-------------------------------------------------Text of Hebrew Bible---------------------------------------------------
1. List the significant feature linked to each of the following archaeological
___ (1) The Rosetta Stone | a) A wall painting discovered north of Cairo depicting stories of trading like that of the patriarchs in Genesis. |
___ (2) The Gilgamesh Epic | b) A collection of manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible and other writings over a thousand years older than any previous existing manuscripts. |
___ (3) The Beni Hasan Mural | c) A trilingual inscription making possible the translation of thousands of previously unreadable Egyptian inscriptions. |
___ (4) The Gezer High Place | d) Contains two scenes depicting an Egyptian pharaoh returning victorious from battle and also sitting on a throne. |
___ (5) An Ivory Knife Handle | e) A series of ten upright stone pillars and a large rectangular block of stone with a depression which witnesses to the sort of covenant ceremony described in Gen. 31:43-54. |
___ (6) The Dead Sea Scrolls | f) Tablets telling a story of the flood somewhat like the Hebrew Bible. |
2. Why do you feel the study of the Hebrew Bible is important?
----------------------------------Geographical and Historical Setting prior to 1200 B.C.E.-----------------
3. The Fertile Crescent is
a) a scattering of oases enabling desert travel in the Middle East.4. Egypt's semi-isolation from the rest of the Fertile Crescent allowed its civilization to develop with a minimum of interruption from outside forces.
b) the V-shape image created by the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqabah around the lower half of the Wilderness of Sinai.
c) A rough crescent-shaped pattern of watered areas beginning on the east at the Persian Gulf, running through Palestine, and ending at Egypt.
a) True | b) False |
5. Identify the following ancient people groups with the correct description:
___ (1) Sumerians | a) A Semite people from whom the later Israelite originated. |
___ (2) Akkadians | b) Called the Horites in the Hebrew Bible; the clay tablets at Nuzi has helped clear up many obscure passages in the Hebrew Bible. |
___ (3) Amorites | c) The OT `Sons of Heth' who invaded Palestine and Egypt from their homeland of Asia Minor around 1400 B.C.E. |
___ (4) Hurrians | d) Often mistakenly identified with the Hebrews because of the similarity of names. |
___ (5) Arameans | e) developed two strong states in Mesopotamia around 1800 B.C.E.: Mari and Babylonian. |
___ (6) Habiru | f) Invented the earliest known form of writing (cuneiform) and introduced counting by sixties (the method we use to count minutes and hours). |
___ (7) Hittites | g) semi-nomadic tribesmen from Arabia often identified with the Amorites. |
6. The Hyksos were
a) a shepherd nomadic people who lived in the Nile delta area of ancient Egypt.
b) a conquering warrior people from the outside who ruled Egypt from 1720 to 1570 B.C.E.
c) a Semitic group of people from Arabia who invaded territories in the Fertile Crescent.
7. How did the Shephelah function in biblical times to protect the
area of Judah?
a) the high cliff at the beginning of it made things difficult for invading armies.
b) the high, steep mountains bordering the Jordan River protected Judah from armies coming from the east.
c) the north-south valleys between the Shephelah and Judah made invasion of Judah from the Mediterranean coastal plains very difficult.
8. Which of the following major north-south routes in Palestine
was located east of the Jordan River?
a) the Via Maris | b) The King's Highway |
9. Explain why both the Via Maris and the King's Highway were important
in ancient times?