-----Annotated Bibliography-----
Commentaries and Articles on Individual Books of the New Testament

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3 John




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Commentaries and Articles
on individual books of the New Testament

Research Updates:
Conzelmann, Hans.  “Literaturbericht zu den Synoptischen Evangelien.” Theologische Rundschau 37 (1972): 220-72.

Conzelmann, Hans  “Literaturbericht zu den Synoptischen Evangelien.” Theologische Rundschau 43 (1978): 3-51.

Lindemann, Andreas.  “Literaturbericht zu den Synoptischen Evangelien: 1978-1983.”  Theologische Rundschau 49 (1984): 223-76.
 (Very important update on recent Gospel studies; extensive bibliography.)

Rohde, Joachim.  Die redaktionsgeschichtliche Methode.  Einführung und Sichtung des Forschungstandes.  Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1966.  [Rediscovering the Teaching of the Evangelists. Translated by Dorothea M. Barton.  Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1968.]
(Helpful update of the work on Synoptic Gospels from Redactional Critical perspective.).





Special Bibliography on the Sermon on the Mount




Research Updates:
Barrett, C. K.  Luke the Historian in Recent Study. London: Epworth Press, 1961.

Bovon, F.  “Orientations actuelles des études lucaniennes.” Revue de théologie et de philosophie 26 (1976): 161-90.
(A major review of recent trends.)

Bovon, F.  Luc le théologien: vingt-cinq ans de recherches (1950-1975).  Paris: Delachaux & Niestlé, 1978.
(A pivotal exhaustive treatment of Lukan studies from 1950 to 1975.)

Brauman, G., ed.  Das Lukas-Evangelium: Die redaktions- und kompositionsgeschichtliche ForschungWege der Forschung.  Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1974.

Bromiley, Geoffrey W., ed.  The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.  Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1986.  S.v. “Luke, Gospel, according to,” by E. Earle Ellis.
(Very helpful survey of Lukan gospel studies.)

Conzelmann, Hans.  “Literaturbericht zu den Synoptischen Evangelien.” Theologische Rundschau 37 (1972): 220-72.
(Very important update; see “IX. Das Lukasevangelium,” pp. 264-72, for third gospel.)

Conzelmann, Hans  “Literaturbericht zu den Synoptischen Evangelien.” Theologische Rundschau 43 (1978): 3-51.
(Also important; see “VIII. Das Lukasevangelium,” pp, 43-51, for third gospel.)

Danker, Frederick W., and Krodel, Gerhard A.  Luke-Acts. The Proclamation Commentaries.  Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1976.

Gasque, Ward W.  A History of the Criticism of the Acts of the Apostles.  Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1975.
(A most important survey of Lukan studies, especially as they relate to the book of Acts.)

Karris, Robert J.  What are They Saying about Luke and Acts?  A Theology of the Faithful God.  New York: Paulist Press, 1979.
(A non technical survey of recent trends.)

Käsemann, Ernst.  “Aus der neutestamentlichen Arbeit der letzten Jahre.”  Verkündigung und Forschung (1947-1948): 196-223.

Kelley, J. F.  “The Patristic Biography of Luke (bis Hieronymus).” BiTod 75 (1974): 113-19.

Kodell, Jerome.  “The Theology of Luke in Recent Study.” Biblical Theology Bulletin. 1 (1971): 115-44.

Kümmel, Werner G.  “Current Theological Accusations Against Luke.”  Andover Newton Quarterly 16 (1975): 131-44.

Kümmel, Werner G.  “Das Lukasevangelium.”  Einleitung in das Neue Testament. [Introduction to the New Testament]  20th ed.  Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1980.
(Excellent updated bibliography)

Langevin, P.-É.  “Katholische Literatur für Lk 1,1-9,50: 1930-1970.”  Bibliographie Biblique 1 (1972) 311-23.

Langevin, P.-É.  “Katholische Literatur für Lk 9,51-24,53: 1930-1975.”  Bibliographie Biblique 1 (1978) n. p.

Lindemann, Andreas.  “Literaturbericht zu den Synoptischen Evangelien: 1978-1983.”  Theologische Rundschau 49 (1984): 223-76.
 (Very important update on recent Gospel studies; extensive bibliography.)

Marshall, I. Howard.  “St. Luke in Recent Study.”  Expository Times 80 (1968): 4-7.
 (Covers the period 1953 - 1968.)

Müller, P.-G.  “Conzelmann und die Folgenden Zwanzig Jahre redaktionsgeschichtliche Forschung am Lukas-Evangelium.”  Bible und Kirche 28 (1973): 138-42.

Rasco, E.  La teologia de Lucas: origen, des arrollo, orientaciones.  Rome: Gregorian, 1976.
(Very important treatment of Lukan theology.)

Reicke, Bo.  The Gospel of Luke.  Translated by Ross MacKenzie.  Richmond: John Knox Press, 1964.

Rese, M.  “Zur Lukas-Diskussion seit 1960.”  Wort und Dienst 9 (1967): 62-67.

Rese, Martin.  “Neuere Lukas-Arbeiten.  Bemerkungen zur gegenwärtigen Forschungslage.”  Theologische LiteraturZeitung 106 (1981):  225-37.
 (Very significant review of recent European studies mainly.)

Resseguie, James L.  “Interpretation of Luke’s Central Section (Luke 9:51-19:44) since 1856.”  Studies in Biblical Theology 5.2 (1975): 3-36.

Richard, Earl.  “Luke--Writer, Theologian, Historian: Research and Orientation of the 1970’s.”  Biblical Theology Bulletin 13 (1983): 3-15.
(Helpful survey of recent trends; important bibliography!)

Rigaux, B.  Témoignage de l’évangile de Luc.  Pour une histoire de Jésus.  Brüssel: n. p., 1970.

Rohde, Joachim.  Die redaktionsgeschichtliche Methode.  Einführung und Sichtung des Forschungstandes.  Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1966.  [Rediscovering the Teaching of the Evangelists. Translated by Dorothea M. Barton.  Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1968.]
(Helpful update of the work on Synoptic Gospels from Redactional Critical perspective.).

Snoy, T.  “Bibliographie d’études récentes sur l’évangile de Luc.”  Bible et vie chrétienne 98 (1971): 90-94.
(Helpful update.)

Talbert, Charles H.  “Luke-Acts.”  In The New Testament and Its Modern Interpreters.  Edited by Eldon Jay Epp and George W. MacRae.  Philadelphis: Fortress Press, 1988.
[This chapter 11, pp. 297-320, update previous surveys done by Talbert on Luke-Acts research.  Consequently it is a significant contribution.]

Talbert, Charles H.   “Shifting Sands: The Recent Study of the Gospel of Luke.”  Interpretation 30 (1976): 381-95.
(Helpful survey of trends after 1963.)

Talbert, Charles H.   “The Redaction Critical Quest for Luke the Theologian.”  In Jesus and Man’s Hope, 1:171-222.  Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Press, 1970.

Taylor, Vincent.  “Theologians of our Time: Heinz Schürmann.” Expository Times 74 (1962-1963): 77-81.

Voulgaris, Christian.  “Historischer Rückblick auf die Forschung zum Lukas-Evangelium und zur Apostelgeschichte.”  Deltion Biblikôn Melletôn 1 (1972): 212-33, 239-52.

Unnik, W. C. van.  “Luke-Acts, a Storm Center in Contemporary Scholarship.”  In Studies in Luke-Acts, ed. L. E. Keck and J. L. Martyn, 15-32.  Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1966.
(Survey of trends in early part of this century.)

Wagner, Gunther, ed.  An Exegetical Bibliography on the Gospel of LukeBibliographical Aids.  Zürich: Rüschlikon Baptist Theological Seminary, n.d.
(Extensive bibliography by chapter and verse in third gospel.)

 Wagner, Günter, ed. An Exegetical Bibliography of the New Testament. Vol. 2, Luke and Acts. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 1985.

Williams, C. S. C.  “Luke-Acts in Recent Study.”  Expository Times 73 (1961-1962): 133-36.

Williams, C. S. C.  “Commentaries and Books on St. Luke’s Gospel.” Theology 62 (1959): 408-14.
(Helpful survey of commentaries on Luke.)

Wilson, R. McL.  “Some Recent Studies in the Lucan Infancy Narratives.” Studia Evangelica 1 (1959): 235-53.







Research Updates:
David Balch.  “Recent Trends of Genre Research on the Acts of the Apostles.” Southwestern Journal of Theology 33 (Fall 1990):  .

Barrett, C. K.  Luke the Historian in Recent Study.  London: Epworth Press, 1961.

Bauer, Walter.  “Apostelgeschichte und apostolisches Zeitalter.” Theologische Rundschau 14 (1911): 269-94.
[Important series of synopses of Acts research around the turn of the century. Important survey of Acts research in early part of this century.]

Bauer, Walter.   “Apostelgeschichte und apostolisches Zeitalter.” Theologische Rundschau 17 (1914): 209-23.

Bauer, Walter.   “Apostelgeschichte und apostolisches Zeitalter.” Theologische Rundschau 20 (1917): 115-38.

Betz, Otto.  “The Kerygma of Luke.” Interpretation 22 (1968): 131-46.

Bieder, Werner.  Die Apostelgeschichte in der Historie.  Ein Beitrag zur Auslegungsgeschichte des Missionsbuch der Kirche. Zürich: EVZ-Verlag, 1960.
(A very helpful, although brief synopsis of the history of research and work on Acts from church fathers to twentieth century.)

Bousset, W.  “Neueste Forschungen zur Apostelgeschichte.” Theologische Rundschau 11 (1908): 185-205.
(Helpful survey of early twentieth century trends.)

Bovon, F.  “Orientations actuelles des études lucaniennes.” Revue de théologie et de philosophie 26 (1976): 161-90.
(A major review of recent trends in Luke-Acts research.)

Bovon, F.   “Recent Trends in Lucan Studies.”  Theology Digest 25 (1977): 217-24.

Bovon, F.   Luc le théologien: vingt-cinq ans de recherches (1950-1975).  Paris: Delachaux & Niestlé, 1978.  [ET: Luke the Theologian: Thirty-Three Years of Research (1950-1983), trans. Ken McKinney, Pittsburgh Theological Monograph 12 (Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Papers, 1987)]
(A pivotal exhaustive treatment of Lukan studies from 1950 to 1975; some treatment of Acts research.)

Bruce, F. F.  “The True Apostolic Succession.  Recent Study of the Book of Acts.”  Interpretation 13 (1959): 131-43.
(Very helpful critique of major authors and trends in first half of twentieth century.)

Bruce, F. F.   “The Speeches in Acts -- Thirty Years After.”  In Reconciliation and Hope.  New Testament Essays on Atonement and Eschatology.  Festschrift for L. L. Morris, ed. R. Banks, 53-68.  Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1974.

Bruners, W.  “Literatur und Theologe.  Neue Literatur zum lukanischen Doppelwerk.”  Bibel und Kirche 35 (1980): 110-12, 141-51.

Burini, C.  “Gli studi dal 1950 ad oggi sul numero e sulla classificazione dei discorsi degli ‘Atti degli Apostoli’.”  Laurentianum 15 (1974): 349-65.

Burini, C.   “Gli studi dal 1950 ad oggi sul numero e sulla classificazione dei discorsi degli ‘Atti degli Apostoli’.”  Laurentianum 16 (1975): 191-207.

Clarke, W. K. L.  “The Acts of the Apostles in Recent Criticism.” Theology 4 (1922): 69-80.

Clemen, C.  “Apostelgeschichte und apostolisches Zeitalter.” Theologische Rundschau 1 (1897/98): 371-77.

Clemen, C.  “Apostelgeschichte und apostolisches Zeitalter.” Theologische Rundschau 3 (1900): 50-56.

Clemen, C.  “Apostelgeschichte und apostolisches Zeitalter.” Theologische Rundschau 4 (1901): 66-79.

Clemen, C.  “Apostelgeschichte und apostolisches Zeitalter.” Theologische Rundschau 6 (1903): 79-90.

Clemen, C.  “Apostelgeschichte und apostolisches Zeitalter.” Theologische Rundschau 7 (1904): 278-86.

Crim, Keith, ed.  The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible. Supplementary volume.  Nashville: Abingdon, 1976.  S.v. “Acts of the Apostles,” by W. C. Robinson, Jr.
(Very helpful update in specific topics; good bibliography.)

Danker, Frederick W., and Krodel, Gerhard A.  Luke-Acts.  In the Proclamation Commentaries.  Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1976.

Dibelius, Martin.  “Zur Forgeschichte des Neuen Testaments (außerhalb der Evangelien).”  Theologische Rundschau, Neue Folge 3 (1931): 209-42.

Drum, Walter.  “Commentaries on Acts.”  The Ecclesiastical Review 62 (1920): 692-96.

Drumwright, Huber L.  “The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts.” Southwestern Journal of Theology 17 (1974): 3-18.

Dupont, Jacques.  Études sur les Actes des Apôtres.  Paris: Cerf, 1967.
(A most significant critique of trends in the research on Acts in the 1940’s and 50’s.)

Dupont, Jacques.  Nouvelles études sur les Acts des Apôtres.  Paris: Cerf, 1984.
(A very imprtant critique of trends in the 60’s and 70’s.)

Emmelius, J.-Ch.  Tendenzkritik und Formengeschichte.  Der Beitrag Franz Overbecks zur Auslegung der Apostelgeschichte im 19. Jahrhundert.  Vol. 27 of Forschungen zur Kirchen- und Dogmengeschichte.  Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1975.

Gasque, Ward W.  A History of the Criticism of the Acts of the Apostles.  rev. ed. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1989.
(A most important English language survey of Lukan studies from evangelical view, especially as they relate to Acts.)

Gasque, Ward W.  “A Fruitful Field: Recent Study of the Acts of the Apostles.” Interpretation 42 (April 1988): 117-31.

Gräßer, Erich.  “Acta-Forschung seit 1960.” Theologische Rundschau 41 (1976): 141-94.
(A most important assessment of publications and trends in Acts research for the 1960’s and 70’s; the work of Plümacher listed below continues the assessment into the early 80’s; the earlier work of Baur and Bousset deal with prior years in this series.)

Gräßer, Erich.  “Acta-Forschung seit 1960.” Theologische Rundschau 41 (1976): 259-90.

Gräßer, Erich.  “Acta-Forschung seit 1960.” Theologische Rundschau 42 (1977): 1-68.

Gräßer, Erich.  “Die Apostelgeschichte in der Forschung der Gegenwart.”  Theologische Rundschau 26 (1960): 93-167.

Guthrie, Donald.  “Recent Literature on the Acts of the Apostles.”  In Vox evangelica II, ed. Ralph P. Martin, 33-49.  London: n.p., 1963.

Hamblin, Robert L.  “Miracles in the Book of Acts.”  Southwestern Journal of Theology 17 (1974): 19-34.

Holzmeister, U.  “Neuere Literatur über die Apostelgeschichte.” Zeitschrift für Kirche und Theologie 49 (1925): 87-99.

Hyldahl, N.  “Acta-forskningen -- linier og tendenser.” Dansk Teol. Tids. 35 (1972): 63-70.  [Transl.,  “Die Erforschung der Apostelgeschichte -- Linien und Tendenzen.”  In Probleme der Forschung, 159-67.  Wien/München, n.p., 1978.]

Karris, Robert J.  What are They Saying about Luke and Acts?  A Theology of the Faithful God.  New York: Paulist Press, 1979.
(A non technical survey of recent trends.)

Kennedy, H. A. A.  “Recent Books on the Apostolic Age and the Life of Paul.”  The American Journal of Theology 9 (1905): 540-46.

Kodell, J. “The Theology of Luke in Recent Study.”  Biblical Theology Bulletin 1 (1971): 115-44.

Kremer, J.  “Einführung in die Problematik heutiger Acta-Forschung anhand von Apg 17,10-13.”  In Les Actes des Apôtres.  Traditions, rédaction, théologie, ed. J. Kremer, 11-20.  Leuven: University Press, 1979.

Kümmel, Werner G.  “Quellen für die Geschichte des Urchristentums.”  Theologische Rundschau 14 (1942): 81-95, 155-73.

Kümmel, Werner G.   “Quellen für die Geschichte des Urchristentums.” Theologische Rundschau 17 (1948/49): 3-50, 103-42.

Kümmel, Werner G.   “Quellen für die Geschichte des Urchristentums.” Theologische Rundschau 22 (1954): 138-70, 191-211.

Marshall, I. Howard.  “Recent Study of the Acts of the Apostles.” Expository Times 80 (1968/69): 292-96.

Mattill, A. J., Jr.  Luke as a Historian in Criticism since 1840.  Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1959.

Mattill, A. J., and Mary Bedford.  A Classified Bibliography of Literature on the Acts of the Apostles.  Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1966.
(A most significant listing of 6,646 works [mostly articles] relating to Acts; arranged topically)

Metzger, Bruce M.  Index to Periodical Literature on the Apostle Paul. Vol. 1 of New Testament Tools and Studies.  Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1960.

Mills, Watson E.  A Bibliography of the Periodical Literature on the Acts of the Apostles: 1962-1984.  Vol. 58 of Supplements to Novum Testamentum.  Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1986.
(Helpful listing of works whichs supplement that of Mattill; contains almost 1,000 references to journal articles.)

Moscato, M. A.  “Current Theories Regarding the Audience of Luke-Acts.”  Concordia Theological Monthly 3 (1976): 355-61.

Müller, P.-G.  “Der ‘Paulinismus’ in der Apostelgeschichte.  Ein forschungsgeschichtlicher Überblick.”  In Paulus in den neutestamentlichen Spätschriften.  Zur Paulusrezeption im Neuen Testament, ed. K. Kertelge, 157-201.  Freiburg: Herder, 1981.

O’Neill, J. C.  “Commentaries on the Acts of the Apostles.” Theology 61 (1958): 140-43.

O’Toole, R. F.  “Why Did Luke Write Acts (Lk-Acts)?”  Biblical Theology Bulletin 7 (1977): 66-76.
(Good summary of major viewpoints.)

Plümacher, Eckhard.  “Acta-Forschung 1974-1982.” Theologische Rundschau 48 (1983): 1-56.
(Most important supplement to Erich Grä¨er’s early survey listed above.)

Plümacher, Eckhard.   “Acta-Forschung 1974-1982.” Theologische Rundschau 49 (1984): 105-69.

Rese, M.  “Zur Lukas-Diskussion seit 1960.”  Wort und Dienst 9 (1967): 62-67.

Richard, Earl.  “Luke--Writer, Theologian, Historian: Research and Orientation of the 1970’s.”  Biblical Theology Bulletin 13 (1983): 3-15.
 (Helpful survey of recent trends; important bibliography!)

Rohde, Joachim.  Die redaktionsgeschichtliche Methode.  Einführung und Sichtung des Forschungstandes.  Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1966.  [Rediscovering the Teaching of the Evangelists. Translated by Dorothea M. Barton.  Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1968.]
(See especially chapter five on Luke-Acts for critical analysis of current trends.)

Smith, Marion E.  The Acts of the Apostles: A Review of Recent Research.  Roehampton: Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, 1979.
(Short but valuable synopsis of research on Acts)

Theissen, A.  “Catholic Bibliography of Acts, Catholic Epistles and Apocalypse.”  Scripture 2 (1947): 53-57.

Turner, M. M. B.  “The Significance of Receiving the Spirit in Luke-Acts.  A Survey of Modern Scholarship.”  Trinity Journal 2 (1981): 131-58.

de Villiers, P. G. R.  “Lukas as heilshistoriese evangelis.” NGTT 19 (1978): 249-57.

Vitti, A.  “L’ultimo decennio di critica sugli Atti degli Apostoli.” Biblica 12 (1931): 233-42.

Voulgaris, Christian.  “Historischer Rückblick auf die Forschung zum Lukas-Evangelium und zur Apostelgeschichte.”  Deltion Biblikôn Melletôn 1 (1972): 212-33, 239-52.

Wagner, Günter.  An Exegetical Bibliography on the Acts of the Apostles.  Vol. 7 of Bibliographical Aids.  Rüschlikon-Zürich: Baptist Theological Seminary, 1975.
[A very helpful listing of articles and books related to Acts studies; arranged around chapter/verse references; Vol. 11/4 in 1983 supplements this with additional listings.  A further updating was released in 1985: An Exegetical Bibliography of the New Testament.  Vol. 2 on Luke-Acts. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 1985.]

Wagner, Günter, ed. An Exegetical Bibliography of the New Testament. Vol. 2, Luke and Acts. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 1985.

Williams, C. S. C.  “Luke-Acts in Recent Study.”  Expository Times 73 (1961-1962): 133-36.

Windisch, Hans.  “Quellen für die Geschichte des Urchristentums.” Theologische Rundschau 5 (1933): 186-200, 239-58, 289-301, 319-34.



Blaiklock, E. M. Acts: The Birth of the Church. Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1980.

Blass Friedrich. Acta Apostolorum sive Lucae ad Theophilum liber alter: secundum forman quae videtur Romanam. Leipzig: Teubner, 1896.

Boismard, M.-ß., and A. Lamouille. Le Texte Occidental des Actes des Apôtres: Reconstitution et Rehabilitation. 2 vols. Paris: Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations, 1984.

Bruce, F. F. The Acts of the Apostles: The Greek Text with Introduction and Commentary. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1990.

Clark, A. C. The Acts of the Apostles: A Critical Edition, With  Introduction and Notes on Selected Passages. Oxford:  The Clarendon Press, 1933.

Clark, A. C. The Primitive Text of the Gospels and Acts. Oxford: The  Clarendon Press, 1914.

Foakes Jackson, F. J. The Acts of Apostles. London: Hodder & Stoughten, 1931.

Dibelius, Martin. Aufsätze zur Apostelgeschichte. Forschungen zur Religion and Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments. Edited by Rudolf Bultmann. Göttingen: Vandenhoech & Ruprecht, 1961.

Dibelius, Martin.  Studies in the Acts of the Apostles. Translated by Mary Ling. London: SCM Press, Ltd., 1956.

Haenchen, Ernst. The Acts of the Apostles. A Commentary. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1971.

Hanson, R. P. C. The Acts. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1967.

Harnack, Adolf von. Die Apostelgeschichte. Beiträge zur  Einleitung in das Neue Testament 3. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1908.

Harrison, Everett F. Acts: The Expanding Church. Chicago: Moody Press, 1975.

Knox, W. L. The Acts of the Apostles. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1948.

Krodel, G. Acts. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1981.

Lake, Kirsopp, and Henry J. Cadbury. Additional Notes to the  Commentary. The Beginnings of Christianity: Part I, the Acts of the Apostles, vol. 5. Edited by F. J. Foakes and Kirsopp Lake. London: Macmillan, 1933.

Lake, Kirsopp, and Henry J. Cadbury.  English Translation and Commentary. The Beginnings of  Christianity: Part I, The Acts of the Apostles, vol. 4. Edited by F. J. Foakes Jackson and Kirsopp Lake. London: Macmillan, 1933.

Loisy, A. Les Actes des Apôtres. Paris: Nourry, 1920.

Lüdemann, Gerd. Das frühe Christentum nach den Traditionen der Apostelgeschichte: Ein Kommentar. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1987.

Marshall, I. Howard. The Acts of the Apostles. Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1980.

Richard, Earl.  "The Divine Purpose: The Jews and the Gentile Mission (Acts 15)."  In Luke-Acts: New Perspectives from  the Society of Biblical Literature Seminar, ed. Charles H. Talbert, 188-209.  New York: Crossroad Publishing Co., 1984.

Schneckenburger, Matthias. Über den Zweck der Apostelgeschichte: Zugleich eine Ergänzung der neueren Commentare. Bern: Verlag von Chr. Fischer, 1841.

Stagg, Frank. The Book of Acts. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1955.

Stählin, Gustav. Die Apostelgeschichte. 7th edition. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1980.

Stott, John. The Spirit, The Church, and The World: The Message of Acts. Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 1990.

Tannehill, Robert C. The Narrative Unity of Luke-Acts: A Literary Interpretation. Vol. 2, The Acts of the Apostles. Minnepolis: Fortress, 1990.

Vaughan, Curtis. Acts: A Study Guide Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1974.

Williams, C. S. C. A Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1964.

Research Updates:
Kennedy, H. A. A.  “Recent Books on the Apostolic Age and the Life of Paul.”  The American Journal of Theology 9 (1905): 540-46.

Metzger, Bruce M.  Index to Periodical Literature on the Apostle Paul. Vol. 1 of New Testament Tools and Studies.  Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1960.


Deissmann, Adolf.  Paul: A Study in Social and Religious History. Translated by W. E. Wilson.  2nd edition.  New York: Harper & Brothers, 1957.

Köster, Friedrich.  “Ob St. Paulus seine Sprache an der des Demosthenes gebildet habe?”  Theologische Studien und Kritiken 27 (1854): 305-22.

Lake, Kirsopp. The Earlier Epistles of St. Paul. London:  Rivingtons, 1927.


Elliott, J. K.  “The Language and Style of the Concluding Doxology to the Epistle to the Romans.” Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 72 (1981): 124-30.

1 Corinthians

Given, Mark D. "All things to all people all at once: Paul's ambiguous rhetorical strategy in 1 Cor 8:1 - 11:1." 1999 SBL paper presentation. Located at http://courses.smsu.edu/mdg421f/All%20Things.htm

Given, Mark D.  Paul's True Rhetoric: Ambiguity, Cunning, and Deception in Greece and RomeEmory Studies in Early Christianity 7. Harrisburg: Trinity Press International, 2001

Dawes, Gregory W. "The Danger of Idolatry: First Corinthians 8:7-13," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 58 (1996) 82-98.

Wuellner, Wilhelm.  “Haggadic Homily Genre in 1 Corinthians 1-3.”  Journal of Biblical Literature 89 (1970): 199-204.

2 Corinthians



Mitternacht, Dieter. Forum für Sprachlose: Eine kommunikationspsychologische und epistolär-rhetorische Untersuchung des Galaterbriefs. NP: Almquist and Wiksell, 1999.
[about the author]

Nanos, Mark, ed. The Galatians Debate: Contemporary Issues in Rhetorical and Historical Interpretation.  Peabody, MS: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc., 2002.
["The first half of this just released edited volume is designed around exemplary articles from Betz, Hall, Smit, Berchman, Martin, Classen that trace a variety of contemporary approaches to the rhetorical (and to some degree epistolary) analysis of Galatians; followed by essays by Dahl (a wonderful previously unpublished paper from 1973 one sometimes finds mentioned) and Hansen on epistolary analysis; as well as rhetorical and epistolary analysis of the autobiographical material by Koptak, Vos, and Hester. (Just to complete the picture of the volume: The second half includes essays of rhetorical as well as socio-historical nature by Dunn,
Fredriksen, Esler, and Nanos on the autobiographical section of Galatians, with emphasis on the Antioch Incident, followed by Harvey, Jewett, Martyn, Walter, Barclay, Lategan, Nanos, and Mitternacht on the Galatians situation.) A 40+ page introduction offers a framework for the various debates, and a summary of each contribution (most are republished, some are new). There is also a glossary that includes many rhetorical terms, among others, and an extensive bibliography. (comments by Mark Nanos in Corpus-Paul forum email under the subject Letter Writing in the Ancient World, Jan 4, 2003) ISBN: 1565634683]

Nanos, Mark. The Irony of Galatians: Paul's Letter in First-Century Context. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 2001.
["I have argued that Galatians should be approached as a letter of ironic rebuke, and spell out some of the implications that I believe follow from a more epistolary approach and attention to irony, especially the case for reconsideration of the rhetorical and historical situation(s) that ironic use of language would imply. It also offers an appendix analyzing the issues that arise in the contemporary debate about rhetorical and epistolary analyses, with extensive bibliography. (comments by Mark Nanos in Corpus-Paul forum email under the subject Letter Writing in the Ancient World, Jan 4, 2003) ISBN: 0800632141]

Lightfoot, J. B. St. Paul's Letter to the Galatians: A  Revised Text with Introduction, Notes and Dissertations. J. B. Lightfoot's Commentary on the Epistles of St. Paul. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1995; reprint.


Sampley, J. Paul. “And the Two Shall Become One Flesh”: A Study of Traditions in Ephesians 5:21-33. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971.


Crouch, James E. The Origin and Intention of the Colossian Haustafel. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1972.

1 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians

Pastoral Epistles

Verner, David C. The Household of God: The Social World of the Pastoral Epistles. Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series, ed. William Baird, no. 71. Chico, Ca.: Scholars Press, 1983.

1 Timothy



2 Timothy




Lips, Hermann von. “Die Haustafel als ‘Topos’ im Rahmen der urchristlichen Paränese: Beobachtungen anhand des 1. Petrusbriefes und des Titusbriefes.” New Testament Studies 40 (1994): 261-80.






General Letters


Adamson, J. B. "An Indictive Approach to the Epistle of James." Ph.D. Dissertation. Cambride: Cambridge University Press, 1954.

Aland, Kurt. "Der Hernbruder Jakobus und der Kakobusbrief." Theologische Literatur Zeitung 69 (1944): 97-104.

Allen, E. L. "Controversy in the New Testament." New Testament Studies 1 (1954-1955): 143-149.

Althaus, P. "'Bekenne eurer dem anderen seine Sünden': zur Geschichete von Jak 5, 16 seit Augustin," in Festgabe für Theordor Zahn, 165-194. Leipzig: n.p., 1928.

Amphoux, C.-B. "À propos de Jacque 1, 17." Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses  (1970): 127-136.

Amphoux, C.-B. "Vers une description linguistique de l'Èpître de Jacque," New Testament Studies 25 (1978): 58-92.

Argyle, A. W. "Greek Among Palestinian Jews in New Testament Times," New Testament Studies 20 (1973): 87-89.

Bacon, B. W.  "James, Epistle of," Encyclopaedia Britannica XV: 145-146.

Baird, W. R., Jr. "Among the Mature," Interpretation 13 (1959): 425-432.

Belser, J. E. "Die Vulgata und der grieschische Text im Jakobusbrief," Theologische Quartalschrift 90 (1908): 329-339.

Berger, Klaus. "Abraham II. Im Frühjudentum und Neuen Testament," Theologische Realenzyklopädie I, 372-382.

Betz, Hans Dieter.  Lukian von Samosata und das neue Testament. Vol 76 in Text und Untersuchungen. Berlin: n.p., 1961.

Beyer, Klaus. Semitische Syntax im Neuen Testament.  Göttingen: n.p., 1962.

Bieder, W. "Christliche Existenz nach dem Zeugnis der Jakobusbrief," Theologische Zeitung 5 (1949): 93-113.

Bischoff, A. "To; tevlo" kurivou," Zeitschrift für neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 7 (1906): 274-279.

Bishop, E. F. F. Apostles of Palestine. London: n.p., 1928.

Boismard, M.-E. "Une Liturgie Baptismale dans la Prima Petri II. -- son Influence sur l'Èpître de Jacques," Revue biblique 64 (1957): 161-183.

Bolkestein, H. Wohltätigkeit und Armenpflege in vorchristlichen Alterum. Utrecht: n.p., 1939.

Bohnhöffer, A. F. Epiktet und das Neue Testament. Giessen: n.p., 1911. (reprint 1964)

Bord, J. B. L'Extrême Onction d'après l'Èpître de S. Jacques examinée dan la tradition. Brussels: n.p., 1923.

Brinktrine, J. "Zu Jak 2,1," Biblica 35 (1954): 40-42.

Brooks, James A. "The Place of James in the New Testament," Southwestern Journal of Theology 12 (1969): 41-55.

Brushton, C. "Une 'crux interpretum' Jacq. 4.5," Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses 4 (1907): 368-377.

Büchler, A. The Economic Condition in Judea after the Destruction of the Second Temple. London: n.p., 1912.

Bultmann, Rudolf. Der Stil der paulinischen Predigt und die kynisch-stoische Diatribe. Göttingen: n.p., 1910.

Burchard, C. "Zu Jakobus 2, 14-26," Zeitschrift für neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 71 (1980): 27-45.

Burge, G. M. "'And Threw Them Thus on Paper': Recovering the Poetic Form of James 2:14-26," Studia Biblica et Theologica 7 (1977): 31-45.

Cadoux, A. T. The Thought of St. James. London: n.p., 1944.

Carpenter, W. B. The Wisdom of James the Just. London: n.p., 1903.

Carr, A. "The Meaning of   JO KOSMOS in James iii. 6," Expositor series 7, 8 (1909): 318-325.

Carroll, K. L. "The Place of James in the Early Church," Bulletin of the John Rylands University, Library of Manchester 44 (1961): 49-67.

Cranford, Lorin L.  James Diagramed.  Fort Worth: AlphaGraphics, 1984.

Cranford, Lorin L. Study Manual of The Epistle of James: English Text. Fort Worth: AlphaGraphics, 1988.

Cranford, Lorin L. A Study Manual on the Epistle of James: Greek Text. Revised Edition. Fort Worth: Scripta Publishing Inc., 1991.

Cranford, Lorin L.  “What About Your Faith?  An Exposition of James 2,”  Southwestern Journal of Theology 29 (Fall 1986): 19-30.

Cooper, R. M. "Prayer: a Study in Matthew and James," Encounter 29 (1968): 268-277.

Coppieters, H. "La Signification et la Provenance de la citation Jac. IV,5," Revue biblique 12 (1915): 35-58.

Cranfield, C. E. B. "The Message of James," Scottish Journal of Theology 18 (1965): 182-194, 338-345.

Culter, C. R. "The Aktionsart of the Verb in the Epistle of James," Ph.D. dissertation, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1959.

Dale, R. W. The Epistle of James. London: n.p., 1895.

Daniélou, Jacque. The Theology of Jewish Christianity. London: n.p., 1964.

Davids, Peter H. "Themes in the Epistle of James that are Judaistic in Character," Ph.D. dissertation, Manchester, 1974.

Davids, Peter H. "The Meaning of   jApeivrasto" in James 1.13," New Testament Studies 24 (1978): 386-392.

Davids, Peter H. "The Poor Man's Gospel," Theology 1 (1976): 37-41.

Davids, Peter H. "Tradition and Citation in the Epistle of James," in Scripture, Tradition, and Interpretion, 113-126. Edited by W.W. Gasque and W.S. LaSor. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1978.

Drummond, J. The New Testament in the Apostolic Fathers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1905.

Easton, B. S. "New Testament Ethical Lists," Journal of Biblical Literature 51 (1932): 1-12.

Eckart, K.-G. "Zur Terminologies des Jakobusbriefes," Theologische Literatur Zeitung 89 (1964): 521-526.


Bardenhewer, Otto. Der Brief des heiligen Jakobus. Freiburg: n.p., 1928.

Belser, J. E. Die Epistel des heiligen Jakobus. Freiburg: n.p., 1909.

Howard, Fred D.  James: Epistle of Action. Grand Rapids, Mich., Baker Book House, 1969.
BS2785.3 .H6

Mayor, J. B. The Epistle of St. James, 3d ed. London: Macmillan, 1910.

1 Peter
Research Updates:
Cothenet, Édouard. “Les Orientations Actuelles de l’Exégèse de la Première Lettre de Pierre.” In Études sur la Première Lettre de Pierre, ed. Charles Perrot, 13-42. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1980.


Balch, David L. “’Let Wives Be Submissive . . . .’: The Origin, Form and Apologetic Function of the Household Duty Code (Haustafel) in I Peter.” Ph.D. diss., Yale University, 1974.

Balch, David L. Let Wives Be Submissive: The Domestic Code in 1 Peter. Society of Biblical Literature Monograph Series, ed. James Crenshaw, no. 26. Chico, Ca.: Scholars Press, 1981.

Balch, David L. “Early Christian Criticism of Patriarchal Authority: 1 Peter 2:11-3:12.” Union Seminary Quarterly Review 39 (1984): 161-73.

Balch, David L. “Hellenization/Acculturation in 1 Peter.” In Perspectives on First Peter, ed. Charles H. Talbert, 79-101. NABPR Special Studies Series, no. 9. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 1986.

Elliottt, John H. “1 Peter, Its Situation and Strategy: A Discussion with David Balch.” In Perspectives on First Peter, ed. Charles H. Talbert, 61-78. NABPR Special Studies Series, no. 9. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 1986.

Elliott, John H. A Home for the Homeless: A Social-Scientific Criticism of I Peter, Its Situation and Strategy. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1990.

Goppelt, Leonhard. A Commentary on I Peter. Edited by Ferdinand Hahn. Translated by John E. Alsup. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1993.

Gross, Carl D. “Are the Wives of 1 Peter 3.7 Christians?” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 35 (1989): 89-96.

Kiley, Mark. “Like Sara: The Tale of Terror Behind 1 Peter 3:6.” Journal of Biblical Literature 106: (1987): 689-92.

Lips, Hermann von. “Die Haustafel als ‘Topos’ im Rahmen der urchristlichen Paränese: Beobachtungen anhand des 1. Petrusbriefes und des Titusbriefes.” New Testament Studies 40 (1994): 261-80.

Osborne, Thomas P. “Guide Lines for Christian Suffering: A Source-Critical and Theological Study of 1 Peter 2,21-25.” Biblica 64 (1983): 381-408.

Patsch, Hermann. “Zum alttestamentlichen Hintergrund von Römer 4.25 und I. Petrus 2:24.” Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 60 (1969): 273-79.

Prostmeier, Ferdinand-Rupert. Handlungsmodelle im ersten Petrusbrief. Forschung zur Bibel, ed. Rudolf Schnackenburg and Josef Schreiner, vol. 63. Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 1990.

Reicke, Bo. “Die Gnosis der Männer nach I. Ptr 3.7.” In Neutestamentliche Studien für Rudolf Bultmann, ed. Walther Eltester, 296-304. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, ed. Walther Eltester, no. 21. Berlin: Alfred Töpelmann, 1957.

von Schlatter, Adolf. Petrus und Paulus nach dem ersten Petrusbrief. Stuttgart: Calwer Vereinsbuchhandlung, 1937.

Schwank, Benedikt. Die Erste Brief des Apostels Petrus. Geistliche Schriftlesung, ed. Wolfgang Trilling, no. 20. Düsseldorf: Patmos-Verlag, 1963.

Sly, Dorothy I. “1 Peter 3:6b in the Light of Philo and Josephus.” Journal of Biblical Literature 110 (1991): 126-29.

Sylva, Dennis. “Translating and Interpreting 1 Peter 3.2.” Bible Translator 34 (1983): 144-47.

Thompson, James W. “’Be Submissive to Your Masters’: A Study of 1 Peter 2:18-25.” Restoration Quarterly 9 (1966): 66-78.

Van Unnik, W. C. “A Classical Parallel to I Peter ii. 14 and 20.” New Testament Studies 2 (1956): 198-202.

2 Peter



1 John


2 John


3 John






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