Historically Oriented Outline
Jesus, the Redeemer
I. Jesus has authoritative
credentials. 1:1-13
A. He was heralded by John the Baptist. 1:2-8
1. John's prophetic ministry (vv. 2-3)
2. John's baptizing ministry (vv. 4-5)
3. John's prophetic dress (v. 6)
4. John's preaching of the Messiah (vv. 7-8)
B. He was baptized.
1. Baptism in the Jordan (v. 9)
2. Descent of the Spirit (v. 10)
3. Heavenly Voice (v. 11)
C. He was tempted. 1:12-13
II. Jesus ministered and
taught in Galilee. 1:14-6:29
A. Jesus began his ministry with authority. 1:14-45
1. The Gospel of the Kingdom (vv. 14-15)
2. Four fishermen called (vv. 16-20)
3. Miraculous Healings (vv. 21-45)
a) Sabbath exorcism at Capernaum (vv. 21-28)
b) Peter's mother-in-law and others healed (vv. 29-34)
c) Preaching and healing tour in Galilee (vv. 35-39)
d) Leper cleansed (vv. 40-45)
B. Jesus encountered controversy. 2:1-3:35
1. Paralytic healed and forgiven (2:1-12)
2. Calling of Levi (2:13-17)
3. Question about fasting (2:18-22)
4. Plucking grain on the Sabbath (2:23-28)
5. Man with withered hand healed (3:1-6)
6. Withdrawal and more healings (3:7-12)
7. The Twelve chosen (3:13-19a)
8. Beelzebub accusation (3:19b-30)
9. True kinship (3:31-35)
C. Jesus taught about the kingdom in parables. 4:1-34
1. Parable of the sower (vv. 3-9)
2. Purpose of parables (vv. 10-12)
3. Parable of the sower explained (vv. 13-20)
4. Candle under a bushel (vv. 21-25)
5. Parable of the seed growing secretly (vv. 26-29)
6. Parable of the mustard seed (vv. 30-32)
7. Use of parables (vv. 33-34)
D. Jesus ministered with miraculous power. 4:35-5:43
1. Calming the storm (4:35-41)
2. Gadarene demoniac healed (5:1-20)
3. Ruler's daughter and a woman healed (5:21-43)
E. Jesus was rejected at Nazareth. 6:1-6
F. Jesus sent the Twelve out into Galilee. 6:7-13
G. John's death signaled new hostility. 6:14-29
III. Jesus ministered
and taught outside Galilee. 6:30-9:50
A. Jesus miraculously fed 5,000. 6:30-44
B. Jesus miraculously walked on water. 6:45-52
C. Jesus healed the sick in Gennesaret. 6:53-56
D. Jesus taught about true cleanness. 7:1-23
E. Jesus healed a Syrophoenician woman's daughter.
F. Jesus healed a deaf mute. 7:31-37
G. Jesus miraculously fed 4,000. 8:1-10
H. Jesus refused to give a sign. 8:11-13
I. Jesus warned about the leaven of the Pharisees
and of Herod. 8:14-21
J. Jesus healed a blind man at Bethsaida. 8:22-26
K. Jesus sought a confession of his messiahship.
L. Jesus foretold his death (First).
1. Prediction of death and resurrection (vv. 31-32a)
2. Rebuke of Peter (vv. 32b-33)
3. Demands of discipleship (8:34-9:1)
M. Jesus was transfigured. 9:1-13
1. Transfiguration (vv. 1-4)
2. Peter's mistake (vv. 5-8)
3. Question about Elijah (vv. 9-13)
N. Jesus healed a demoniac boy. 9:14-29
O. Jesus foretold his death (Second).
P. Jesus taught about kingdom duties. 9:33-50
1. Greatness is childlikeness (vv. 33-37)
2. He who is not against us is for us (vv. 38-41)
3. Resist the temptation to offend (vv. 42-50)
IV. Jesus moved toward
his Passion. 10:1-13:37
A. Jesus ministered and taught while journeying
to Jerusalem. 10:1-52
1. Teaching about divorce (vv. 1-12)
2. Little children blessed (vv. 13-16)
3. The rich young man (vv. 17-31)
4. Prediction of his death (Third) (vv. 32-34)
5. Request of James and John (vv. 35-45)
6. Blind Bartimaeus healed (vv. 46-52)
B. Jesus presented his messianic claim in Jerusalem.
1. Triumphal entry into Jerusalem (11:1-11)
2. Cursing the fig tree (11:12-14)
3. Cleansing the temple (11:15-19)
4. Lessons from the fig tree (11:20-25)
5. His authority questioned (11:27-12:12)
a) Objections raised by Sanhedrin (11:27-28)
b) Dilemma of John's authority (11:29-33)
c) Parable of the wicked tenants (12:1-12)
6. Paying taxes to Caesar (12:13-17)
7. Question about the resurrection (12:18-27)
8. The greatest commandment (12:28-34)
9. David's son (12:35-37)
10. Denouncing the scribes (12:38-40)
11. The widow's offering (12:41-44)
C. Jesus taught his disciples. 13:1-37
1. Temple destruction predicted (vv. 1-2)
2. Signs of the times (vv. 3-27)
3. Watchfulness (vv. 28-37)
a) Lesson of the fig tree (vv. 28-31)
b) The unknown day and hour (vv. 32-37)
V. Jesus was crucified
and resurrected. 14:1-16:20
1Taken from Lorin L. Cranford,
Study Manual of the New Testament, 2 vols. (Fort Worth: AlphaGraphics,
1981), 1:17-20. All rights reserved ©. This outline is correlated
to the Summary Life of Christ Outline.
216:9-20 is a later addition
to the gospel text and was not a part of the earliest copies of the gospel
of Mark.
a division of
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