Biblical Insights:
An Exegetical and Expositional Commentary on the New Testament Making Effecient Use of Volume 11: Second Corinthians by
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Introduction | Format | Explanation of Icons |
This explanation is intended to provide insights into the various ways in which the materials in volume eleven on Second Corinthians can be best utilized. For example, several types of files are contained inside Volume Eleven. Each of these is explained below. Also a video version of this explanation is likewise available. Click on the Video icon to the right. |
The homepage for Volume Eleven that covers the various files for Second Corinthians can be loaded by clicking on Volume 11 in the BIC homepage. See icon on right, which can be clicked on for direct access. |
In this homepage for Volume Eleven on Second Corinthians the following types of pdf and html files are available for downloading. These can be printed out, or used off your computer harddrive in their digital format. This latter option preserves the functioning of the hyperlinks and bookmarks for quick access. The types of files include first an outline of Second Corinth that the commentary follows in arranging the exegetical materials. Second, the entire 353 page commentary is available in a single file and contains quick links both in text anchor and bookmark formats. Third, individual smaller units of commentary are available in the left column. Fourth, a variety of study aids and sermon / teaching files are available in the right column. |
FIRST, the outline of Second Corinthians is available via hyperlink in SECOND CORINTHIANS in the next to the top row of the left column in the homepage (see above icon). This outline is formatted in the European style of outlining concepts with a numbering system. See icon to right for the entire outline. Scattered hyperlinks are provided in the outline for individual pericope sections of the commentary exegesis. The limitation of any outline of biblical texts is that they assume a modern western pattern of thinking. And of course, the Apostle Paul as a first century Jewish trained writer did not think in the same patterns as modern individuals do. The provided outline seeks a moderating position that attempts to preserve Paul's thought pattern in a translated modern western structure. Hopefully the readers can follow the train of thought in Paul as it is presented in this outline. The European style of numbered outlines is much simpler to use when presenting a large body of written materials. Formatting it for internet use is enormously easier. Very smal text subunits are often structured along the lines of the standard American patterns of outlining. |
Second, this large (appx. 10 mg; 353 pages) pdf file contains all of the commentary exegesis in a single file. Additionally, hyperlinks in both text anchor and bookmark options are provided in the digital version of the file. These remain active as long as the digital version of the file is used either on the PC harddrive after downloading or while displayed on the internet wetsite. The bookmarks are located in the Acrobat command line in the top at the right hand side. They are in the form of a drop down menu. See display on the right. The exegesis follows the provided outline and centers mainly on a historical / literary understanding of Paul's meaning in the letter to the church at Corinth. Application sections are found at the end of the major divisions of the outline. |
Third & Fourth: the homepage of Volume Eleven on Second Corinthians contains two kinds of materials for studying this biblical letter of Paul. In the left column beginning on the third row there are individual pericopes of commentary materials in the listed pdf files. Just click on the desired icon -- TEXT UNIT -- in order to bring up the desired section of the BIC commentary. The commentary contains the original Greek text along with the NRSV translation. This is followed by detailed exegesis of the historical meaning of the text. The use of Block Diagrams is extensive in visually formatting the flow of thought in the biblical text. Some application typically comes at the end of the larger units. In the right hand column a variety of study aids for analysis of the biblical text are located. This section is open ended. That is, as new materials are developed they will be added to the page. Of interest may well also be the sermon manuscripts and Sunday School teaching handouts that I have developed over the years for various pericopes of the biblical text. The different icons should be self explanatory as to the kind of materials. But if confusion exists, click on Explanation of Icons at the top of the page. |