Places of Interest and Information
Here are some web sites we have found to be of particular interest. Hope you find them useful.
Last updated 12/22/99
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Bible Study Software Publishers
Computer Stuff Information about Baptists

Bible Study Software Information
Bible Companion Software Parsons Technology Serious Developments Christian Software Catalogue
Bible Works for Windows Silver Mountain Software .
The Gramcord Institute . .
Linguist's Software . .
Logos Research Systems, Inc. . .

Computer Stuff:
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Information about Baptists:
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Associated Baptist Press
Comparison of the CBF with the SBC Biblical Recorder
Texas Baptists Committed Baptist General Convention of Texas
. The Baptist State Convention of North Carolina
What would Lottie say? Texas Baptist Standard

Publishers and Book Dealers:
Advanced Book Exchange
This used book dealer provides a resource for securing used books that have gone out of print and may be difficult to locate.
Amazon Books
This book retailer specializes in providing orders to customers world-wide via the internet. In addition to retailing publications at a discount, the link can serve as an important bibliographic source of information regarding books in print.
  • Baker Book House

  • This publisher focuses on conservative evangelical positions in their releases. The publishing and theological stances of Baker Book House and Zondervan Publishing House are very similar.
  • Blackwell Publishers

  • "the world's largest independent academic publisher of books, journals and educational software" based in England.
  • Christian Book Distributors

  • A discount retailer of all kinds of publications from church ministry type materials to technical theological literature. The company leans toward evangelical type publications.
  • Garland Publishing

  • "Garland's goal is to be a high-quality publisher of scholarly books. We define "quality" in terms of the content and presentation of our publications and services; the timely delivery of these to our customers; customer satisfaction with all aspects of their contact with our company; employee satisfaction with being part of an organization that encourages innovation and initiative through teamwork and provides a supportive and rewarding environment; the expectation of respectful and ethical behavior toward all our customers and suppliers; the adoption of a leadership role in developing and applying advanced technology with the goal of improving the content and presentation of books and services."
  • InterVarsity Press

  • This publisher is oriented toward evangelical stances on theological and biblical issues, especially a British based evangelicalism.
  • Scarecrow Press

  • This publisher specializes in producing reference books and monographs in a variety of fields, including music, religion, and library and information science.
  • The Liturgical Press

  • "Since its founding in 1926 by the dynamic and imaginative Fr. Virgil Michel, o.s.b., a monk of St. John’s Abbey, The Liturgical Press has actively proclaimed the Good News of Jesus Christ through the creation, publication, and distribution of media products in English and Spanish. Stimulated by the vision of its founder, The Liturgical Press has carried out this ongoing work of evangelization through the publication and distribution of books, pamphlets, periodicals, and audio-visual and electronic titles. Throughout the English-speaking world and in translations, this apostolate of proclamation has been instrumental in forming and informing the People of God by unfolding the riches of the Church’s liturgy, Scripture, and theology for clergy, religious, and laity."
  • Paulist Press

  • This Catholic publisher produces a large number of excellent publications on biblical studies at an extremely reasonable price.
  • Scripta Publishing Inc.

  • A small publisher that specializes in producing classroom materials for university and seminary use.
  • Zondervan Publishing House

  • This publisher focuses on conservative evangelical positions in their releases. The publishing and theological stances of Baker Book House and Zondervan Publishing House are very similar.
  • United Bible Societies

  • "The United Bible Societies is a world fellowship of Bible Societies whose common purpose is the widest possible effective distribution of the Holy Scriptures." For a listing of a wide variety of translations of scriptures, click on Catalogue. For scholarly publications, including the Greek and Hebrew texts of the Bible, click further "Scholarly Publications Catalog."

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