Parables 70, 71:
Unjust Steward, Dives and Lazarus
Last Revised: 6/26/00
Luke 16:1-31
Block Diagram:
    16:1       And
(A)       he was also saying
                to his disciples,
 (1)                             A certain man was rich
                                               who had a steward,
 (2)                             this one had charges brought against him,
                                                  that he was squandering his master's property.

    16:2                               And
                                        calling him in
 (3)                             he said to him,
                                                 What is this that I hear about you?
                                                 Give an accounting of your management,
                                                 yu can no longer be a steward.

    16:3                               And
 (4)                             the steward said
                                                 to himself,
                                                             What shall I do
                                                             my master is taking the management
                                                                          from me?
                                                             I am unable to dig,
                                                             I am ashamed to beg,
    16:4                                                     I know what I will do

                                                                                              when I am removed
                                                                                                        from management
                                                                              so that they will welcome me
                                                                                              into their homes.

    16:5                               And
                                        calling in each one of his master's debtors,
 (5)                             he said 
                                        to the first one,
                                                          How much do you owe my master?

    16:6                               And
 (6)                             he said,
                                           One hundred baths (appx 8 gal) of oil.

 (7)                             he said,
                                           Take your bill
                                              having sit down
                                           write fifty.

    16:7                               Then
 (8)                             to the other he said,
                                                        how much do you owe?

 (9)                             he said,
                                           One hundred measures (appx. 10-12 bushels) of grain.

(10)                             he said,
                                           Take the bill
                                           write eighty.

    16:8                               And
(11)                             the unjust steward's master commended him,
                                                                 because he acted shrewdly;
(12)                             the sons of this age are more astute
                                                                   than the sons of light
                                                          in relation to their own generation.

    16:9                               And
(13)                             I tell you,
                                              Make friends
                                                 with the mammon of unrighteousness,

                                                                 when it fails
                                                 so that they may receive you
                                                                 into the eternal tents.

(14)16:10                        The one faithful with liitle is faithful with much,
(15)                             the one dishonest with little is dishonest with much.

    16:11                              Therefore
                                         if you have not been faithful with dishonest mammon,
(16)                             who will entrust you with that which is true?

    16:12                              And
                                         if you have not been faithful with what belongs to another,
(17)                             who will give you what belongs to you?

(18)16:131                       No one servant can serve two masters;
(19)                             he will hate the one
(20)                             the other he will love,
(21)                             he will cling to the one
(22)                             he will dispise the other.

(23)                             You cannot serve God and mammon.

    16:14       And
(B)        the Pharisees were hearing these things
                            being lovers of money,
(C)        they ridiculed him.

    16:15       And
(D)        he said
                 to him,
(24)                    You are the ones justifying yourselves before men,
(25)                    God knows your hearts;
                                because that which is esteemed by men is an abomination before God.

(26)16:16               The Law and the Prophets were until John
                                               from that point
(27)                    the Kingdom of God is being proclaimed
(28)                    everyone is crowding into it.

    16:17                     And
(29)                    it is easier for Heaven and earth to pass away
                                  than for one stroke of the Law to fall.

(30)16:18               Everyone divorcing his wife
                        -------- marrying another commits adultery,
                                             having been divorced from her husband
(31)                    the one marrying commits adultery.

    16:19                     And
(32)                    a certain man was rich
(33)                    he dressed himself
                               with purple and fine linen
                               as he daily feasted lavishly.

    16:20                     And
(34)                    a certain beggar was regularly laid at his gate
                                      named Lazarus
                                      covered with sores
    16:21                                  and
                                      desiring to be fed
                                                     with what fell off the rich man's table;
(35)                    the dogs licked his sores.

    16:22                     And
(36)                    it happened that the beggar died
                                         --- ------ was carried
                                                        by angels
                                                        into Abraham's bosom;
(37)                    the rich man also died
(38)                    --- ---- --- was buried.

    16:23                     And
                               in Hell
                               having lifed up his eyes
                               being in torment
(39)                    he saw Abraham
                               from and distance
                               in his bosom.

    16:24                     And
                               calling out
(40)                    he said,
                                       Father Abraham,
                                  Have mercy on me,
                                  send Lazarus
                                     to dip the tip of his finger in water
                                        cool my tongue
                                     because I am suffering
                                                  in this flame.

    16:25                    And
(41)                    Abraham said,
                                      You recall
                                                 that you received good things
                                                             in your life time,
                                                      Lazarus ------- bad things;
                                                      he is being comforted
                                                      you are suffering pain.

    16:26                                  And
                                                            in addition to all this
                                      between us and you stands a great chasm
                                                            so that those wishing to cross over from her to you cannot
                                                                    can they pass over from there to us.

    16:27                   And
(42)                    he said,
                                I ask you
                                          to send him to my father's house,
     16:28                           for        |
                                I have five brothers,
                                                so that he may bear witness to them,
                                                              lest they also come to this place of torment.

     16:29                  But
(43)                   Abraham said,
                                     They have Moses and the prophets,
                                     Let them hear them.

     16:30                  But
(44)                   he said,
                                Oh no,
                                     Father Abraham,
                                        if one comes to them from the dead,
                                they will repent.

     16:31                  And
(45)                   he said
                             to him,
                                        If they will not hear Moses and the prophets,
                                        if one rise from the dead,
                                     will they be persuaded.

1This saying also occurs in Matt. 6:24 in the context of the Sermon on the Mount. The two texts have virtually the same wording. The Matthean text will not be treated here.

Semantic Diagram:

      ----------------------------------- (A)
      |                   ---------------   (1)
      |              -----|
      |         -----|    ---------------   (2)
      |         |    |
      |         |    --------------------   (3)
      |         | 
      |         |    --------------------   (4)
      |         |    | 
      |         |    |              -----   (5)
------|    -----|----|         -----|
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|     |    |    |    |    |    |
|     |    |    |    |    |    ----------   (7)
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|     |    |    |         |         -----   (8)
|     |    |    |         |    -----|
|     |    |    |         -----|    -----   (9)
|     |    |    |              |
|     |    |    |              ----------   (10)
|     |    |    |
|     |    |    |    --------------------   (11)
|     |    |    -----|
|     |    |         --------------------   (12)
|     -----|
|          |         --------------------   (13)
|          |         |
|          |    -----|         ----------   (14)
|          |    |    |    -----|
|          |    |    |    |    ----------   (15)
|          |    |    -----|
|          |    |         |    ----------   (16)
|          |    |         -----|
|          -----|              ----------   (17)
|               |
|               |    --------------------   (18)
|               |    |
|               |    |         ----------   (19)
|               |    |    -----|
|               |    |    |    ----------   (20)
|               -----|----|
|                    |    |    ----------   (21)
|                    |    -----|
|                    |         ----------   (22) 
|                    | 
|                    --------------------   (23)
|          ------------------------------ (B)
|     -----|
|     |    ------------------------------ (C)
|     |
|     |    ------------------------------ (D)
|     |    |
|     |    |         --------------------   (24)
|     |    |    -----|
------|    |    |    --------------------   (25)
      |    |    |
      |    |    |    --------------------   (26)
      |    |    |----|
      |    |    |    |    ---------------   (27)
      |    |    |    -----|
      -----|    |         ---------------   (28)
           |    |
           |    |------------------------   (29)
           |    |
           |    |    --------------------   (30)
           |    |----|
           |    |    --------------------   (31)
                |                   -----   (32)
                |              -----|
                |              |    -----   (33)
                |         -----|
                |         |    |    -----   (34)
                |         |    -----|
                |         |         -----   (35)
                |    -----|
                |    |    |    ----------   (36)
                |    |    |    | 
                |    |    -----|    -----   (37)
                |    |         -----|
                |    |              -----   (38)
                     |              -----   (39)
                     |         -----|
                     |    -----|    -----   (40)
                     |    |    |
                     |    |    ----------   (41)
                          |         -----   (42)
                          |    -----|
                          |    |    -----   (43)
                               |    -----   (44)
                                    -----   (45)

Exegetical Outline:

I. (A-23)______________________________________________________________

A. (A)___________________________________________________________

B. (1-23)_________________________________________________________

1. (1-12)____________________________________________________
a) (1-3)________________________________________________
(1) (1-2)__________________________________________
(a) (1)_______________________________________

(b) (2)_______________________________________

(2) (3)____________________________________________
b) (4-10)_______________________________________________
(1) (4)____________________________________________

(2) (5-10)__________________________________________

(a) (5-7)______________________________________
i) (5-6)__________________________________

ii) (7)___________________________________

(b) (8-10)_____________________________________
i) (8-9)__________________________________

ii) (10)__________________________________

c) (11-12)_______________________________________________
(1) (11)____________________________________________

(2) (12)____________________________________________

2. (13-23)_____________________________________________________
a)   (13-17)_______________________________________________
(1) (13)_____________________________________________

(2) (14-17)___________________________________________

(a) (14-15)______________________________________
i) (14)_____________________________________

ii) (15)____________________________________

(b) (16-17)______________________________________
i) (16)_____________________________________

ii) (17)____________________________________

b) (18-23)________________________________________________
(1) (18)_____________________________________________

(2) (19-22)__________________________________________

(a) (19-20)_____________________________________
i) (19)____________________________________

ii) (20)___________________________________

(b) (21-22)_____________________________________
i) (21)____________________________________

ii) (22)____________________________________

II. (B-45)_______________________________________________________________
A. (B-C)___________________________________________________________
1. (B)_________________________________________________________

2. (C)_________________________________________________________

B. (D-45)___________________________________________________________
1. (D)_________________________________________________________

2. (24-45)______________________________________________________

a) (24-25)_________________________________________________
(1) (24)______________________________________________

(2) (25)______________________________________________

b) (26-28)_________________________________________________
(1) (26)______________________________________________

(2) (27-28)___________________________________________

(a) (27)_________________________________________

(b) (28)_________________________________________

c) (29)____________________________________________________

d) (30-31)_________________________________________________

(1) (30)______________________________________________

(2) (31)______________________________________________

e) (32-45)_________________________________________________
(1) (32-38)____________________________________________
(a) (32-35)_______________________________________
i) (32-33)___________________________________

ii) (34-35)___________________________________

(b) (36-38)_______________________________________
i) (36)______________________________________

ii) (37-38)___________________________________

(2) (39-45)____________________________________________
(a) (39-41)_______________________________________
i) (39-40)___________________________________

ii) (41)_____________________________________

(b) (42-45)_______________________________________
i) (42-43)___________________________________

ii) (44-45)__________________________________

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