7.0  Israel's Time of Glory: David and Solomon 

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7.1 David: King over Judah (1000-993 B.C.E.)
7.1.1 David's Reaction to Saul’s Death (2 Sam. 1:1-27)

1. Explain why David reacted to the news of the death of Saul and Jonathan as he did.
7.1.2 David as King of Judah (2 Sam. 2:1-11)

1. Describe how David eventually became king over all Israel.
2. Describe what actions David took to allay the suspicions of the supporters of Saul. Civil War (2 Sam. 2:12-32) Abner Asks for Peace (2 Sam. 3:1-22) Joab Murders Abner (2 Sam. 3:22-39) The Murder of Ishbosheth (2 Sam. 4:1-12)

7.2 David: King over All Israel (993-961 B.C.E.)
7.2.1 David Makes Jerusalem His Capital (2 Sam. 5:1-10)

1. Describe how the choice of Jerusalem as his capital was a good decision by David.
7.2.2 The Task Ahead (2 Sam. 5:11-25)

7.2.3 Bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem (2 Sam. 6:1-23)

7.2.4 No Temple Building by David (2 Sam. 7:1-29)

7.2.5 David's Military Successes (2 Sam. 8:1-18)

7.3 The Court History of David
7.3.1 David's Kindness to Jonathan's Son (2 Sam. 9:1-13)

7.3.2 The War Against the Ammonites (2 Sam. 10:1-19)

7.3.3 The King's Roving Eyes: David and Bathsheba (2 Sam. 11:1-12:25)

1. Assess the character of David in relation to his actions toward Bathsheba and Urriah.
2. From 2 Sam. 12:1-15, describe the role of the prophet Nathan in the royal court.
7.3.4 Trouble in the King's House (2 Sam. 13:1-39)

1. Describe the long term effects of David's affair with Bathsheba.
7.3.5 The Widow's Tale (2 Sam. 14:1-24)

7.3.6 Absalom, the Troublemaker (2 Sam. 14:25-15:6)

1. Describe the pattern of relations that Absalom had with his father David.
7.3.7 Absalom's Rebellion (2 Sam. 15:7-17:23)

1. Describe the nature and details of Absalom's rebellion against his father David.
7.3.8 Crushing the Rebellion (2 Sam. 17:24-19:8)

1. Identify Joab and his long-term relation with David.
7.3.9 Putting Things Together Again (2 Sam. 19:8c-43)

7.3.10 Sheba's Rebellion (2 Sam. 20:1-26)

1. Describe Sheba's rebellion and how it was handled by David.
7.3.11 Odds and Ends (2 Sam. 21:1-24:25)

1. Define the term 'orphan psalms' and summarize their content.
7.3.12 The Old Order Passes (1 Kings 1:1-2:12)

1. Describe how David chose a successor and how that differed from the way he and Saul were chosen to be kings.
7.3.13 An Evaluation of David
1. Evaluate the leadership of David as king.
7.4 Solomon: Riches, Wisdom, and Foolishness (961-922 B.C.E.)
1. Assess how Solomon's reign can be characterized as that of a typical oriental despot.
2. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of Solomon's reign as king.
7.4.1 Getting Rid of Potential Rivals (1 Kings 2:13-46)

1. Compare Solomon's reign as king to the pattern of other Eastern kings.
2. Describe the ruthlessness of Solomon as a king.
7.4.2 Solomon, the Religious Man (1 Kings 3:1-27; 4:29-34)

1. Assess the religious character of Solomon.
7.4.3 Solomon, the Organizer (1 Kings 4:1-28)

7.4.4 Solomon, the Builder (1 Kings 5:1-7:51) Preparations for Building the Temple (1 Kings 5:1-18) The Temple Is Built (1 Kings 6:1-38; 7:15-51)

1. Describe the major sections of Solomon's Temple and the function of each.
2. Describe how Solomon paid for his extensive building program. The Dedication of the Temple (1 Kings 8:1-66)

1. Summarize the emphases of Solomon's prayer at the dedication of the temple in 1 Kings 8:14-53. The Lord appears to Solomon Again (1 Kings 9:1-9) Solomon's Other Building Projects (1 Kings 7:1-12, 9:10-28; 10:14-29)

1. Summarize the other building projects carried out by Solomon.
7.4.5 The Seeds of Destruction (1 Kings 9:15-23; 11:1-43)

1. Describe the destructive forces in Solomon's reign that laid the basis for the later division of the kingdom.
7.4.6 The End of Solomon's Reign (1 Kings 11:41-43)


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