5.0 Israel Gains a Home:
Joshua and Judges
ast revised: 10/18/05
this page and the linked pages periodically since they are being updated
continually! The printed textbook materials
covering the first division level of the topics is listed in green
bold face under the topic heading.
5.1 Two Views of the Conquest
T:95-96; NOSB3:HebBible:314-316; NOSB3:Essays:510-511;
5.2 The International Scene
T:96; NOSB3:HebBible:314-316; NOSB3:Essays:510-511
5.3 The Invasion of Canaan
T:96-101; NOSB3:HebBible:316-334
5.3.1 Preparations for the Invasion (Josh.
5.3.2 The Waters Part Again (Josh. 3:1-5:1)
5.3.3 And the Walls Came Tumbling Down (Josh.
5.3.4 Trouble in the Camp (Josh. 7:1-26)
5.3.5 Those Tricky Gibeonites (Josh. 9:1-27)
5.3.6 The Five Kings of the South (Josh. 10:1-27)
5.3.7 Joshua's Conquests (Josh. 10:28-12:24)
5.4 Dividing the Land and Renewing a Covenant
T:101-105; NOSB3:HebBible:334-352
5.4.1 The Dividing of the Land (Josh. 13:1-21:45)
5.4.2 The Altar That Was Not an Altar (Josh.
5.4.3 Joshua's Farewell and a Covenant-Renewal
Ceremony (Josh. 23:1-24:28; see also Josh. 8:30-35 and Deut. 27:1-26) The Influence of Canaanite Religion
5.4.4 Summary on Joshua's Version of the Conquest
5.5 Another Look at the
T:105-106; NOSB3:HebBible:353-359; NOSB3:Essays:510-511
5.5.1 On with the Conquest (Judg. 1:1-2:5)
5.5.2 A Preview of the Book (Judg. 2:6-3:6)
5.6 The Period of the Judges
T:106-114; NOSB3:HebBible:359-381
5.6.1 Othniel (Judg. 3:7-11)
5.6.2 Ehud, the Left-Handed Benjaminite (Judg.
5.6.3 Shamgar: The Man with the Goad (Judg.
5.6.4 Deborah and Barak: Women's Liberation
in the Twelfth Century B.C.E. (Judg. 4:1-5:31)
5.6.5 Gideon: The Master of Surprise Attack
(Judg. 6:1-8:35)
5.6.6 Abimelech: A Nobody Who Thought He Was
Somebody (Judg. 9:1-25)
5.6.7 Jephthah: A Man Who Made a Foolish Vow
and Kept It (Judg. 10:6-12:7)
5.6.8 Samson: a Brilliant Failure (Judg. 13:1-16:31)
5.7 There Was No King in Israel: Three Stories
T:114-115; NOSB3:HebBible:381-390
5.7.1 Micah and the Levite (Judg. 17:1-13)
5.7.2 The Move of the Tribe of Dan (Judg.
5.7.3 The Levite and the Sin of Benjamin (Judg.
5.8 Summary of the Book of Judges
T:115-116; NOSB3:HebBible:353-354
5.9 Recent Views of the Conquest
T:116-117; NOSB3:Essays:510-511
5.9.1 An Invasion
5.9.2 A Peaceful Infiltration
5.9.3 A Peasant's Revolt
5.9.4 Canaanites Turned Israelites
a division of
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