4.0  Israel Becomes a People: Exodus and Wilderness

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(Last revised: 9/20/01)
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(Check this page periodically,  since it is being continually expanded with new question options. This provides increased options for the 'take-home' exam.)

4.1 The Book of Israel's Beginnings
4.2 The Importance of the Exodus Story
4.3 The Nature of the Exodus and the Exodus Materials
1. Summarize the major events in Israel's story that are described in the book of Exodus.
4.4 Moses: Birth and Wilderness Years
1. Summarize how Moses' life experiences, up to and including his call on Mt. Horeb, prepared him for his leadership role.
4.4.1 Changed Times and Changed Circumstances (Exod 1)

1. Describe the changes in Egypt that brought about the enslavement of the Hebrew people.
4.4.2 Dating the Exodus
1. Summarize the evidence for dating the Exodus in the 1300-1200 B.C.E. time period.
4.4.3 Moses' Birth and Early Manhood (Exod. 2)

1. Compare the story of Moses' beginnings to those of other ancient famous men.
4.4.4 The Call of Moses (Exod. 3:1-4:17)

1. Describe the variety of meanings possible with YHWH, a name for God.
4.4.5 Moses' Excuses
1. Compare Aaron's role as described in Exodus 4:10-31 to that of 6:2-7:7, highlighting differences and the possible reason(s) for them.
4.4.6 On the Road to Egypt (Exod 4:18-31

1. Summarize the circumcism narrative in Exodus 4:24-26 in light of the biblical tradition regarding circumcism
(use a concordance to look up the word 'circumcise' in the Bible).
4.5 Moses: The Struggle with Pharaoh
4.5.1 The Struggle Begins: Moses and Aaron before the Pharaoh (Exod. 5:1-6:1)

4.5.2 Moses' Call, the Covenant and a Genealogy (Exod. 6:2-7:7)

1. Summarize the distinction between a suzerainty treaty/covenant and a parity treaty/covenant.
4.5.3 The Going Gets Rough: The Plagues (Exod. 7:8-11:10) The Plagues as Miracles
1. Define "miracle" in the ancient world in contrast to the modern world.
2. Describe the function of the miraculous among the ancient Hebrews. The Plagues: God at Work Through Nature
1. Describe what sort of Egyptian natural phenomena testify as to the reality of the plagues. Pharaoh's Compromise Offer and the Eighth and Ninth Plagues (Exod. 10:1-11:10)

1. Describe the two ways the ninth plague struck at the pharaoh's power. The Final Plague: The Death of the Firstborn (Exod. 11:1-10, 12:29-32) The Meaning of the Plagues
1. Describe the two ways to interprete the plagues.
2. Summarize each of the ten plagues, giving the scripture reference connected to each.
4.6 The Exodus
1. Summarize the theological importance of the Exodus, using the article in Baker's Evangelical Dictionary
4.6.1 Preparation for the Passover (Exod. 12:1-28)

1. Describe the probable origins of the festivals of Passover and Unleavened Bread.
2. Using the online Naves Topical Bible, briefly desribe the uses of the word "passover" in the Bible.
4.6.2 Forward! March! (Exod. 12:29-42)

4.6.3 How Many Went?
1. Explain why is it not likely that 3,000,000 people were involved in the Exodus.
4.6.4 Which Way Did They Go?
1. Descibe the four possible places for the crossing of the sea.
4.6.5 Sing Praises to the Lord (Exod. 15:1-21)

1. Describe the relationship between the Song of Moses (Exod. 15:1-18) and the Song of Miriam (Exod. 15:21).
4.7 Troubles in the Wilderness
4.7.1 Which Way to Sinai?
1. Define the meaning of the word 'Sinai.'
2. Describe the three possible locations of Sinai.
4.7.2 Trouble on the Way (Exod. 15:22-17:7)

4.7.3 The Amalekite Raid (Exod 17:8-16)

1. Describe the Amaliktes and their connection to the Israelites.
4.7.4 A Father-in-Law's Advice (Exod. 18:1-27)

1. Describe how Jethro helped Moses with the problem of overwork.
4.8 Sinai and the Giving of the Law
4.8.1 Israel's Constitional Convention (Exod 19-24)

4.8.2 The Ten Words (Exod 20:1-17)

1. Compare the two listings of the Ten Commandments in Exod. 20:1-17 and Deut. 5:16-21.
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2. Describe the two-fold structure (the so-called vertical and horizontal aspects)  of the Ten Commandments.
4.8.3 Absolute Law and Case Law
1. Define 'apodictic' law and 'casuistic' law, providing examples of each.
4.8.4 The Ten Commandments and Covenant Ceremonies The Covenant in Israelite Life
1. Summarize the role of 'covenant' in Israelite religion, using the Baker's Evangelical Dictionary
4.9 The Principles Made Practical: The Law Code

4.9.1 The Covenant Code (Exod. 20:22-23:33)
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1. Summarize the three major law codes in the Pentateuch and their connection to the Ten Commandments.
2. Summarize the code of Hammurabi
3. Compare briefly Hammurabi's Code to the Covenant Code.
4. Summarize the nature and contents of the Covenant Code, giving its sources in the Pentateuch.
4.9.2 The Priestly Code
1. Summarize the nature and contents of the Priestly Code, giving its sources in the Pentateuch.
Click on icon for access to scripture texts. Sacrifice and Sacrifices
1. Describe the intent of sacrifice in early Israel, and how that changed over the years. Holidays and Holy Days (Lev. 23:1-44) The Holiness Code (Lev. 17-26)

1. Summarize the nature and content of the Holiness Code.
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4.9.3 The Deuteronomic Code
1. Summarize the nature and contents of the Deuteronomic Code, giving its sources in the Pentateuch.
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4.10 The Ten Commandments and the Codes
1. Summarize how the sixth commandment was interpreted in the three law codes over the years in Israelite tradition.
4.11 After the Convention Was Over
4.11.1 The Covenant Broken (Exod. 32)

4.11.2 On the Road to Kadesh-Barnea (Num. 10:11-12:16)

4.11.3 Spying Out the Land (Num. 13:1-33)

4.11.4 The Invasion Nobody Believed Would Succeed -- and It Didn't (Num. 14:1-45)

1. Describe why Israel failed in its attempt to invade Canaan from the South.
4.11.5 The Kadesh Years and More Priestly Laws (Num. 15:1-19:22)

4.12 On the March Again
4.12.1 Bound for the Promised Land (Num. 20:1-21:9)

4.12.2 The Moabites and Balaam (Num. 21:10-24:25)

1. Describe the prophet Balaam and his connection to the Israelites
2. Describe Moab and the Moabites and their connection to the Israelites
4.12.3 Trouble at Peor (Num. 25:1-17)

4.12.4 Miscellaneous Materials (Num. 26-36)

4.12.5 Deuteronomy's Contribution to the Wilderness Story
1. Describe Deuteronomy's humanitarian strain in light of the instructions for holy war.
4.12.6 Deuteronomy's Place in the Canon
1. Describe Deuteronomy's unique place in the canon.
4.12.7 The Old Passes -- The New Comes (Deut. 29:1-34:12)

4.12.8 Themes in the Pentateuch
1. Summarize the major themes of the Pentateuch.

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