Eric Mansfield


Religion 314


The Person and Work of Christ



I.        The work of Christ


Ÿ         Miracles done by His hands-healing the blind, healing lepers, curing a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years

Ÿ         The teachings of Jesus through parables

Ÿ         Jesus grew in wisdom

Ÿ         Fulfilling prophecies

Ÿ         The giving of His life to manifest His Father in Heaven  (Col. 2:14-15)

Ÿ         seen as a miracle worker in the Gospels


II.    The behavior and character of Christ


Ÿ         Faithful in prayer

Ÿ         Humble in His attitude

Ÿ         When others questioned, He stood through the minority to speak the truth

Ÿ         Left His comfort zone to show compassion to others


III.    The person of Christ as seen in the Gospels


Ÿ         Jesus in Matthew


            -Sermon on the Mount was the first of Jesus’ public ministry

            -Jesus is the Messiah (Matthew 12:18-21)  the “anointed one”

            -Healings and parables were used by Jesus to show the glory of                        God.

            -Salvation is for Gentiles as well as Jews


Ÿ         Jesus in Mark


            -prays for the will of God (14:36)


            -Parables to enable His listeners and future readers to better                                      understand His message



Ÿ         Jesus in Luke


            -Jesus’ healings

            -Extended His interest to the outcasts and the poor

            -Jesus is for  everyone


Ÿ         Jesus in John


            -high Christology


            -the Way, the Bread of Life,  the Good Shepherd, the Vine , the                   resurrection, “ I am”

            -everything He did He directed towards His Father in Heaven; very                  humble  ( 8:49-50, 7:16, 6:38, 11:40, 17:1)


Ÿ         Jesus in Paul’s letters


            -pointing to the grace offered and the concept of God and Christ                           (1 Cor. 3:23, 8:6, 11:3)

            -Christology is very high

            -being Christ -like (Romans 8:29) and imitators of God (Eph 5:1)

            - “in Christ”

            -encourages fellow believers in their daily lives to suffer an live in                       holiness for the Gospel

            -described as “the great myth” by John Knox


Ÿ         Jesus in the general Epistles


            -Christ is the hope ( Hebrews 6:19)

            -reference to the model of Christ among the people

            -applying the truths brought forth by Christ






















Knox, John.  The Man Christ Jesus.  Chicago:  Willett, Clark, and Company,             1942.


Schweizer, Eduard.  Jesus Christ.  Macon: Mercer University Press, 1987.


Flusser, David.  Jesus.  Jerusalem:  The Magnes Press, 1997.


Stewart, James S.  The Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ.  New York:              Abingdon Press.


Hahn, Ferdinand, Lohff, Wenzel, and Gunther Bornkamm.  What Can We      Know About Jesus?  Philadelphia:  Fortress Press, 1969.


Smith, David.  The Days of His Flesh.  New York:  Harper and Brothers.


Knutson, Kent S.  His Only Son Our Lord.  Minneapolis:  Augsburg Publishing             House, 1966.


The Holy Bible.   Nashville:  Broadman and Publishers, 1986.