Hebrews |
James |
Petrine |
Johannine |
Jude |
1 Peter | 1 John | Literary Strategy
1. Discuss in detail the emphasis on Jesus
as the Son of God in Heb. 1:4-4:13, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries
as supplementary sources of information.
2. Discuss the concept of Melchizedek in Heb.
7:3, using the article by Fa.
Jerome H. Neyrey.
3. Discuss in detail the emphasis on Jesus
as the great high priest as superior to the priesthood of Aaron in
Heb. 4:14-7:28, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as supplementary
sources of information.
4. Discuss in detail the emphasis on Jesus'
superior ministry through the new covenant in Heb. 8:1-10:18, using
commentaries and Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information.
5. Discuss in detail the call
to obedience in Heb. 10:19-13:17, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries
as supplementary sources of information.
6. Discuss in detail the contents of the Conclusio
in Heb. 13:18-25, comparing it to others in the Pauline
epistles and in the General Epistles.
7.2. The General Letters
H:18:321-338; H4:375-376;----------
7.2.1. Issues of Canonicity
1. Discuss in detail the process of canonization
of the general epistles, using Bible dictionaries, Introductions etc. as
sources of information.
7.2.2. The Letter of James
H:18:326-328; H4:380-383; NOSB:nt:331; NOSB3:NT:386-393---------
----- Historical Issues related to Composition
1. Discuss in detail the various views about
authorship, time, place and occasion for the writing of this document,
using commentaries, NT introductions, and Bible dictionaries as supplementary
sources of information.
2. Discuss in detail the issue of James as
a Jewish sermon using only the slightest epistolary format, using commentaries
and Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information. Literary Structure
1. Discuss the issue of the difficulties of
outlining the text of James, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries
as supplementary sources of information.
2. Discuss in detail the topic of trials and
temptation in James 1:2-18, using NOSB3:NT:386-393, commentaries, NT introductions,
and Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information.
3. Discuss in detail the topic of worship
in James 1:19-27, using NOSB3:NT:386-393, commentaries, NT introductions,
and Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information.
4. Discuss in detail the topic of faith in
James 2:1-26, using NOSB3:NT:386-393, commentaries, NT introductions, and
Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information.
5. Discuss in detail the topic of speech and
wisdom in James 3:1-18, using NOSB3:NT:386-393, commentaries, NT introductions,
and Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information.
6. Discuss in detail the topic of worldliness
and criticism of others in James 4:1-12, using NOSB3:NT:386-393, commentaries,
NT introductions, and Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information.
7. Discuss in detail the topic of planning
for the future in James 4:13-17, using NOSB3:NT:386-393, commentaries,
NT introductions, and Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information.
8. Discuss in detail the topic of abusive
wealth and suffering in James 5:1-11, using NOSB3:NT:386-393, commentaries,
NT introductions, and Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information.
9. Compare James' discussion of oath making
in Jas.
5:12 to that of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount in Matt.
5:33-37, using NOSB3:NT:386-393, commentaries, NT introductions, and
Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information.
10. Discuss in detail the topic of prayer
and confession in James 5:13-8, using NOSB3:NT:386-393, commentaries, NT
introductions, and Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information.
11. Compare James' discussion of reclaiming
the wayward in Jas. 5:19-20 to that of John in 1 John 5:16-17 and of Paul
in Gal. 6:1-5, using NOSB3:NT:386-393, commentaries, NT introductions,
and Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information.
7.2.3. The Petrine Letters
----- 1 Peter
H:18:328-331; H4:383-386; NOSB:nt:337; NOSB3:NT:394-400----------
----- Historical Issues related to Composition
1. Discuss in detail the various views about
authorship, time, place and occasion for the writing of this document,
using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information.
The articles in the above icons in the Catholic Encyclopedia -and
by Richard Heard
are helpful resources.
2. Discuss the relationship of Peter as author
(1:1a) and Silvanus as writer (5:12) of this letter, using commentaries
and Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information. Literary Structure
1. Compare and contrast the contents of the
of 1 and 2 Peter, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as supplementary
sources of information.
2. Discuss in detail the contents of the Proem
in 1 Pet. 1:3-12, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as supplementary
sources of information.
3. Discuss in detail the emphasis on holy
living in 1 Pet 1:13-2:10, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as
supplementary sources of information.
4. Compare the emphasis on civic duty in 1
Pet 2:11-17 to that in 1 Tim. 2:1-8 and 6:1-2, using commentaries and Bible
dictionaries as supplementary sources of information. The article on 1
Pet 2:13-17 is helpful: ------
5. Compare the content of the Haustafeln
in 1 Pet. 2:18-3:17 to that in Paul in Eph. 5:22-6:10 and Col. 3:18-4:1,
using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information.
6. Summarize the contents of 1 Pet. 5:1-11
emphasizing proper conduct for spiritual leaders and others, using commentaries
and Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information. 2 Peter
H:18:332-334; H4:386-388; NOSB:nt:344; NOSB3:NT:401-405----------
----- Historical Issues related to Composition
1. Discuss in detail the various views about
authorship, time, place and occasion for the writing of this document,
using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information. Literary Structure
1. Discuss in detail the emphasis on true
knowledge in 2 Pet 1:3-21, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as
supplementary sources of information. Be sure to check some of the links
under topic 7.2.3 above.
2. Discuss in detail the emphasis on false
teachers in 2 Pet 2:1-22, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as
supplementary sources of information. Be sure to check some of the links
under topic 7.2.3 above.
3. Discuss in detail the emphasis on the Lord's
return in 2 Pet 3:1-18a, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as supplementary
sources of information. Be sure to check some of the links under topic
7.2.3 above.
7.2.4. The Johannine
---- 1 John
H:18:334-335; H4:388-390; NOSB:nt:349; NOSB3:NT:406-412---------
----- Historical Issues related to Composition
1. Discuss in detail the various views about
authorship, time, place and occasion for the writing of this document,
using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information.
The articles in above icons by Heard, Catholic Encyclopedia, and Theology
website are useful resources.
2. Discuss the issue of proto-Gnosticism as
the targeted heretical group in this letter, using commentaries and Bible
dictionaries as supplementary sources of information. The articles in above
icons by Heard, Catholic Encyclopedia, and Theology website are useful
resources. Literary Structure
1. Discuss in detail the issue of sin in 1
John 1:5-2:2; 3:4-10; 5:16-19, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries
as supplementary sources of information. The articles in above icons by
Heard, Catholic Encyclopedia, and Theology website are useful resources.
2. Discuss in detail the issue of brotherly
love in 1 John 2:7-17; 3:11-18; 4:7-21, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries
as supplementary sources of information. The articles in above icons by
Heard, Catholic Encyclopedia, and Theology website are useful resources.
3. Discuss in detail the issue of sin in 1
John 1:5-2:2, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as supplementary
sources of information. The articles in above icons by Heard, Catholic
Encyclopedia, and Theology website are useful resources. 2 John
H:18:335; H4:390; NOSB:nt:355; NOSB3:NT:413-414---------
---- Historical Issues related to Composition
1. Discuss in detail the various views about
authorship, time, place and occasion for the writing of this document,
using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information.
The articles in above icons by Heard, Catholic Encyclopedia, and Theology
website are useful resources.
2. Discuss the issue of the identification
of the elect lady in 2 John 1, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries
as supplementary sources of information. The articles in above icons by
Heard, Catholic Encyclopedia, and Theology website are useful resources. Literary Structure
1. Compare and contrast the contents of the
in 2 and 3 John, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as supplementary
sources of information. The articles in above icons by Heard, Catholic
Encyclopedia, and Theology website are useful resources.
2. Discuss in detail the contents of the body
of the letter in 2 John 5-11, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries
as supplementary sources of information. The articles in above icons by
Heard, Catholic Encyclopedia, and Theology website are useful resources. 3 John
H:18:335-336; H4:390; NOSB:nt:357; NOSB3:NT:415-416---------
---- Historical Issues related to Composition
1. Discuss in detail the various views about
authorship, time, place and occasion for the writing of this document,
using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information.
The articles in above icons by Heard, Catholic Encyclopedia, and Theology
website are useful resources.
2. Discuss the issue of the identification
of Gaius in 3 John 1, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as supplementary
sources of information. The articles in above icons by Heard, Catholic
Encyclopedia, and Theology website are useful resources. Literary Structure
1. Discuss in detail the contents of the body
of the letter in 3 John 5-12, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries
as supplementary sources of information. The articles in above icons by
Heard, Catholic Encyclopedia, and Theology website are useful resources.
2. Compare and contrast the contents of the
in 2 and 3 John, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as supplementary
sources of information. The articles in above icons by Heard, Catholic
Encyclopedia, and Theology website are useful resources.
7.2.5. The Letter of Jude
H:18:331-332; H4:385-386; NOSB:nt:359; NOSB3:NT:417-419--------
---- Historical Issues related to Composition
1. Discuss in detail the various views about
authorship, time, place and occasion for the writing of this document,
using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as supplementary sources of information.
The articles in above icons by Heard, Catholic Encyclopedia, and Theology
website are useful resources.
2. Discuss the issue of Jude's use of noncanonical
writings in his letter, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as supplementary
sources of information (see also Harris, page 331-332). Literary Structure
1. Compare the emphasis on false teachers
in Jude 8-23 to that in 2 Pet. 2:1-22, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries
as supplementary sources of information. The articles in above icons by
Heard, Catholic Encyclopedia, and Theology website are useful resources.
2. Discuss in detail the emphasis on divine
judgment in Jude 5-7, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as supplementary
sources of information. The articles in above icons by Heard, Catholic
Encyclopedia, and Theology website are useful resources.
3. Compare the contents of the Conclusio in
Jude 24-25
to that in 2
Peter 3:18b, using commentaries and Bible dictionaries as supplementary
sources of information.