for quizzes and exams in the course. These questions, either objective or essay in form, are found in the Topics section of the Course Room. (Click on the Topics link on the left side of your screen.) When other sources beyond the listed texts and the class discussion form the basis for the questions, hyperlinks to the appropriate source will be listed in the individual question.
As a department requirement, a Pre-Test and a Post-Test will be administered at the beginning and at the end of the semester. The Pre-Test does not count toward the semester grade, but the Post-Test will count 5% of the semester grade. See the Semester Grade section below. These tests contain 50 objective questions over the subject field of New Testament, and are not linked to any particular textbook. As a department requirement, the professor merely administers the test for the department and has no control over the content of the tests. The tests are secured and thus are not available for the students to examine. The department is required to develop and administer these tests by the SACS accrediting agency.
Summer Terms:
every major exam each student, during class roll-call,
will indicate to the professor the chosen exam format option from the three
possibilities listed below:
Before a make-up test will be administered,
approval from Dr. Cranford must be secured. The exclusive basis for granting
permission to take a make-up test is an excused absence from the class
period when the quiz or exam was given. Without an excused absence, there
is no need to request a make-up! Your request
for a make-up MUST be submitted a minimum of 48 hours in advance of the
requested make-up time.
For weekly quizzes and major exams, missing a class period when test is given will mean a grade of zero for that quiz or exam until the make-up test is successfully completed. Important note: a make-up quiz or exam is ONLY possible with an excused absence! An unexcused absence means that a grade of zero will be calculated into the semester grades without recourse to making up the missed test! NOTE: all make-up major exams, but not quizzes, will automatically be an option 2 essay exam.
If your feel that you have an excused absence and are thus entitled to take a make-up test, then complete correctly the online request form and submit it to Dr. Cranford within one week of the date of the regularly scheduled quiz or exam. Dr. Cranford reserves the right to demand verification of the nature of the absence if deemed necessary. Note that the make-up text will most likely be an entirely different and more difficult test than the one administered at the scheduled class period. Once this request form has been evaluated and approved, you will be notified by e-mail of the scheduled time and place for the make-up.
These must be scheduled during either my office hours or those of my student assistant. Check my Office Hours before submitting request.
Make-up tests, which are missed, will
be taken within two weeks of the regular test. Once the two week limit
has expired no make-up is possible. Permission to take make-ups shall
be given ONLY to those with justifiable reason for missing the regular
exam (by university policy, only: athletic contests, emergencies, illness
or bereavement).
Each student needing a make-up exam needs to secure
permission from the professor in advance of the scheduled make-up exam
by completing the Request
for Make-up Test form. The form must be approved by the professor
before the make-up can be scheduled; approval will be sent to the student
via his/her e-mail address
The student in all three forms of the
course will do the appropriate research and prepare for submission a formal
(i.e., fully documented using
Turabian, 6th ed., as the style guide)
research paper consisting of a 'critical analysis' of an assigned passage
from the New Testament. The paper is to be ten pages double spaced.
FOR DOING THE ANALYSIS PAPER for specific instructions. The paper will
count the same value as a major exam. For help on the Turabian style guide,
see the internet web site,
STYLE FOR RESEARCH PAPERS, among numerous URLs that provide information
about the details for formatting with Turabian. Other sites on Turabian
can be found by doing a search using TURABIAN at the major search engines
such as Yahoo, AltaVista etc. All necessary information about the Turabian
guidelines needed for this assignment are found in the Guidelines
For Doing the Analysis Paper.
The adjusted average of the above numerical grade will then be converted into a letter grade according to the following curve: A = 90-100; B = 80-89; C = 70-79; D = 60-69; F = below 60. The numerical grades are not rounded off!
Note the following illustration of the above:
Sources: |
Semester |
Term |
Exam 1 | 17% | 17% |
Exam 2 | 17% | 17% |
Exam 3 | 17% | 17% |
Exam 4 | ----- | 17% |
Quiz Avg | 17% | ----- |
Paper | 17% | 17% |
Post-Test | 5% | 5% |
Class Participation | 10% | 10% |
Semester Avg: | =100% | =100% |
After each major exam, at mid-term of regular terms, and before the final exam, each student will receive an individualized Grade Report listing his/her grades and the semester average to that point in the course, as well as the class averages. Information about the semester grade or final exam will be available from the professor's office soon after the final exam in the form of Grade Report Five.
University Policy
for an Incomplete Grade:
An ‘I’ grade may be assigned only when
a small amount of coursework (i.e., test, project, research paper, or final
exam) is not complete. The student should contact the professor about the
possibility of an “I” grade. The reason for the incomplete work must
be of a serious nature and must be beyond the student’s control. The assigning
of an ‘I’ grade must be accompanied by the completion
of an ‘I’ Grade contract, with
one copy given to the student, one kept on file by the professor, and one
submitted to the Associate Provost within seven days after grades are submitted.
The student must complete the coursework by the date provided by the professor.
The professor should submit the change of grade form no later than 90 days
after the last day of the term in which the ‘I’ grade was assigned, or
earlier, as indicated on the form.
Students are expected to adhere to the university Honor Code that is a condition of enrollment at Gardner-Webb University. See the current Student Handbook under the section 23. Honor Code for the details of this policy. Two items are of particular importance: (1) academic dishonesty and (2) plagiarism.
The GWU Student Handbook defines these actions as follows on pages 50-51. Read them carefully, because they will be enforced to the limit in this class.
Definition of Academic Dishonesty:In addition to the bringing of charges against the student for academic dishonesty and plagiarism as outlined in the paragraphs following the above quote in the Student Handbook, the university authorizes each professor to set additional policies not less strengent, but more strengent than the above stated policy. In this class, the following policy will be strictly enforced:Academic Dishonesty is the deliberate and knowing misrepresentation of one's academic work. A student is dishonest when two circumstances occur: (1) The student could reasonably be expected to know that his/her professor would disapprove of some aspect or circumstance of the student's academic work; and (2) the students submits work to the instructor for evaluation while hiding that particular aspect or circumstance from the instructor. To do so is clearly dishonest because the instructor will evaluate the work as what he/she understands it to be. The student has deceived the instructor by misrepresenting the work, and the evaluation has not been rightly earned. From another perspective, academic dishonesty may be viewed as the use of unauthorized assistance in any work which is to be evaluated--"unauthorized" meaning that the professor would not approve of the form of assistance received and is unaware of its use. The student is being dishonest if he/she deliberately hides this assistance from the instructor while knowing the instructor would not approve of this assistance. If the instructor is unaware of the assistance that has been received he/she will evaluate the work as being entirely the student's own. Thus, the evaluation has not been fairly earned by the student. Furthermore, any student who knowingly gives unauthorized assistance is also guilty of academic dishonesty. On tests and examinations academic dishonesty occurs when a student receives any assistance that the professor has not expressly permitted. It may take the form of looking on another student's test paper or bringing into the test site any information or materials not expressly permitted by the professor. Both of the above definitions of academic dishonesty apply: The student has misrepresented the test as being entirely his/her own work. Furthermore, the student has received unauthorized assistance.
On research papers, reports and other written assignments a form of academic dishonesty is plagiarism, which is the use of someone else's information or exact words without properly "documenting" or identifying that source. Whenever someone else's exact words are used those words must be properly punctuated as a quotation and the source fully identified. Also, any information or ideas which have been taken from a source other than the student's own personal knowledge – book, article, interview, etc. – must be properly documented, even though the student may be rephrasing the information in his/her own words. A student should not hesitate to consult the professor about any question or uncertainty regarding proper documentation of research information. A professor may often allow and even encourage students to work together on assignments or receive assistance from other students, other faculty members, other university staff members, friends, family or others. However, if the professor has not expressly allowed such assistance and expects the assignment to be done entirely by the student, to do otherwise would be dishonest. The student should consult the professor if there is any doubt about outside assistance being allowable....
The examples above are not intended to be a full list of cases of academic dishonesty, but they illustrate the definition. Ultimately, academic dishonesty amounts to deliberately hiding something from the professor. So the best advice is this: Whenever in any doubt, consult the professor."
The minimum penalty for cheating or plagiarism will be a zero for the work submitted. Violations of an egregious or repeated nature may, upon investigation, result in the offender's receiving an F grade for the entire course.Please remember that the purpose of an honor system is not to seek out cheaters, but to ensure the integrity of the hard work that each of you will be contributing to this course. Good, honest students deserve to have their hard work and preparation protected against the rare individual who hopes to slide by on someone else's efforts.
Religion 102 classes will take place in Lindsey Hall (#5 on the map) room 214. The one exception is the first day of classes, when the class will take place in Dover Library (#49 on the map), computer lab. Religion 102 M will meet in Lindsey Hall room 214 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:15 to 2:30 pm. Check Schedule page for times and locations of other sections.
All students needing accommodations to participate fully in all class activities and to fulfill requirements of the class should notify me of the need as soon as possible. Persons must be certified as having a disability by the Noel Program for Students with Disabilities in order to receive accommodations.Career Opportunities.
The Career Services Office has marvelous services available to GWU students and alumni for job assistance. You need to get your resume posted with them and take advantage of the services Holly Sweat and her assistants provide. Career Servies is proud to announce that the majority of their resources can now be accessed via their website: Upcoming events, career fairs, campus employer recruitment and the Jobs Bulleting are just a few of the resources available on the site. Be sure to take advantage of all Career Services has to offerContact the office at 704 406-4562, their web site at, or go by their office at Suite 204 in the Dover Campus Center.
Cancelation Notices.
When classes are canceled due to bad weather, you can find this information posted on GWU's web site or call 1- 877-GWU-SNOW. Additionally, area radio -- especially the university's radio station WGWG at 88.3 FM -- and TV stations will be notified of the closing. Very rarely will classes on the Boiling Springs campus be closed for bad weather. Additionally, for this course only, a notice will be posted in the Course Room 101 Bulletin Board just as quickly as the university officially announces the cancelation of classes that will impact this class.
In the event of the need to evacuate the building, the professor will immediately and quickly take roll (if not previously taken). Persons in the classroom will be directed in an orderly fashion to the nearest building exit (indicated by posting in the hallway). Persons will proceed to a gathering point previously designated by the professor (at last 300 feet away from the building). The professor will once again take roll at the designated gathering point. No one should enter the building until instructed by the University Police or other designated personnel on off-campus sites.