The Gospel
according to Matthew |
The Gospel
according to Mark |
The Gospel
according to Luke |
1. The Genealogy of Jesus Christ 1:1-17
Lk 3:23-282. The Birth of Jesus Christ 1:18-25 Lk 2:1-73. The Visit of the Wise Men 2:1-12 2:1-64. The Flight to Egypt 2:13-15 2:13-155. The Slaying of the Infants 2:16-18 2:16-186. The Return from Egypt 2:19-23 2:19-237. The Preaching of John the Baptist 3:1-12 Mk 1:1-8; Lk 3:1-9, 15-17; Jn 1:19-288. The Baptist of Jesus 3:13-17 Mk 1:9-11; Lk 3:21-229. The Temptation of Jesus 4:1-11 Mk 1:12-13; Lk 4:1-1310. The Beginning of the Galilean Ministry 4:12-17 Mk 1:14-15; Lk 4:14-1511. The Calling of Four Fishermen 4:18-22 Mk 1:16-20; Lk 5:1-1112. Ministering to a Great Multitude 4:23-25 Lk 6:17-1913. The Sermon on the Mount 5 - 7 5:1-214. The Cleansing of a Leper 8:1-4 Mk 1:40-45; Lk 5:12-1615. The Healing of a Centurion's Servant 8:5-13 Lk 7:1-10; Jn 4:43-5416. The Healing of Many People 8:14-17 Mk 1:29-34; Lk 4:38-4117. The Would-be Followers of Jesus 8:18-22 Lk 9:57-6218. The Calming of a Storm 8:23-27 Mk 4:35-41; Lk 8:22-2519. The Healing of the Gadarene Demoniacs 8:28-34 Mk 5:1-20; Lk 8:26-3920. The Healing of a Paralytic 9:1-8 Mk 2:1-12; Lk 5:17-2621. The Calling of Matthew 9:9-13 Mk 2:13-17; Lk 5:27-3222. The Question about Fasting 9:14-17 Mk 2:18-22; Lk 5:33-3923. The Ruler's Daughter and the Women Who Touched Jesus' Garment 9:18-26 Mk 5:21-43; Lk 8:40-5624. The Healing of Two Blind Men 9:27-31 9:27-3125. The Healing of a Dumb Man 9:32-34 9:32-3426. The Compassion of Jesus 9:35-38 9:35-3827. The Mission of the Twelve 10:1-49:35 Mk 3:13-19; Lk 6:12-1628. The Commissioning of the Twelve 10:5-15 Mk 6:7-13; Lk 9:1-629. Coming Persecutions 10:16-25 Mk 13:9-13; Lk 21:12-1730. Whom to Fear 10:26-31 Lk 12:2-731. Confessing Christ before Men 10:32-33 Lk 12:8-932. Not Peace, but a Sword 10:34-39 Lk 12:51-53; 14:26-2733. Rewards 10:40-11:1 Mk 9:4134. The Messengers from John the Baptist 11:2-19 Lk 7:18-3535. Woes to Unrepentant Cities 11:20-24 Lk 10:13-1536. Come to Me and Rest 11:25-30 Lk 10:21-2237. Plucking Grain on the Sabbath 12:1-8 Mk 2:23-28; Lk 6:1-538. The Man with a Withered Hand 12:9-14 Mk 3:1-6; Lk 6:6-1139. The Chosen Servant 12:15-21 12:15-2140. Jesus and Beelzebul 12:22-32 Mk 3:20-30; Lk 11:14-23; 12:1041. A Tree and Its Fruits 12:33-37 Lk 6:43-4542. The Demand for a Sign 12:38-42 Mk 8:11-12; Lk 11:29-3243. The Return of the Unclean Spirit 12:43-45 Lk 11:24-2544. The Mother and Brothers of Jesus 12:46-50 Mk 3:31-35; Lk 8:19-2145. The Parable of the Sower 13:1-9 Mk 4:1-9; Lk 8:4-846. The Purpose of the Parables 13:10-17 Mk 4:10-12; Lk 8:9-1047. The Parable of the Sower Explained 13:18-23 Mk 4:13-20; Lk 8:11-1548. The Parable of the Weeds among the Wheat 13:24-30 13:24-3049. The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Leaven 13:31-33 Mk 4:30-32; Lk 18:18-2150. The Use of Parables 13:34-35 Mk 4:33-3451. The Parable of the Weeds Explained 13:36-43 13:36-4352. Three Parables 13:44-5013:36-42 13:4453. Treasures Old and New 13:51-52 13:51-5254. The Rejection of Jesus at Nazareth 13:53-58 Mk 6:1-6; Lk 4:16-3055. The Death of John the Baptist 14:1-12 Mk 6:14-29; Lk 9:7-956. The Feeding of the Five Thousand 14:13-21 Mk 6:30-44; Lk 9:10-17; Jn 6:1-1457. Walking on the Water 14:22-33 Mk 6:45-52; Jn 6:15-2158. The Healing of the Sick in Gennesaret 14:34-36 Mk 6:53-5659. The Tradition of the Elders 15:1-20 Mk 7:1-2360. The Canaanite Women's Faith 15:21-28 Mk 7:24-3061. The Healing of Many People 15:29-31 15:29-3162. The Feeding of the Four Thousand 15:32-39 Mk 8:1-1063. The Demand for a Sign 16:1-4 Mk 8:11-13; Lk 12:54-5664. The Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees 16:5-12 Mk 8:14-2165. Peter's Declaration about Jesus 16:13-20 Mk 8:27-30; Lk 9:18-2166. Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection 16:21-38 Mk 8:31-9:1; Lk 9:22-2767. The Transfiguration of Jesus 17:1-13 Mk 9:2-13; Lk 9:28-3668. The Healing of a Boy with a Demon 17:14-21 Mk 9:14-29; Lk 9:37-43a69. Jesus Again Foretells His Death and Resurrection 17:22-23 Mk 9:30-32; Lk 9:43b-4570. Payment of the Temple Tax 17:24-27 17:24-2771. The Greatest in the Kingdom 18:1-5 Mk 9:33-37; Lk 9:46-4872. Temptation to Sin 18:6-9 Mk 9:42-48; Lk 17:1-273. The Parable of the Lost Sheep 18:10-14 Lk 15:3-774. A Brother Who Sins 18:15-20 Lk 17:375. The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant 18:21-35 18:21-3576. Teaching about Divorce 19:1-1218:21-22 Mk 10:1-1277. Little Children Blessed 19:13-15 Mk 10:13-16; Lk 18:15-1778. The Rich Young Man 19:16-30 Mk 10:17-31; Lk 18:18-3079. The Workers in the Vineyard 20:1-16 20:1-1680. A Third Time Jesus Foretells His Death20:1-15 and Resurrection 20:17-19 Mk 10:32-34; Lk 18:31-3481. The Request of James and John 20:20-28 Mk 10:34-4582. The Healing of Two Blind Men 20:29-34 Mk 10:46-52; Lk 18:35-4383. The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem 21:1-11 Mk 11:1-11; Lk 19:28-38; Jn 12:12-1984. The Cleansing of the Temple 21:12-17 Mk 11:15-19; Lk 19:45-48; Jn 2:13-2285. The Cursing of the Fig Tree 21:18-22 Mk 11:12-14, 20-2486. The Authority of Jesus Questioned 21:23-27 Mk 11:27-33; Lk 20:1-887. The Parables of the Two Sons 21:28-32 21:28-3288. The Parable of the Vineyard and the Tenants 21:33-46 Mk 12:1-12; Lk 20:9-1989. The Parable of the Marriage Feast 22:1-14 Lk 14:15-2490. Paying Taxes to Caesar 22:15-22 Mk 12:13-17; Lk 20:20-3691. The Question about the Resurrection 22:23-33 Mk 12:18-27; Lk 20:27-4092. The Great Commandment 22:34-40 Mk 12:28-34; Lk 10:25-2893. The Question about David's Son 22:41-46 Mk 12:35-37; Lk 20:41-4494. The Denouncing of the Scribes and Pharisees 23:1-36 Mk 12:38-40; Lk 11:37-52; 20:45-4795. The Lament over Jerusalem 23:37-39 Lk 13:34-3596. The Destruction of the Temple Foretold 24:1-2 Mk 13:1-2; Lk 21:5-697. The Beginning of Woes 24:3-14 Mk 13:3-13; Lk 21:7-1998. The Great Tribulation 24:15-28 Mk 13:14-23; Lk 21:20-2499. The Coming of the Son of Man 24:29-31 Mk 13:24-27; Lk 21:25-28100. The Lesson of the Fig Tree 24:32-35 Mk 13:28-31; Lk 21:29-33101. The Unkown Day and Hour 24:36-44 Mk 13:32-37; Lk 17:26-30, 34-36102. The Faithful or the Unfaithful Servant 24:45-51 Lk 12:41-48103. The Parable of the Ten Maidens 25:1-13 25:1-13104. The Parable of the Talents 25:14-3025:1-12 Lk 19:11-27105. The Judgment of the Nations 25:31-46 25:31-40106. The Plot to Kill Jesus 26:1-5 Mk 14:1-2; Lk 22:1-2; Jn 11:45-53107. The Anointing at Bethany 27:6-13 Mk 14:3-9; Jn 12:1-8108. Judas' Agreement to Betray Jesus 26:14-16 Mk 14:10-11; Lk 22:3-6109. The Passover with the Disciples 26:17-25 Mk 14:12-21; Lk 22:7-14, 21-23; Jn 13:21-30110. The Institution of the Lord's Supper 26:26-30 Mk 14:22-26; Lk 22:15-20; 1 Cor 11:23-25111. Peter's Denial Foretold 26:31-35 Mk 14:27-31; Lk 22:31-34; Jn 13:36-38112. The Prayer in Gethsemane 26:36-46 Mk 14:32-42; Lk 22:39-46113. The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus 26:47-56 Mk 14:43-50; Lk 22:47-53; Jn 18:3-12114. Jesus before the Council 26:57-68 Mk 14:53-65; Lk 22:54-55, 63-71;115. Peter's Denial of Jesus 26:69-75 Mk 14:66-72; Lk 22:56-62; Jn 18:15-18, 25-27116. Jesus Brought before Pilate 27:1-2 Mk 15:1; Lk 23:1-2; Jn 18:28-32117. The Death of Judas 27:3-10 Acts 1:18-19118. Jesus Questioned by Pilate 27:11-14 Mk 15:2-5; Lk 23:3-5; Jn 18:33-38119. Jesus Sentenced to Die 27:15-26 Mk 15:6-15; Lk 23:13-25; Jn 18:39-19:16120. The Soldiers Mock Jesus 27:27-31 Mk 15:16-20; Jn 19:2-3121. The Crucifixion of Jesus 27:32-44 Mk 15:21-32; Lk 23:26-43; Jn 19:17-27122. The Death of Jesus 27:45-56 Mk 15:33-41; Lk 23:44-49; Jn 19:28-30123. The Burial of Jesus 27:57-61 Mk 15:42-47; Lk 23:50-56; Jn 19:38-42124. The Guard at the Tomb 27:62-66 27:62-66125. The Resurrection of Jesus 28:1-10 Mk 16:1-8; Lk 24:1-12; Jn 20:1-10126. The Report of the Guard 28:11-15 28:11-15127. The Commissioning of the Disciples 28:16-20 Mk 16:14-18; Lk 24:36-49; |
#. Heading #:##-##
stated heading in the source)
Listed parallel textsTaken from the United Bible Society's The Greek New Testament, 4th revised edition (Introduction, p. 1):These texts will suggest double or triple tradition materials, as well occasional parallels with the fourth gospel along with other NT texts.
Chapter: verses in a pericope formatted as a paragraphSub-divisions inside paragraphs
Sub-divisions inside paragraphs as indicated by capitalized words.
"The paragraph divisions and section headings remain as before, based on the model prepared by the United Bible Societies for the use of translators. These have proved their worth. They are largely similar to those of the New Revised Standard Version and of the Nestle-Aland Greek-English edition."