Parallel Texts
Sanhrdrin's Plot
New Revised Standard Version
Last Revised: 8/25/03
Matthew Mark Luke John
          3 Then the chief priests and the elders of the people gathered in the palace of the high priest, who was called Caiaphas, 4 and they conspired to arrest Jesus by stealth and kill him. 5 But they said, "Not during the festival, or there may be a riot among the people."              1 It was two days before the Passover and the festival of Unleavened Bread. The chief priests and the scribes were looking for a way to arrest JesusF110 by stealth and kill him; 2 for they said, "Not during the festival, or there may be a riot among the people."            1 Now the festival of Unleavened Bread, which is called the Passover, was near. 2 The chief priests and the scribes were looking for a way to put JesusF175 to death, for they were afraid of the people. 
F110: Gk [him] 
F175: Gk [him] 
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