Parable 51:
Lamp and Bushel
Last Revised: 6/15/00
Luke 11:33-36
Block Diagram: 

    11:33           having lighting a lamp
(1)       No one puts it
                    in a cellar
(2)       -- --- ---- --
                    under the bushel basket
(3)       (he puts it)
                 on a lampstand
                 so that those entering may see the light.

(4) 11:34 The light of the body is your eye.

                                 Whenever you eye may be healthy
(5)       even your whole body is full of light;
                                 if it isn't healthy,
(6)       even your whole body is full of darkness.

    11:35      Therefore
(7)       consider
                   whether the light in you may not be darkness.

    11:36      Therefore
                if your whole body is full of light
                                     not having any part in darkness
(8)       it will be full of light
                as when the lamp gives you light
                                    with its rays.

Semantic Diagram:

      --------------- (1)
|     |     --------- (2)
|     ------|
|           --------- (3)
|           --------- (4)
|     ------|
|     |     |   ----- (5)
|     |     ----|
------|         ----- (6)
      |     --------- (7)
            --------- (8)


Exegetical Outline:

I. (1-3)_________________________________________________________________

A. (1)______________________________________________________________

B. (2-3)____________________________________________________________

1. (2)_________________________________________________________

2. (3)________________________________________________________ 

II. (4-8)_________________________________________________________________
A. (4-6)____________________________________________________________
1. (4)_________________________________________________________

2. (5-6)________________________________________________________

a) (5)_____________________________________________________

b) (6)_____________________________________________________

B. (7-8)______________________________________________________________
1. (7)___________________________________________________________

2. (8)___________________________________________________________

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