Parable 33:
Last Revised: 6/16/00
Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
Block Diagram:
(A) 13:24 Another parable he put to them
 (1)                                   The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man
                                                                          who was sowing good seed
                                                                                 in his field.

    13.25                                   And
                                                    while his men were sleeping
 (2)                                   his enemy came
 (3)                                   --- ----- sowed tares
                                                    among the seed
 (4)                                   --- ----- left.

    13.26                                   But
                                                         when the blades sprouted
                                                                         bore fruit
 (5)                                   the tares also appeared.

    13.27                                   And
                                                                          having come
 (6)                                   the servants of the householder said
                                                                          to him,
                                                                             Did you not sow good seed
                                                                                in your field?

                                                                             How does it have tares?

    13.28                                   And
 (7)                                   he declared
                                             to them,
                                                      An enemy has done this.

 (8)                                   his servants said
                                                       to him,
                                                              Do you wish us then to gather them out?

    13.29                                   And
 (9)                                   he declared,
                                                                  while gathering the tares
                                                      lest you uproot the seed 
                                                                  together with the tares.

     13.20                                         Let them both grow together
                                                      until harvest time,
                                                        in the time of harvest
                                                   I will say 
                                                        to the reapers,
                                                                       Collect first the tares
                                                                       bind them
                                                                          into bundles
                                                                          to burn them up,
                                                                       gather the seed
                                                                           into my barn.


    13.36      Then
                after leaving the crowds,
(B)       he went
                into the house.

(C)       his disciples came
                           to him
(10)                              Explain to us the parable of the tares
                                                                      in the field.
    13.37      And
                in reply
(D)       he said,
(11)               The one sowing the good seed is the Son of man;
    13.38               and
(12)               the field is the world;
                    the good seed,
(13)               these are the sons of the Kingdom;
(14)               the tares are the sons of the Evil One,
    13.39               and
(15)               the enemy is the Devil;
                                       who sowed them
(16)               the harvest is the end of the age,
(17)               the reapers are angels.

    13.40               Therefore
                           just as the tares are collected
                                             are burned 
                                                by fire,
(18)               thus will it be
                           at the end of the age;
(19)13.41          the Son of man will send forth his angels,
(20)               they will collect all offensive things
                                     those doing iniquity
                           out of his Kingdom
    13.42               and
(21)               they will cast them
                           into the furnace of fire;
(22)               there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth

(23)13.43          Then the righteous will shine
                                         as the sun
                                         in the Kingdom of their father.

                        The one having ears
(24)               let him hear.

Semantic Diagram:

          --------------------------------------------- (A)
     -----|    ----------------------------------------  (1)
     |    |    |
     |    |    |         ------------------------------  (2)
     |    -----|         |
     |         |    -----|-----------------------------  (3)
     |         |    |    |
     |         |    |    ------------------------------  (4)
     |         -----|
     |              |    ------------------------------  (5)
     |              |    |
     |              -----|         --------------------  (6)
     |                   |    -----|
     |                   |    |    --------------------  (7)
     |                   -----|
     |                        |    --------------------  (8)
     |                        -----|
     |                             --------------------  (9)
     |    --------------------------------------------- (B)
     |    |
     |    |         ----------------------------------- (C)
     |    |    -----|
     |    |    |    -----------------------------------  (10)
     |    |    |
     -----|    |    ----------------------------------- (D)
          |    |    |
          |    |    |                   ---------------  (11)
          |    |    |                   |
          |    |    |              -----|--------------  (12)
          |    |    |              |    |
          -----|    |              |    ---------------  (13)
               |    |              |
               |    |              |    ---------------  (14)
               |    |         -----|----|
               |    |         |    |    ---------------  (15)
               |    |         |    |
               |    |         |    |    ---------------  (16)
               |    |         |    -----|
               -----|         |         ---------------  (17)
                    |    -----|
                    |    |    |    --------------------  (18)
                    |    |    |    |
                    |    |    |    |         ----------  (19)
                    |    |    -----|         |
                    |    |         |    -----|    -----  (20)
                    |    |         |    |    |    |
                    -----|         |    |    -----|----  (21)
                         |         -----|         |
                         |              |         -----  (22)
                         |              |
                         |              ---------------  (23)
                         ------------------------------  (24)

Exegetical Outline:
I. (A-9)_________________________________________________________________
A. (A)______________________________________________________________

B. (1-9)____________________________________________________________

1. (1)_________________________________________________________

2. (2-9)_______________________________________________________

a) (2-4)__________________________________________________
(1) (2)_______________________________________________

(2) (3)_______________________________________________

(3) (4)_______________________________________________

b) (5-9)__________________________________________________
(1) (5)_______________________________________________

(2) (6-9)_____________________________________________

(a) (6-7)________________________________________
i) (6)_____________________________________

ii) (7)_____________________________________

(b) (8-9)________________________________________
i) (8)_____________________________________

ii) (9)_____________________________________

II. (B-24)________________________________________________________________
A. (B)______________________________________________________________

B. (C-24)___________________________________________________________

1. (C-10)______________________________________________________
a) (C)____________________________________________________

b)  (10)___________________________________________________

2. (D-24)______________________________________________________
a) (D)____________________________________________________

b) (11-24)________________________________________________

(1) (11-23)___________________________________________
(a) (11-17)______________________________________
i) (11-13)_________________________________

ii) (14-15)_________________________________

iii) (16-17)_________________________________

(b) (18-23)______________________________________
i) (18)____________________________________

ii) (19-23)_________________________________

(2) (24)______________________________________________
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