Biblical Koine Greek
last revised: 2/30/05
Alphabet Papyri Manuscripts Uncial Manuscripts Minuscle Manuscripts

The Greek Alphabet in Print Form
Capital Letters; Small Letters; English Equivalent; Letter Name
A listing of the Greek alphabet
The Greek alphabet of Koine Greek contains 24 letters in comparison to the 26 letters of the English alphabet. Earlier forms of Greek, such as Classical Greek, contained several additional letters in the alphabet.

Papyrus Manuscripts
Papyrus 66 text; click picture for explanation of this mss. Papyrus 75 text; click picture for explanation of this mss.
Papyrus 13 text; click picture for explanation of this mss. Papyrus 52; click picture for explanation of this mss.

The Papyrus manuscripts dating from the second century AD on are the earliest copies of the Greek New Testament known to exist.

Uncial Manuscripts (samples)
Codex Sinaticus; click picture for explanation of this mss. Codex Vaticanus; click picture for explanation of this mss.
Codex Alexandrinus; click picture for explanation of this mss. Codex Bezae; click picture for explanation of this mss.

The uncial manuscripts begin appearing in the third and fourth centuries after Christianity gains official status in the Roman empire. These manuscripts are the most important group of witnesses to the text of the New Testament.

Minuscle Manuscripts
Minuscle 22 manuscript; click on picture for explanation of mss.

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