Parables 3,4, 5:
Wedding Guests, Garment Patch, Wineskins
Revised Standard Version
Last Revised: 6/6/00
Luke 5:33-29
Block Diagram:
     5.33       And
(A)        they said 
                   to him,
 (1)                      The disciples of John fast frequently,
 (2)                      they make a practice of praying,
                                similarily also
 (3)                      do those of the Pharisees
 (4)                      your disciples eat
 (5)                      ---- --------- drink.

     5.34       But
(B)        Jesus said
                    to them,
 (6)                       You cannot make the sons of the bridechamber fast,can you?
                                   while the bridegroom is with them,
     5.35                        But
 (7)                       there will be days,
                                    when the bridegroom is taken away fromthem,
 (8)                       they will fast
                                    in those days.

     5.36       And
(C)        he began speaking a parable
                 to them,
                                                 after having torn off a patch 
                                                          from a new garment
 (9)                                  No one puts it
                                                 on an old garment;
                                             if so
(10)                                  he will also tear the new
(11)                                  the patch will not match the old.
                                                    from the new

     5.37                                   And
(12)                                  no one puts new wine
                                                 into old wine skins;
                                                       if so
(13)                                  the new wine rips open the wine skins,
(14)                                  it will be spilled out
(15)                                  the wine skins are lost;
     5.38                                   instead
(16)                                  new wine must be poured
                                                   into new wine skins.

     5.39                                    And
                                                 while drinking old wine
(17)                                  no one desires the new
(18)                                  he says,
                                                The old is better.

Semantic Diagram:
     ------------------------------------ (A)
     |               -------------------   (1)
     |         ------|
-----|    -----|     -------------------   (2)
|    |    |    |
|    |    |    -------------------------   (3)
|    -----| 
|         |    -------------------------   (4)
|         -----| 
|              -------------------------   (5)
|         ------------------------------ (B) 
|    -----|
|    |    |    -------------------------   (6)
|    |    -----|
|    |         |    --------------------   (7) 
|    |         -----|
|    |              --------------------   (8)
     |    ------------------------------ (C)
     |    |
     |    |         --------------------   (9)
     |    |    |----|
     |    |    |    |    ---------------   (10)
     -----|    |    -----| 
          |    |         ---------------   (11)
          |    | 
          |    |              ----------   (12)
          |    |              | 
          -----|         -----|    -----   (13)
               |         |    |    |
               |         |    -----|----   (14)
               |    -----|         |
               |    |    |         -----   (15)
               |    |    |
               -----|    ---------------   (16)
                    |    ---------------   (17)
                         ---------------   (18)


Exegetical Outline:
I. (A-5)_________________________________________________________________
A. (A)______________________________________________________________

B. (1-5)____________________________________________________________

1. (1-3)_______________________________________________________
a) (1-2)__________________________________________________
(1) (1)_______________________________________________

(2) (2)_______________________________________________

b) (3)____________________________________________________
2. (4-5)_______________________________________________________
a) (4)____________________________________________________

b) (5)____________________________________________________

II. (B-18)________________________________________________________________
A. (B-8)____________________________________________________________
1. (B)_________________________________________________________

2. (6-8)_______________________________________________________

a) (6)____________________________________________________

b) (7-8)__________________________________________________

(1) (7)_______________________________________________

(2) (8)_______________________________________________

B. (C-18)___________________________________________________________
1. (C)_________________________________________________________

2. (9-18)______________________________________________________

a) (9-11)_________________________________________________
(1) (9)_______________________________________________

(2) (10-11)___________________________________________

(a)  (10)_________________________________________

(b)  (11)_________________________________________

b) (12-18)________________________________________________
(1) (12-16)___________________________________________
(a)  (12-15)______________________________________
i)   (12)____________________________________

ii)  (13-15)_________________________________

(b)  (16)_________________________________________
(2) (17-18)___________________________________________
(a)  (17)_________________________________________

(b)  (18)_________________________________________

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