-----Annotated Bibliography-----
New Testament Theology

1.6 Treatments of Individual Writings in the New Testament

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Theological Treatments of Individual New Testament Books and Authors


Research Updates:

Synoptic Gospels

Research Updates:

Kingsbury, Jack D. Jesus Christ in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Proclamation Commentaries. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1981.

Research Updates:

Barth, Gerhard. "Matthew's Understanding of the Law." In Tradition and Interpretation in Matthew, ed. G. Bornkamm, G. Barth, H. J. Held, 58-164. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1963.

Bornkamm, Gunther. "End Time Expectation and the Church in Matthew." In Tradition and Interpretation in Matthew, ed. G. Bornkamm, G. Barth, H. J. Held, 15-51. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1963.

Hagner, D. A. "Matthew,"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 262-267. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.

Kingsbury, Jack D. Matthew. Structure, Christology, Kingdom. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1975.

Kingsbury, Jack D. Jesus Christ in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Proclamation Commentaries. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1981.

Luz, Ulrich. The Theology of the Gospel of Matthew. Translated by  J. Bradford Robinson. Volume in New Testament Theology series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Schweizer, Eduard. "Observance of the Law and Charismatic Activity in Matthew," New Testament Studies 16 (1969-1970): 213-230.

Snodgrass, Klyne.  "Matthew's Understanding of the Law." Interpretation 46 (1992): 368-378.

Stendahl, Krister. The School of St. Matthew and Its Use of the Old Testament. 2nd edition. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1968.

Research Updates:

Matera, Frank. What Are They Saying About Mark? New York: Paulist Press, 1987. 


Achtemeier, Paul J. "Miracles and the Historical Jesus: A Study of Mark 9:14-29." Catholic Biblical Quarterly 37 (1975): 471-491.

Evans, C. A. "Mark,"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 267-273. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.

Kingsbury, Jack D. Jesus Christ in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Proclamation Commentaries.  Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1981.

Matera, Frank. "'He Saved Others; He Cannot Save Himself.' A Literary-Critical Perspective on the Markan Miracles." Interpretation 47 (1993): 15-26.

Matera, Frank. Passion Narratives and Gospel Theologies. New York: Paulist Press, 1986.

McFague, Sallie.  Speaking in Parables: A Study of Metaphor And Theology. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1975.

Perrin, Norman. "The Christology of Mark." In The Interpretation of Mark. Edited by William Telford, 95-108. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1985.

Tannehill, Robert. "The Gospel of Mark as Narrative Christology." In Society of Biblical Literature 1980 Seminar Papers, 57-95. Chico, CA: Scholars Press, 1980.

Telford, William. The Theology of the Gospel of Mark. Volume in New Testament Theology series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Research Updates:

Kodell, Jerome.  “The Theology of Luke in Recent Study.” Biblical Theology Bulletin. 1 (1971): 115-44.


Bock, D. L. "Luke,"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 273-280. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.

Conzelmann, Hans.  The Theology of St. Luke.  Translated by Geoffrey Buswell.  New York: Harper & Brothers, 1960.

Franklin, Eric. Christ the Lord: A Study in the Purpose and Theology of Luke-Acts. London: SPCK, 1975.

Garrett, Susan R. "The Meaning of Jesus' Death in Luke." Word and World 12 (1992): 11-16.

Green, Joel B. The Theology of the Gospel of Luke. Volume in New Testament Theology series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Jervell, Jacob.  "God's Faithfulness to the Faithless People: Trends in Interpretation of Luke-Acts." Word and World 12 (1992): 29-36.

Juel, Donald. Luke-Acts: The Promise of History. Atlanta: John Knox, 1983.

Keck, Leander and Martyn, J. Louis, eds. Studies in Luke-Acts. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1980.

Karris, Robert J.  Luke: Artist and Theologian. New York: Paulist Press, 1985.

Kingsbury, Jack D. Jesus Christ in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Proclamation Commentaries. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1981.

Powell, Mark Allen. "Salvation in Luke-Acts." Word and World 12 (1992): 5-10.

Rasco, E.  La teologia de Lucas: origen, des arrollo, orientaciones.  Rome: Gregorian, 1976.
(Very important treatment of Lukan theology.)

Reicke, Bo. The Gospel of Luke.  Translated by Ross MacKenzie.  Richmond, Virginia: John Knox Press, 1964.


Research Updates:

Ashton, John. Studying John. Approaches to the Fourth Gospel. New York: Clarendon Press, 1994. 

The Johannine Bibliography WebPages compiled by Prof. Felix Just, S.J.

Beasley-Murray, George R. John. Volume in Word Biblical Themes. Waco: Word Publishing, Inc., 1987.

Bennema, Cornelis. The Power of Saving Wisdom: An Investigation of Spirit and Wisdom in Relation to the Soteriology of the Fourth Gospel. Volume 148 in Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament Series 2. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck Verlag, 2002.
(Cornelis Bennema elucidates the soteriological function of the Spirit in the Fourth Gospel, and analyzes the interrelationship between John's pneumatology and soteriology along the trajectory of wisdom. As a possible conceptual background for aspects of Johannine pneumatology, he selects the Jewish wisdom tradition and suggest that sapient Judaism understood 'salvation' as an intensification of that work of the Spirit that is already immanent to a person, namely, the mediation of life and wisdom. The development of an overall model of Johannine soteriology, which holds together both the relational and cognitive aspects of salvation, assists in identifying the specific activities in which the Spirit is involved. The author discusses the dual soteriological function of the Spirit, showing how it creates a saving relationship between the believer and the Father and Son and how it sustains this saving relationship through further mediateion of wisdom that enables the believer to demonstrate discipleship as an ongoing belief-response. This second cencept of the Spirit is the most important continuity between the models of salvation in sapient Judaism and in the Fourth Gospel.  [from Mohr Siebeck 2002 cataglogue; ISBN 3-16-147746-4; 318 pages])

Barrett, C.K. "The Dialectical Theology of St. John." In New Testament Essays, 49-69. London: SPCK, 1972.

Brown, Raymond E. The Community of the Beloved Disciple. New York: Paulist Press, 1979.

Brown, Raymond E. "Johannine Ecclesiology -- the Community's Origins." Interpretation 31 (1977): 379-393.

Jervell, Jacob.  Jesus in the Gospel of John. Translated by Harry Y T. Cleven. Philadelphia: Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 1984.
(For reviews of this volume see Amazon.com.; ISBN 0806620897)

Köstenberger, A. J. "John,"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 280-285. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.

Kysar, Robert. "Community and Gospel: Vectors in 4th Gospel Criticism." Interpretation 31 (1977):355-366.

Martyn, J. L. History and Theology in the Gospel of John. Nashville: Abingdon, 1968.

Segovia, Fernando. "The Journey(s) of the Word of God: A Reading of the Plot of the Fourth Gospel." Semeia 53 (1991): n.p.

Eduard Schweizer, "The Concept of the Church in the Gospel and Epistles of St. John." In New Testament Essays: Studies in Honor of Thomas Walter Manson, ed. A. J. B. Higgins, 230-245. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1959.

Smith, D. Moody.  "Johannine Christianity: Some Reflections on its Character and Delineation." New Testament Studies 21 (1975): 222-248.

Smith, D. Moody.  "The Presentation of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel." Interpretation 31 (1977): 367-378.

Smith, D. Moody. The Theology of The Gospel of John. Volume in New Testament Theology series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.

von Wahlde, Urban C.  "Community in Conflict. The History and Social Context of the Johannine Community." Interpretation 49 (1995):379-389.


Research Updates:

David Balch.  "Recent Trends of Genre Research on the Acts of the Apostles." Southwestern Journal of Theology 33 (Fall 1990): .

Barrett, C. K.  Luke the Historian in Recent Study.  London: Epworth Press, 1961.

Bauer, Walter.  "Apostelgeschichte und apostolisches Zeitalter." Theologische Rundschau 14 (1911): 269-94. 
[Important series of synopses of Acts research around the turn of the century. Important survey of Acts research in early part of this century.]

_____________.  "Apostelgeschichte und apostolisches Zeitalter." Theologische Rundschau 17 (1914): 209-23.

_____________.  "Apostelgeschichte und apostolisches Zeitalter." Theologische Rundschau 20 (1917): 115-38.

Betz, Otto.  "The Kerygma of Luke." Interpretation 22 (1968): 131-46.

Bieder, Werner.  Die Apostelgeschichte in der Historie.  Ein Beitrag zur Auslegungsgeschichte des Missionsbuch der Kirche. Zîrich: EVZ-Verlag, 1960.
(A very helpful, although brief synopsis of the history of research and work on Acts from church fathers to twentieth century.)

Bousset, W.  "Neueste Forschungen zur Apostelgeschichte." Theologische Rundschau 11 (1908): 185-205. 
(Helpful survey of early twentieth century trends.)

Bovon, F.  "Orientations actuelles des êtudes lucaniennes." Revue de thêologie et de philosophie 26 (1976): 161-90. 
(A major review of recent trends in Luke-Acts research.)

________.  "Recent Trends in Lucan Studies."  Theology Digest 25 (1977): 217-24.

_______.  Luc le thêologien: vingt-cinq ans de recherches (1950-1975).  Paris: Delachaux & Niestlê, 1978.  [ET: Luke the Theologian: Thirty-Three Years of Research (1950-1983), trans. Ken McKinney, Pittsburgh Theological Monograph 12 (Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Papers, 1987)] 
(A pivotal exhaustive treatment of Lukan studies from 1950 to 1975; some treatment of Acts research.)

Bruce, F. F.  "The True Apostolic Succession.  Recent Study of the Book of Acts."  Interpretation 13 (1959): 131-43. 
(Very helpful critique of major authors and trends in first half of twentieth century.)

Bruners, W. “Literatur und Theologe.  Neue Literatur Zum Lukanischen Doppelwerk.” Bibel und Kirche 35 (1980): 110-12, 141-51.

Burini, C. “Gli studi dal 1950 ad oggi sul numero e sulla classificazione dei discorsi degli ‘Atti degli Apostoli’” Laurentianum 15 (1974): 349-65.

________. “Gli studi dal 1950 ad oggi sul numero e sulla classificazione dei discorsi degli ‘Atti degli Apostoli’” Laurentianum 16
PG:191-207 (1975).

Clarke, W. K. L. “The Acts of the Apostles in Recent Criticism.” Theology 4 (1922): 69-80.

Clemen, Carl. “Apostelgeschichte und apostolisches Zeitalter.” Theologische Rundschau 1 (1897-98): 371-77.

________. “Apostelgeschichte und apostolisches Zeitalter.” Theologische Rundschau 3 (1900): 50-56.

________. “Apostelgeschichte und apostolisches Zeitalter.” Theologische Rundschau 4 (1901): 66-79.

________. “Apostelgeschichte und apostolisches Zeitalter.” Theologische Rundschau 6 (1903): 79-90.

________. “Apostelgeschichte und apostolisches Zeitalter.” Theologische Rundschau 7 (1904): 278-86.

de Villiers, P. G. R. “Lukas as heilshistoriese evangelis.” NGTT 19 (1978): 249-57.

Dibelius, Martin. “Zur Forgeschichte des Neuen Testaments (au¨erhalb der Evangelien).” Theologische Rundschau, Neue Folge 3 (1931): 209-42.

Drum, Walter. “Commentaries on Acts.” The Ecclesiastical Review 62 (1920): 692-96.

Drumwright, Huber L. “The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts.” Southwestern Journal of Theology 17 (1974): 3-18.

Dupont, Jacques. Études sur les Actes des Apôtres. Lection Divina, no. 45. Paris: Editions Du Cerf, 1967.

________. Nouvelles études sur les Acts des Apôtres. Lection Divina, no. 118. Paris: Editions Du Cerf, 1984.

Emmelius, J.-Ch. Tendenzkritik und Formengeschichte.  Der Beitrag Franz Overbecks zur Auslegung der Apostelgeschichte im 19. Jahrhundert. Forschungen zur Kirchen- und Dogmengeschichte, vol. 27. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1975.

Gasque, W. Ward. “A Fruitful Field: Recent Study in the Book of Acts.” Interpretation 42, no. 2 (1988): 117-81.

________. A History of the Criticism of the Acts of the Apostles. Beiträge zur Geschichte der biblischen Exegese, vol. 17. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1975.

Gräßer, Erich. “Acta-Forschung seit 1960.” Theologische Rundschau 41 (1976): 141-94, 259-90.

________. “Acta-Forschung seit 1960.” Theologische Rundschau 42 (1977): 1-68.

________. “Die Apostelgeschichte in der Forschung der Gegenwart.” Theologische Rundschau 26 (1960): 93-167.

Holzmeister, U. “Neuere Literatur über die Apostelgeschichte.” Zeitschrift Für Kirche und Theologie 49 (1925): 87-99.

Hyldahl, N. “Acta-forskningen -- Linier Og Tendenser.” Dansk Teol. Tids. 35 (1972): 63-70.

Karris, Robert J. What Are They Saying About Luke and Acts?  a Theology of the Faithful God. New York: Paulist Press, 1979.

Kennedy, H. A. A. “Recent Books on the Apostolic Age and the Life of Paul.” American Journal of Theology 9 1905, 540-46.

Kodell, Jerome. “The Theology of Luke in Recent Study.” Biblical Theology Bulletin 1 (1971): 115-44.

Kremer, Jacob. “Einführung in die Problematik heutiger Acta-Forschung anhand von Apg 17,10-13.” In Les Actes des Apôtres.  Traditions, rédaction, théologie, edited by Jacob Kremer, 11-20. Leuven University Press, 1979.

Kümmel, Werner G. “Quellen für die Geschichte des Urchristentums.” Theologische Rundschau 14 (1942): 81-95, 155-73.

________. “Quellen für die Geschichte des Urchristentums.” Theologische Rundschau 17 (1948-49): 3-50, 103-42.

________. “Quellen für die Geschichte des Urchristentums.” Theologische Rundschau 22 (1954): 138-70, 191-211.

Marshall, I. Howard. “The Present State of Lucan Studies.” Themelios 14 (1989): 52-57.

________. “Recent Study of the Acts of the Apostles.” Expository Times 80 (1969): 292-96.

Mattill, A. J., Jr. Luke as a Historian in Criticism Since 1840. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1959.

Mattill, A. J., Jr., and Mary Bedford Mattill, comps. A Classified Bibliography of Literature on the Acts of the Apostles. New Testament Tools and Studies, vol. 7. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1966.

Metzger, Bruce, comp. Index to Periodical Literature on the Apostle Paul. New Testament Tools and Studies, vol. 1. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1960.

Mills, Watson E. A Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Acts of the Apostles: 1962-1984. Supplements to Novum Testamentum, vol. 58. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1986.

Moscato, M. A. “Current Theories Regarding the Audience of Luke-Acts.” Concordia Theological Monthly 3 (1976): 355-61.

Müller, P. -G. “Der ‘Paulinismus’ in der Apostelgeschichte.  Ein forschungsgeschichtlicher Überblick.” In Paulus in den neutestamentlichen Spätschriften.  Zur Paulusrezeption im Neuen Testament, edited by K. Kertelge, 157-201. Freiburg: Herder Verlag, 1981.

O’Neill, J. C. “Commentaries on the Acts of the Apostles.” Theology 61 (1958): 140-43.

O’Toole, R. F. “Why Did Luke Write Acts (Lk-Acts)?” Biblical Theology Bulletin 7 (66-76).

Plümacher, Eckhard. “Acta-Forschung 1974-1982.” Theologische Rundschau 48 (1983): 1-56.

________. “Acta-Forschung 1974-1982.” Theologische Rundschau 49 (1984): 105-69.

Rese, M. “Zur Lukas-Diskussion seit 1960.” Wort und Dienst 9 (1967): 62-67.

Richard, Earl. “Luke-writer, Theologian, Historian: Research and Orientation of the 1970’s.” Biblical Theology Bulletin 13 (1983): 3-15.

Robinson, W. C., Jr. “Acts of the Apostles.” In The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible. Supplementary Volume, edited by Keith Crim. Nashville: Abingdon, 1976.

Rohde, Joachim. Die Redaktionsgeschichtliche Methode.  Einführung und Sichtung des Forschungstandes. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1966.

________. Rediscovering the Teaching of the Evangelists. Translated by Dorothea M. Barton. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1968.

Smith, Marion E. The Acts of the Apostles: A Review of Recent Research. Religious Studies, vol. 1. Roehampton: Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, 1979.

Theissen, A. “Catholic Bibliography of Acts, Catholic Epistles and Apocalypse.” Scripture 2 (1947): 53-57.

Turner, M. M. B. “The Significance of Receiving the Spirit in Luke-Acts.  a Survey of Modern Scholarship.” Trinity Journal 2 (1981): 131-58.

Vitti, A. “L’ultimo decennio di critica sugli Atti degli Apostoli.” Biblica 12 (1931): 233-42.

Voulgaris, Christian. “Historischer Rückblick auf die Forschung zum Lukas-Evangelium und zur Apostelgeschichte.” Deltion Biblikôn Melletôn 1 (1972): 212-33, 239-52.

Wagner, Günter. An Exegetical Bibliography on the Acts of the Apostles. Bibliographical Aids, vol. 7. Rüschlikon-Zürich: Baptist Theological Seminary, 1975.

Williams, C. S. C. “Luke-Acts in Recent Study.” Expository Times 73 (1961-2): 133-36.

Windisch, Hans. “Quellen für die Geschichte des Urchristentums.” Theologische Rundschau 5 (1933): 186-200, 239-58, 289-301, 319-34.


Avemarie, Friedrich. Die Tauferzählungen der Apostelgeschichte: Theologie und Geschichte. Volume 139 in Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck Verlag, 2002.
(Zwischen der in den Evangelien beschriebenen Jordantaufe des Johannes und dem christlichen Taufritual, wie es sich in den Paulusbriefen als den ältesten literarischen Zeugnissen des Neuen Testamentsdarstellt, bestehen erhebliche Unterschiede, besonder in der theologischen Deutung des Rituals. Die Apostelgeschichte bewahrt Überlieferungen, die punktuell Einblick in die vor- und nebenpaulinischen Anfänge der christlichen Taufpraxis gewähren und so zur Rekonstruktion von deren Entwicklungsgeschichte beitragen können. Die Studie arbeitet die Grundlagen heraus, auf denen sich sowohl die sehr kreative Tauftheologie des Paulus als auch die konservativere des Verfassers der Apostelgeschichte entfalten können.  [from Mohr Siebeck 2002 cataglogue; ISBN 3-16-147639-5; 546 pages])

Franklin, Eric. Christ the Lord: A Study in the Purpose and Theology of Luke-Acts. London: SPCK, 1975.

Jervell, Jacob. The Theology of the Acts of the Apostles. Volume in New Testament Theology series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Jervell, Jacob.  "God's Faithfulness to the Faithless People: Trends in Interpretation of Luke-Acts." Word and World 12 (1992): 29-36.

Keck, Leander and Martyn, J. Louis, eds. Studies in Luke-Acts. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1980.

Menoud, Phillipe. "The Western Text and the Theology of Acts." In Jesus Christ and the Faith: A Collection of Studies by Phillipe H. Menoud. Translated by Eunice M. Paul.  Pittsburgh: Pickwick Press, 1978.

O'Neill, J. C. The Theology of Acts in Its Historical Setting. London: SPCK, 1970.

Peterson, D. G. "Acts,"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 285-291. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.


Research Updates:

Metzger, Bruce, comp. Index to Periodical Literature on the Apostle Paul. New Testament Tools and Studies, vol. 1. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1960.

Moo, Douglas. "Paul and the Law in the Last Ten Years." Scottish Journal of Theology 40 (1987): 287-307. 

Reumann, John H. P. "Jesus and Paul in Our Generation." Taproot 14 (spring 1999): 32-79.

Comprehensive Theologies

Beker, J. C. "Paul the Theologian: Major Motifs in Pauline Theology." Interpretation 43 (1989): 352-365.

Donfried, Karl P., and Marshall, I. Howard. The Theology of the Shorter Pauline Letters. Volume in New Testament Theology series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Dunn, James D. G. The Theology of Paul the Apostle. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1998.

Fitzmyer, Joseph. Paul and His Theology: A Brief Sketch. 2nd edition. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1989.

Lincoln, Andrew T., and Wedderburn, A. J. M. The Theology of the Later Pauline Letters. Volume in New Testament Theology series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Treatments of Investigative Approaches to Paul:

Achtemeier, Paul J. "The Continuing Quest for Coherence in St. Paul: An Experiment in Thought." In Theology and Ethics in Paul and his Interpreters, 132-145. Edited by Eugene H. Lovering and Jerry L. Sumney. Nashville: Abingdon, 1996

Beker, J. C.  "Paul's Theology: Consistent or Inconsistent?" New Testament Studies 34 (1988): 364-377.

Dunn, James D. G.  "The New Perspective on Paul: Paul and the Law." In The Romans Debate. Revised and Expanded, 299-308. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 1991.

Furnish, Victor Paul.  "Development in Paul's Thought." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 38 (1970): 283-303.

Hofius, Otfried. Paulusstudien II. Volume 143 in Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck Verlag, 2002.
(Otfried Hofius widmet sich vor allem zentralen Themen der Theologie des Paulus sowie der Frage nach dem Wahrheitsanspruch seiner Verkündigung. Für die einzelnen Beiträge ist das Bemühen um die Verbindung von philosogischer Textanalyse und theologischer Reflexion kennzeichnend. Insgesamt spiegelt der Band zwei Einsichten wider, die in der gegenwärtigen Paulus-Deutung zwar keineswegs unumstritten sind, nach der Überzeugung des Verfassers jedoch als ein hinreichend begründetes Ergebnis wissenschaftlicher Exegesis gelten können: Erstens sind die Briefe des Paulus Zeugnisse eines Denkens, das sich durch innere Stimmigkeit und sachliche Stringenz auszeichnet. Zweitens stehen im Zentrum der paulinishchen Theologie die Christologie und Soteriologie und -- als deren konsequente Explikation -- die Rechtfertigungslehre, deren entscheidende Aussagen in der reformatorischen Theologie durchaus zutreffend erfaßt und zur Geltung gebracht worden sind. [from Mohr Siebeck 2002 cataglogue; ISBN 3-16-147735-9; 294 pages])

Kim, Seyoon. Paul and the New Perspective: Second Thoughts on the Origin of Paul's Gospel. Volume 140 in Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck Verlag, 2002.
(Critical studies of the two 'test cases' for James D.G. Dunn's New Perspective on Paul,' Paul's Damascus experience and Gal 3:10-14, reaffirm the Reformation interpretation of Paul's doctrine of justification and confirm that paul obtained that doctrine from his Damascus experience. The discovery that Isaiah 42 influenced Paul's interpretation of his apostolic call helps explain how Paul developed his antithesis between the Spirit and the flesh/law and why he insists on the impossibility of justification by works of the law. Contrary to the assumption of the 'New Perspective School', Seyoon Kim's studies issue a call to take Paul seriously as in important witness to his contemporary Judaism. The distinctive pauline doctrine of Christ as the Image of God and as the Last Adam is revisited in the light of the growing interest in the apocalyptic-mystical background of Paul. The author also explicates how Paul uses the Jesus tradition in the light of the Damascus experience to develop his christology and soteriology. The overall thesis of the book is that Paul's gospel is a child born of two parents, the Damascus revelation and the Jesus tradition. [from Mohr Siebeck 2002 cataglogue; ISBN 3-16-147692-1; 336 pages])

Keck, Leander. "Paul as Thinker." Interpretation 47 (1993): 27-38.

Keck, Leander. "Images of Paul in the New Testament," Interpretation 43 (1989): 341-351.

Martyn, J. Louis. Theological Issues In The Letters Of Paul. Volume in the Studies of the New Testament and Its World. Nashville: Abingdon, 1997.
     (In recent years a revitalization of interest in Paul has occurred. The Society of Biblical Literature recently ended the work of a group devoted to the study of Paul's theology. We are now seeing the publication of a number of books from various points of view that are examining the life, thought, and influence of the apostle Paul. Despite this recent attention to Paul's thought, J. Louis Martyn believes that insufficient attention has been paid to the discovery of numerous and pervasive apocalyptic themes in Paul's letters. Further, says Martyn, Paul is still being studied somewhat in isolation, almost as though he had had neither comrades nor competitors. One of the results is that Paul is sometimes credited with views he did not hold -- views which were, in fact, held by his opponents. In Theological Issues in the Letters of Paul we find the results of a lifetime of study of Paul's letters by a well-known and widely respected New Testament scholar.
     "This volume presents highly significant Pauline insights by one of the most perceptive and innovative New Testament scholars of our time."--Raymond E. Brown, Union Theological Seminary, New York
     "No American in our generation has done as much to map the terrain of Pauline theology as has J. Louis Martyn. Cogent in crafting an argument, faithful in interpreting a text, and lucid in simple prose, Martyn here offers a compelling depiction of Paul as an apocalyptic theologian. It is a boon to teachers, students, and pastors to have the fruits of Martyn's lifelong engagement with Paul made available in this volume."--Charles B. Cousar, Columbia Theological Seminary
     "With unusual perspicacity and insight [Martyn]  sheds new light on the matters that most distinguish Paul's gospel, including his understanding of the covenant, the cross, and the new creation."--Victor Paul Furnish, Perkins School of Theology, SMU
[comments from publisher; ISBN: 0 567 08592 9 (T&T Clark); 0687056225 (Abingdon)])

Plevnik, Joseph. "The Center of Pauline Theology." Catholic Biblical Quarterly 51 (1989): 461-478.

Sanders, E. P. Paul and Palestinian Judaism: A Comparison Of Patterns of Religion. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1977.

Schoeps, Hans Joachim. Paulus: die Theologie des Apostels im Lichte der jüdischen Religionsgeschichte. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1959.

Stendahl, Krister. Paul Among Jews and Gentiles and Other Essays. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1976.

Wright, N. T. What Saint Paul Really Said. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1997.

Treatments of Topics and Themes:

Achtemeier, Paul J. "Righteousness in the New Testament." In Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible Supplement: 91-99.

Cousar, Charles. A Theology of the Cross: The Death of Jesus in the Pauline Letters. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1990.

Hagner, Donald. "Balancing the Old and the New: The Law of Moses in Matthew and Paul." Interpretation 51 (1997): 20-30.

Hebert, Gabriel. "Faithfulness and Faith." Theology 58 (1955): 373-379.

Hooker, Morna. "Paul and Covenantal Nomism." In Paul and Paulinism: Essays in Honour of C. K. Barrett, 47-56. London: SPCK, 1982.

Hooker, Morna.  "Pistis Christou." In From Adam to Christ: Essays on Paul, 165-186. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1990.

Howard, George. "On the Faith of Christ." Harvard Theological Review 60 (1967): 459-465.

Hultgren, Arland J. "The Pistis Christou Formulation in Paul." Novum Testamentum 22 (1980): 248-263.

Jeremias, Joachim. "Justification by Faith." In The Central Message of the New Testament, 51-70. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1965.

Jervell, Jacob. "Paul and the Acts of the Apostles: Tradition, History, Theology." In The Unknown Paul, 68-76. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1984.

Ernst Käsemann, "The Righteousness of God in Paul." In New Testament Questions of Today, 168-182. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, n.d.

Seifrid, Mark. A. Christ, Our Righteousness: Paul's Theology of Justification. Volume in New Studies in Biblical Theology.  Edited by Donald A. Carson. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2001.
(Since the time of the Reformation, considerable attention has been given to the theme of justification in the thought of the apostle Paul. The ground-breaking work of E. P. Sanders in Paul and Palestinian Judaism (1977) introduced the "new perspective on Paul," provoking an ongoing debate which is now dominated by major protagonists. Foundational theological issues are at stake. In this new study, Mark Seifrid offers a comprehensive analysis of Paul's understanding of justification, in the light of important themes including the righteousness of God, the Old Testament law, faith, and the destiny of Israel. A detailed examination of justification in the letter to the Romans is followed by a survey of the entire Pauline corpus. Seifrid's analysis incorporates a critical assessment of the "new perspective," challenging its most basic assumptions; an evaluation of the contribution of recent German scholarship; and a reaffirmation of the "Christ-centered" theology of the Reformers. In this wide-ranging exposition of the biblical message of justification, Seifrid provides a fresh, balanced reworking of Pauline theology.[comments from the publisher; ISBN: 0-8308-2609-2])

Yeung, Maureen. Faith in Jesus and Paul: A Comparison with Special Reference to 'Faith that Can Remove Mountains' and 'Your Faith Has Healed/Saved You.' Volume 147 in Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament Series 2. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck Verlag, 2002.
(For the hundred years since W. Wrede (Paulus, 1904) made the provocative claim that Paul should rightly be regarded as 'the second founder of Christianity', scholars have debated vigorously on the relationship between Jesus and Paul. Past studies on the Jesus-Paul debate have largely been confined to either the literary of the theological level. This study looks at the issue afresh by combining the historical and the theological approaches. The discussion focuses on the issue of faith, paying special attention to two groups of Jesus' sayings ('Faith that can remove mountains' and 'Your Faith has healed/saved you') and Paul's use of Gen. 15:6 and Hab. 2:4.
        The method of placing Jesus and Paul against the Jewish and Hellenistic backgrounds permits a fuller appreciation of the historical and theological continuities between Jesus and Paul than hs hitherto been possible.  [from Mohr Siebeck 2002 cataglogue; ISBN 3-16-147737-5; 341 pages])

Studies of Paul web sites:

General Listing of Gateways
     at Biblical Studies Resource Pages at http://www.torreys.org/bible/biblia02.html#paul

As Paul Tells It
     at http://www.paulonpaul.org/

Footsteps of Paul
     at http://www.abrock.com/Greece-Turkey/FootstepsIntro.html

Journeys of Paul
     at http://www.luthersem.edu/ckoester/paul/main.htm

The Paul Page
     at http://www.angelfire.com/mi2/paulpage/

Saint Paul the Apostle
     at http://www.thirdmill.org/paul_frameset.asp

    Included are
           The Theology of Paul
           at http://www.thirdmill.org/Paul2/ptheology.asp

           Bibliographies and Recommended Commentaries
            at http://www.thirdmill.org/Paul2/pbibliography.asp

Research Updates:

Moo, D. J. "Romans,"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 291-295. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.

1 Corinthians
Research Updates:

Martin, Ralph P. 1, 2 Corinthians. Volume in Word Biblical Themes. Waco: Word Publishing, Inc., 1987.

Thiselton, A. C. "1 Corinthians,"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 295-306. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.

2 Corinthians
Research Updates:

Harris, M. J. "2 Corinthians," New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 306-311. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.

Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome. The Theology of the Second Letter to the Corinthians. Volume in New Testament Theology series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
Research Updates:

Ciampa, R. E. "Galatians,"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 311-315. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.

Dunn, James D.G. The Theology of Paul's Letter to the Galatians. Volume in New Testament Theology series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Furnish, Victor Paul. The Theology of the First Letter to the Corinthians. Volume in New Testament Theology series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Research Updates:

Research Updates:

Best, Ernest. "Ephesians -- Two Types of Existence," Interpretation 47 (1993): 39-51.

Martin, Clarice J. "The Haustafeln (Household Codes) in African American Biblical Interpretation: 'Free Slaves' and 'Subordinate Women'." In Stony the Way We Trod. Edited by C. H. Felder, 206-231. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1991.

Moritz, T. "Ephesians,"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 315-319. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.

Research Updates:

Hawthorne, Gerald F. Philippians. Volume in Word Biblical Themes. Waco: Word Publishing, Inc., 1987.

Marshall, I. Howard. "Philippians,"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 319-322. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.

Research Updates:

Harris, M. J. "Colossians,"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 322-326. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.

1 Thessalonians
Research Updates:

Marshall, I. Howard. "Thessalonians,"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 326-330. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.

Morris, Leon. 1, 2 Thessalonians. Volume in Word Biblical Themes. Waco: Word Publishing, Inc., 1989.

2 Thessalonians
Research Updates:

Pastoral Epistles
Research Updates:

Harding, Mark. What Are They Saying About The Pastoral Epistles? New York: Paulist Press, 2001. 

Brown, Raymond E.  "The Pauline Heritage in the Pastoral Epistles," in The Churches the Apostles Left Behind. New York: Paulist Press, 1984.

Donelson, Lewis R. Pseudepigraphy and Ethical Argument in the Pastoral Epistles. Tübingen: Mohr, 1986.

Porter, Stanley E. "Pauline Authorship and the Pastoral Epistles: Implications for Canon," Bulletin for Biblical Research 5 (1995):105-123.

Towner, P. H.  "The Pastoral Epistles,"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 330-336. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.

Towner, Philip H. The Goal of Our Instruction: The Structure of Theology and Ethics in the Pastoral Epistles. Sheffield: JSOT, 1989.

Young, Frances. The Theology of the Pastoral Epistles. Volume in the New Testament Theology series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

1 Timothy
Research Updates:

2 Timothy
Research Updates:

Research Updates:

Research Updates:

Getty, M. A. "The Theology of Philemon," Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers (1987), 503-508.

Harris, M. J. "Philemon,"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 336-337. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.


Research Updates:

Ellingworth, P. "Hebrews,"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 337-342. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.

Isaacs, Marie E. Sacred Space: An Approach to the Theology of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Volume 73 in the Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1992.
(The author of Hebrews is not preoccupied with the concepts of the Hellenistic philosophers but with the ideas of the ancient world is frequently conveyed by the notion of ‘sacred space’, which the worshipper wishes to approach in order to gain access to the deity. Standing as he does within the religious tradition of Judaism, the author of Hebrews inherited notions of sacred space whereby it was identified with the land, Jerusalem, Zion and the sanctuary. He shares priestly concern, so Isaacs argues, to guard the sacred, to protect it from the profane, and to regulate the means whereby the worshipper can approach the holy. [comments from publisher; ISBN 1 85075 356 3])

Johnson, Richard W. Going Outside the Camp: The Sociological Function of the Levitical Critique in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Volume 209 in the Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002.
(By examining the implicit sociological data in the Epistle to the Hebrews, and locating the implicit society within the context of the larger Graeco-Roman world, Johnson concludes that the author of Hebrews advocates an ideal society that is both more open to outsiders and more willing to assimilate fully new members than was first-century CE hellenistic Judaism. According to the group/grid paradigm developed by Mary Douglas, the implied society can be categorized as 'weak' group/'weak' grid, in contrast to 'strong' group/'strong' grid Hellenistic Judaism. The critique of the levitical system can thus been seen as supporting the author's advocacy of that implied open society. Richard Johnson is Assistant Professor of Religion, Charleston Southern University, Charleston, South Carolina, USA. [comments from publisher; ISBN 1 84127 186 1])

Lehne, Susanne. The New Covenant in Hebrews. Volume 44 in the Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1990.
(In Hebrews the New Covenant concept is the key to the author's hermeneutical scheme. When the New Covenant in Hebrews is compared with the same idea in the Dead Sea Scrolls, in Paul and in the Last Supper accounts, the independence and originality of the author of Hebrews become evident. His cultic reinterpretation of the New Covenant concept allows him to depict the Christ event in continuity with its Levitical heritage, through the shared rubrics of high priest, bloody sacrifice and tent. His simultaneous stress on the new, heavenly character of the New Covenant is designed to convince his readers of its surpassing effectiveness and definitive superiority. [comments from publisher; ISBN 1 85075 238 9])

Lindars, Barnabas. The Theology of the Letter to the Hebrews. Volume in New Testament Theology series. Translated by M. Eugene Boring. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Salevao, Iutisone. Legitimation in the Letter to the Hebrews: The Construction and Maintenance of a Symbolic Universe. Volume 219 in the Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002.
(This book adopts an inter-disciplinary approach to the study of the theology, symbolism and argument of Hebrews. Employing sociological models, the book examines Hebrews in the context of the early Christians' construction and maintenance of a social world. In that respect, the book elaborates the thesis that Hebrews was designed to serve a legitimating function in the realm of social interaction, that its theology, symbolism and argument were designed to construct and maintain the symbolic universe of the community of the readers. It is argued that we cannot properly understand the theology, symbolism and argument of Hebrews apart from its first-century context. Author is honorary lecturer at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. [comments from publisher; ISBN 1 84127 261 2])

General Letters

Research Updates:

Chester, Andrew, and Martin, Ralph P. The Theology of the Letters of James, Peter, and Jude. Volume in New Testament Theology series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.
Research Updates:

Davids, Peter H. "James,"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 342-346. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.

1 & 2 Peter
Research Updates:

Baltensweiler, Heinrich. Die Ehe im Neuen Testament: Exegetische Untersuchungen über Ehe, Ehelosigkeit und Ehescheidung. Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments, ed. Walther Eichrodt and Oscar Cullmann, vol. 52. Zürich: Zwingli Verlag, 1967.

Davids, Peter H. "2 Peter,"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 350-351. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.

Green, G. L. "1 Peter,"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 346-349. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.

Michaels, J. Ramsey. 1 Peter. Volume in Word Biblical Themes. Waco: Word Publishing, Inc., 1989.

Osborne, Thomas P. “Guide Lines for Christian Suffering: A Source-Critical and Theological Study of 1 Peter 2,21-25.” Biblica 64 (1983): 381-408.

1, 2, & 3 John
Research Updates:

Carson, D. A. "The Johannine Letters," New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 351-354. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.

Griffith, Terry. Keep Yourselves from Idols: A New Look at 1 John.  Volume 233 in the Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement series. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002.
(Challenging gnositicizing interpretations of the letter, Terry Griffith explores how the polemic against idols was variously used in Jewish and Christian circles to define self-identity and the limits of community. He shows that the rhetoric of 1 John is not polemical, but pastoral, directed at confirming Johannine Christians in their fundamental confession of faith and preventing further defections of Jewish Christians back to Judaism. Griffith argues that the christological focus in 1 John concerns the identification of Jesus as the Messiah, and that the ending of the letter both contributes to the author's overall pastoral strategy and sheds light on the issues of sin and christology that are raised in this letter. Terry Griffith is currently Pastor of Trinity Baptist Church, Bexleyheath, Kent, UK. ISBN 0826460518 (comments from The Continuum Internation Publishing Group July-December 2002 catalogue, page 13)

Lieu, Judith M. The Theology of the Johannine Epistles. Volume in New Testament Theology series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Research Updates:

Davids, Peter H. "Jude,"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 355-356. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.


Research Updates:

Bauckham, Richard J. The Theology of the Book of Revelation. Volume in New Testament Theology series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Beale, G. K. "Revelation (book),"  New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity & Diversity of Scripture. Edited by T. Desmond Alexander, Brian Rosner, D.A. Carson, and Graeme Goldworthy, 356-363. Downers Grove, Il: Inter-Varsity, Press, 2000.

Schimanowski, Gottfried. Die himmlische Liturgie in der Apokalypse des Johannes: Die frühjüdischen Traditionen in Offenbarung 4-5 unter Einschluß der Hekhalotliteratur. Volume in Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament Series 2. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck Verlag, 2002.
(Die Johannesoffenbarung führt in der exegetischen Forschung trotz einer Reihe von neuen Kommentierungen noch immer eine randständige Existenz. Immer wieder werden Bruchstücke aus den apokalyptischen Visionen herausgerissen und ohne Rücksicht auf den Gesamtzusammenhang des Werkes interpretiert oder auf aktuelle weltpolitische Ereignisse bezogen. Die neue Gewichtung der beiden einleitenden Kapitel der Visionsreihen (Offb 4 und 5) ermöglicht es, einen ganz anderen Zugang zur Botschaft des Werkes zu eröffnen und die restlichen Visionen vom Anfang her zu erschließen.
        Gottfired Schimanowskis Analyse des Testes führt ihn zu der These, daß die wichtigsten Themen der folgenden Visionen bereits im himmlischen Gottesdienst motivisch wie in einem gewaltigen Präludium anklingen und im Grunde später nur noch weiter entfaltet und verwoben werden.
        Der Autor untersucht Aufbau, Funktion und Ziel des himmlischen Gottesdienstes, der in den mitgeteilten fünf liturgischen Texten zum Ausdruck kommt. Zum Verständnis der Thronszene zieht er neben einer Reihe von bisher wenig zur Auslegung verwendeten apokalyptischen Hintergrundtexten zum ersten Mal ausführlich auch die jüdische Hekhalotliteratur heran.  [from Mohr Siebeck 2002 cataglogue; ISBN 3-16-147777-4; 330 pages])

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