New Testament Theology
Lecture Notes
1.2.2 Wilhelm Bousset
last revised: 9/13/02 

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"Wilhelm Bousset (1865-1920). He taught at Göttingen from 1896 to 1916, and then in Giessen. He published a large number of works on Judaism and early Christianity, as well as on patristic studies of various kinds. His most important works were on the book of Revelation (1896), Judaism (1902), apocalyptic (1903) and Gnosticism (1907), and his famous Kyrios Christos appeared in 1913, though it was not translated into English until 1970. Bousset was one of the founding members of the 'history of religions' school at Göttingen, and most of his work reflects that orientation. He believed that the early church was a worshipping community held together by sacred rites, and that 'Kyrios' was a mystical power felt to be present during this worship."  [Gerald Bray, "The German sphere: the 'history of religions' school and after," Biblical Interpretation: Past and Present (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1996), 338] Contributions to New Testament Theology

Supplementary Bibliography

Boers, Hendrikus. What is New Testament Theology? The Rise of Criticism and the Problem of a Theology of the New Testament. Volume in Guides to Biblical Scholarship: New Testament Series, pp. 60-66. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1979.
Very important, detailed critique of Bousset and his methodology.

Bouset's Publications

Die Evv.citate Justins des Märtyrers, 1891;
Jesu Predigt in ihrem Gg.satz z. Judentum, 1892;
Textkrit. Stud. z. NT, 1894;
Der Antichrist in der Überlieferung des Judentums, des NT u. der alten Kirche, 1895;
Die Rel. des Judentums im späthellenist. Zeitalter, 1902 (19263, hrsg. v. Hugo Greßmann);
Die jüd. Apokalyptik, 1903;
Das Wesen der Rel., 1903 (1904);
Schr.gelehrtentum u. Volksfrömmigkeit, 1903;
Was wissen wir v. Jesus?, 1904; Jesus, 1904 (19224);
Der Apostel Paulus, 1906;
Die Hauptprobleme der Gnosis, 1907;
Unser Gottesglaube, 1908;
Die Bedeutung der Person Jesu f. den Glauben, 1910;
Kyrios Christos. Gesch. des Christusglaubens v. den Anfängen des Christusglaubens bis auf Irenäus, 1913 (19212, hrsg. v. Gustav Krüger u. Rudolf Bultmann);
Jüd.-christl. Schulbetrieb in Alexandrien u. Rom, 1915;
Jesus der Herr. Nachtrr. u. Auseinandersetzungen zu Kyrios Christos, 1916;
Apophthegmata. Stud. z. Gesch. des ältesten Mönchtums, hrsg. v. Theodor Hermann u. Gustav Krüger, 1923.- Bearb. in Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyers Komm. die Offb, 1896,
1906, u. in SNT 1. u. 2. Kor u. Gal, 1907 (1918).

(Taken from the Bibliographisch-Bibliographes KirchenLexikon)

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