Parable 62:
Places of Honor
Last Revised: 6/21/00
Luke 14:1-14
Block Diagram:
     14:1      And
(A)       it happened that they were indeed watching him closely
                when he came into the house of one of the chief Pharisees
                           on the sabbath
                           to eat bread

     14:2      And
(B)       right in front of him was a man with dropsy.

     14:3      And
                   in reply
(C)       Jesus spoke
                   to the Lawyers and Pharisees,
 (1)                      Is it lawful or not to heal on the sabbath?

     14:4      But
(D)       they kept silent.

                taking hold of the man
(E)1      he healed him
(F)       -- sent him away.

     14:5      And
                to them
(G)       he said,
 (2)              Whose son or oxen among you may fall into a well
 (3)              he will not immediately pull him out
                        on the sabbath day?

     14:6     And
(H)       they could not give an answer to these things.

     14:7     And
(I)       he was telling the guests a parable,
                when he noticed how they were choosing the places of honor,
                   to them,
     14:8                      whenever you are invited
                                               by someone
                                               to a wedding feast,
(4)                         do not sit down at the place of honor,
                               lest a more distinguished guest than you be invited by him,
     14:9                        and
(5)                         he will say to you,
                              who invited you both
                                                   Give you place to this one,

(6)                         you will move to occupy the last place
                                   with shame,

     14:10                       Instead,
                               when you are invited
                               going (past the place of honor)
(7)                         take your seat at the last place,
                                             when your host comes in
                               so that he will say to you,
                                                           move up higher;
(8)                         there will be honor for you
                                     before all your fellow guests.

     14:11                       For
(9)                         everyone who exalts himself will be humbled,
(10)                        he who humbles himself will be exalted.

     14:12      And
(J)        he was saying
                 to his host,
                               Whenever you give a dinner or supper,
(11)                        do not call your friends
                                        your brothers
                                        your relatives,
                                        rich neighbors,
                               lest they invite you in return
                                    recompense is made to you.

      14:13                      Instead
                               whenever you give a banquet,
(12)                        call the poor,
      14:14                      and
(13)                        you will be blessed,
                                   because they cannot repay you,
(14)                        it will be recompensed to you
                                  in the resurrection of the righteous.
1For texts on this miracle click on the List of Miracles and go to miracle #29.

Semantic Diagram:

          -------------------- (A)
     |    -------------------- (B)
     |                   ----- (C)
     |              -----|
     |              |    -----  (1)
-----|         -----|
|    |         |    ---------- (D)
|    |    -----|
|    |    |    |    ---------- (E)
|    |    |    -----|
|    |    |         ---------- (F)
|    |----|
|         |         ---------- (G)
|         |         |    
|         |    -----|    -----  (2)
|         |    |    -----|
|         -----|         -----  (3)
|              |
|              --------------- (H)
|    ------------------------- (I)
|    |
|    |              ----------  (4)
|    |         -----|
|    |         |    |    -----  (5)
|    |         |    -----|
|----|    -----|         -----  (6)
|    |    |    |
|    |    |    |    ----------  (7)
|    |    |    -----|
|    |    |         ----------  (8)
|    -----|
|         |    ---------------  (9)
|         -----|
|              ---------------  (10)
|    ------------------------- (J)
     |    --------------------  (11)
          |    ---------------  (12)
               |    ----------  (13)
                    ----------  (14)

Exegetical Outline:

I. (A-H)_________________________________________________________________

A. (A-B)____________________________________________________________
1. (A)_________________________________________________________

2. (B)_________________________________________________________

B. (C-H)____________________________________________________________
1. (C-F)________________________________________________________
a) (C-D)__________________________________________________
(1) (C-1)_____________________________________________
(a) (C)__________________________________________

(b) (1)__________________________________________

(2) (D)_______________________________________________
b) (E-F)___________________________________________________
(1) (E)_______________________________________________

(2) (F)_______________________________________________

2. (G-H)________________________________________________________
a)   (G-3)___________________________________________________
(1) (G)________________________________________________

(2) (2-3)_______________________________________________

(a) (2)____________________________________________

(b) (3)____________________________________________

b)   (H)_____________________________________________________
II. (I-10)___________________________________________________________________
A. (I)_________________________________________________________________ 

B. (4-10)______________________________________________________________

1. (4-8)__________________________________________________________
a) (4-6)_____________________________________________________
(1) (4)_________________________________________________

(2) (5-6)________________________________________________

(a) (5)____________________________________________

(b) (6)____________________________________________

b) (7-8)_____________________________________________________
(1) (7)_________________________________________________

(2) (8)_________________________________________________

2. (9-10)_________________________________________________________
a) (9)_______________________________________________________

b) (10)______________________________________________________

III. (J-14)___________________________________________________________________
A. (J)__________________________________________________________________

B. (11-14)______________________________________________________________

1. (11)____________________________________________________________

2. (12-14)__________________________________________________________

a) (12)_______________________________________________________

b) (13-14)_____________________________________________________

(1) (13)__________________________________________________

(2) (14)__________________________________________________

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