1.0 Understanding the New Testament as a Literary Document
Questions for Study 
Last revised: 2/15/07
Explanation: The questions listed below form the data base from which the objective and short answer essay questions will be drawn for weekly quizzes and exam option 1. By answering these questions from information found in Harris and other sources such as web sites, Bible dictionaries and encyclopedias, introductory textbooks etc. you will have a wealth of material to use for studying for the quizzes and exams. NOTE: check this page periodically since it is constantly being revised; you will want to observe the Last revised date to see if new materials have been added since last checking it. No more new questions will be added once the topic has been covered in class discussion; see class bulletin board for notices. Each question is numbered coded to the specified topic in the List of Topics. Sources of information for the answer to the question other than Harris are listed after the number code. To display the Greek text contained in this page download and install the free BSTGreek True Type fonts from Bible Study Tools.

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1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7

____ #. (1.0) A printed, bound copy of the New Testament that readers can hold in their hands is a relatively modern development. 
a) True b) False

         #. (1.0) The New Testament is composed of (#)________ documents (books).

____ #. (1.0) The New Testament contains ______ documents, or “books.” 

a) 27 b) 39 c) 66

____ #. (1.0) One of the defining labels of the New Testament from a Christian view is that it is 

a) a collection of myths & fables b) the Word of God c) an interesting ancient history

         #. (1.1) List one synonym of the word testament in its abstract, religious meaning: _________________.

         #. (1.1) List one synonym of the word testament in its concrete meaning referring to documents: _________________.

____ #. (1.1) One synonym of the word ’testament’ is 

a) covenant b) Torah c) Pentateuch

____ #. (1.1.) The Greek word diatheke is normally translated into English by the word covenant, rather than by the word testament

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.1) The exclusive motivation leading various individuals to read the New Testament is the quest to hear the voice of God speak to them through the pages of the New Testament text. 

a) True b) False
____ #. (1.1) Which of the following pictures more closely illustrates the modern definition of the term “testament”?
a)  -------------------b) 
____  #. (1.1) The central person in the New Testament is 
a) Moses b) Jesus c) Paul

____ #. (1.1.1) The English word testament does not occur in English translations of the New Testament except at the institution of the Lord’s Supper in the synoptic gospels. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.1.1) The English word testament comes from the Latin word testamentum

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.1.1) The English word testament in a religious usage can refer to either the covenant agreement between God and humanity, or one of the two collection of documents that together comprise the Bible. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.1.2) While Jesus is the center of the main covenant in the Hebrew Bible, Abraham is the center of the new covenant in the New Testament. 

a) True b) False
____ #. (1.1) Which of the following pictures more closely illustrates the modern definition of the term “covenant”?
a)  -------------------b) 

____  #. (1.2) According to Harris, the Old Testament set of books called the Torah compares to which section of the New Testament? 
a) The Gospels b) The Book of Acts c) The Letter to the Hebrews
____ #. (1.2) The Hebrew scriptures have no religious connection to the New Testament. 
a) True b) False

____ #. (1.2) The modern Hebrew term for the Old Testament is 

a) Tanak b) Torah c) Pentateuch

         #. (1.2) List the three sections of the Hebrew scriptures:

(1)  (2)  (3) 
____  #. (1.2) The book of Genesis belongs to which section of the Bible? 
a) Old Testament b) Apocrypha c) New Testament

____ #. (1.2) The book of Psalms belongs to which section of the Bible? 

a) Old Testament b) Apocrypha c) New Testament

____  #. (1.2) The book of 1 Esdras belongs to which section of the Bible? 

a) Old Testament b) Apocrypha c) New Testament

____  #. (1.2) The book of 1 Maccabees belongs to which section of the Bible? 

a) Old Testament b) Apocrypha c) New Testament

____ # (1.2.1) Which of the following pictures is taken from the Hebrew text of the OT, according to the online Wikipedia article?

a)  -------------------b) 
____ #. (1.2.2) Christians meeting for worship in the first Christian century used the New Testament as their Bible. 
a) True b) False

____ #. (1.2.2) Christians meeting for worship in the first Christian century used the ____ for their Old Testament scriptures. 

a) the Hebrew text b) the Septuaging text c) the Peshitta

____ #. (1.2.2) The term Septuagint refers to the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament scriptures. 

a) True b) False

         #. (1.2.2) Why did first century Christians want their sacred writings written in Greek rather than in Hebrew?

____ #. (1.2.2) According to one tradition, the Septuagint translation was the work of seventy Hebrew scholars who labored seventy days to produce seventy identical translations. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.3) The term “sacred scripture” identifies the New Testament merely as an ancient book like Homer’s Iliad
a) True b) False

____ #. (1.3) Only Christianity values its ancient writings as sacred scripture. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.3) One of the common links among the scared writings of the major world religions is that each religion views its writings as a divine revelation to mankind. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.4) The documents of the New Testament were originally composed in the ____ language. 
a) Hebrew b) Greek c) Aramaic

         #. (1.5.1) The French term widely used in English to refer to these literary forms of the New Testament documents is ______________.

         #. ( List the four literary forms that serve as categories for grouping the various documents of the New Testament:

1)  2)  3)  4) 
____ #. ( Which of the following literary forms did early Christian writers create? 
a) Gospel b) History c) Letters d) Apocalypse

____ #. ( All of the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life and ministry were written within a decade of Jesus’ death and resurrection. 

a) True b) False

____ #. ( None of the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life and ministry were written within a decade of Jesus’ death and resurrection. 

a) True b) False

____ #. ( The span of history covered internally by all four canonical gospels is the years 

a) 4 BC - AD 30 b) AD 27-30 c) AD 30-62

         #. ( Name the two gospels that cover only the years AD 27-30 in their treatment of the life of Jesus: _________  and _________.

        #. ( Name the two gospels that cover the years 4 BC - AD 30 in their treatment of the life of Jesus: _________  and _________.

____ #. ( Which part of the story of Jesus’ life and ministry receives the primary emphasis in each of the four Gospels? 

a) His birth b) His childhood c) The last week of his life

____ #. ( Which New Testament writer wrote both an account of Jesus’ life and ministry as well as a history of the early church? 

a) Matthew b) Mark c) Luke

____ #. ( The history of early Christianity described in the NT book of Acts covers the years of 

a) 4 BC-AD 30 b) AD 27-30 c) AD 30-62

____ #. ( The history of early Christianity descirbed in the NT book of Acts begins with the ascension of Jesus back into Heaven and ends with the imprisonment of the Apostle Paul in Rome. 

a) True b) False

____ #. ( When the NT book of Acts is measured against the standards of good writing of history in the first Christian century set forth by Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Acts is rated as

a) a very well-written ancient history.
b) full of deficiencies and thus not very useful.
c) a rather mediocre history with limited value.

____ #. ( The book of Romans in the New Testament is which literary form? 

a) Gospel b) History c) Letters d) Apocalypse

____ #. ( Which New Testament writer wrote more letters contained in the New Testament than anyone else? 

a) Peter b) Paul c) James d) John

____ #. ( Which NT writer is the book of Romans attributed to? 

a) Peter b) Paul c) James d) John

____ #. ( Which NT writer is the book of 1 Corinthians attributed to? 

a) Peter b) Paul c) James d) John

____ #. ( Which NT writer is the book of 1 John attributed to? 

a) Peter b) Paul c) James d) John

____ #. ( The letters in the New Testament basically adhere to styles of ancient letter writing. 

a) True b) False

____ #. ( The feature that especially helps define the book of Revelation as an apocalypse is

a) The story line of the triumph of good over evil.
b) It’s unusual imagery graphically emphasizing the supremacy of God over evil.
c) The letters to the seven churches in chapters two and three.

        #. ( The Greek word apokalypsis, which is translated as ’revelation,’ literally means:

____ #. ( Apocalyptic literature in the ancient world, like the Book of Revelation, tended to be written in times of 

a) peach and prosperity b) persecution and hardship

____ #. ( The Book of Revelation is the only New Testament book to contain the apocalyptic literary form of writing. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.6) All Christian groups today use the same set of 27 documents as their New Testament scripture. 
a) True b) False

____ #. (1.6) Our present day New Testament contains all the books written in the early church and used as authoritative writings. 

a) True b) False

_____#. (1.6) The canon of the New Testament was established by the end of the first Christian century. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.6) In religious usage, a canon is the official list of books that a religious community judges to be its authoritative source of doctrinal and ethical belief. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.6) Early Christians meeing in the 60s and 70s of the first century had a New Testament virtually identical to ours for use in worship and Bible study. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.6) Jesus and the apostles made the decision about what books would be included in the canon of the New Testament. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.6) All of the books in the New Testament were written by members of the original group of twelve apostles whom Jesus brought together in his earthly ministry. 

a) True b) False

____  #. (1.6) All the books in the New Testament were composed within a decade of the death of Jesus Christ. 

a) True b) False

____  #. (1.6) None of the books in the New Testament were composed within a decade of the death of Jesus Christ. 

a) True b) False

 ____ #. (1.6.1) The list of recognized authoritative writings for Christians remained the same from the time of the Muratorian Canon (appx 174 C.E.) to the list of Athanasius (367 C.E.). 

a) True b) False

          #. (1.6.1) Name the two church fathers who discussed the formation of the New Testament canon emphasizing the three levels of acceptability: __________ and ________.

____ #. ( Bishop Athanasius’ list in 367 C.E. of authoritative books acceptable in the early church is the first known list that corresponds to our present day list of books in the New Testament. 

a) True b) False

         #. ( Explain what is meant by the term ‘apostolicity’ as a guiding principle of the formation of the canon of the New Testament.

____ #. ( Mark and Luke were among the original group of the Twelve Apostles whom Jesus brought together in his earthly ministry. 

a) True b) False

____ #. ( Because of the importance attached to the principle of apostolic origins of acceptable documents among Christians in the early centuries of Christianity, it is important for Christians today to seek to determine the issue of authorship of the documents of the New Testament. 

a) True b) False

____ #. ( The term “inspired writings” in the religious sense of the term means that such writings

a) were written by individuals in a moment of deep excitement.
b) contain profound insights about certain aspects of life.
c) were brought into being in a mysterious but wonderful joint effort between God and the human writer.

____ #. ( A some point in the study of the formation of the NT canon a Christian begins to realize that the providential hand of God had to be guiding this process of selecting the documents to be incluced in the New Testament. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.6.3) What motivated the formation of a list of authoritative writings in the second century of the Christian movement?

a) A general sense that early Christians needed their own Bible separate from the Jewish synagogue.
b) Conflicts among early Christians.

____ #. (1.6.3) Early Christians in the second through four centuries had to choose as authoritative writings from a large number of gospel writings claiming to accurately represent the teachings and deeds of Jesus. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.6.3) The large number of writings that at one time or another were used as sacred scriptures by various Christian groups in the second through fourth centuries, but were eventually rejected are referred to as the New Testament Apocrypha. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.6.3) The majority of the documents listed as New Testament Apocrypha advocate a Christian belief system known as 

a) Western orthodoxy. b) Gnosticism. c) Eastern orthodoxy.

____ #. ( Marcion vigorously defended the use of the Old Testament scriptures in second century Christian experience and worship. 

a) True b) False

____ #. ( Marcion allowed only the Gospel of Luke and the Pauline letters to be recognized as accurately expressing the Christian faith. 

a) True b) False

____ #. ( Gnosticism produced a number of writings which were used as sacred scriptures within this movement in the second century C.E. 

a) True b) False

____ #. ( The early Christian belief system especially dependent upon Platonic dualism for its organizing struct was known as Gnosticism. 

a) True b) False

____ #. ( Once a generally accepted list (canon) of New Testament books developed, it became easier for church leaders to fight heresy. 

a) True b) False

____ #. ( The general acceptance of a New Testament canon helped to unify Christian belief and practice. 

a) True b) False

____ #. ( Which of the following was the first group of NT documents to be considered authoritative writings for the early church? 

a) the four gospels b) the Acts of the Apostles c) the writings of Paul
d) the catholic epistles e) the Revelation of John

____ #. ( What translation of the New Testament writings played the most important early role in establishing the canon list of books in the New Testament? 

a) The Syriac Peshitta b) The Latin Vulgate c) The Bohairic Coptic

____ #. (1.7) The procedure for evaluating ancient manuscripts to determine the most likely original wording of the Greek New Testament is known as 
a) Textual Criticism b) Redaction Criticism c) Source Criticism

____ #. (1.7) The procedure of evaluating ancient manuscripts for NT text determination involves looking only at ancient Greek manuscripts, not any ancient translations into other languages. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.7) The science of textual criticism when applied to the New Testament results in great uncertainty about the wording of most all the text of the New Testament. 

a) True b) False

        #. (1.7) What is the basic goal that textual criticism seeks to accomplish in analyzing all the available manuscripts of the Greek text of the New Testament?

____  #. (1.7.1) Only a very small number of Greek manuscript copies of the New Testament have survived. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.7.1) The first copies of the New Testament manuscripts were written on _____ writing material. 

a) papyrus b) parchment (vellum) c) typewriter paper

____  #. (1.7.1) What is the oldest surviving fragment of a New Testament book? 

a) Papyrus 457 (=P52) appx. 125 C.E. b) Codex a (Sinaiticus) appx. IV C.E.

        #. (1.7.1) List the three types of ancient Greek manuscripts:

(1)  (2)  (3) 
____ #. (1.7.1) The ancient process of copying the documents in the New Testament was a relatively quick and simple procedure. 
a) True b) False

____  #. (1.7.1) Currently we have access to the original manuscripts of all the books of the New Testament. 

a) True b) False

____  #. (1.7.1) What is the earliest century in which we have access to manuscripts containing only fragments of the New Testament? 

a) II b) III c) IV

____  #. (1.7.1) What is the earliest century in which we have access to manuscripts containing the entire New Testament? 

a) II b) III c) IV

____  #. (1.7.1) Which Roman emperor was the first one to become a Christian and thus change the direction of Christianity forever? 

a) Nero b) Diocletian c) Constantine I

           #. (1.7.1) Name the Roman emperor who made Christianity the official state religion of the Roman Empire: _______________.

____  #. (1.7.1) Most ancient manuscripts of the New Testament have been found in 

a) Egypt b) Palestine c) Greece

         #. (1.7.1) Why do we have more complete textual copies after the time of emperor Constantine?

____ #. (1.7.1) More complete copies of the New Testament from the time of Constantine onward are available today because

a) Christians started writing more
b) Better ways of preserving writings were created
c) Christians and their writings were no longer targets of persecution by the Roman government

____ #. ( Which type of ancient Greek manuscript surfaces at the earliest period of time after the original writing of the New Testament? 

a) papyri b) uncial  c) minuscule

____ #. ( Which type of ancient Greek manuscript that we have access to is the earliest to contain a complete copy of all of the 27 documents of the New Testament? 

a) papyri b) uncial  c) minuscule

____ #. ( Unlike modern English translations, one type of the earliest Greek manuscripts called uncials was written without punctuation marks as reflected in the following example from John 1:1:

a) True b) False

____  #. ( Which type of early Greek manuscripts are the most important basis of the text form which modern translations into English are made? 

a) papyri b) uncial  c) minuscule

____ #. ( Of the ancient uncial manuscripts the most important one for textual criticism is 

a) Codex Sinaiticus b) Vaticanus (B)  c) Alexandrinus (A)

        #. (1.7.2) Identify a basic reason for the need of a standardized Greek text of the New Testament for Bible translation:

____ #. ( The first widely used printed Greek text of the New Testament was

a) Erasmus’ Greek NT
b) The first edition of the Nestle Greek text
c) The United Bible Societies 4th ed Greek New Testament

____ #. ( When Erasmus first produced a printed Greek New Testament in 1511, he compared over 5,000 Greek manuscripts of parts or all of the New Testament. 

a) True b) False

____ #. ( The most widely used standard Greek text today in the English speaking world is

a) Erasmus’ Greek NT
b) The first edition of the Nestle Greek text
c) The United Bible Societies 4th ed Greek New Testament

____ #. (1.7.3) One of the reasons for needing new English translations of the Bible is because the English language itself is constantly undergoing change. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.7.3) The English language is the only modern Western language to have so many translations of the Bible. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.7.3) The first version in an European language of the entire Bible to be based on Hebrew and Greek manuscripts rather than the Vulgate was the 

a) Luther Bible b) Coverdale Bible c) Bishops’ Bible

____ #. (1.7.3) Why did the Church in the beginning so vigorously oppose the translation of the Bible into the vernacular languages of Europe?

a) It wanted to guarantee that it could make all the profits from the sale of Bibles.
b) The exclusive use of the Vulgate in worship gave the priests great control over the laity.
c) The Church leaders didn’t think the early translators were qualified.

____ #. (1.7.3) Where modern translations differ from the long-familiar readings in the King James Version of the Bible, it is commonly because contemporary translators work from a far better Greek text than was available to the King James editors in 1611. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.7.3) Jerome was one of the first Christian scholars to translate the New Testament from Greek into Latin. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.7.3) Jerome was an early Christian translator of the New Testament who lived and worked in the Eastern Orthodox Church. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.7.3) Jerome’s translation of the New Testament is called the 

a) Peshitta b) Sahidic Coptic c) Vulgate

____ #. (1.7.3) The Roman Catholic Church still uses the Vulgate as its primary text of the New Testament. 

a) True b) False

____ #. (1.7.3) Which of the following is taken from John 1:1 in the Vulgate?

a) En arche en ho logos, kai ho logos en pros ton theon, kai  theos en ho logos.
b) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
c) in principio erat Verbum et Verbum erat apud Deum et Deus erat Verbum
____ #. ( One of the major motivations for doing Bible translation early on by Wycliffe and others was to create pressure on the Church to reform itself from the corruption that has become present. 
a) True b) False

       #. ( Name the two primary historical events that triggered the translation of the Bible into the English language:



____ #. ( The first Christian scholar to translate the entire Bible into the English language was 
a) Venerable Bede b) John Wycliffe c) Martin Luther

____ #. ( When William Tyndale translated the New Testament into the English language in 1525, he was given great honor by the church for his work. 

a) True b) False

____ #. ( When William Tyndale translated the New Testament into the English language in 1525, he was executed by the church for his work. 

a) True b) False

____ #. ( The English translation of the Bible which has had the greatest influence continuously in the English speaking world is the 

a) Coverdale Bible b) Great Bible c) King James Version

        #. ( Name two of the strengths of the King James Version:



       #. ( Name two of the weaknesses of the King James Version:


____ #. ( The modern period of the English Bible is
a) 1778- 1898 b) 1881-1957 c) 1881- present
____ #. ( Every English translation of the scriptures is equally reliable translation of the original Greek and Hebrew texts. 
a) True b) False

........#. ( Using chapter five of the History of the Bible, list one weakness and one strength of the committee approach to making a translation of the Bible.



........#. ( Using chapter five of the History of the Bible, list one weakness and one strength of the individual approach to making a translation of the Bible.



        #. ( Two ways in which translations are produced are those done by



____ #. ( The Revised Standard Version of the Bible was produced by 

a) a single individual translator. b) a committee of scholarly experts in the field of translation.

         #. ( Name the two basic methods used to translate the New Testament into English: 

(1) (2)

___  #. ( Translations used as Childrens Bibles are normally produced using

a) Formal English b) Contemporary English c) Simplified English
        #. ( Using the chart, English Translations, identify the dominant translation method used to produce the following English translations:
             a) Verbal or Form oriented b) Dynamic Equivalent or Content oriented
____ 1) American Standard Version
____ 2) Revised Standard Version
____ 3) New American Standard Bible
____ 4) New Berkley Version
____ 5) New International Version
____ #. ( Which of the following translations is the easiest to read and understand according to the Fleich-Kinkaid readability measurement?
a) American Standard Version b) English Revised Version c) New International Reader's Version
____ #. ( One should only read the translation of the Bible that his/her pastor or priest tells them to use. 
a) True b) False

____ #. ( One should seek to find a single English translation and use just that one for study and devotional reading. 

a) True b) False

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