Lesson 08
Col. 4:2-6
Exegetical Issues
last revised: 03/27/08
To display the Greek text contained in this page, download and install the free BSTGreek True Type fonts from Bible Study Tools. The Greek text is based upon the United Bible Societies The Greek New Testament, fourth revised edition.  By "Exegetical Issues" is intended the historical issues in understanding the meaning of the periocope. In the discussion Guidelines for Exegeting a Text from the Greek New Testament, the primary focus for this segment will be on steps 3, 5 and 6. Steps 1, 2 and 4 are treated under Rhetorical Issues since they focus on the literary aspects of the pericope.

1. Assess the emphasis on prayer in 4:2-4 in the context of Paul's emphasis on prayer throughout his letter to the Colossians.
Draw upon concordance analysis of the various Greek terms for prayer inside Colossians, and secondary sources such as Bible dictionaries and Biblical Theology resources.

2. Develop a Pauline theology of prayer by analyzing the teaching on prayer from the Pauline corpus in the New Testament.

Draw upon concordance analysis of the various Greek terms for prayer inside the writings of Paul, and secondary sources such as Bible dictionaries and Biblical Theology resources.
Include an assessment of how Col. 4:2-4 fits into this.


3. Compare and contrast the emphasis on prayer in the teaching of Jesus in the gospels and that of Paul in the Pauline corpus of the NT.

Draw upon concordance analysis of the various Greek terms for prayer in the gospels and the writings of Paul, and secondary sources such as Bible dictionaries and Biblical Theology resources.
Include an assessment of how Col. 4:2-4 fits into this.

4. Compare and contrast the emphasis on Christian relations to 'outsiders' in Col. 4:5-6 to the rest of Paul's writings. Then position this perspective to the remainder of the New Testament.

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