-----Annotated Bibliography-----
4.0 Historical Criticism
last revised: 6/14/02 

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Research Updates
General Treatments
Specific Topics
Historical Understanding

The Historical Jesus

4.1 Research Updates

Crossan, John D.  "Perspectives and Methods in Contemporary Biblical Criticism."  Biblical Research 22 (1977): 39-49.

Evans, Craig A. Life of Jesus Research: An Annotated Bibliography.  Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1989.

Kümmel, W.G. Das Neue Testament im 20. Jahrhundert.  Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1970.


4.2 General Treatments

Achtemeier, Elizabeth, et al.  "Symposium on Biblical Criticism." Theology Today 33 (1977): 354-367.

Achtemeier, Paul.  "On the Historical-Critical Method in New Testament Studies; Apologia pro Vita Sua."  Perspective 11 (1970): 289-304.

Bergmann, Gerhard.  Alarm um die Bibel.  4th ed.  Gladbeck: Schriftmissionsverlag, 1965.

Bloch, Marc Leopold Benjamin.  The Historian's Craft.  Translated by Peter Putnam.  New York: Knopf, 1953.

Bornkamm, Günter.  "Die ökumenische Bedeutung der historisch-kritischen Bibelwissenschaft."  In Geschichte und Glaube.  München: Chr. Kaiser Verlag, 1971.

Bryan, Christopher.  "The Preachers and the Critics: Thoughts on Historical Criticism."  Anglican Theological Review 74 (Winter 1992): 37-53.

Brown, C.  History and Faith.  Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1987.

Brown, R. E. "Historical-Critical Exegesis and Attempts at Revisionism." The Bible Today 23 (1985): 157-165.

Bultmann, Rudolf.  Theology of the New Testament.  Translated by Kendrick Grobel. 2 vols.  New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1951-5.

Bultmann, Rudolf. Jesus and the Word.  Translated by L.P. Smith and E.H. Lantero.  New York: Scribner's, 1958.

Bultmann, Rudolf. Existence and Faith.  Translated by Schubert M. Ogden.  Cleveland: The World Publishing Company, 1960.

Childs, Brevard S.  "Search for Biblical Authority Today." Andover Newton Quarterly 16 (1976): 199-206.

Collins, R. F.  "Augustine of Hippo Precursor of Modern Biblical Scholarship."  Louvain Studies 12 (1987): 131-151.

Collinsworth, R. G.  The Idea of History. New York: Oxford University Press, "Galaxy Book", 1956; first published 1946, 62.

Cullmann, Oscar.  Heils als Geschichte.  Tübingen, 1965.

Ebeling, Gerhard.  "The Significance of the Critical Historical Method for Church and Theology."  In Word and Faith, trans. James H. Leitch.  Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1963: 17-61.

Edwards, O. C.  "Historical-Critical Method's Failure of Nerve and a Prescription for a Tonic."  Anglican Theological Review 59 (1977): 115-134.

Ellis, E. Earle.  "Historical-Literary Criticism--After Two-Hundred Years: Origins, Aberrations, Contributions, Limitations."  In Proceedings of the Conference on Biblical Inerrancy, 1987. J. Gregory, et al.  Nashville: Broadman Press, 1987: 411-421.

Fitzmyer, J. A. "Historical Criticism: Its Role in Biblical Interpretation and Church Life." Theological Studies 50, no.  2 (1989): 244-59.

Franzmann, Martin.  "The Hermeneutical Dilemma: Dualism in the Interpretation of Scripture."  Concordia Theological Monthly 36 (1965): 503-533.

Frye, Roland M.  "On the Historical Critical Method in New Testament Studies: A Reply to Professor Achtemeier." Perspective 14 (1973): 28-33.

Furnish, V. "The Historical Criticism of the New Testament: A Survey of Origins." John Rylands Library Bulletin 56 (1974):  336-70.

Gibbs, Lee W., and W. Taylor Stevenson, eds.  Myth and the Crisis of Historical Consciousness.  Missoula, Mont.: Published by Scholar's Press for the American Academy of Religion, 1975.

Grant, Robert.  The Bible in the Church.  A Short History of Interpretation.  New York: Macmillan, 1960.

Guthrie, Donald.  "The Historical and Literary Criticism of the New Testament."  In Biblical Criticism: Historical, Literary and Textual, eds. R.K. Harrison, Bruce K. Waltke, Donald Guthrie, and Gordon D. Fee, 85-123.  Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1978.

Hagner, D. A. "The New Testament, History, and the Historical-Critical method." In New Testament Criticism &   Interpretation, eds. David A. Black and David S. Dockery,   71-96. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1991.

Hahn, Ferdinand.  "Probleme historischer Kritik."  Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 63 (1972): 1-17.

Hahn, F. Historical Investigation and New Testament Faith. Translated by Robert Maddox. Philadelphia: Fortress Press,   1974.

Hanson, R.P.C.  Biblical Criticism.  Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1970.

Hartlich, Christian.  "Is Historical Criticism Out of Date?" In Conflicting Ways of Interpreting the Bible, ed. Hans Küng and Jürgen Moltmann, 80-112.  Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark LTD, 1980.

Harvey, Van A.  The Historian and the Believer.  Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1966.

Harrington, D. "Historical Criticism." In Interpreting the New   Testament: A Practical Guide. Wilmington, DE: Michael Glazie Inc., 1979.

Hasel, Gerhard F.  New Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate.  Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1978.

Hayes, J. H. and Carl R. Holladay. "Historical Criticism: The Setting in Time and Space." In Biblical Exegesis: A Beginners  Handbook. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1987.

Hengel, Martin.  "Historische Methoden und theologische Auslegung des Neuen Testaments."  Kerygma und Dogma 19 (1973): 85-90.

Hooker, M.  "On Using the Wrong Tool."  Theology 75 (1972): 570-581.

Jowett, Benjamin.  The Interpretation of Scripture and Other Essays.  London: G. Routledge & Sons, Ltd., 1907.

Johnson, A. "The Historical-Criticial Method: Egyptian Gold Or Pagan Precipice?" Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 26 (1983): 3-15.

Käsemann, Ernst.  "Vom theologischen Recht historisch-kritischer Exegese."  Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche 64 (1967): 259-281.

Käsemann, Ernst.  Essays on New Testament Themes.  Translated by W.J. Montague.  Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1982.

Kelsey, David H.  The Uses of Scripture in Recent Theology.  Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1975.

Krentz, E. The Historical-Critical Method. Philadelphia: Fortress  Press, 1975.

Ladd, G. E. "Historical Criticism." In The New Testament and Criticism. Grand Rapids: Wm. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1967.

Ladd, G. E.  "The Problem of History."  In Studia Evangelica, Vol. V, ed. F.L. Cross.  Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1968: 88-100.

Lagrange, Marie-Joseph.  La Méthode Historique: La critique biblique et l'Église.  Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1966.

Maier, Gerhard.  Das Ende der historisch-kritischen Methode.  Wuppertal: R. Brockhaus, 1974.

Maier, Gerhard. The End of the Historical-Critical Method.  St. Louis, Concordia Publishing House, 1977.

Marshall, I. Howard, ed. "Historical Criticism." In New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Principles and Methods, 126- 38. Grand Rapids: Wm. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1977.

Minear, Paul S.  "Ecumenical Theology: Profession or Vocation?" Theology Today 33 (1976-7): 66-73.

Minear, Paul S.  "New Testament Religious Studies."  Religious Studies 10 (1974): 385-406.

Morgan, Robert.  The Nature of New Testament Theology, 'Studies in Biblical Theology', Second Series, No. 25.  Naperville, Ill.: Alec. R. Allenson Inc., 1973.

Nations, A. "Historical Criticism and the Current Methodological  Crisis." Scottish Journal of Theology 36 (1983): 59-71.

Neil, Stephen and Tom Wright. The Interpretation of the New Testament 1861-1986. 2d ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press,  1988.

Piper, J. "Historical Criticism in the Dock: Recent Developments in Germany." Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society  23 (1980): 325-34.

Polzin, Robert M.  "Literary and Historical Criticism of the Bible: a Crisis in Scholarship."  In Orientation by Disorientation, ed. Richard A. Spencer.  Pittsburgh, Pa.: Pickwick Press, 1980: 99-114.

Preus, Robert.  "Offenbarungsverständnis und historisch-kritische Methode."  Lutherischer Rundblick 11 (1963): 170-187.

Price, Robert M.  "Is There a Place for Historical Criticism?" Religious Studies 27 (1991): 371-388.

Scholder, Klaus.  "Herder und die Anfänge der historischen Theologie."  Evangelische Theologie 22 (1962): 425-440.

 Scholder, Klaus. Ursprünge und Probleme der Bibelkritik im 17. Jahrhundert.  Ein Beitrag zur Entstehung der hist. krit. Theologie.  München: Chr. Kaiser Verlag, 1966.

Silva, Moises. “The Place of Historical Reconstruction in New Testament Criticism.” In Hermeneutics, Authority, & Canon, edited by D. Carson and J. Woodbridge, 109-33. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1986.

Smart, James D.  "The Theological Significance of Historical Criticism." In The Authoritative Word, ed. Donald K. McKim, 227-37. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1983; reprinted from James D. Smart.  The Strange Silence of the Bible in the Church: A Study in Hermeneutics.  Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1971: 77-89.

Steinmetz, David C.  "The Superiority of Pre-critical Exegesis." Theology Today 37 (1980): 27-38.

Stock, A. "The Limits of Historical-Critical Exegesis." Biblical Theological Bulletin 13 (1983): 28-31.

Stuhlmacher, Peter. Historical Criticism and Theological Interpretation of Scripture. Translated by Roy Harrisville. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1975.

Stuhlmacher, Peter.  "Thesen zur Methodologie gegenwärtiger Exegese," Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 63 (1972): 18-26.

 Stuhlmacher, Peter.  "Kritischer müssten mir die Historisch-Kritischen Sein."  Theologische Quartalschrift 153 (1973): 244-251.

Stuhlmacher, Peter.  "Hauptprobleme und Chancen kirchlicher Schriftauslegung."  Theologische Beitragen 9/2 (1978): 60-64.

Stuhlmacher, Peter.  Vom Verstehen des Neuen Testaments: Eine Hermeneutik.  Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1986.

Troeltsch, Ernst.  "Über historische und dogmatische Methode in der Theologie."  In Gesammelte Schriften, Zweiter Band, 2d ed.  Aalen: Scientia Verlag, 1922.

Swartley, W. "Beyond the Historical-Critical Method." In Essays on biblical Interpretation: Anabaptist-Mennonite Perspectives. Elkhart, IN: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1984.

Vogels, W.  "Les limites de la methode historico-critique." Revue theologique et philosophique 36 (1980): 173-194.

Wilckens, Ulrich.  "Über die Bedeutung historischer Kritik in der modernen Bibelexegese."  In Was heisst Auslegung der Heiligen Schrift? Regensburg: Friedrich Pustet, 1966.

Wink, Walter.  The Bible in Human Transformation.  Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1973.

Zahrnt, Heinz.  The Question of God: Protestant Theology in the Twentieth Century.  Translated by R. A. Wilson.  New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1969.

Zimmermann, Heinrich.  Neutestamentliche Methodenlehre.  Darstellung der historisch-kritischen Methode.  4. Aufl.  Stuttgart: Verlag Kath. Bibelwerk, 1974.

4.3 Specific Topics

4.3.1 Historical Understanding

Barr, James.  Fundamentalism.  Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1978.

Barr, James.  The Scope and Authority of the Bible.  London: SCM Press, 1980.

Barr, James.   Beyond Fundamentalism.  Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1984.

Nash, Ronald.  Christian Faith and Historical Understanding.  Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1984.

Richardson, Alan.  The Bible in the Age of Science.  London: SCM Press, Ltd., 1961.

Richardson, Alan.  History Sacred and Profane.  London: SCM Press, Ltd., 1964.

Roberts, Tom Aerwyn.  History and Christian Apologetic.  London: S.P.C.K., 1960.

Ryan, Thomas J., ed.  Critical History and Biblical Faith.  Villanova, Pa.: Villanova University, 1979.

Schleiermacher, F.D.E.  Hermeneutik: Nach den Handschriften neu herausgegeben und eingeleitet.  Ed. M. Kimmerle. Heidelberg, 1959.

Vorster, Willem S.  "Through the Eyes of a Historian." In Text and Interpretation: New Approached in the Criticism of the New Testament, ed. P. Martin and J. Petzer.  Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1991: 15-43.

4.3.2 The Historical Jesus

Aulén, Gustaf.  Jesus in Contemporary Historical Research.  Translated by Ingalill H. Hjelm.  Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1976.

Barnett, Paul W. Jesus and the Logic of History. Volume in New Studies in Biblical Theology. Edited by Donald A. Carson. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2001.
(At the heart of the Christian faith stands a man, Jesus of Nazareth. Few people seriously question whether he existed in history. But many, influenced by the more sceptical scholars, doubt that the Christ of orthodox Christianity is the same as the Jesus of history. In this important book, historian Paul Barnett lays the doubts to rest. He uncovers the methodological weaknesses present in some forms of critical scholarship, demonstrating a failure to account for important early evidence about Jesus. Once the evidence is properly marshalled, a picture of Jesus emerges that fits well with orthodox belief in him.[comments from the publisher; ISBN: 0-8308-2603-3])

Boring, E. "The Historical-Critical Method's Criteria of Authenticity: The Beatitudes in Q and Thomas as a Test Case."  Semeia 44 (1988): 9-44.

Bruce, F.F.  "History and the Gospel."  In Jesus of Nazareth.  Ed. C.F.H. Henry.  Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1966.

Evans, Craig A.  "Authenticity Criteria in Life of Jesus Research." Christian Scholars Review 19 (1989): 6-31.

Kähler, Martin.  The So-Called Historical Jesus and the Historic Biblical Christ.  Translated by Carl Braaten.  Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1964.

Keck, L.E.  A Future for the Historical Jesus.  Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1981.

Marshall, I. Howard. I Believe in the Historical Jesus. Grand Rapids:  Wm. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1977.

McArthur, Harvey K.  The Quest Through the Centuries: The Search for the Historical Jesus.  Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1966.

McCown, Chester Charlton.  The Search for the Real Jesus: A Century of Historical Study.  New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1940.

Meyer, Ben F.  "Objectivity and Subjectivity in Historical Criticism of the Gospels."  In The Interrelations of the Gospels, ed. David L. Dungan.  Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1990: 546-560.

Michalson, G. E., Jr.  "Pannenberg on the Resurrection and Historical Method."  Scottish Journal of Theology 33 (1980): 345-359.

Pals, Daniel L.  The Victorian "Lives" of Jesus. Trinity University Monograph Series in Religion.  San Antonio, Texas: Trinity University Press, 1982.

Pannenberg, Wolfhart.  Basic Questions in Theology.  Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1970.

Peters, Ted F.  "The Use of Analogy in Historical Method." Catholic Biblical Quarterly 35 (1973): 475-483.

Renan, Ernest.  The Life of Jesus.  New York: The Modern Library, 1927.

Robinson, James M.  A New Quest of the Historical Jesus. Studies in Biblical Theology.  London: SCM Press Ltd., 1959.

Schweitzer, Albert.  The Quest of the Historical Jesus: A Critical Study of its Progress from Reimarus to Wrede.  Translated by W. Montgomery.  London: A. & C. Black, Ltd., 1926.

Stein, Robert H.  "The 'Criteria' for Authenticity."  In Gospel Perspectives: Studies of History and Tradition in the Four Gospels.  Vol. 1.  Ed. R.T. France and David Wenham.  Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1980.

Strauss, David Friedrich.  The Life of Jesus, Critically Examined.  Translated from the fourth German edition by George Eliot.  New York: Macmillan & Co., 1898.

Talbert, Charles H., ed.  Reimarus: Fragments. Lives of Jesus Series.  Translated by Ralph S. Fraser.  Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1970.

Turner, H.E.W.  Historicity and the Gospels.  Naperville: Allenson, 1963.

Vermes, Geza.  The Dead Sea Scrolls: Qumran in Perspective.  London: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 1977.

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