The Parables of Jesus 
5. Wineskins
Last Revised: 5/14/00
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Matthew Mark Luke
oujde; bavllousin oi\non nevon eij" ajskou;" palaiouv". eij de; mhv ge, rJhvgnuntai oiJ ajskoiv kai; oJ oi\no" ejkcei'tai kai; oiJ ajskoi; ajpovlluntai ajlla; bavllousin oi\non nevon eij" ajskou;" kainouv", kai; ajmfovteroi sunthrou'ntai.  Neither is new wine put into old wineskins; if it is, the skins burst, and the wine is spilled, and the skins are destroyed; but  new wine is put into fresh wineskins, and so both are preserved."
kai; oujdei;" bavllei oi\non nevon eij" ajskou;" palaiouv" eij de; mhv, rJhvxei oJ oi\no" tou;" ajskouv" kai; oJ oi\no" ajpovllutai kai; oiJ ajskoi ajlla; oi\non nevon eij" ajskou;" kainouv".  And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; if he does, the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost, and so are  the skins; but new wine is for fresh skins."
37 kai; oujdei;" bavllei oi\non nevon eij" ajskou;" palaiouv" eij de; mhv ge, rJhvxei oJ oi\no" oJ nevo" tou;" ajskouv" kai; aujto;" ejkcuqhvsetai kai; oiJ ajskoi; ajpolou'ntai. 38 ajlla; oi\non nevon eij" ajskou;" kainou;" blhtevon. 37 And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; if he does, the new wine will burst the skins and it will be spilled, and the skins will be destroyed.
38 But new wine must be put into fresh wineskins. 
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