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used to provide internal ordering, stability, and a general staple of teaching
material for religious movements." "In particular, readers are invited
to consider the full and proper context that stands behind the social interaction
of Paul and the believing community in Corinth. The author argues that
this context is incomplete without a recognition of the rhetorical conventions
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here argues that conventions of oral rhetoric were adapted to shape the
literary form and contents of the Pentateuch. The large-scale structure
- stories introducing lists of laws that conclude with divine sanctions
- reproduces a common ancient strategy for persuasion. The law's use of
direct address, historical motivations and frequent repetitions serve rhetorical
ends, and even the legal contradictions seem designed to appeal to competing
constituencies. The instructional speeches of God and Moses reinforce the
persuasive appeal by characterizing God as a just ruler and Moses as a
faithful scribe. The Pentateuch was designed to persuade Persian-period
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