Evangelical Trends in Interpretation
--Lecture Notes for Topic 2.3.3-
Religion 492
Last revised: 4/26/04
Contained below is a manuscript summarizing the class lecture(s) covering the above specified range of topics from the List of Topics for Religion 492.  Quite often hyperlinks (underlined) to sources of information etc. will be inserted in the text of the lecture. Test questions for all quizzes and exams will be derived in their entirety or in part from these lectures; see Exams in the course syllabus for details. To display the Greek text contained in this page download and install the free BSTGreek True Type fonts from Bible Study Tools.
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Evangelical Patterns
Baptists and Evangelicals

2.3.3  Introduction
Assigned Readings for This Topic:
Gerald Bray, "Evangelical Trends in Interpretation," Biblical Interpretation: Past and Present, pp. 539-583 Evangelical Patterns of Interpretation
Assigned Readings for This Topic:

Gerald Bray, Biblical Interpretation: Past and Present, pp. 539-583.

Resource Materials to also be studied: Baptists and Evangelicals
Assigned Readings for This Topic:

"Defining Evangelicals," at http://www.wheaton.edu/isae/defining_evangelicalism.html

"Baptist," in the Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baptist

"Truett scholar calls for reform of evangelicalism," at http://www.baptiststandard.com/2001/1_29/pages/truett.html

Resource Materials to also be studied:


Check Bray's bibliography in appropriate chapter of the textbook.

Check the appropriate Bibliography section in Cranfordville.com


"Evangelicalism," in the Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evangelicalism

"THE CHICAGO STATEMENT ON BIBLICAL INERRANCY," at http://www.reformed.org/documents/icbi.html

"The Fundamentals: A Testimony to the Truth," at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/6528/fundcont.htm

"Defining Evangelicals," at http://www.wheaton.edu/isae/defining_evangelicalism.html

"EVANGELICALISM," at http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/rcah/html/ah_029300_evangelicali.htm

"Christian Fundamentalism," in the Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_fundamentalism

Lorin L. Cranford, "Fundamentalism in America: Making a Gardner out of a Billy Goat" at http://cranfordville.com/Cranfordville/Fundamentalism-Eng.pdf

George Houghton, "Are Conservative Southern Baptists Fundamentalists?," at http://www.faith.edu/seminary/pulpits/04-1.htm
        An independent, fundamentalist Baptist criticism of the present Southern Baptist Convention leadership and denial that the present SBC is fundamentalist. It remains liberal, although not as much as in the past -- in this writer's viewpoint.

"Truett scholar calls for reform of evangelicalism," at http://www.baptiststandard.com/2001/1_29/pages/truett.html