Research Seminar

Last revised 09/18/07
UNIT ONE: Principles of Research
 ----Topic Four: Using Research Data---

Course Objective:
The student demonstrates understanding of the appropriate tools, procedures and resources for research in the field of religion.
Unit One Objective:
The student demonstrates understanding of the procedures for developing a research project in the field of religious studies.
Topic Four Objective:
The student demonstrates understanding of the procedures for organizing the contents of a research project in the field of religious studies into a coherent presentation.
Learning Objectives: Learning Tasks: Learning Resources: PowerPoint Tutorials

1. Putting the material together
--- 2. Communicating your research
--- 3. Analyze a set of Power Point slides against the guidelines of Ellen Finkelstein ---
--- 4. Be prepared to give a 5 minute oral presentation overview of your proposed research project---
  • Using the Turn In Assignment for topic one -- Formulating a Research Project -- prepare a five minute summation for class presentation.
  • The presentations will be timed presentations, meaning that grade penalty points will be imposed for going over the time limit, as well as significant shortness of time presentation.
  • Nothing written is to be submitted.
  • Your oral presentation will be critiqued and discussed in class by the seminar members.
  •  Comes at the end of this topic discussion in class.

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