1. Gen. 4:1-16,
Cain and Abel, -------
Jacob Hyde
2. Gen. 11:1-9,
The Tower of Babel,-------
Mackenzie Davis
3. Gen. 14:1-24,
Abraham's Rescue of Lot,------
Kencie Brewer
4. Gen. 17:1-27,
The Covenant with Abraham,
Chris Lowndes
5. Gen. 27:1-46,
Rebekah and Jacob's Deceit, -------
--Antonio Crudup
6. Gen. 35:6-15,
Jacob's Return to Bethel, --- -Adam Johnson
7. Gen. 38:1-30,
Judah and Tamar,
8. Gen. 45:1-28,
Joseph Reunited with his Brothers, -------
Alisa Smith
9. Gen. 49:1-33,
Jacob's Blessings on his Twelve Sons, ------
Caroline Arledge
10. Exod. 5:1-6:1,
Moses' First Encounter with Pharaoh, ------
- Price Blissit
11. Exod. 12:1-28,
The Festivals of Passover and Unleavened Bread, ----Lauren Dotson
12. Exod. 15:1-21,
Two Songs of Praise,---
Nikki Filippone
13. Exod. 19:1-25,
The Theophany at Sinai,
Ronnie Tokazowski
14. Exod. 18:1-27,
Jethro's Visit,
15. Exod. 21:2-11,
The Rights of Slaves,
Cameron Lyles
16. Exod. 21:12-32,
Laws Protecting Human Beings,------
17. Exod. 21:33-22:17,
Laws Dealing with Property and Compensation,
18. Exod. 24:1-11,
Ratification of the Covenant,
19. Exod. 32:1-35,
Breaking the Covenant,
LaQuinta Peeler
20. Exod. 34:1-35,
God Renews the Covenant,
21. Lev. 4:1-35,
The Sin Offering, John Shea
22. Lev. 8:1-36,
The Consecration of the Sanctuary and Priests,
23. Lev. 16:1-34,
The Day of Atonement, ------
24. Lev. 18:1-30,
Sexual Prohibitions,------
Nicole Rambo
25. Lev. 19:1-37,
Various Laws, ---
Ryan Medved
26. Lev. 23:1-44,
The Ritual Calendar,
27. Num. 5:11-32,
A Suspected Adultress, ---
Whitney Conner
29. Num. 6:1-21,
The Nazirite Vow,
30. Num. 11:1-35,
Israel's Complaining in the Wilderness,
31. Deut. 5:6-21,
The Decalogue,
32. Deut. 8:1-20,
The Temptation to Pride and Self-Sufficiency,
Heather Adams
33. Deut. 16:1-17,
A Festal Calendar,
34. Deut. 20:1-20,
Rules for Waging Holy War, ------
Daniel Morris
35. Deut. 22:13-30,
Violations of the Marriage Law,
--- Annalisa Musarra
36. Deut. 34:1-12,
The Death of Moses, ------
Renee Warren
37. Joshua 2:1-24,
The Spies and Rahab, ------
--Haley Stewart
38. Joshua 22:10-34,
The Debate over the Altar Built by the Transjordanians,
39. Joshua 24:1-28,
The Covenant at Shechem,
40. Judges 5:1-31,
The Song of Deborah, ------
Collin Burchins
41. Judges 6:11-32,
The Call of Gideon,
42. Judges 15:1-20,
Samson's Revenge,
43. Judges 16:1-31,
Samson's Death,------
Kiah Ann Bellows
44. Judges 19:1-30,
The Rape of the Concubine, ---
William Herron
45. Ruth 3:1-18,
Naomi's Instructions, ------
Ardejah Beard
46. 1 Samuel
1:1-28, The Birth and Consecration of Samuel,------
47. 1 Samuel
7:2-17, Samuel Judges Israel,
Ambrosia Taylor
48. 1 Samuel
16:1-13, The Anointing of David, ------
Neely Lail
49. 1 Samuel
18:1-30, Saul Becomes Jealous of David,
50. 2 Samuel
3: 1-39, Continuation of the War with Israel,
51. 2 Samuel
7:1-29, David Wishes to Build a Temple,
52. 1 Kings 8:1-21,
The Ark of the Covenant Brought to the Temple,
Sam Woods
53. 1 Kings 18:1-46,
The Contest on Mount Carmel,-----Manny Provenzano
54. 2 Kings 2:1-25,
Elijah Gives Way to Elisha, ---
Thomas Cannon
55. 1 Chronicles
12:1-40, David's National Prestige and Power Grow,
56. 1 Chronicles
17:16-27, David's Prayer, --------
Jason Wenzel
57. 2 Chronicles
2:1-18, Solomon Prepares to Build the Temple,
58. Ezra 7:1-26,
The Ministry of Ezra,
Jake Boeckx
59. Nehemiah
3:1-32, Rebuilding the City Walls,
60. Ester 9:1-32,
The Feast of Purim,
61. Psalm 1,
The Contrasting Fate of the Righteous and the Wicked, ---
Brandy Gardner
62. Psalm 19,
Hymn to God as Creator of Nature and Giver of the Law,
63. Psalm 22,
Prayer of Deliverance from Mortal Illness,
Katie Floyd
64. Psalm 24,
A Liturgy on Entering the Sanctuary,
65. Psalm 46,
A Song of Zion Celebrating God's Ultimate Victory over the Nations,
66. Psalm 51,
Prayer for Healing and Moral Renewal,
Rebecca Priest
67. Psalm 84,
Song Praising Zion as the Longed-for Goal of the Pilgrim,
68. Psalm 100,
Hymn Calling on All Nations to Praise the Lord, ------
Katie Harte
69. Psalm 103,
Thanksgiving for Recovery from Sickness,
Patti Alexander
70. Psalm 136,
Thanksgiving for the Lord's Great Deeds on behalf of His People,
71. Psalm 137,
Prayer for Vengeance on Israel's Enemies, ---
72. Psalm 139,
Prayer for Deliverance from Personal Enemies, ------
Megan Stegemiller
73. Isaiah 1:10-20,
God's Pronouncement Concerning Judah's Religious Superficiality,
74. Isaiah 2:1-5,
The New Age, ---
--Ellie Messer
75. Isaiah 5:1-7,
Song of the Vineyard,
76. Isaiah 6:1-13,
The Call of Isaiah, ---
Molly Phipps
77. Isaiah 7:1-9,
Sign of Shear-jashub
78. Isaiah 7:10-17,
Sign of Immanuel,
79. Isaiah 9:1-7,
The Messanic King, ---
Deborah Mitchell
80. Isaiah 11:1-9,
The Messanic King,
81. Isaiah 19:16-25,
Conversion of Egypt and Assyria
82. Isaiah 28:1-22,
Oracles against Religious and Civil Leaders, ---
83. Isaiah 30:8-17,
Judah's Connivance with Egypt
84. Isaiah 35:1-10,
Zion Restored, ------
Andrew Flynn
85. Isaiah 40:1-11,
The Prophet Is Called to Announce God's Coming,------
86. Isaiah 40:12-31,
Creator of the Universe, ------Sarah Ennis
87. Isaiah 42:1-4,
Victory from the East,
88. Isaiah 43:1-7,
Israel's Redemption,
--- Kalyn Kramer
89. Isaiah 43:8-13,
The Servant Israel is the Lord's Witness
Michael Heredia
90. Isaiah 44:9-20,
Satire against Idolatry, Brieanna Thompson
91. Isaiah 44:24-45:13,
The Commission of Cyrus
92. Isaiah 49:1-6,
The Second Servant Song,
93. Isaiah 50:4-11,
The Third Servant Song,
94. Isaiah 52:1-12,
God's Kingship,
95. Isaiah 55:1-13,
A Hymn of Joy and Triumph,
96. Isaiah 61:1-11,
The Mission to Zion,------
97. Isaiah 65:
1-25, God's Answer,
Brittany Blackwelder
98. Haggai 1:1-15a,
God's Punishment for Neglecting the Temple,
99. Haggai 1:15b-2:9,
The Splendor of the New Temple
100. Jeremiah
1:4-19, Jeremiah's Call and Related Visions,
101. Jeremiah
2:1-37, The Apostasy of Israel,
102. Jeremiah
7:1-15, The Temple Sermon, ---
103. Jeremiah
10:1-16, God and the Idols,
Whitney Carson
104. Jeremiah
11:1-17, Jeremiah and the Covenant,
105. Jeremiah
11:18-12:6, Jeremiah's First Personal Lament
106. Jeremiah
36:1-32, Jehoiakim and the Scrolls,
107. Ezekiel
1:1-3:27, The Call of Ezekiel,
108. Ezekiel
16:1- 63, The Allegory of the Unfaithful Wife,------
Kyle Wilkinson
109. Ezekiel
18:1-32, Individual Responsibility, ------
Jessica Spurling
110. Ezekiel
22:1-16, Oracle of Indictment
111. Ezekiel
36:1-38, Prophecy to the Mountains of Israel,
112. Ezekiel
37:1-14, Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones, ------
Lora Brooks
113. Daniel 3:1-30,
The Three Youths in the Fiery Furnance, ------Rebecca Ennis
114. Daniel 6:1-28,
Daniel in the Lion's Den, ------
Chera Ray
115. Hosea 5:15-6:3,
What the Lord Really Desires,
116. Hosea 11:1-9,
God's Chastizing Love, ---
Crystal Cannin
117. Amos 1:2-2:16,
Indictment of Neighboring Peoples, Israel, and Judah
118. Amos 3:1-15,
The Privileges of Election,
119. Amos 4:1-13,
Israel's Luxurious Excesses and Vain Piety
120. Amos 7:10-17,
Amos and Amaziah,
Eboni Littlejohn
121. Micah 4:
1-5, The Exaltation of Jerusalem,
Evan Short
122. Micah 6:
1-8, The Lord's Controversy with the People,------
123. Habakkuk
1:1-11, The First Dialogue between the Prophet and God,
124. Habakkuk
1:12-2:5, The Second Dialogue between the Prophet and God
125. Habbakkuk
2:6-20, The Five Woes, ---
Whitney Butler
126. Zephaniah
1:2-18------ Adam McFarland
127. Malachi
3:6-12, The Promised Blessing,------
Anna Beth Hagan
128. Malachi
3:13-4:3, When the Day of Judgment Comes, -----Lucia Hernandez
129. 1 Maccabees
2:1-48, The Maccabean Revolt,
130. 1 Maccabees
5:1-27, Antiochus IV Descrates the Temple
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