OT Studies | NT Studies |
These studies represent a variety of approaches to the study of the Bible. Out of the almost 20 years of teaching a PhD seminar on New Testament Critical Methodology and one on New Testament history at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas have come numerous insights especially related to exegetical methodology and historical background to Christian beginnings. Hopefully these can be of usefulness to you as well. Check this page periodically since I'll be continually uploading new materials. A lot of the recent postings are Sunday School lessons taken from teaching Sunday School at the First Baptist Church of Shelby, NC, and also now from the ministry at the International Baptist Church in Cologne, Germany.
Feel free to quote from them with the proper citation:
L. Cranford, [Resource Title], downloaded from Cranfordville (http://cranfordville.com)
on [date of download].
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Bible Study at Cranfordville
If you would like to be notified each time a new Bible study is posted, Biblestudies at Cranfordville.com list is the place to sign up. Just complete the section Subscribing to Biblestudy and you will be added to the list of subscribers. Once signed up, you will receive an email notice of the posting of a new study. Generally, a new study is posted each week. Additionally, the list service provides a members only discussion forum where list members can discuss any of the Bible studies and the scripture passages that the studies are based on. The password aspect of the list subscription applies only to the forum and participation in it. More studies are available from the ministry of the International Baptist Church in Cologne through the Wednesday evening (Cologne) and Friday evening (Bonn) Bible study programs. Although in the beginning stages of development, the commentary series, Biblical Insights: An Exegetical and Expositional Commentary on the New Testament©, provides more detailed studies on the New Testament. Over time this commentary will become a massive study of the New Testament. |
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All rights reserved ©. Last revised: 09/25/09