1. Summarize the background language on prayer
and praying, as a backdrop to this pericope.
Begin with a lexicon study of the Greek terms related
to prayer. The online Liddell
- Scott Lexicon at the Perseus
Digital Library is a helpful, although massive tool for concordance
type studies in ancient Greek including the New Testament. Probably better
is the use of either the Gingrich
- Danker or the Louw
- Nita lexicons in print editions. For L-N, see topics 33.256-261;
Supplement this study with material from Bible Dictionaries; note the helpful
online article "Prayer," in the Baker's
Evangelical Dictionary of the Biblical Theology, by Dennis L. Okholm.
Be sure to identify the NT terminology, usage, and relationship to this
pericope in Colossians.
2. Summarize the background language on creation
and creator, as a backdrop to this pericope.
Use the same approach as with question one above.
The online Liddell-Scott
Lexicon is a helpful starting point, but G-D and L-N are important
tools also. For L-N, see Topics 42.35-40 especially. A helpful starting
point is Philip H. Towner's article, "New Creation," in the Baker's
Evangelical Dictionary of the Biblical Theology. But the Interpreter's
Dictionary of the Bible at iPreach is important also. Be sure to identify
the NT terminology, usage, and relationship to this pericope in Colossians.
3. Summarize the background language on congregation
(ejkklhsiva, hJ), as a backdrop to
this pericope.
Use the same approach as with question one above.
The online Liddell-Scott
Lexicon is a helpful starting point, but G-D and L-N are important
tools also. For L-N, see Topics 11.32-34; 53.69,70 especially.
A helpful starting point is C. Marvin Pate's article, "Church, the," in
the Baker's
Evangelical Dictionary of the Biblical Theology. But the Interpreter's
Dictionary of the Bible at iPreach is important also. Be sure to identify
the NT terminology, usage, and relationship to this pericope in Colossians.
4. Summarize the background language on reconciliation
(ajpallotrivow), as a backdrop to this
Use the same approach as with question one above.
The online Liddell-Scott
Lexicon is a helpful starting point, but G-D and L-N are important
tools also. For L-N, see Topics 40.1-7 especially. A helpful starting
point is William J. Woodruff's article, "Reconciliation," in the Baker's
Evangelical Dictionary of the Biblical Theology. But the Interpreter's
Dictionary of the Bible at iPreach is important also. Be sure to identify
the NT terminology, usage, and relationship to this pericope in Colossians.