System of Frame Code Identification

Frame Coding System:
Seasons (FS):
Fall: Sfa
Winter: Swi
Spring: Ssp
Summer: Ssu
Nature (FN):
Mountains: Nmt
Gardens: Ngd
Ponds: Npd
Lakes: Nlk
Butterflies: Nbf
Rivers: Nrv
Leaves: Nlv
Roads: Nrd
Ducks: Ndk
Other: Nor
Flowers (FF):
Roses: Frs
Iris: Fir
Other: For
People (FP):
Kids: Pkd
Angel: Pag
Other: Por
Theme (FT):
Western: Tws
Easter: Tes
The listing of frames in the album of frames is based 
on the above coding system. For example, you would
like to see the available frames of the mountains. Just
scroll down the list of thumbnail pictures until you
come to FNmt…. The numered pictures with this prefix
will contain the available frames of mountain pictures.
For example, FNmt06524