2 inch top margin on first page of new section
but 1 inch margins on left, right and bottom.
Subsequent pages then have one inch top margins until next new section. For example click title below.

        The paragraph immediately underneath the heading should explain the basis for the wording of

the heading that summarizes the basic meaning of the text. Also to be included in this paragraph is an

explanation of the internal literary structure of the text that you have concluded from your study.

This structure is your outline of the scripture text and will be used as left-margin subheadings as you

work your way through the passage explaining its meaning.

        Also to include here in your paper is any pertinent internal historical aspects of the text

generally. For example, in the Matt. 5:3-12 passage, the narrative setting of 5:1-2 establishes that

this 'sermon' was delivered after Jesus went up into the mountain. Where geographically was this?

At what point in Jesus' public ministry did this take place? Such questions will need to be

addressed. If your scripture text is didactic, rather than narrative, these internal historical aspects

may not be present, or else, need as much attention.

triple space between text and heading below
First Left-Margin Heading, 5:1-2
double space between heading and text below

            Insert a copy of the English translation of  these verses selected from one of the translations
            used in the phase one of the assignment. Block indent and single space this quote.

            Each left-margin heading should begin on the third line below the preceding text; that is, triple

space, rather than double space, for the heading. Resume double spacing for the text following the

heading. The heading should be typed with capitalized words, but not in all-caps as per the centered

headings beginning new sections of your paper. The length of the heading cannot extend beyond

half-way across the page on each line. If longer, single space the two line of the heading after

dividing it into two lines.

        3The heading of the body section of the paper should be the wording of the heading listed by your scripture text. Or, you can reword the heading to make it express the perceived basic point of the scripture text you are analyzing. In either case it should be centered on this new section of the paper and be typed with a two inch top margin. Note that the length of the heading for each line must be no longer than 48 characters.


        Under each left-margin heading you should precede to exegete the historical "then" meaning of

the sub-units of the scripture text. This means that you treat key words and phrases in these verses.

Use the translations to identify these. Quote from commentaries etc. in order to elaborate on these

key concepts. Also, discuss places where different meanings are possible in this portion of your

scripture text. Use the different translations to illustrate these differences; refer to commentaries to

explain the nature of the differences. Come to your own reasoned conclusion and present it with

accompanying reasons. Where names of people and places surface in each subdivision of the

scripture text, use Bible dictionaries to help identify these.

        Once you have finished the "then" meaning analysis, then state in your own words how you

think this part of the scripture passage relates to contemporary life today. This constitutes the "now"

meaning of the text. Commentary sources may be cited here, but only to support your perception of

the scripture text's meaning.

Second Left-Margin Heading, 5:3-124

         Insert a copy of the English translation of  these verses selected from one of the translations
         used in the phase one of the assignment. Block indent and single space this quote.

        Now you have come to point two in your outline treating the next subdivision of the scripture

text. The procedure here is to repeat the process done in the first subdivision of the scripture

text. This process will be repeated until the entire scripture text has been analyzed.

        4 If in the process of analyzing your scripture text from various translations you notice them providing alternative translations of a word, phrase etc. in your passage, then you have uncovered a textual variant reading in the underlying Greek text of the New Testament. Consult various commentaries for an explanation of the basis of these alternative readings of the text. Now, in a content footnote explain the nature of this issue and adopt a reading of the scripture text as the basis for your analysis.