Revised Edition


Paul's Letter to the Colossians

Volume 15

Pericopes 01-21, Col. 1.1-4.18, Homepage

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Pericopes in Colossians
BIC1501: 1.1-2 BIC1508: 2.1-5 BIC1515: 3.18-21
BIC1502: 1.3-8 BIC1509: 2.6-15 BIC1516: 3.2-4.1

BIC1503: 1.9-11a

BIC1510: 2.16-19 BIC1517: 4.2-6
BIC1504: 1.11b-14 BIC1511: 2.20-23 BIC1518: 4.7-14
BIC1505: 1.15-20 BIC1512: 3.1-4 BIC1519: 4.15-17
BIC1506: 1.21-23 BIC1513: 3.5-11 BIC1520: 4.18
BIC1507: 1.24-29 BIC1514: 3.12-17  

Revised: 08/30/2023