Lesson 02
Col. 1:3-8
Greek Text
last revised: 1/03/05
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        1.3 Eujcaristou'men tw'/ qew'/ patri; tou' kurivou hJmw'n  jIhsou' Cristou' pavntote peri; uJmw'n proseucovmenoi, 1.4 ajkouvsante" th;n pivstin uJmw'n ejn Cristw'/  jIhsou' kai; th;n ajgavphn h^n e[cete eij" pavnta" tou;" aJgivou" 1.5 dia; th;n ejlpivda th;n ajpokeimevnhn uJmi'n ejn toi'" oujranoi'", h^n prohkouvsate ejn tw'/ lovgw/ th'" ajlhqeiva" tou' eujaggelivou 1.6 tou' parovnto" eij" uJma'", kaqw;" kai; ejn panti; tw'/ kovsmw/ ejsti;n karpoforouvmenon kai; aujxanovmenon kaqw;" kai; ejn uJmi'n, 
ajf j h|" hJmevra" hjkouvsate kai; ejpevgnwte th;n cavrin tou' qeou' ejn ajlhqeiva//. 1.7 kaqw;" ejmavqete ajpo;  jEpafra' tou' ajgaphtou' sundouvlou hJmw'n, o|" ejstin pisto;" uJpe;r uJmw'n diavkono" tou' Cristou', 1.8 oJ kai; dhlwvsa" hJmi'n th;n uJmw'n ajgavphn ejn pneuvmati.

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