Parable 09:
Lamp and Bushel
Revised Standard Version
Last Revised: 6/14/00
Matthew 5:15
Block Diagram: 
   5:15      Neither 
(1)     do they light a lamp
(2)     put it 
           under a basket
(3)     (they put it)
           on a lampstand
(4)     it gives light to all those in the room.
Semantic Diagram:

      ------ (1)
|     ------ (2)

|     ------ (3)
      ------ (4)

Exegetical Outline:

I. (1-2)_________________________________________________________________

A. (1)______________________________________________________________

B. (2)____________________________________________________________

II. (3-4)_________________________________________________________________
A. (3)____________________________________________________________

B. (4)______________________________________________________________

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