Weekly updates of information relating to the
course will be posted here. Check this page when you come into the course
page for the latest news and information about the course. Class members,
if you have news to post on this page about yourself or the class send
it to
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Posting Time
- Final semester grades now posted on WebGrade & have been turned into the Registrar
- Your final exams will be available at beginning of spring semester in the Religion department office. Check with Mrs. Torrence.
- After Dec. 30, you can reach me in Germany via Skype iphone at 704 966 6845 (a local call in Boiling Springs). Just remember that it is six hours later than Boiling Springs time. Via email, use GWUCranford@aol.com.
--Final Exam
When: Wednesday, Dec. 10, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm
Where: Lindsay 304 (regular class room)
John 1:1-18
Lession 16
Be prepared to
--A drop in retirement reception for Dr. Cranford will be held Wednesday, Dec. 10, 10 am -12 noon, in the Koinonia Lounge next to Lindsay 214. Everyone is invited.
No class next week----Happy Thanksgiving
---Quiz 12
- Monday, Dec. 1, at the beinning of class.
- Covers:
- Lesson 16
- John 1:15-18
- G>E quiz
- Be prepared to
- Translate into correct English selected portions of the above Greek text
- Parse selected words from the above Greek text
- Conjugate selected examples of Mute Stem Verbs and Participles studied in this lesson
- Decline selected examples of the Pronouns and Adjectives studied in this lesson
- Answer objective questions from the following sections:
- Learning the Language through the Culture
- Elements of the Greek Sentence
- Elements of Greek Grammar
After the quiz we will continue the study of Lesson 16 and do Translation Review
---Quiz 10
- Monday, Nov. 17, at the beinning of class.
- Covers: Lesson 16
- Vocab Quiz
- Be prepared to
- Translate into correct Greek 50 words from the Accumulative Vocabulary for Lesson 16
Exam Two:
On Wednesday we will begin the study of Lesson 16
- Next Monday, Nov. 10, during entire class period
- Covers:
- Be prepared to
- Translate selected portions of the above Greek text into correct English
- Parse selected words from the above Greek text.
- Decline selected words covered in the above lessons
- Third declension vowel stem nouns
- Third declension adjectives covered in the above lessons
- Mixed declension adjectives covered in the above lessons
- Pronouns covered in the above lessons
- Conjugate selected words covered in the above lessons
- Liquid stem verbs in the Omega Conjugation
- Palatal Mute stem verbs in the Omega Conjugation
- Labial Mute stem verbs in the Omega Conjugation
- Present tense participle
- Classify selected dependent clauses from the above Greek text
- Answer objective questions from the following sections in the above lessons
- Learning the Culture through the Language
- Elements of the Greek Sentence
- Elements of Greek Grammar
---Quiz 9
- Monday, Nov. 3, at the beinning of class.
- Covers:
- Lesson 15
- John 1:14
- E>G quiz
- Be prepared to
- Translate into correct English selected portions of the above Greek text
- Parse selected words from the above Greek text
- Conjugate selected examples of Mute Stem Verbs and Participles studied in this lesson
- Decline selected examples of the Pronouns and Adjectives studied in this lesson
- Answer objective questions from the following sections:
- Learning the Language through the Culture
- Elements of the Greek Sentence
- Elements of Greek Grammar
After the quiz we will continue the study of Lesson 15
---Quiz 8
- Monday, Oct. 27, at the beinning of class.
- Covers: Lesson 15
- Vocab Quiz
- Be prepared to
- Translate into correct Greek 50 words from the Accumulative Vocabulary for Lesson 15
---Quiz 7
- Monday, Oct. 20, at the beinning of class.
- Covers:
- Lesson 14
- John 1:12-13
- E>G quiz
- Be prepared to
- Translate into correct English selected portions of the above Greek text
- Parse selected words from the above Greek text
- Conjugate selected examples of Liquid Stem Verbs studied in this lesson
- Decline selected examples of the Pronouns and Adjectives studied in this lesson
- Answer objective questions from the following sections:
- Learning the Language through the Culture
- Elements of the Greek Sentence
- Elements of Greek Grammar
After the quiz we will begin the study of Lesson 15
No quiz during week of spring break
Graded recitation on Wednesday
along with continuation of the study of the Theory and Practice of Modern Bible Translation
---Quiz 6
- Monday, Oct. 6, at the beinning of class.
- Covers: Lesson 14
- Vocab Quiz
- Be prepared to
- Translate into correct Greek 50 words from the Accumulative Vocabulary for Lesson 14
Exam One:
- Next Monday, Sept. 29, during entire class period
- Covers:
- Be prepared to
- Translate selected portions of the above Greek text into correct English
- Parse selected words from the above Greek text.
- Decline selected words covered in the above lessons
- Third declension neuter nouns
- Third declension mute consonant stem nouns
- Third declension liquid consonant stem nouns
- Mixed declension adjectives covered in the above lessons
- Conjugate selected words covered in the above lessons
- Epsilon Contract verbs in the Omega Conjugation
- Omicron Contract verbs in the Omega Conjugation
- Passive Voice verbs in both conjugations
- Subjunctive Mood verbs in both conjugations
- Classify selected dependent clauses from the above Greek text
- Answer objective questions from the following sections in the above lessons
- Learning the Culture through the Language
- Elements of the Greek Sentence
- Elements of Greek Grammar
---CMA Picnic
When: Tuesday Sept. 30 at 5:00 pm
Where: GWU University Club House
What: For attending (with signed attendance) you receive five bonus points on your grade participation.
---Quiz 5
After the quiz, we will do drill work in 1 John 1:1-4 in connection to Lesson 13
!! Books Galore !! $3.00 a book! When?------- Evenings after 4:30 pm How?----------Call 704-434-5657to set up ------------------a time to come by |
Click here for downloadable and printable flyer (pdf format) about the book sale.
---Quiz 4
- Monday, Sept. 15, at the beinning of class.
- Covers: Lesson 13
- Vocab Quiz
- Be prepared to
- Translate into correct Greek 50 words from the Accumulative Vocabulary for Lesson 13
What? The Greek Party this year will have a different design. It will be a "first shot" opportunity for the Greek students in my classes this semester to comb through my personal library of almost 3,000 volumes and purchase desired volumes at $3.00 a volume. Two weeks later, the remaining volumes will go on sale publically, but at the party you will have first chance to find what you would like.
When? Thursday (Sept. 18) and Friday (Sept. 19) evenings of this coming week. Time: 6:30 to 8:00 pm. This is a come and go, browse, buy books party. We will have light refreshments available.
Where? At our home in Boiling Springs, which is located at 105 Twin Lake Drive in the northwest side of town.
---Quiz 3
After the quiz, we will begin the study of Lesson 13
- Monday, Sept. 8, at the beinning of class.
- Covers: Lesson 12
- E>G Quiz
- Be prepared to
- Translate into correct Greek a short passage written in English
- Decline the two types of third declenstion neuter nouns studied in Lesson 12
- Translate into correct English a short listing of the Accumulative Vocabulary for Lesson 12.
---Quiz 2
- Monday, Sept. 1, at the beinning of class.
- Covers: Lesson 12
- G>E Quiz
- Be prepared to
- Conjugate the various forms of the epsilon contract verb as covered in the lesson
- List the primary and secondary endings of the active and middle voices in the indicative mood.
- Decline the two forms of the third declension neuter nouns covered in the lesson
- Answer objective questions from the following secions:
- Learning the Culture through the Language
- Elements of the Greek sentence
- Elements of Greek grammar
This is the weekly bulletin board for Greek 201. You will want to check it often during the semester, since information about class assignments, activities, quiz and exam responsibilities etc. will be regularly posted here.
Before the beginning of the semester you will want to surf through the Greek 201 Course Room sections in order to familiarize youself with the various segments of the course. Begin by reading carefully the Syllabus section. Links to these pages are contained in the Your Choices ToC secton on the left side of your screen.
Also helpful would be to complete the Online
Student Profile (under Home) form before the first day of classes.
Completion of this adds five points to the Grade
Participation section for the semester grade determination.
The Greek Grammar is
available in the bookstore now. The grammar materials for lesson 12 only
can be downloaded free from Cranfordville.com by
here. This hyperlink will bring up the Title
page for the fourth edition grammar. Inside this file, then, click on the
hyperlinks Table of Contents, then Lesson
12. Once there, then click on the desired file in Lesson 12. Remember:
the files are in the Adobe Acrobat PDF format and require the Acrobat Reader
installed on your computer BEFORE they can be viewed etc. If you don't
already have the Acrobat Reader on your computer, go to Adobe.com
and get this free software.
Please note that our
class will meet in Room 304 of Lindsay Hall.