Greek 495G
Daily updates of information relating to the course
will be posted here. Check this page when you come into the course page
for the latest news and information about the course. Class members, if
you have news to post on this page about yourself or the class send it
No final exam
Last regular class period is the last class of the semester
Grade Report 4 containing the semester grades will go out by Friday
For the May edition of our personal newsletter click on

Quiz 11
Next Monday, Apr. 29
Greek Text Responsibility: Gal. 3:10-14
Be prepared to
Translate the above Greek text
Parse selected words from the above Greek text
Answer exegetical issues growing out of the block and semantic diagrams
of the above Greek text.
After the quiz,
We will begin the summary survey of the remainder of Galatians
At 2:30 we will dismiss to go to the div school chapel service where
I will be preaching
The next grade report
will be sent out by Thursday of next week.
will contain all grades for the semster up to the final exam
Don't forget to fill out the instruction evaluation form
from Dr. Tubbs' office.
Link to the Photo
Album on the Greek Party on April 11.
Quiz 10
Next Monday, Apr. 22
Greek Text Responsibility: Gal. 3:6-9
Be prepared to
Translate the above Greek text
Parse selected words from the above Greek text
Answer exegetical issues growing out of the block and semantic diagrams
of the above Greek text.
Don't forget to fill out the instruction evaluation form
from Dr. Tubbs' office.
Remember: I preach in the DivSchool chapel on
Monday, April 29.
You're invited to attend.
Quiz 9
Next Monday, Apr. 15
Greek Text Responsibility: Gal. 3:1-5
Be prepared to
Translate the above Greek text
Parse selected words from the above Greek text
Answer exegetical issues growing out of the block and semantic diagrams
of the above Greek text.
Chapel Service

M. Christopher White School of Divinity Chapel
Monday, , at 2:50 - 3:40 pm.
Dr. Lorin Cranford, preacher
Sermon: An Eucharist Moment, Rom. 1:8
Undergraduate students welcome!
Exam 2
Next Monday, Apr. 8, at 2:00
Greek Text responsibility: Gal. 1:18-2:21
Be prepared to
Translate and parse seleted portions of the above text.
To answer questions
Related to the block and semantic diagrams
Concerning the exegetical issues in the above text
Wednesday, Apr. 10
We will complete the exegesis of Gal. 3:1-5 and begin the analysis of
Gal. 3:6-9
For the April edition of our personal newsletter click on

Next Thursday, April 11, at 6:00 is the Greek Party at our home:

Monday, April 1
GWU Easter Holiday
Class resumes on Wednesday
Check Schedule page for assignments
Greek Party
Sign up
Either April 11 (Thurs) or 12 (Friday), depending on choices.
6:00 pm at Dr. and Mrs. Cranford's home
For the April edition of our personal newsletter click on

Quiz 8
Monday, Mar 25
Replaces the scheduled Exam 2, which is re-scheduled. See revised Schedule
page for details.
Greek text responsibility: Gal. 2:11-14
Be prepared to
Translate the above Greek text
Parse selected words from the above Greek text
Answer exegetical issues growing out of the block and semantic diagrams
of the above Greek text.
Announcement from the Registrar's Office
Students completing degree requirements for August
must submit application for graduation by March 29. Applications
submitted after this date are accessed a $50 late fee.
Students completing degree requirements during
the Fall semester should turn in applications by April 30th. Although
late fee is not accessed until mid-July, once a student has been advised
for summer and fall, the application should be ready to submit.
Announcement about Life of the Scholar Interdisciplinary
The Life of the Scholar Interdisciplinary Conference
is scheduled for Thursday 28 3:30-5:30 in the Commuter Lounge in the DCC.
Refreshments will be provided. The agenda will be distributed next week.
Please come and support student scholarship!
--David Carscaddon and Tamara Cox
Quiz 7
Monday, Mar. 18
Greek text: Gal. 2:1-10 & 11-14
Be prepared to
Answer exegetical issue questions from Gal. 2:1-10
Translate Gal. 2:11-14
Parse selected words from Gal. 2:11-14
After the quiz we will
Complete the exegesis of Gal. 2:11-14
Begin the analysis of Gal. 2:15-21.
Quiz 6
Monday, Mar. 11, after spring break
Greek text: Gal. 2:1-10
Be prepared to
Translated selected passages from the above Greek text
Parse selected words from the above text
After the quiz we will complete the exegesis of 2:1-10
Be prepared to do the initial translation reading of 2:11-14 also.
Over the weekend Grade Report 2 will go out containing the mid-term
grades turned into the Registrar.
For the March edition of our personal newsletter click on

Quiz 5
Monday, Feb. 25
Covers Gal. 1:18-24
Be prepared to
Translate and parse seleted portions of the above text.
To answer questions
Related to the block and semantic diagrams
Concerning the exegetical issues contained in the pericope.
Fun Reading: "Show
Exam 1
Monday, Feb. 18
Covers Gal. 1:1-17
Be prepared to
Translate and parse seleted portions of the above text.
To answer questions
Related to the block and semantic diagrams
Concerning the exegetical issues in the above text
Quiz 4
Monday, Feb. 11
Replaces the originally scheduled Exam 1, which is moved back one week
to Feb. 17
Covers Gal. 1:11-12
Be prepared to
Translate and parse seleted portions of the above text.
To answer questions
Related to the block and semantic diagrams
Concerning the exegetical issues contained in the pericope.
ALERT: Something you
need to know about!
Quiz 3
Monday, Feb. 4
Covers Gal. 1:6-10
Be prepared to answer questions
Related to the block and semantic diagrams
Concerning the exegetical issues contained in the pericope.
After the quiz, we will complete the translation and exegesis of Gal.
For those with interest the February online edition of our monthly newsletter
is now available by clicking

Quiz 2
On Monday, Jan. 28
Covers Gal. 1:6-10
Be prepared to
Translate and parse seleted portions of the above text.
After the quiz, we will complete the exegesis of Gal. 1:6-10
Quiz 1
Monday, Jan 21
Covers Gal. 1:1-5 text
Be prepared to
Translate and parse the above passage.
Answer exegetical issues related to the praescriptio nature of this
passage, in particular the superscriptio and adscriptio segments.
After the quiz,
we will complete the analysis of the salutatio segment of the praescriptio
and we will begin the translation and parsing of Gal. 1:6-10
No quiz Monday.
We continue the exegesis of Gal. 1:1-5
Come to class prepared to deal with the issues defined last class period
relating to the Superscriptio and the Adscriptio of the Praescriptio.
Be sure to print out the PDF file on Gal 1:1-5
in advance of class. It contains sections for answering the above issues
Remember: You have only until midnight
tonight (Sat, Jan 12) to complete the Student
Profile form in order to receive 5 points extra credit on your Participation

Welcome to the class Bulletin Board where announcements of class
activities and responsibilities are posted each week. Be sure the check
it often.
For 5 points credit to your Class Participation Grade correctly fill
out the online Student
Profile form by January 12. The form won't be accepted after this date.
Quick health update:
The prostate cancer surgery
on Dec. 10 went wonderfully well. The pathology report from the surgery
indicated that all of the cancer was removed by the surgery. I was in the
hospital from Monday through Friday (Dec. 14), and have been pretty much
confined to the house since then. Gradually I'm regaining my strength.
The doctor is pleased with the progress. The staples from the incision
have been removed as well as the catheter, although I'm still working on
getting the "plumbing" system working normally again because of major reconstructive
surgery of the bladder during the surgery. Although I won't be back to
full strength by Jan. 9, I expect to be stronger than I was at the end
of the fall semester. I have pretty much discarded the use of the cain
for walking! The blood pressure levels and the glucose levels from the
diabetes continue to come down to more normal levels, as well as the weight
loss program (down to 235 avg. in Dec. from 265 avg. in Aug).
The most exciting news, however,
is regarding the severe pain that I have been experiencing in my back and
feet. Last Friday the neurologist conducted another round of electro-shock
tests and determined that the deterioration of the nerves had stopped.
The periphal neuropathy condition is stabilized. Also, he was finally able
to diagnose the right arm tremor as essential neuropathy and it is coming
primarily from genes rather than from the arthritis or the diabetes, although
both of these have aggrivated the condition. Additionally, he proposed
beginning a new treatment program using a newly released medicine in the
US (it's been in use in Europe for over a decade) to treat this condition.
I began it last Friday with a weekly increase in dosage for four weeks
in order to get up to the desired dosage level. Amazingly the first week's
dosage level is providing me more relief from the pain the both the back
and the feet than I've had in months. Thus I'm very hopeful that the full
dosage level will provide significant relief from this disabling pain!
If all goes well, by the end of January I should be feeling stronger and
healthier than I have in several years.
I'm looking forward to the
spring semester as being one with more energy and strength for teaching
than I've had in quite some time.
a division of
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