Photo Album 
Lorin's Parents and Grandparents

Pete Cranford as young man in 1920s Ethylene Brannan in 1920s
Mother and Daddy just starting out in 1930s Mother and Daddy in the 1930s
Mother, Daddy, Lorin, Lynelle -- late 1940s Papa and Grandmother Brannan, my maternal grandparents
Not too long before his death in 1991. Daddy and my stepmom, Nita
Mother and Daddy were born and raised in Perrin, Texas, a small farming-ranching community about 100 miles west of Fort Worth. They attended high school together at Perrin where they met and began dating. After high school they married and Daddy worked as a cowboy on a local ranch until he was able to purchase land of his own. It became our home and all three of us kids -- Lorin, Lynelle, and Bill -- were raised here. It was 'across the creek' from my grandparents, Papa and Granny Brannan, so we grew up close to grandparents. Mom and Granddad Cranford lived on the other side of Perrin about 5 miles away.  To read some short stories coming out of these growing up years in West Texas
go to the section Short Stories under Resources for Spiritual Growth
at the home page of Cranfordville.
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