2.0 The World of the New Testament
(Last revised: 2/9/02)
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(Check this page periodically,
since it is being continually expanded with new question options. This
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2.1. Historical Perspectives
H:3:29-31; NOSB:nt:416; F:3-14; NOSB3:essays:519-525
2.1.1. Alexander the Great
1. Describe the family background of Alexander
the Great.
2. Using the Perseus
Project URL, trace Alexander's rise to power in Thomas Martin's An
Overview of Greek History. Cover sections 16.7-16.19. War strategy Hellenism
1. Define the term 'Hellenism.'
2. Summarize the significance of Hellenism
for the spread of Christianity in the ancient world. The language The culture
1. Describe the impact of Hellenism on the
life style and political structures of the first century world.
2.1.2. Alexander's Successors Ptolemies
1. Identify the Ptolemies, especially in relation
to their control of Palestine. Seleucids
1. Identify the Seleucids, especially in relation
to their control of Palestine.
2.2 Antiochus IV and the Maccabean
H:4:53-54; NOSB:nt:416-417
2.2.1. Judas Maccabee
1. Summarize the Maccabean revolt as described
Maccabees 1:1-5:68.
2. Summarize the Maccabean revolt as described
by Josephus in The
Antiquities of the Jews 12.6.1-4. From
the link, scroll down to chapter 6 of book 12, then summarize sections
3. Compare and contrast the descriptions of
the Maccabean revolt between 1
Maccabees 1:1-5:68 and Josephus in The
Antiquities of the Jews 12.6.1-4.
2.2.2. Hasmoneans
1. Summarize the early Hasmonean rule of Jonathan
as described by Josephus in The
Antiquities of the Jews 13.1.1-4.9. From
the link, scroll down to chapter 1 of book 13, then summarize chapters
2. Describe the circumstances in 63 B.C.E.
that led to the end of the Hasmonean dynasty and the beginning of Roman
domination of Palestine.
2.3. Roman
domination of Palestine
1. Summarize three of the thirteen topics
relating to everyday life in ancient Roman society. This question may be
repeated by answering different
sets of the thirteen topics.
2. Click on one of the Roman provinces from
the map in the hyperlink (in the Links icon) and describe the history etc.
of the location during the era of Roman occupation from the information
provided in the hyper link source.
2.3.1. Herod the Great and his sons
H:4:54-55; NOSB:nt:417-419 Herod the Great
1. Summarize the life of Herod the Great.
2. Summarize the brutality of Herod the Great
from the depiction of Josephus in The
Antiquities of the Jews 15.7.1-10. From
the link, scroll down to chapter 7 of book 15, then summarize chapter 7.
3. Summarize the relations of Herod the Great
to Cleopatra in the depiction of Josephus in The
Antiquities of the Jews 15.4.1-4. From
the link, scroll down to chapter 4 of book 15, then summarize chapter 4.
4. Summarize the building of the temple in
Jerusalem by Herod the Great from the depiction of Josephus in The
Antiquities of the Jews 15.11.1-7. From
the link, scroll down to chapter 11 of book 15, then summarize chapter
11. His successors
1. Critically evaluate the so-called 'Christian
interpolation' the depiction of Josephus in The
Antiquities of the Jews 18.3.3. From
the link, scroll down to chapter 3 of book 18, then evaluate how a Jewish
historian could have written these words about Jesus in section 3.
2. Compare and contrast the death of Herod
Agrippa in Acts 12:20-23 and in the depiction of Josephus in The
Antiquities of the Jews 19.8.2. From
the link scroll down to chapter 8, section 2.
2.3.2. Roman emperors
1. Summarize the importance of studying ancient
Pompeii for understanding ancient Roman society. The Julio-Claudian Dynasty
1. Identify the connections of all the Roman
emperors below to concurrent Christian events and persons, i.e., list the
significant Christian events that happened during the reign of each emporer
and whether or not any cause/effect relationship existed. Augustus (30 B.C.E. - 14 C.E.)
1. Trace the life of Augustus using the De
Imperatoribus Romanis site. Tiberius (14 - 37 C.E.)
1. Trace the life of Tiberius using the De
Imperatoribus Romanis site. Gaius [=Caius/Caligula] (37 - 41 C.E.)
1. Trace the life of Gaius using the De
Imperatoribus Romanis site.
2. Summarize the reign of Caius from the depiction
of Josephus in The
Antiquities of the Jews 19.1.1-3. From the link, scroll down to
chapter 1 of book 19, then summarize sections 1-3.
3. Characterize the reign of Caligula using
the De Imperatoribus Romanis site. Claudius (41-54 C.E.)
1. Trace the life of Claudius using the Ancient
Europe site. Nero (54 - 68 C.E.)
1. Trace the life of Nero using the De
Imperatoribus Romanis site. The Four Caesars and the Flavian Dynasty
1. Characterize the reigns of Galba, Otho,
and Vitelius using the De
Imperatoribus Romanis site.
2. Summarize the Year of the Four Caesars
using the
Europe site. Galba (68 - 69 C.E.) Otho (69 C.E.) Vitelius (69 C.E.) Vespasian (69 - 79 C.E.)
1. Characterize the reign of Vespasian using
the De Imperatoribus Romanis site. Titus (79 - 81 C.E.)
1. Characterize the reign of Titus using the
Imperatoribus Romanis site. Domitian (81 - 96 C.E.)
1. Characterize the reign of Domitian using
the De Imperatoribus Romanis site.
2.3.3. The Roman Procurators
1. Using the Ecole
Initiative URL, summarize the life of Pontius Pilate.
2. Summarize the relations of Pontius Pilate
with the Jews from the depiction of Josephus in The
Antiquities of the Jews 18.3.1-2. From
the link, scroll down to chapter 3 of book 18, then summarize sections
2.3.4. Jewish revolts
H:4:57-61; NOSB:nt:419 First Jewish war against Rome 66-73 C.E.
1. Summarize the depiction of the last three
Roman procurators, Festus, Albinus, and Florus, by Josephus in The
Wars of the Jews 2.14.1-9. From
the link, scroll down to chapter 14 of book 2, then summarize sections
1-9. How did their actions pave the way for the first Jewish war against
2. Summarize the slaughter of Jewish people
in the early phases of the Jewish war as described by Josephus in The
Wars of the Jews 2.18.1-11. From
the link, scroll down to chapter 18 of book 2, then summarize sections
3. Summarize the miseries of the Jewish people
inside the city walls of Jerusalem during the seige of the city by the
Romans, as depicted by Josephus in The
Wars of the Jews 5.10.1-5. From
the link, scroll down to chapter 10 of book 5, then summarize sections
1-5. Second Jewish war: bar Kochba (132-135 C.E.)
1. Summarize the bar Kochba revolt of the
Jewish people against Roman rule.
2.4. Greek Philosophy
1. Define the term 'philosophy.'
2.4.1. Plato and Socrates, dualism
1. Define the term 'dualism.'
2. Using the Perseus
Project URL, trace the life of Socrates in Thomas Martin's Overview
of Archaic and Classical Greek History. Cover
sections 14.6-14.9.
3. Using the Perseus
Project URL, trace the life of Plato in Thomas Martin's Overview
of Archaic and Classical Greek History. Cover
sections 15.1-15.9.
2.4.2. Stoicism
1. Define 'Stoicism' from the Internet
Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
2. Using the Ecole
Initiative URL, summarize this philosophical movement.
2.4.3. Epicureanism
1. Summarize the life
of Epicurus.
2. Summarize the
intellectual development and spread of Epicureanism.
3. Summarize Epicureanism
and the Judeans.
4. Summarize Epicureanism
and the early Christians.
2.4.4. Cynicism
1. Summarize the Cynics.
2.4.5. Sophists
1. Summarize the Sophists.
2.5. Greco-Roman Religions
2.5.1. State Religion
1. Summarize the nature and extent of influence
by the old Roman state religion upon first century Roman society. The Twelve Olympians Asclepius Dionysus/Bacchus
2.5.2. Mystery Religions
1. Summarize the nature and extent of influence
by the mystery religions upon first century Roman society.
2. Summarize the basically common elements
of myth, worship practice, and central deities by the various mystery religions
during the first Christian century. The Greek Mysteries Dionysus and Orphism
1. Summarize this religious cult. The Eleusinian Mysteries
1. Using the Ecole
Initiative URL, summarize this religious cult. The Near Eastern Mysteries Mithra
and Mithraism
1. Using the Ecole
Initiative URL, summarize the cult of Mithra. Isis and Osiris
1. Using the Ecole
Initiative URL, summarize the cult of Isis.
2.6. Jewish
setting for early Christianity
1. Define the term 'Diaspora'
as it relates to ancient Judaism.
2. Describe the roll of the Jewish
synagogue in the religious life of early Judaism.
2.6.1. Unifying beliefs
H:4:47-51 Monotheism
1. Define the terms 'monotheism,' and 'polytheism.'
2. Describe, from the translation Preface
section (=To the Reader section in some translations), how -- and
the rationale for it -- five different translations have approached translating
the Hebrew Divine name. Torah
1. Define the term 'Torah.'
2. Discuss the central themes of 'covenant'
and 'sabbath' as a major emphasis of first century Judaish. The
Promised Land
1. Discuss the concept of "promised land"
in the religious tradition of the Jewish people. The
1. Trace the history of the Jewish temple
from Solomon's time through its destruction in 70 C.E.
2. Define the term 'Second
Temple Period' as it relates to ancient Judaism.
2.6.2. Divergent beliefs
1. Summarize the depiction of the Pharisees
and Sadducees in the Josephus in The
Wars of the Jews 2.8.14. From
the link, scroll down to chapter 8 of book 2, then summarize section14. Sadducees
1. Using the Ecole
Initiative URL, summarize the Sadducees. Origin Belief System
1. Define the idea of authoritative writings
used by the Sadducees. Influence Pharisees
1. Using the Ecole
Initiative URL, summarize the Pharisees. Origin Belief System
1. Define the idea of authoritative writings
used by the Pharisees. Influence Jamnia
1. Summarize the importance of Jamnia to the
development of rabbinical Judaism. Essenes and Dead
Sea Scrolls
H:5:67-72 The Essenes
1. Summarize the depiction of the Essenes
by Josephus in The
Wars of the Jews 2.8.2-13. From
the link, scroll down to chapter 8 of book 2, then summarize sections 2-13. Qumran
1. Describe the communal life style of the
community. The
Dead Sea Scrolls
1. Summarize the importance of Christian scholars
studying the Dead Sea Scrolls.
1. Describe the literature of the Qumran
library. Zealots
1. Trace the history of the Zealot movement
in the first Christian century.
2.6.3. Messianic expectations
1. Define the term 'Messiah.' History of Jewish Messianic pretenders
1. Describe the abortive messianic actions
beginning with Judas the Galilean in 6 C.E. and ending with bar Kochba
in 135 C.E. Diversity of Views about the Messiah
1. Summarize the term 'Messiah' from the online
article in Baker's Evangelical
Dictionary of Biblical Theology. At
the search engine type in the words Messiah and hit the Lookup icon. Jesus and Apostolic Christianity
1. Summarize the term 'Messiah' in relation
to Jesus Christ from the online article in Baker's Evangelical
Dictionary of Biblical Theology. At
the search engine type in the words Christ Messiah and hit the Find
Similar icon.
2.7 Culture and Society
1. From the NOSB essay (NOSB3:essays:519-525)
summarize the three cultural spaces that defined everyday life in first
century Palestine.
2.7.1 People and Languages
1. Contrast life in Galilee to that in Jerusalem
at the beginning of the Christian era, using the above sources.
2.7.2 Schools and Education
1. Summarize the education system in
Palestine during Jesus' day, using the above sources.
2.7.3 Society and Economic Conditions
1. Summarize the issues of status and
social class in Palestine during Jesus' day, using the above sources.
2.7.4 Women in the Ancient World
1. Summarize the status of women in
Palestine during Jesus' day, using the above sources.
a division of
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